Canon Fodder



“Cool,” I found myself saying as Rayleigh walked up to the mermaid. Without a word he grabbed the collar from her neck in both hands. Ripping it in 2 in a smooth motion he threw the 2 halves away. They exploded by the curtains. All of it took less than a second, showing just how strong and confident the Dark King was. 

I heard crying out from the back of the room. Looking behind the curtains there were people still stuck in cages. “Why don’t you free them, Weston,” Rayleigh said as if he knew me. I couldn’t help but nod. Running to one of the people knocked out by my Haki I grabbed the keys at his belt. 

Running to the cages I began opening cages then passed the keys to people as they cried happy tears. Even the people that had been sold already were still there. A new chance at life they desperately moved for the keys and I released them all one by one. By the time I came back to the main auditorium everyone but Rayleigh was gone. 

“Apparently the marines learned I was being sold at the auction, they are outside for me,” the old man laughed. 

“Why were you being sold?” 

“Eh, I needed money. I was going to get bought by someone rich, then steal all their stuff,” he laughed. I joined him. “Better go catch up with your crew.” 

“Wait, uh my crew is already at Shakky’s bar. We need someone to coat our ship,” I said. 

“I know,” Rayleigh said. “Don’t worry. I’ll help these people escape,” waving at the still scared once slaves. “Then I’ll meet you there. Go help your captain.” I nodded, excited to be able to talk to the old guy. I ran out of the slave auction to find the captains tearing through the lines of marines easily. Luffy began punching wildly, Zoro slashing through marines just enough to not kill. I began decreasing the temperature around me. 

Jumping to their side I waved my hand at the marines, causing a wave of cold air. Then with my Jitte I joined Zoro in slashing my way through. The 3 of us comfortable fighting by one another we instinctively knew what the others would do. I ducked down as Luffy extended his leg out in a kick. He jumped up in the air as a wave of water shot from my Jitte to hit a few marines running at us. Zoro jumped forward, intercepting a line of them about to fire their guns at us, slashing through the barrels with ease. 

We were quickly through the thick of them. “Hey Straw Hats!” Kidd yelled. He was a pale man with spiked red hair. “I hope we never meet again!” 

“Same to you!” Luffy yelled. 

“Didn’t make friends with the other captain’s, cap?” I asked. 

“Nope, they were all pissed we punched those fish dragons,” Luffy said. 

“To each their own. Come on, gotta get to Grove 13,” I said. They nodded and both ran in different directions. I cursed, grabbing their collars. Dragging them with me straight ahead we made it to Shakky’s bar easy enough. The other Straw Hats had made themselves at home. Shakky was passing out drinks and the 3 slave girls were already at work. They eyed me, but I ignored them. They didn’t need me to remind them what they had been through. 

“Where have you 3 been?” Nami asked. 

“We went to an Action,” Luffy said. 

“Auction, we will explain later,” I said. “Rayleigh here yet?” I asked Shakky. 

“Just got here,” the old man said walking out from the back room. He smiled widely seeing the Straw Hats all around. A piano in the corner, Brook was playing it without singing. Franky, Usopp, Robin, Sanji, Nami, and Chopper sitting with drinks in their hands they were having a good time. Their cheeks rosy, the party had already started. 

“I need some medicinal help,” Rayleigh said, hefting up Hacchan. I cursed having forgotten about him and the mermaid. She was in the back as well. We soon had Hacchan laid up on a table and Chopper was pulling the bullet out and bandaging him. While he did, Cammie the mermaid cried by his side while we explained what happened. 

Well I explained, Luffy gave pointless details like, there was no food, or the guy had a bunch of spiky hair and could control metal. They were upset at first that he hit a Tenryuubito, but I explained I couldn’t have put so many guards of the Dragons in an illusion, which was probably true. Probably not, but still they forgave him especially hearing how thankful Cammie was. 

Once Chopper deemed Hacchan was fine there was a little drama after Nami and Usopp recognized him from Arlong’s. Then Nami forgave him, which was nice. Apparently he had turned a new leaf and ran a Takoyaki shop with Cammie in the area. They were robbed and she got kidnapped by accident. Leading to her being sold as a slave. 

After that was over we were able to ask the real questions. “You were the first mate on the Pirate King’s ship?!” Luffy yelled as Rayleigh explained who he was.

“Yeah, I was known as Silvers Rayleigh.” 

“Dark King Rayleigh?” Robin asked, intrigued. 

“The same,” Rayleigh said. “But I still have to thank you for stepping in with Hacci at the auction house. Back 20 years ago he saved my life.” The octopus was asleep from the anesthetic so he didn’t elaborate. 

