Canon Fodder



I shook my head as I woke up. My ears ringing I looked up to see Zoro and Sanji already on their feet, staring at Kuma. They were talking, but I couldn’t hear. Instead of questioning I yelled, “Oy.” Pulling out my Chikyugi necklace as Zoro and Sanji turned to me I put them in a Genjutsu and they fell asleep. 

Stumbling up I dug the blood out of my ears, finally able to hear again. Putting my necklace away they would be out long enough. 

“What did you do to them?” Kuma asked as he stared down at me. 

“Created an illusion for them. Zoro is currently fighting 100 swordsmen. Sanji is being fed by 100 women slaves,” I said as I got my bearings. “What did I miss?” 

“You missed nothing, they were simply offering themselves for your captain,” Kuma said. 

“Fine, I offer the same. Take me instead of any of them,” I said.

“And why should I do that?” Kuma asked. 

“Because you fucking made a bet, and welched on it!” I spat. “I’m not strong enough to kick your ass now, but I will be. Just take me, they keep on going. Getting stronger. I can catch up to them later.”

“You seem confident. Do you think you can escape a prison meant to hold people as strong as you?” Kuma asked.

“I’m a fucking ninja, there isn’t a prison out there that can hold me,” I spat.  

Kuma studied me for a bit. Bending down he picked up the limp body of Luffy. I gripped the Jitte, but he did as expected. Pushing his paw into Luffy’s chest a large pink paw was pushed out. Like a balloon, the pink paw floated up as Kuma dropped Luffy. 

Then he surprised me. He moved over to Zoro next. Pushing his paw into the illusion-addled swordsman he pushed out a pink paw from him as well. Then he did the same to Sanji. 3 giant pink paws floated above us. Kuma touched the 3 and they formed one giant one. At least 2 stories tall. Bigger than I remembered. I gulped. 

“This is all of their pain. All their aching. All of their injuries,” Kuma said. “Consider this the test of our bet. A strong captain needs a strong crew. Let’s see how strong you are.” I considered using World Escape, I was really tempted. Go to Gantz, heal up while fighting against normal people that wanted to kill me. Or High School of the Dead and spend the next few weeks with lots of girls around me. 

I considered and threw the thought away. This was a defining moment for the crew. I had stolen the 1st mate spot from Zoro. If he could suffer through this. I had to prove that I could as well. 

Kuma moved his hand through the pink bubble, pushing out a small taste of the pain. I let it enter my body, and as I feared, it was almost too much. Just the small bit of pain tried to escape my body. Tear at it. Cause me more pain and anguish. My tired body could hardly fight it as it tried to tear me up. But there was a worse pain I had gone through. The pain of my World Lasting Physique was more painful. So I didn’t cry out. Simply gritted my teeth and let the pain wash over me. 

When it was done I looked up to Kuma and nodded. “Let’s uh, do this somewhere more private.” 

Kuma nodded and dragged his pink ball of pain away like a kid carrying a balloon at a fair. We walked deeper into the forest, and when Kuma found a nice clearing he stopped. “Simply touch it, and all the pain will enter you. Killing you.” 

“What if I don’t die?” I asked. 

“I doubt that,” Kuma said.

“Another bet,” I offered. “One that you’ll keep on your life, as I bet mine.” Kuma didn’t answer, but nodded. That was enough for me. “Next time you see us. You help us escape. Hell, even if I don’t make it. Let my crew escape just one more time. Do that, and I’ll do this test with a smile on my lips.”

“Fine,” Kuma said. “You have my word this time.” I nodded. Breathing in and out slowly I began to cycle chakra through my body. I wasn’t sure if it would help but I had to try. Kuma stepped away to the edge of the trees as I took in quick shallow breaths, preparing myself for the worst pain in my life.

Extending my arms out I couldn’t move forward. My fingertips were merely an inch away from the pink balloon paw, but my body wouldn’t move. Chakra filling me, I was as strong as possible, but I was scared. Scared of doing more than Zoro had. Scared that I was too overconfident. That maybe One Piece wasn’t worth it. 

Then again, I wanted to be here. Wasn’t I the one that had complained about a normal life? This was the adventure I had been seeking. This was the challenge I needed to complete. Like Zoro when he faced Mihawk. The pain here was a stepping stone. A benchmark that if I couldn’t pass would haunt me for the rest of my days. 

