Canon Fodder



I used my transformation jutsu to turn into Kakashi. Taking on my Villain Slayer guise there was only one option to save me and complete my quest. I would have to get serious. I ran after Mr. Compress, but I knew where the rendezvous point was. 

Coming to the clearing there were quite a few villains and hostages. My Roronoa clone was carrying Ragdoll over his shoulder. The green hair pussycat was out of it. Mr. Compress walked confidently to the center of the area. Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner the lizard guy, and Magne the big lipped guy/girl were there as well. 

My original plan was going to shit. I had hoped to be everywhere at once. That hadn’t worked out. I had sent a clone with Khota but he had ended himself as soon as he gave the kid to Pixiebob. It was time to improvise. If my Roronoa guise was outed then so be it. It had been a longshot, for now I knew there was only 1 person that could stop some of these people from running. 

Before they could call Black Mist I bit the bullet and stepped out onto the open field. “Well if it isn’t the Shit Stain’s rejects!” I yelled as I withdrew my Seastone Jitte. Coating it in water chakra I drew the eyes of the League of Villains. 

“You!” Spinner yelled. The man idolized the Hero Killer. Pulling out a huge weapon it was about 100 swords interconnected to make one giant one. 

“That isn’t the real Villain Slayer,” Dabi said confidently. “One of the kids must have an illusion.”

“They don’t,” I said. “Where’s that Muscular friend of yours? Oh right, I killed him.” I put on my best smile. “Heard you looked up to old Stain. That guy idolized heroes. You are plain villains. I think you have earned just as much death as he did.” 

“I will kill you!” Spinner growled. He ran at me, but he was only strong. No real skill. With just my feet I kicked his blades away then kicked him in the jaw. Sending him flying to the group as I ran at them. Dabi sent a wave of blue flames at me. Twice raised his hands as if ready to fight. Toga laughed maniacally as she drew her weapons. And Roronoa dropped the cat girl. 

I sent a wave of cold air at the blue flame, cooling it to simply some hot air in an instant. Running at Dabi, Roronoa moved to hit me with his tonfas. Twirling them around I slashed at him only to meet nothing. 

“Marimo bitch!” I yelled at him. 

“Dead asshole!” My clone yelled back as we kicked one another. Sending the other flying. I cursed, rolling in the dirt as Toga tried to stab me. Kicking her hands she lost the grip on one of her knives but not the other. I had to admit, she was stronger than I assumed. Quick as a snake she tried to strike at my neck, but I pulled back just out of reach and kneed her in the gut. She laughed as she doubled over in pain.

Then Mr. Compress was on me. He tried to reach for me but I stayed out of his grasp. Using Observation Haki I found the 4 orbs he had. 2 in his pocket and 2 in his mouth. Kicking him in the nuts he spit out the 2 in his mouth as I grabbed the 2 from his pocket. Throwing them away they turned into real people once they got a certain distance away from Mr. Compress. 

2 of the orbs had rubble, the other 2 had bodies. My clone and Bakugo. I had planned who to attack next, but was surprised as my clone pushed Bakugo out of the way from Magne. The red haired guy or girl, I wasn’t sure which, simply touched my clone. He was thrown with invisible strings to Dabi. I cursed internally, I had forgotten he could magnetize anything. Even people. 

Bakugo stumbled back but as Magne went for him the other 4 hero students caught up, forcing him back. Midoriya, Shoto, and Tentacle breathed heavily as they came to us. Tokoyami was still out on Tentacle’s back. 

My clone held by Dabi the fire man confidently held him up. “Move and we kill him,” Dabi said, holding my clone by the neck. He and I locked eyes, I slightly shook my head and he nodded. A black mist formed behind him. Their portal soon made, they started making their way through one by one. 

“Be seeing you, Villain Slayer,” Dabi taunted. 

“Weston!” Midoriya yelled, scared for me. How sweet. As Dabi disappeared I ran for Roronoa. Using my real speed I was on him grabbing Ragdoll. Twisting I threw her at the kids then Roronoa and I were fighting.

“Get her out of here!” I ordered. Roronoa hit me in the gut, I kicked and slashed at him but just barely missed meeting flesh.

“We must go,” Mr. Compress said. 

“I got this fucker!” Roronoa yelled as he and I fought. I whispered my plan and he nodded. One by one they left. Roronoa and I ended up behind the black portal. Blocking everyone’s views. He and I cast Transformation Jutsus. He took Kakashi’s face as I took Roronoa’s. Exchanging blows he passed me the tonfas and his knives. I put the Jitte away as we pretended to throw it far away from us. 