“No problem,” Luffy said. “It was sick what they were doing there.” 

“Still, the Pirate King was executed 22 years ago,” Sanji said bluntly. “Did octopus-guy there save you from being executed too?” 

“No, the government never really bothered to try to capture us,” Rayleigh admitted. 

“What?!” A few people exclaimed.

“Gold Roger, the pirate king, turned himself in,” he admitted to the stunned shock of those in the room. “He came down with an incurable disease before that, and wanted to go down with a bang. The government accepted his surrender as a show of strength. Little did they know he would cause the next Great Pirate Age with his execution.” 

“Did he do it on purpose?” I asked. Rayleigh looked at me. “Go out with a bang?” 

Rayleigh chuckled. “Maybe. Roger had a way with people. He brought us all together. A ragtag group of pirates. By ourselves we were strong, but together, we were unstoppable. Nothing could stand in our way. We reached the end of our journey, and Roger disbanded the Jolly Roger Pirates when he knew his disease wouldn’t allow him to live much longer. We broke up, disappearing in the wind. Going to the 4 corners of the world. Sometimes I will see one of them, catch up for a time, but always we separate. Roger glued us together.” He sighed, nostalgia rolling off of him in waves. 

The room was in rapt attention as he leaned his head back. “I was there you know,” he said looking at me. “I broke into his cell to talk to him before his execution. His last words to me were, ‘I ain’t gonna die partner’. A smile on his lips as they escorted him to the gallows. I watched the electricity of the crowd as he walked out. Regal as can be. The new young pirates ready to see their hero die. But as they lifted the sword over his neck he said a few simple words. ‘My hidden treasure? If you want it, it’s yours. Go and find it. I left it all in that place.’” Rayleigh chuckled to himself. “With those simple words he transformed the crowd from that of one waiting to see a king die to a crowd with a fire of passion lit under them as they felt the need to be the ones to find that treasure.” 

The old man shook his head, laughing. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a day with so much laughter, tears, or free flowing booze. Loguetown was the start. It spread from there like a wildfire. He was my captain, best friend, and the greatest man I have ever known.” 

“So,” Rayleigh said with a long pause. “Did he do it on purpose? I don’t know. He helped create the New Pirate Age. That can only be answered by the people living in it. There were quite a few at his death that took something away from it. Like Shanks,” he said looking at Luffy. 

“Old man Shanks?” Luffy asked between bites of food. 

“Since you’re from East Blue you should know a pirate by the name of Buggy,” Rayleigh said. Zoro and Nami cursed the clown captain’s name. “Buggy and Shanks apprenticed on our ship.” 

“What?! Shanks was on the pirate king’s ship?” Luffy asked excitedly. 

“Yep,” Rayleigh said. “About 10 years ago I ran into him. He didn’t have his trademark straw hat and was missing an arm, but he told me about you excitedly.”  

Luffy laughed, blushing from the compliment. “I’d like to see him again,” he admitted. 

“I’m sure you will if you keep going,” Rayleigh said. He smiled, turning around in his chair he looked to the rest of the crew. “Now you were asking about a ship coating-” 

“Wait,” Robin said standing up. “I would like to ask about the Will of D.” She drew everyone’s eyes. “On the Poneglyph in Skypiea there was a note that bore Roger’s name. How was he able to use that writing? Is it possible you know what happened in the Void Century?” 

Rayleigh scoffed. “Of course I know. Truth is we found the history. But like a journey, you have to take it one step at a time. We….like the people from O’hara, were not ready to learn the full truth. We were a little hasty. If I were to tell you, there isn’t anything you could do about it. And to be honest, maybe you will come to a different conclusion than we did.” He sighed, staring at her. “If you wish to know, I will still tell you.” 

Robin paused a long time, thinking. Looking up at me I shook my head slightly. She smirked. “No, I think I will wait.” I smiled, it had to take a lot of resolve to do that. 

The room appeared to let out a sigh of relief, tension leaving everyone for some reason. That was until Usopp spoke. “I want to know!” Usopp yelled. “The great treasure that is a single piece is it really-” 

“USSSSSSSOOOOOOPP!!!!” Luffy yelled, stopping all other words from escaping. “We are not asking him about One piece, where it is, if it’s real, nothing. If you did, I would quit being a captain. I don’t want to go on an adventure that’s boring because I know all the answers!” I felt a little attacked by his words since I did know all the answers….except what One Piece was. I grumbled, he was right, it was more fun to not know. 

“I-i-i-i- you’re right!” Usopp yelled. “A lapse of judgment. Old man, you better not tell us anything about One Piece,” he backtracked. 