Yet, I still couldn’t take a step forward. Instead I leaned forward and let my body fall into the balloon. The balloon was air. Nothing really holding it together. At first I felt nothing as I plunged in. Then it all poured into me instantly. I didn’t fight the scream as the pain washed over my body. 

Deep gashes split my skin. Blood geysered out after only a split-second of the pain. I continued to yell out as my entire body became aflame. I poured water chakra out of every pore, trying to stop the fire but it hardly soothed me. Blood and water mixing I cried out louder, but I couldn’t cry loud enough to release any of the pain. 

I blacked out from it only to be brought back to wakefulness as another wave of pain moved into me. My body began to shake and shiver as blood leaked out of me, making the water on my skin appear black. I took it all though. Yelling and screaming I moved water to my mouth to soothe my dry eyes and muffle my scream. 

It didn’t help. Nothing helped as the pain made a home inside of me. Scarring me for life as the worst pain I had ever felt moved through me only to make way for more. My muscles ached, my skin burned, my organs bruised, my ribs cracked, even my dick and balls ached from the pain. Nowhere on my body was safe from it. 

All I could do was take it. All I could do was scream and cry and try to repent for trying to be stronger than Zoro. I wanted to say World Escape so badly, but that wouldn’t have ended the pain. Nothing would have. Finally a 3rd wave of pain came. The 3rd and last I hoped. My life flashed before my eyes in that moment.

A boring life. A boring life to my standards now anyway. Growing up, school, getting married, kids, some friends, maybe going to a church now and then. So ordinary. So much better than what I was doing right then. I missed my family. Missed what they gave me. Happiness. I was content in that life. I was more than happy. Living the average dad life that every normal man had. 

As my life played over in my mind, so did the last bit of it. Unfortunately I didn’t get any answers to why I was in the room with the doors, but I got to relive some of it. And to be honest, the best parts were the simple moments. The minor memories that I had let pass me by. 

Waking up to Toru on my arm as she mumbled in her sleep. Kishimoto getting scared by a horror movie though we fought way worse nightmares in Gantz. Saeko hitting me over the head for the 10th time because my grip was off. Reina nudging me while we walked around the village so we could have a quickie. My insatiable maid always on my mind. 

It was nice. I had spent mere weeks with some of the girls, but they were the highlight of my world hopping. They were a part of me. Just as much as anyone else had been. It was kind of reassuring to know that these memories I was making weren’t just illusions, but becoming a part of me.


“Weston!” Someone yelled. I was reluctantly brought out of my dream as she beat on my chest. I opened my eyes to see Nami overtop me. Crying. “I thought you were dead!” 

I wanted to say me too, but my entire body ached. Instead of answering I nodded and passed out. Off to a dreamless sleep as I took a breath in what felt like ages. 

I drifted in and out of wakefulness over the next few days. One of the pirates we freed gave me blood, and for once I was the one covered from head to toe in bandages. I would like to say I jumped up and was training again as soon as I was awake, but my entire body ached. There were deep gashes along my arms, legs, back, and chest where blood tried to escape my body. Chopper had me more stitched up than a rag doll. 

When I awoke for real for the first time I was in my room. Nami was cleaning the wounds under my bandages. She noticed my eyes open then went back to work. 

“You’re beautiful,” I said. 

“I know,” she commented. “You keep saying that every time you wake up.” 

“Oh,” I mumbled. “Well I’m not in as much pain. I think I’m conscious.” I struggled to breath but pushed through it. “What did I miss?”

Nami eyed me. Wrapping the bandages back up she didn’t bother to put new on since I hadn’t bled through. “Not much. Found some treasure. Then I find you in a pool of your own blood.” She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. 

I tried to lift my arm to touch her, but to no avail, I was too hurt. “Sorry,” I said.

“I’m sorry!” She spat. “One of the other pirates heard your deal. It was you or Luffy, and you picked you. Why-why would you do that?” 

“Because he is going to be the Pirate King,” I said simply.

“But your dr-” 

“My dream isn’t worth going for if I can’t help my captain reach his,” I said. She still frowned, keeping herself from sobbing. “Besides, you really think a prison can hold me? I would have been out within a week.” 

She cracked a smile then. Scoffing as she looked down at me. “You’re so beat up you couldn’t escape from your room.” 

