Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Other World (Worm)

The Other World (Worm)


Themes: F/F, Threesome, Nudity

Summary: Taylor gets transported to another world by an errant piece of tinkertech. She's alone for a while, but not forever.


It starts, as many stories involving Taylor Hebert do, with The Locker. Though in this case, this Taylor will eventually come to consider the Locker to ultimately have been the best thing that ever happened to her, and that is… less normal.

Really, it starts with another student entirely, one completely disconnected from Taylor save for that they share the same stretch of lockers with one another. A young man finds a tinkertech device on his way to school, and pockets it with the hopes of maybe selling it for some spending money later on. However, it's just big enough that he knows he'll be caught with it if he tries to keep it in his pocket all day long, so he puts it on the top shelf in his locker and goes to class.

Shortly after that, just a couple lockers down from his, Taylor Hebert gets shoved into her own locker, filled as it is with biohazards galore, by one Sophia Hess. Violent bitch that she is, Sophia of course slams the door of Taylor's lock shut with more viciousness than is at all necessary.

This shakes the whole stretch of lockers, and causes the tinkertech device, which had been perched rather precariously on the upper shelf, to fall down, hit the bottom of the aforementioned young man's locker, and start to go off.

As Sophia locks the door to Taylor's locker and she, Emma, and their tagalongs all walk away laughing, the locker containing the tinkertech device shivers ominously before steadily being consumed by a slowly building white light.

Fortunately for everyone else in Winslow, the expanding sphere of energy moves at a glacial space and is noticed before it can trap anyone in their classrooms. The entire High School is rapidly evacuated about ten minutes after the final bell, and no one is caught in it. Well… no one except for Taylor Hebert, that is.

Fortunately for Taylor, the sphere of energy is not lethal, though her complete disappearance will leave people thinking it is for quite some time. Instead of killing her, the tinkertech device transports her somewhere else. Somewhere beyond anyone's reckoning.

Taylor ends up on an alien world, albeit one where it seems like some sort of humanity, or close enough sapient life, has already been there. The incredibly advanced technology she uncovers is unmanned, but still functional, and it seems like it's made for humanoid beings. The language is a little harder to decipher, but she applies herself all the same, for what other choice does she have? Sure, she could just sit down and die… but Taylor hadn't persisted through two years of torturous bullying to give up.

Once she's uncovered most of the technology's functionality, Taylor is actually able to build a rather good life for herself. Time marches on, days turning into weeks and weeks turning into months, and she stops hoping for rescue around the same time that she truly gets comfortable with the circumstances she's found herself in. 

It helps that as wild and untamed as the world outside is, the base she's able to hole up in with all of its amenities that she's able to get working overtime goes a long way to keeping her kept in all of the creature comforts she was used to back on Earth. In fact, in a lot of ways, her new life improves upon those creature comforts. Hell, she's even able to use the base's advanced medical technology to give herself something of a makeover, removing all of the things she'd hated about herself and accentuating the things she'd always liked, like her hair and her height.

She didn't want to become some sort of bimbo or anything, despite all of Emma's words, she liked who she was. But that didn't mean Taylor was just going to keep being a lumpy, sad sack of shit when she could do something about it.

Two years into her new life of solitude, Taylor Hebert is comfortable enough that she's taking a day off, relaxing and sunbathing nude on the beach with a drink in hand and a cooler next to her lounge chair.

Which of course is when her world gets a little more complicated as a glowing sphere appears in the air maybe fifty feet or so away from her and dumps a blonde dressed in all white out onto the sand with a yelp.


Taylor stares, shocked to see anyone after so long alone. For a moment, she forgets she's naked, stupefied by the prospect of social activity after years of solitude.

"Fuck… fucking fuck me. What the shit was that? Why can't I… what's going on?"

The blonde picks herself up and looks around a bit, her face growing confused as she tries to jump in the sand, only to come back down again. It almost looked like she was trying to fly, which is how Taylor finally recognizes her.

"Huh. You're Glory Girl, aren't you?"

It had been a long time since Taylor had been on Earth, to be fair. But Vicky Dallon was something of a local celebrity, being a member of New Wave, the all but failed accountability project unique to Brockton Bay where a group of capes had tried to do away with secret identities and dragged their children into it alongside them. Victoria Dallon, aka Glory Girl.

The blonde looks at her blankly for a moment, before blushing as her eyes slide down Taylor's sculpted, lithe, naked body. Taylor blushes a bit too as she finally realizes she's naked in front of another person. That hasn't been an issue in so long she'd kind of forgot…

"Who are you? Where am I and why can't I use my powers? What the hell is going on here?!"