Rayleigh laughed. “Are you sure about that, Luffy? The Grand Line will continue to become harder. Surpassing your wildest imaginations. Can you conquer the ultimate ocean?” 

Luffy looked at the old man like he was an idiot. “I don’t want to conquer anything. I just think the man with the most freedom to do what he wants is the Pirate King.” 

“Is that right?” Rayleigh asked with a smile on his lips. 

“Yes, I think I am a fan of the Straw Hats,” Shakky said, laughing. 

I thought it was done there, but Rayleigh looked to me next. “What about you, Weston?” 

“Me?” I asked, surprised. “What about me?” 

“Do you want your secrets revealed?” The old man asked with a cocky grin. 

“You know my secrets too?” I asked, looking around to the others in the crew. 

“Of course,” Rayleigh said. “Your dad was in the Jolly Rogers too.” 

My gut clenched, excited that I might get some real information. “He was?!” 

“Duh, who are the most famous Jolly Roger Pirates?” He asked. 

“Gold Roger and Silvers Rayleigh,” I said. Those were the only 2 I could remember for sure. Them and Oden, but mainly because I had read Wano last. 

“And Copper Walters,” Nami said. 

“Who?” I asked. 

“Copper Walters,” Rayleigh said. “But his full name was Walters Watanabe.” 

“What!?” I asked, amazed. My eyes wide I couldn’t believe the implication he was getting at. I was related to the Jolly Rogers. The most famous crew in existence.

“Yeah,” Rayleigh said. “Your dad joined us at the start of our journey. Around the time we got Oden.” 

“Is he alive?” I asked. 

“I don’t know,” Rayleigh admitted. “But you’re his son, that’s for sure. I saw you back when you were a wee lad of 4.” 

“Shit,” I said, shocked. Looking to the others in the crew they appeared to be as shocked as I was. I felt a little bad asking since they all denied knowing their answers. “I guess I should wait for the journey too. Like Garp said.” 

Rayleigh laughed. “Garp told you to wait?” I nodded with a frown. “You would only get your answers if you gave up on One Piece.” 

“What?!” I asked, “I wouldn’t do that.” 

“I’m sure, just like your dad didn’t,” Rayleigh said. “I’ll give you a hint instead. You’ll get your memories back if you go to the country of Leton.” 

“Leton?” I asked. Rayleigh nodded. I opened up my shop screen. Pouring through the Log Poses until I found Leton. It was there. For only 1 Berrie. I about fell over, expecting a huge amount. I guessed the system or whatever was playing with me. I dismissed it for now. 

“You good?” Rayleigh asked. 

“Yeah, I can get my answers later,” I said. Rayleigh nodded. 

“So, you needed someone to coat your ship? Your ship is at Grove 41 correct? I’ll go coat it, but it will take a few days. The Marines may have sent a Fleet Admiral so you should watch out,” he said getting up. He started to walk towards the door. “You may want to lay low.” 

“Should we split up?” Zoro asked. Robin and Nami looked at me, I ignored them. 

“That’s a good idea. Shakky, do you have a Vivre Card?” I asked the woman. 

“I do,” she said, digging under the bar.

“What’s that?” Luffy asked. 

“It’s a card that you split in half. No matter where you are, the card will pull to the other, so you can find one another,” I said. Shakky pulled out a large piece of paper folded in half. She cut it down the middle. 

“Oh,” Luffy said. Taking off his hat he pulled a small white card out of his hat. “My sister gave me one, I think.” He picked up the card, but it appeared to have been burned. “Why the hell is it so small?” 

“If it’s attuned to a person, it follows their life force,” Shakky said. “That means they are weak.” She eyed me. I shook my head slightly. Reaching forward I began folding one side of the paper she had then tore off a piece. 

“How long to coat the ship, Rayleigh?” I asked. My own history forgotten as I grew excited about what was to come. 

“3 days,” he said, picking up a canister from a sidewall. 

“So we meet in 3 days?” I asked the others as I started passing out sections of the cards. 

“What are we supposed to do?” Chopper asked. “Can we go back to the amusement park?” 

“No, gotta hide for a few days,” I said. “Keep the card on you.” I directed at Zoro. “Set it down and it will point you where to go. We meet back here in 3 days, in the evening.”

“You sure about this?” Nami asked. Robin beside her I nodded solemnly at them. 

“The way it’s gotta be,” I said. “I’ll…miss you.” The girls frowned, hesitant but nodded. 

“Miss us?” Usopp asked. 

“Well yeah, I’m not hiding away for 3 days with you,” I said. “You are unlucky enough to get caught.” 

“Don’t say that,” he cried as he took his paper. I laughed and we were out the door. 

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