“Ouch,” I said. “The truth hurts,” I groaned. Doing my best to hide the pain, I pushed myself up with wobbling arms. “Everyone okay?” She tsked as she helped me sit up. 

“Yeah, we were planning on leaving Thriller Bark today. That Kuma guy took Moira with him when he left,” Nami said. “Zoro and Sanji are pretty pissed at you.” 

“Probably because they don’t have their training weights,” I said. 

“Oh they coaxed those out of you a few days ago,” Nami said. “They were all healed and ready to go after getting beat up.” 

“I bet,” I said with a sad smile. “I’m sorry I worried you.” 

“You should be,” she said, smacking the top of my head lightly. “Why the hell didn’t you know all of this would happen? Usually you’re all sage and giving advice.” 

“Brook threw me off. I didn’t think he’d be working with Moira,” I said. “He part of the crew now?” 

“Oh yeah, can’t get him to shut up,” Nami said. “Once he talked about Laboon it was pretty much a given.” 

“Thought so,” I said with a sigh. We stayed like that for a minute, simply staring at one another. I was hurting too much to pull her to me. “What?” I asked, it was easy to see she wanted to say something. 

“What do you know about the next island?” She asked bluntly. I frowned. “Don’t give me that shit. You know crap, spill. What bad thing is going to happen next?” 

“I don’t know for sure,” I lied. Sighing, I became resigned to her inquiry. “Do you know the next place we are going to?” 

“Fishman Island,” she said, lifting up the Log Pose from her wrist to show that the compass was pointing downward. 

“No, Fishman Island is under the water. You need to have your ship coated in a special way to sink instead of float. Straight ahead for us is the Red Line.” 

“Red Line? Like Reverse Mountain?” She asked. 

“Yes, but the opposite. The Red Line is a mountain range that goes all the way around the world. Reverse Mountain will have been on the other side of the world for us. Meaning our journey is halfway over,” I said. She nodded slowly. “We are about to finish the easy part.” 

“What?!” She asked, angrily. “This was easy?” 

“Yes,” I said. “The 2nd half of the Grand Line is called the New World. It is way more lawless, a lot less marines, and where the truly strong gather. People like Kuma, who we just fought, are commonplace there.” 

“There’s no way,” she mumbled. 

“There is, trust me,” I said. “We aren’t ready to go to the New World.” 

“Then what? How can we survive?” She asked. 

“On the next island we will all be separated,” I said. Her eyes shot up, staring at me. “Separated in a good way. I can’t tell you how, but we will all be able to go where we need to be to get stronger. Me included, hopefully. Strong enough to be able to handle the New World. Strong enough to face whatever comes at us.” 

“Then why not tell everyone?” Nami asked. “If you know-” 

“I don’t know,” I said. “I have an inkling. If I did say something, maybe it would screw it all up. If I stay quiet, maybe it will happen. Maybe it won’t. But what would it change? This is something we can’t fight. Something we shouldn’t.” 

Nami studied me. There wasn’t much to my room, a large bed, chest of drawers, and a chair she sat on. I met her gaze and waited for an answer. Eventually she let out a long sigh. “Why did I have to fall for an idiot like you?” 

“Unlucky,” I answered. She nodded in agreement. Getting up she moved to the door and locked it. “What’s up?” 

“Robin mentioned that you have a way to awaken that chakra of yours,” she said, taking off her shirt. “If we need to get stronger. I’m guessing that would help.” 

“Uh yeah I can. And it would help, but it requires a special kind of…sex,” I said nervously. 

“What kind?” She asked. “If you say anal-” 

“No,” I said laughing. Then cringing as my chest hurt from the laughter. “No, it requires me to not wear a condom.” 

“What?” She asked, mid-way through disrobing.

“Yeah, I can’t wear a condom,” I admitted. 

“Fuck your ninja skills are weird,” she said. “Anything else I should know?” 

“It will um knock you out for at least a few hours,” I admitted. 

“Goddang it. Fine, I guess we aren’t leaving today,” she said. Buttoning her shirt back up she angrily unlocked the door. I heard yelling from above deck, muffled but there so I drifted off to sleep. 

I awoke some time later to the covers being thrown off me. My eyes opened immediately to see Robin and Nami on either side of me. Down below my legs, chest, abs, and arms were covered in white bandages. Everything but my dick. 

“Hey uh, what's up?” I asked nervously as they stared down to my ever thickening dick. 