Vicky's agitation is understandable, so Taylor just shrugs and explains. Maybe it's the nonchalant way she lays everything out for the blonde, maybe it's the complete lack of worry or concern for how Vicky will react, maybe it's the demonstrations… but against all odds, it all works out in the end.

Taylor explains her own circumstances to Vicky, which Vicky recognizes as the Winslow Incident. Vicky explains to Taylor that she'd been in a cape fight when someone hit her with a tinkertech device that worked much the same way, but far faster. Together, they deduce that the Winslow Incident was probably a prototype version of the same device.

From there, Taylor goes on to explain that she's pretty sure they're on another planet, and not another version of Earth but a completely alien world. Hence the fact that Vicky's powers don't work, since everyone knows parahuman abilities don't work in space for some reason.

It could have gone poorly. Vicky is similar to Emma in a lot of ways, and Taylor was anti-social BEFORE getting stuck alone on this world for two years. So yeah, there were a million ways it could have gone that wound up with them killing each other, or in less extreme circumstances, maybe just having to live apart.

But as it turned out, Vicky had Emma beat in one major way… she was good fucking person. And while it quickly became apparent she'd subconsciously been leaning on her power's aura before arriving here, without it she became a lot more… aware of herself. And Taylor, who had no tolerance for anyone's bullshit anymore after years of solitude, was quick to point it out.

Meanwhile, Vicky was like a bright ray of sunshine in Taylor's life. She filled an empty slot that Taylor hadn't even known was empty. The two of them grew closer and closer as Taylor helped Vicky adjust to her new way of life. It seemed more likely that they would be rescued now that Vicky had been hit by this tinkertech. But at the same time, Taylor didn't let either of them get their hopes up. Seeing as powers didn't work here, it was better to live as if neither of them was ever going home.

This ultimately led to them falling into bed with one another. Vicky initiated it, and while Taylor was initially surprised… she wasn't turned off by the idea like she thought she might be. Maybe it was just because they were the only two human beings on the entire planet, but… it was rather easy to wind up sleeping with Vicky. Funnily enough, they both told the other that they were into boys initially. Vicky had only ever been with guys, or rather with one guy, her on-again-off-again boyfriend. Meanwhile, Taylor had only ever found herself attracted to beefcakes.

And yet, take them both away from men and they found an appreciation for the feminine form that couldn't be denied. Plus, it wasn't like there was much else to do aside from each other.

With that, another year passed them both by…


"Oooh fuck, Vicky… d-don't stop~"

"Nngh! Like I ever would, Taylor, hehe!"

"Less talking, more licking!"


The two young women are fucking on a large bed under an equally large gazebo out on the beach outside of the base. It's really a gorgeous night for it too. The nearby lanterns are lit of course, but they could honestly turn them off and it wouldn't matter. There was no light pollution on this world, meaning that the starry night sky and the full moon of the night were actually incredibly bright and always provided a ton of light each night.

Arching her back, Taylor moans as she pushes Vicky's head between her thighs. The blonde dutifully laps away at her drooling cunt, sucking and slurping at Taylor's pussy lips while she humps her face. At the same time, Vicky has a hand under Taylor's body and two fingers up her ass, pistoning away while her other hand drills away at her own cunt just as aggressively.

This is their life now, really. Rescue isn't coming from the look of things. Not that Taylor ever thought it would, but Vicky had held out hope for a while longer. And that was fair, really. Not only did Vicky have a big family and far more people who cared about her then Taylor ever had, her own teleportation had been much more public than Taylor's had been.

The only problem was, their would-be rescuers would not only have to figure out that it was teleportation and not disintegration, they would also have to figure out where they'd ended up and how to open a way back to Earth Bet when parahuman powers didn't work here.

All in all, they only had each other at this point… but again, Taylor hadn't had anyone before, and Vicky was… well, she was kind of fantastic. Definitely not the worst company to have.

As her fingers curl in the blonde's hair, Taylor groans and moans some more before suddenly calling out.

"F-Fuck… closing in, Vicky… I'm… I'm cummiiiiing!"

Vicky, impish grin barely visible from where her face is buried between Taylor's thighs, doesn't let up for even a second. Her eyes dance with glittering amusement as she curls the fingers in Taylor's ass and wiggles her tongue in just the right way in Taylor's pussy. A moment later and the dark-haired young woman is tipping over the edge, squealing as she cums in Vicky's mouth, her pussy juices squirting right into the blonde's waiting maw.

