Canon Fodder



It was 5 am when a big cat man began yelling as he walked through our bunkhouse. Tan skin, big muscles, metal cat ears, cat paws, a cat tail, he wore just as revealing clothing as the other cat girls. It was a very sobering view to wake up as we prodded one another awake and put on our UA PE clothes. Both boys and girls were soon outside. Aizawa standing on the base of the hill Pixiebob made us, he stared down at us with his arms crossed. 

“Today we begin a rigorous round of reinforcement training. This trip’s mission statement is to strengthen everyone’s quirks as a whole. Thereby allowing everyone to achieve their provisional hero licenses,” Aizawa said in as just a tired tone as he usually spoke to us in. “This is a preparation course to stand against live-action hostility and aggression from villains. Prepare your hearts and minds. This training will not be simple or easy.” 

“With that, Bakugo, try throwing this,” Aizawa threw him the softball. “Like we did for the physical strength exam the first day of class. Your records indicate you threw the ball 2,305 feet at the beginning of the school year. Let’s see what you’re at now.” 

“Nice, a skill growth test,” Mina said excitedly. 

“You got this, Bakugo,” the red haired guy said. I was going to learn his name some day. But at this point it was a little awkward. 

Bakugo wound up his arm, as his arm reached it’s peak he fired off his throw. It looked quite good. Aizawa showed the range finder. It was 2,328 feet. 

“What?!” Bakugo growled. 

“I expected more” “Maybe he did it wrong” “Seems weird” People commented. 

“Classes started 3 months ago. You have gained experience. Emotional and technical growth. Now the time has come to concentrate on physical and quirk advancement as well,” Aizawa said. 

“I won the entrance exam,” I said, stepping up. “I claim the right to prove that I haven’t been slacking.” Rolling up my sleeves I showed my weights. Unbuckling them, I waited for Aizawa’s approval. He frowned, but knew I had improved. Pulling another softball from his back he handed it to me. 

“How many hours a day do you train out of class?” Aizawa asked. 

“At least 6 during the weekdays,” I admitted. “More on the weekends. You know, when I’m not going on dates.” He frowned but nodded. 

“You threw the ball 2,584 feet last time,” Aizawa said. 

“Time to break a mile,” I said. Pouring chakra into my arm I gave it a moderate amount of strength, but not my all. I threw perfectly. It went and went. Aizawa showed the range finder. 8,121 feet. I nodded, happy with the amount. “Weston trains long into the night,” Aizawa said, turning to the class. “How many of you can say the same? Also from what we know, his quirk does not give him strength. This is all his base strength.” 

I had told Aizawa and All Might that I could awaken my future strength. Which of course was a fabrication since I could open the limiting gates on my body. They hadn’t asked about it much since I wanted to practice the hot/cold energy of my actual quirk. 

Bending down I strapped the weights back on my arms and took a spot with the others. Facing Aizawa he studied us one by one. “We will be using the help of the camp counselors to customize training programs for each of you,” Aizawa admitted. “Time for the full introduction.” 

“That’s right,” my blonde cat girl said walking out in the open. “Cute, cat, and stinger.” 

“Wherever, whenever, we will arrive…” the large dark man said. Skirt, cat costume, and all. 

“We’ve come to lend a helping paw,” a new one with green hair said. She had makeup on, and facepaint around her eyes. 

“With sparkling eyes, we rock on,” the dark haired cat girl added. 

“We are the wild, wild, Pussycats!!!” The 4 of them said in unison. I couldn’t help but wonder how you found 4 weirdos that liked to dress up like cats. They wore matching clothes, band leaders shirts, and skirts. Even the dude wore the skirt and fur boots. 

“I’m Ragdoll,” the green haired girl said. “My quirk [Search] allows me to monitor up to 100 people. Their location and weak points.” 

“I’m Pixiebob,” my blonde one repeated. “My [Flowstone] quirk will create training grounds fit for each of you.” 

“I’m Mandelei,” the dark haired woman said. “My [Telepath] quirk allows me to advise and instruct multiple people at once.” 