“We just want the power you promised us,” Robin said, licking her lips. 

“Sure, I uh can do that,” I said. “Just a couple of days to you know get to-” I cut off as the girls grabbed my dick. Both jerking it up and down the stimulation was unneeded. I had been in bed for a few days and my Chikyugi had run wild. Filling my dick with chakra and supercharging my libido. 

“This looks fine,” Nami noted. “Do your magic, ninja boy.” 

“This kind of feels like you’re taking advantage of my state,” I noted. 

“I bet he’s into it,” Robin said. 

“Oh definitely,” Nami said, gripping my dick harder. She bent down spitting out a large glob of saliva on my dickhead. I groaned, releasing the Lust Aura. The girls quickened their pace as they stroked me. Both getting into it now. Nami surprised me by going first. No condom on, she lifted her body up as Robin moved to kiss me. 

My mouth hurt, but I powered through as Nami began to descend on me. Chakra coating my dick I let her do all the work. She moved down slowly, and once I was fully sheathed she came. Her large tits jiggled as her body shook in pleasure. Robin moaned in my mouth as I tried to move my hand to play with her. 

“Relax,” Robin ordered. “Let us do the work.” I nodded, breathing in and out quickly as Nami began rocking back and forth. 

I was sure it was some kind of kink for me to do it without a condom. I knew the girls had some type of tea to prevent pregnancy like the girls in Naruto World, but we had stuck to condoms. Fully inside of her I felt her muscles directly, and it was a night and day difference. Everything about her insides was heavenly. 

“Fuck condoms,” Nami gasped. “This feels too good,” she groaned out as she began to cum again. I nodded as my mouth was taken over by Robin. It wasn’t long until I was ready. 

“Okay,” I gasped out as chakra poured out of my dick. I began to cum inside of her. She gushed out a soundless scream as I began to fill her. Huge spurts of cum shooting into her they painted her insides. My large dick clogged her, forcing the cum to stay inside her. Then my chakra did it’s magic, making the mark over her muff. 

“Lay down,” I told Nami. 

“What? W-” She stopped as the chakra from the Watanabe heart caused a flame at her center to bloom into existence. Intense pleasure shot through her. Nami’s mouth twisted, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, she began to convulse. Her head rocking back she fell to the foot of the bed, taking my dick with her. I cringed, using what strength I had to pull out. All the while Nami cried out. 

Robin was soon on her, sealing her mouth with a kiss and the redhead instinctively kissed her back. Moaning as the chakra pathways were burned into her body. It took time but eventually she stopped cumming and the reservoir of chakra went from a large burning flame to the size of a match. 

When I originally came to One Piece I noted that my Haki surrounded my chakra like a reservoir. I had originally thought that everyone in One Piece must have had chakra, and simply didn’t know how to use it. Now I knew that they didn’t. Nami was the only one that did. Her Haki surrounding the reservoir like it had mine. 

“Will she be okay?” Robin asked. 

“Yeah, just a few hours rest. But it seems to have worked,” I said with a sigh. Studying the naked woman. Robin had a wide smile on her face as she moved back to me. Kissing my bandaged body as she made her way up.

“You are much sexier now with scars,” she noted.

“Oh yeah?” I asked as she kissed my cheeks then forehead then lips. “You were always sexy.” 

“I know,” my dark woman said. She lined my dick up with her pussy and began to descend. “Nami tells me we need to get stronger.” 

“We do,” I said, feeling her insides restrict my entrance as she continued to move down. 

“I will miss you,” she noted. 

“I’ll miss you. And your tight ass my little slut,” I said. She smiled widely. “Should we go for a few rounds, before I put you in Nami’s state?” 

“Bold words for a man that can’t move,” she whispered, but she was already panting. Feeling too good from my chakra. 

“I can always get it up for you,” I said. Increasing the chakra she came instantly. Moaning as her body shivered she nodded and began to rock back and forth. Taking me all the way in as she used me for her pleasure. I would like to say I helped half-way through. But I was beat up. Already my arm wounds were bleeding through my bandages as I tried to grab her thighs. 

She scolded me and told me to cum so I did. Putting her in her own cumatose state as the chakra pathways were burned into her body. I had enough strength to muffle her cry out. Then Robin was asleep where she fell. I was too tired to move them and was soon following them into a dreamless slumber. 

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