Vicky slurps it all down without hesitation, guzzling Taylor's fluids like there's no tomorrow. At the same time, her gurgling moans and the way her hips are humping the air make it clear she's reaching her own climax, her eyes crossing for a moment from the pleasure as her fingers finish herself off at around the same time that she makes Taylor cum.

Both young women ride out their mutual orgasms for a long moment, shivering and shuddering in delight. But eventually, they're done and Vicky pulls her fingers and tongue back from Taylor's body, only to climb up the length of the lounging woman and take her with a deep, tongue-filled kiss.

As they cuddle each other while making out most aggressively, neither of them hesitates to lose themselves in the other's body for even a second. Their love is as passionate and fierce as can be, and even though they're in no way 'private'… they can act out their deepest desires upon one another with the surety that nobody else is watching them.

… Which of course is when they suddenly hear that tell-tale sound of a glowing sphere appearing again, causing them to immediately pull apart.

The gazebo roof blocks them from seeing the actual entry point to their world this time, but it doesn't block them from watching as a third person winds up dumped on the beach in front of them, just like Taylor three years ago and Vicky one year ago.

Both of them can only stare nonplussed for a long moment as the figure picks themselves up. Dark haired and olive-skinned, wearing stylized and fitted army fatigues with a scarf around her face and a sash around her waist. The army fatigues very much accentuate the newcomer's curves, while the scarf and sash are both patterned after the American Flag of all things.

Before Taylor can place the newcomer's identity, Vicky does it for her.

"Miss Militia?!"

Right! That's who this was. She'd known she was familiar, but she'd sort of forgotten the cape's name. Turning to face them, Miss Militia blinks owlishly before carefully averting her eyes.

"Glory Girl. You and your… friend seem to be naked."

Squeaking at being caught nude in front of what was probably a role model for her, Glory Girl quickly pulls the sheet up to cover them both. At the same time though, she can't help the hope that enters her voice.

"Are you… are you here to rescue us?"

Miss Militia's mouth is covered by the scarf, but her eyes crinkle in a telltale frown as she shakes her head.

"No. I was fighting… wait… where is my…"

Suddenly, the cape looks down at herself… at her empty hands and at her waist. Vicky makes a noise of realization after a moment.

"Oh! Yeah, this is an alien world… powers don't work here, ma'am."

There's a brief pause as Miss Militia processes this. And then, much to Taylor's surprise…

"I see."

… The older woman proceeds to pass out after those two words, collapsing right there on the beach. Taylor can't help but be a little nonplussed. Wasn't Miss Militia supposed to be a badass? At least, that's what Taylor remembered of her. Fortunately she has Vicky to exposit and clear up her confusion.

"Oh! Miss Militia is a well known Noctis Cape! Meaning she doesn't sleep anymore… or rather, didn't. Well, I guess her body is going to be making up for lost time."

Well damn. Taylor huffs as she climbs out of the bed, causing Vicky to blink at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting her to the medbay. Help me."


As they carry the unconscious third woman into the base, Taylor can't help but wonder… just how many people is this mystery tinker and their dangerous tinkertech going to wind up transporting to her new home?


Miss Militia, or as she tells them to call her after a few months, Hana, does fortunately wake up soon after passing out on them. Vicky had been right. Hana had been a Noctis Cape for so long that she'd forgotten what sleep was like, having not experienced it in over a decade or more. 

As a result, she kind of wound up with an artificial form of narcolepsy, where she would often not even realize she was falling asleep while doing something. After so long without the need for sleep, it seemed that she couldn't actually recognize the signs for being tired anymore.

It mostly just meant one of them had to be with her almost all the time outside of when she was asleep, especially if she was doing anything particularly dangerous or taxing. Otherwise, she might just pass out somewhere without them knowing about it.

One would think, all things considered, that getting used to having three people on this strange alien world would be easier than getting used to having two. After all, going from being completely alone to having company definitely sounds like the harder sell, on the face of it.

And at first it had been. Taylor had gotten so used to being on her own that adjusting to Vicky's presence had been a task and a half at first. Meanwhile, Vicky had been struggling with accepting that her family probably assumed she was dead, and that came with its own whole adjustment period.

However, eventually they'd come together and in becoming lovers, had ultimately put all of that aside and found comfort in one another's arms. Which was where the issue now arose, because suddenly they had an ever-present third wheel. Where before Taylor and Vicky could basically do whatever they wanted and not worry about such things as privacy, now suddenly they had Hana to keep in mind.