We fought some more but I kicked him away and found Toga waiting for me. “Let’s go,” I ordered in the guise of Roronoa, pretending to be struggling with walking. She nodded, grabbing my shoulder as we made our way through the portal. 

“Holy fuck,” I gasped as we fell out into the warehouse. More for the fact that I had thought this up on the fly. Too many things going on I looked around. My clone was turned into an orb again by Mr. Compress. The others looked fine, but were obviously shaken up. 

“We lose a few?” Shigaraki asked as he walked into the warehouse. 

“A few,” Dabi growled. “Muscular for sure. Villain Slayer showed up.” 

“What?!” Shigaraki growled. “That fucker. How the hell did he know?”

“No idea, but you said UA knew we were attacking,” Mr. Compress said.

“Yeah, but still. I didn’t think he would catch up,” Shigaraki said. “Not good. You get anyone?” 

“The Watanabe kid, he wasn’t too much of a hassle,” Mr. Compress said with a flourish as he showed my ball. I planned to hit him extra hard when I was in place of my clone. 

“Just him? Fuck,” Shigaraki growled. He sighed but nodded. “That’s fine. This…this was simply a test, and you have all passed.” There was grumbling in the group. 

“What about the Nomus?” Dabi asked angrily. 

“They were there to observe and act as backup in case All Might showed up,” he said. “But you have introduced yourselves to the Heroes. And now the real plan can start.” 

“Then what was the point?” Toga asked. “I got that girl’s blood for nothing?” I thought I remembered her getting Uraraka’s blood in the manga but wasn’t sure if that was the case currently.

“Part of the plan,” Shigaraki said, trying to appease her. “You all are beat up. Rest up in your rooms. We can discuss the next stage in the morning.”

“What about this kid?” Mr. Compress said caressing my ball.

“Keep him there for now,” Shigaraki said, dismissing me, like a dick. “There’s food inside. Rest and we can talk about the future soon.” I eyed Mr. Compress considering uncompressing myself, but for now I needed to pretend that I didn’t care. Turning around I walked to my cot in the back. I had to plan on what to do next and try to salvage the fiasco of a first mission with the League. 

“We will be killing All Might,” Shigaraki said. He had pushed the explanation back and back until midday when we were all gathered again. Practically ignoring the fact that not everyone made it back. We were sitting around the bar as he spoke. 

“Lots of people have tried,” Dabi said, bored. 

“Lot of people don’t know he is on death’s door,” Shigaraki replied. “Has been for years. Thats why he has been in the news less and less. From what I understand he has already chosen a successor to his power.”

“Successor?” Spinner asked. 

“Doesn’t matter,” Shigaraki said. “All Might is on the way out. All-For-One already has a plan to kill him in a few weeks. Once that is done we will be attacking Tartarus.” 

“The maximum security prison?” Mr. Compress asked. 

“The same,” Shigaraki said, in a very good mood for once. He still wore a hand on his face like it was normal, but there was a chipper attitude in his speech. “We will be breaking thousands of villains out. Men and women just like us that will bolster our ranks and help us end this broken system.”

I had to admit, I could see it. Mainly because they succeeded, but also because it could work. I knew that All-For-One was supposed to lose to All Might. Which must have slowed down their plans. As they scrambled for resources the League took on the Meta Liberation group. Then they freed the people from prison. But that was months from now. And about the end of my knowledge of MHA. That was as far as I had planned for my own scheme going on behind the scenes. I just hoped I hadn’t messed up too much from the canon. 

“How?” Dabi asked, getting into the plan. 

“First the UA will have lost face from your attack last night. Losing just 1 student will undermine them. The heroes will attack within the next few weeks. That is when All Might will be killed for good. We take down whatever heroes we can. Then regroup with much stronger Nomus in a few weeks when they’re ready. Making our move at the world stage.” We talked some finer details, but Shigaraki was fairly vague about everything. Eventually they stopped asking about the big plans and focused on the present. 

“What about this kid?” Mr. Compress asked bringing out my orb. 

“Let’s decompress him,” Shigaraki said. Mr. Compress didn’t hesitate to throw my ball. It hit the hardwood floor and landed in the middle of the room. My shadow clone appeared. 

“What the fuck!” He growled. 

“Weston Watanabe,” Shigaraki said. “You make a move and we kill you, understand?” He was confident as he stared at my body. My clone looked at me and I nodded. He understood, quieting as he looked at Shigaraki.

“Now-” Shigaraki said but stopped as I slammed on my table. My hand hitting the hard wood echoed in the room bringing everyone’s eyes to me. I held my Chikyugi heart necklace in hand. Sending them all into a short Genjutsu where I said there was a bug. Then some more bugs appeared on the ground. 