“I am Tiger,” the guy growled. “I will be in charge of kicking and punching you all into submission.” 

“Alright,” I said excitedly. “Time to go all out.” Punching my knuckles I walked up to Pixiebob. “I want to train till I sweat blood. Make me a hole into the ground as far down as you can. I will dig myself out.” 

“We are supposed to come up with the lesson plans,” she said. 

“Let him do what he wants,” Aizawa said. “I have full confidence he can figure out how to train.” I felt that was high praise coming from Aizawa. He was usually hands on with the start of training. 

Pixiebob nodded. Putting her pawed hands on the ground a large hole opened. “How deep?” She asked. 

“Deep as you can. Don’t close the hole if you can help it.” She nodded opening a large 5 foot diameter hole. “See you guys tonight,” I said to the class. It was good to set the standard for all of them. There was no time for waiting when it came to training. Falling into the deep hole I was surprised how deep it actually was. 

Landing a few seconds after jumping in I absorbed the fall easily. Looking up the small sky hole was far above, giving me minimal light. Slowing my breathing down I sat on the cold dirt. Meditating I stopped using my Observation Haki, chakra, and every skill I had. It was time to work on my quirk. It had been over 4 years since I had been in MHA. I had always practiced giving and taking hot/cold energy during my other training. But it was never really my focus. 

It was time to fix that. I had the Forge which would allow me to evolve it, but my original quirk woundn’t be affected. I needed to better understand my power. I focused. Pulling heat from my left hand I pushed it out from the right. The hot hand was thousands of degrees. The cold was far into the negatives, reaching ever closer to absolute zero. My hand pushing out energy actually glowed red. 

Standing up I didn’t touch myself, I could cause frostbite or melt everything with a simple touch. I swiped my hand at the dirt in front of me. The thick rock melted instantly. Turning into molten magma from the extreme heat. I swiped with my cold hand. The rapid cooling caused the rock to explode at me, sending shards of rock to pelt me and a smile to form on my face. It was time to dig my way out. 

It was rare to find a place of reckless abandon where I could attack with all I had. I could dig as much as I wanted and Pixiebob could simply bury what I had done. So I dug. Forcing me to rely on just my quirk I melted and froze my way through, one swipe at a time. Sometimes large chunks of rock would melt away, others they would burst off rapidly cooling to cause another bout of damage. 

I forgot everything as I focused on my quirk. Digging my way out of a deep hole I started making my way up. Forming stairs easily, everything melted to my touch. It became a sweltering and freezing hell on my left or right side. So I simply switched. My right moved to cooling, my left moved to heating. 

That was another hard thing to do so I started alternating every few steps. Causing me to strain my quirk exponentially. But I had 4 more years with it than these kids. I had better be good at it. So I dug and dug and dug. The hours passed. My 400 pound weights on my arms and legs making every move worth training. I was getting some good experience simply digging my way out. 

I lost my breath countless times. Forced to run back to the original hole to get some air I simply kept going. I felt like John Henry. Trying to out dig a machine. The first machine uprising story. Pushing my way through I never faltered. Breaking through a random reservoir of water it steamed and froze around me. 

It wasn’t until hours later that I found myself in the sunlight. Lunch had gone and passed and I was miles away from where I started. Coming out the side of a mountain I breathed in real air. My body sweating and freezing I stopped using my quirk for the first time all day. Happy with my progress I stepped out of the side of the cave I made. 

Using chakra I stuck to the wall and was surprised to see a small boy there. He was sitting on a ledge outside of another cave. I had seen him a little around the camp, but he was only about 9 years old. Black hair, in simple shorts and a shirt he wore a red hat that had horns on it. 

“What’s up?” I asked the kid. He had been looking out onto the forest. He jumped as my voice brought him out of his thoughts. 

“What are you doing here?” He asked angrily. 

“Training,” I said. Moving over I jumped to his ledge and sat next to him. “You’re that Mandelei catgirls nephew, right? What are you doing up here?”

“Sitting. Alone,” he said. I sighed and continued to stare out into the forest with him. “I thought you were supposed to be an adult. Take a hint. Go away.”