Of course, thanks to her narcolepsy, this meant that the only time they could really get it on and enjoy one another's company was when the older woman was passed out. The unfortunate part about that was Hana didn't sleep like a normal human being anymore. She slept in fits and starts, for an hour here or fifteen minutes there. And because Taylor and Vicky were so used to it just being the two of them, they weren't exactly prone to locking doors or taking things into more private areas.

As such, it was rather often that Hana found herself walking in on the two of them in intimate moments. She would be just waking up from one of her naps, and they would be in the kitchen or common area going down on one another or with their fingers in each other's cunts. It was… unfortunate every time, but it kept happening because to be perfectly honest, it wasn't like they had much else to do.

Eventually, things come to head one evening while the three are drinking. Alcohol was something that the base Taylor had found when she'd first arrived could produce, but neither Taylor nor Vicky had ever really thought to make it before Hana showed up. The Protectorate Heroine on the other hand, had insisted once she found out it was possible. 

She assured them both she wasn't an alcoholic, and that they would like the booze she would have the base make. As it turned out, she was at least right about the second one… the jury was still out on the first.

Regardless, the three of them were several cups deep one night when Hana suddenly spoke up with a grumble.

"You two… are insatiable."

Taylor and Vicky both blush at that, knowing full well what the older heroine is talking about. For Taylor, having THE Miss Militia calling her out for being too horny was… well, embarrassing was a word for it. And she suspects Vicky feels the same, even if her own case of hero worship might not be quite as massive.

Rather than rant at the both of them for all the times she's accidentally wandered in on them going at it however, Hana does something else instead, looking at them both with a suddenly intense look.

"… I want in."

Taylor's jaw drops open, and Vicky chokes on the mouthful of alcohol she'd just drank. Both of them sputter a bit, half-expecting Hana to pull back and reveal she was just joking. But the dark-skinned heroine doesn't do that. She's entirely serious, staring at them both expectantly.

Finally, Taylor and Vicky share a look and based on what they see in one another's drunk eyes, they turn back to Hana and slowly nod.

From there, clothes go flying. 

Hana takes the reins, the drunken older woman moving on both Vicky and Taylor at the same time. When she approaches them, neither is quite sure what she's going to do… but she's not at all shy about it, at least when she's this inebriated. She grabs them both by their hair and pulls them in close, kissing first Vicky and then Taylor right on the lips and with plenty of tongue.

Neither of the two younger women are against this though. They kiss Hana right back and watch while she's kissing their lover with bitten lower lips. Finally, the three of them all move together to nearest bedroom so things can escalate in the most obvious direction. No one wants to be left out right now, so they end up in a three-way sixty-nine in short order, forming a circle of sorts in the process.

Vicky's mouth is on Taylor's pussy, Hana's mouth is on Vicky's pussy, and Taylor's mouth is on Hana's. The three drunk females moan as they eat each other out sloppily, none of them particularly skillful at the moment in their current states. But then, they don't have to be skillful, ultimately.

All they have is each other. And sure, for a long time it was just Taylor and Vicky, but now Hana was there too and as far as they were aware, she was there to stay, permanently. So this was definitely better than Taylor and Vicky trying and failing to tiptoe around Hana. Way better. Especially because of how drunk they were.

Using their tongue and fingers on one another, doing what comes naturally, the three drunken women fuck the night away. Bringing one another to orgasm after orgasm, switching up positions here and there, playing around with each other in a variety of different ways.

Taylor has always been relatively flat-chested. Maybe that's why she has a thing for Vicky's tits. Hana's aren't half-bad either, so she enjoys lavishing the dusky-skinned woman's breast with attention, tongue swirling this way and that, teeth nibbling on the teats.

Vicky, meanwhile, likes to see Taylor's O-face. And for the first time in her life, she has the opportunity to see THE Miss Militia's O-face as well. She spends an inordinate amount of time fingering Hana to climax, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm.

Hana, meanwhile, is just happy to be included. She tries to spend time with each of the two younger women equally, and it's almost adorable how she does it. Even as drunk as she is, she's determined not to play favorites, and eager to please them both and show them how much of a helpful lover she can be to them.

The night is long and filled with drinking, lovemaking, and more drinking. It almost seems like it'll never end, but ultimately Hana does pass out as she's prone too, and Taylor and Vicky both follow her into sleep without a care in the world.


Needless to say, they wake up the next morning hungover and filled with regrets. Hana especially tries to apologize effusively to Taylor and Vicky, ashamed of her actions. But in the end, they don't just forgive her, they make it clear there's nothing to forgive. Sure, it's a little awkward between them all for a time, but in the end… isn't this better? For all involved, really…

Ultimately, Taylor and Vicky had each other first. There was no denying that fact, and no changing it either. Hana was the interloper, the third arrival. She made sure they knew she understood that though, even as they tried to be more inclusive with her in the time after that fateful night.