Jumping up I ordered, “End.” My shadow clone ended. I made another that took the form of Roronoa as I reverted to my original form. I moved to where my clone had stood and my Roronoa clone sat where I had been sitting. 

Ending the Genjutsu the others looked back to my real body. “Weston,” Shigaraki said. “Last you and I spoke, I wasn’t quite ready. But now I am. So tell me, how long have you been All Might’s successor?” 

I stared at him wide eyed for a minute. “What?” I asked. 

“All Might’s successor,” Shigaraki said. “I know someone in your class is his successor. You’re the strongest person in your class. Because All Might has gifted you his powers.” I was in shock for a moment. I could see how they thought it was me. I was pretty awesome. I considered rolling with it, but then thought better of it since my shadow clone of Kakashi was out there. 

“Yeah no, I’m not his successor,” I said. “All Might has a successor?” I asked. “Like a new number 1 he’s training?” I was trying to feel the waters. He didn’t seem to like that. 

“Of course he does. He started teaching at your school for a reason. He’s been especially clingy to your class,” Shigaraki said. 

“Maybe he has a thing for young kids,” I said with a shrug. “Wait, that came out wrong. Uh Handjob, is this why you brought me here? I really don’t have time to play 20 questions with you guys. I got school. How long was I in that ball anyway?” I looked around trying to pretend to be disoriented.

“Why the hell you kidnap me anyway? Cus you thought All Might was my secret sensei? Nah I’ve talked to the guy in class. But All Might isn’t exactly my cup of tea. I’m more of an Endeavor kind of guy.” Dabi didn’t like that. And my Roronoa clone made sure to act like he didn’t like it either. 

Shigaraki sighed. “Mr. Compress put him to sleep. I’ll deal with him later.” Mr. Compress walked up and it all went black. 

I woke up in the warehouse in a back room. My hands slapped in some weird heavy duty handcuffs I was chained to a chair as Shigaraki growled, “I’ll talk to you later. Until then Toga can play with you.”

I looked up to Toga. Behind her was Roronoa. He shrugged and I nodded slightly. Neither of us knew what to do. “Roronoa, talk to the good doctor. If this kid isn’t helpful, he can have a new Nomu body.” Roronoa left with Shigaraki as Toga was left behind. 

“I don’t know what it is but I love people that are all beat up,” she said in her high pitched squeal. 

“I’m not beat up,” I said but she stabbed me across my side. I ignored the pain as she giggled. “I thought that green haired guy was your boyfriend.”

“Oh my god,” she said quickly. Sitting on my lap she straddled my thighs staring at me. “You thought we were dating? Why? Did he say anything about me?” She was almost frantic in her need to know. 

“I uhhh noticed him looking at you,” I said. “He has that you know…look.”

“Really?” She asked. Her fangs for teeth showing as she appeared to grow more excited. I could practically feel the heat from her crotch as our clothed sexes touched. 

“Oh yeah,” I said, trying to sound truthful. “He seems into you. That’s for sure.” I started looking around. We were in a supply closet. But by an exterior wall. My plan was set. At least it was until she licked the knife with my blood on it. 

Her tongue touching the blood, her eyes widened. “I-I’ve never tasted such good blood,” she whispered. Her hand going to my side she took as much as she could. Licking her fingers hungrily. “It’s almost…powerful.” 

She moved to take more but stopped. That’s when I felt it explode inside of her. The chakra. Like a burning flame it formed at her abdomen and I cursed. She started cumming. My hands melted through the handcuffs and I grabbed her. 

Covering her mouth as she began to convulse I cursed more as the pathways formed in her body. I didn’t think it worked like that but then again she was supposedly able to copy quirks later on. Maybe my chakra affected her sooner somehow. Or anyone could get chakra through my blood. I had no idea since I hadn’t bled much.

Either way she was lost in the orgasm as my hands covered her mouth. Going limp as the pathways burned into her she was unable to defend herself. Easing her to the ground I considered killing her, but I kind of liked Toga. 

I knew she was a bad guy but she grew on me during the time I was there. She was crazier than most anyone. But at least she was consistent in her craziness. 

When the chakra finished forming in her I stayed there for a moment. Considering my options. But hearing stuff going on outside I decided to skedaddle. 

Punching a hole through the brick wall I was outside after a few more hits. Running down the alley I had to plan as I left the villains behind. There had to be something I could do to figure out where my plan went wrong. At least I assumed something went wrong. As memories assailed me it turned out things went exactly to plan. 

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