“Shhh I’m sitting in silence,” I said. Even I was out of breath as I breathed in and out. The kid tsked, annoyed with my lack of response. 

I knew the kid of course. His parents were killed or something. He and I were tied together in that way. My mom was killed by the same villain his parents were. He was all moody, which was to be expected. But I planned to make him feel better. 

“My mom was killed by villains too,” I told him. “3 villains. 1 of them is dead now. But the other 2 haven’t been brought to justice. Back…jeez 10 years ago. When did your parents die?”

He was quiet for a bit. Simply sitting there he gripped his knees in anger. But the anger was at the world. He couldn’t deny our similarities. Our shared pain. He slowly spoke in a whisper. 

“A few months ago. By a villain.” Tears were in his eyes as he said the words. “My parents were a team. And he killed them.”

“Where is the villain now?” I asked. Not wanting to play the devils advocate but this kid and I were kindred spirits. Whether he knew it or not. 

“Free. He escaped. My parents were killed and he got away. From a stupid robbery. Just some money and my life is ruined,” he cried. Unable to hold back the tears. I’m sure I shed ones just like them once. 

“He will pay for it,” I told him. “Both men that killed our family members. They will pay. So you just sit here and wait. Hate us kids that want to be heroes. It doesn’t matter. Because some day one of us will get him for you.”

The kid still continued to cry. He stuck out to me when I read the manga. A kid whose parents were killed by a villain but he hated heroes. He blamed his parents for dying. They had wanted to do right and fight evil more than take care of their kid. At least that was how he saw it. 

It was a shame that kids like this existed. Kids like me that couldn’t get real justice. Not with the broken system out there. In the manga his parents murderer would be captured. Sent to jail. Only to break out and kill more people. I planned to stop the endless cycle. It was time to kill real villains. I would start with the revenge for me and this boy. 

“There you are,” Toru said. She was climbing up the side of the mountain next to us. “They are starting dinner here soon.”

“Neat,” I said, getting up. “You working on your chakra?” I asked, noticing her sticking to the cliff face rather easily. 

“I am,” she said. “I’m getting it a little bit.” I nodded. Moving next to her I started climbing as well. “I don’t exactly understand how I’m sticking to things though.” 

“I’ve thought about that too.” We started climbing up. I simply used my feet. Hands in my pockets as I ascended. Toru was barely holding on while using her hands and feet to climb next to me. “I think that the chakra affixes us to it. Making our body and the rocks one. We can also use it on water but that takes more chakra cus we are using it to spread our weight while also again making you and the water one.”

“We can walk on water?” She asked, amazed. 

“Of course. But that’s harder. Baby steps, babe,” I said. “Your amount of chakra is increasing a lot though. Your pathway training going well?”

“Yep,” she said, turning into her visible self. “I’m pretty sure it’s making me stronger too.”  I leaned over kissing her cheek. 

“You’re so cute,” I said. The wide cheeks and greenish yellow hair was something I sorely missed. “Should we have a quickie?”

“Okay,” she said with a blush. “But no cumming inside. I don’t want you leaking out during dinner.” She was completely nude, but because I had chakra sense I could feel her easily. 

“Deal,” I said. Leaning over, I grabbed her side and ran us up the mountain. Ready to celebrate a full day of training. 

After some fun with Toru. Fucking on the top of a mountain, out of site of everyone we begrudgingly headed back to camp. That night we were forced to make our own dinner. They gave us all the ingredients at least. I was able to show my culinary skills. Which were better than average. 

I had hoped to have some fun with the girls but everyone was too exhausted to do much of anything. Night passed and we spent the next day training as well. The 3rd night we were expected to do training into the night. 

“This will be a test of courage,” Aizawa said. “Class 1-B is out in the forest, they will be trying to scare you. You will be split apart into groups. But those 5 of you that failed the exam-“

I stopped listening as a rush of information assailed my mind. I had never received so much information from a clone. It happened quickly and as it did my plans for the night were ruined. 

“Villains!” I yelled. “Villains are here!”

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