All in all, it wasn't exactly perfect. There were still moments where Taylor and Vicky tried to have some time to themselves when Hana was sleeping, only for her to wake up and walk in on them. Of course, now those moments could end with Hana joining in on the fun more often than not.

Still, nothing is perfect, and everything can get messy sometimes. If nothing else… they had each other. And that was enough. It had to be. Because this was looking likely to be the rest of their lives.


It's a few months later when it happens. They're on the beach, having some fun in the gazebo bed. Specifically, Vicky is on her back and Taylor is between her legs, eating out the blonde with enthusiastic gusto. Hana is on the bed as well though with them, watching from the side while she touches herself to the scene. Her fingers glide elegantly across her drooling slit and her dark dusky breasts as she bites her lower lip to the pleasurable faces Vicky is making.

The relationship the three of them now have… it works, after a fashion. Hana is the third wheel, and that's undeniable. Fortunately, she's okay with that. She's well aware of the age gap between them and her, and while they're all adults at this point, given how long they've been trapped on the alien world, Hana still accepts that Taylor and Vicky will always be closer.

Still, they're also more than willing to make room for her when she wants to join in, like right now… no alcohol necessary.

In fact, as soon as Taylor is done eating out Vicky, she fully intends to turn around and maybe eat out Hana while Vicky returns the favor for her. Or perhaps Hana will want to eat her out, while Vicky moves to eat Hana out. The possibilities aren't endless, but they are fun to think about.

… However, before Taylor can make Vicky cum and any of those potential options can take place, there's a sudden familiar sound that has all three women jolting up from their positions and whipping their eyes in the direction of the beach.

As before, a sphere of white light appears. Unlike before however, this sphere is one that is level with the ground. Doubly unlike before, this sphere sticks around after a floating drone of some sort drops out of it and begins to pan around and float forward.

"Miss Militia? Miss Militia, do you copy? It's Dragon!"

Taylor's eyes widen as basically the strongest, most powerful Tinker on all of Earth Bet calls out from the drone. Dragon was a legend… she was more than a legend; she was one of the best there was. 

Along with Vicky and Hana, Taylor can only stare in stunned silence until the device finally spots them. Any curiosity about whether the thing has cameras on it or not is completely laid to rest in an instant, because the way the drone freezes in shock is almost human in a way. Taylor isn't sure how, but the drone somehow manages to convey embarrassment. Hell, it even flips around after a moment, as if to take its camera off of them.

"A-Apologies! It took us some time to capture the Tinker who sent you all here. And a little while longer than that to force them to admit they hadn't killed you all, but rather transported you somewhere. From there, I was able to reverse engineer their tech so we could come look for you. I just... wasn't expecting to see quite so much of you all."

The embarrassment is palpable in the air for a moment between all four women, but finally, Dragon continues on.

"Miss Militia… Ms. Dallon, Ms. Hebert. Rescue has arrived. But please, before you step through the portal, perhaps see about putting on some clothes…"

It's more than a little embarrassing having to go back to the base just to get their clothes. One would think they would at least be dressed until they got out to the gazebo… but no, why bother? Taylor and Vicky were tanned all over, and they'd all gotten used to seeing every last inch of one another in the end.

Still, it feels almost surreal to be leaving this world behind, especially for Taylor. This place has been her life for years now. If it were still just her, she's not sure she would be willing to go back, to leave it all. But she has Vicky now, and Vicky has a family to get back to. That's why, once they're all decent of course, Taylor and Vicky walk hand in hand, following Hana back to the beach and the portal before them. 

Hana steps through first and Taylor and Vicky stand there for a moment, just staring at the portal together. Taylor's reluctance must be obvious, even as she glances back to the base where she's lived for these past few years. After a moment, Vicky gives her a comforting squeeze of the hand. When Taylor turns to her girlfriend, Vicky grins at her.

"I can't wait to introduce you to my family. And you know, if my powers work again back on Earth Bet, it means I can take you flying…"

Taylor blinks at that and then laughs, squeezing Vicky's hand back. Flying did sound nice, honestly. And truth be told, this place never quite felt like home… until Vicky showed up. Even then, this alien world wasn't Taylor's home. Taylor's home was wherever Vicky was.

With her worries assuaged, Taylor gives Vicky a nod. Together, they step into the white sphere that upturned their lives. It's the first time either has done so willingly, but they kind of have to if they want to go back. 

And then… they're home.


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