Chapter 318: The Poison Saint’s Reversal! The Void Beast Gets Hurt!

Chapter 318: The Poison Saint’s Reversal! The Void Beast Gets Hurt!

Chapter 318: The Poison Saint's Reversal! The Void Beast Gets Hurt!

"Little girl, don't you want to receive my inheritance?"

Hearing the elder's words, Xiao Yixian, after trying several times and realizing she couldn't break through the invisible energy barrier in front of her, reluctantly turned around.

"Who is senior, and why is only a remnant soul left?" Xiao Yixian asked, trying to appear calm.

Seeing Xiao Yixian turn around, the green-robed elder smiled warmly and continued, "My name is Duan Tianchan. People call me the Poison Saint Tianchan, but now, there are probably only a handful of people who remember my name."

As he spoke, the elder's face took on a nostalgic expression, and he sighed, "I was gravely injured by a powerful enemy back then. My body was near collapse, and even my soul suffered irreversible damage. I fled here in a panic, and now thousands of years have passed. I don't know how long this remnant soul can last, but fortunately, I can see another Woeful Poison Body today, so my legacy can be passed on!"

After hearing the Poison Saint Tianchan's story, Xiao Yixian was deeply shocked and asked curiously, "Senior, since you are the Poison Saint, how terrifying must the person who severely injured you be!"

"That person was indeed terrifying. If he hadn't thought I was already dead, I wouldn't have had the chance to return here!" The Poison Saint Tianchan's eyes still held a trace of fear when he mentioned his old enemy.

"That person was Xiao Xuan, the leader of the Xiao Clan, one of the ancient Eight Clans. He was incredibly talented and nearly reached the Quasi-God level at the time. However, he was extremely arrogant and never considered others. Many saints of that time resented him. I was also overly ambitious, thinking I could dominate the world with my poison techniques, but I couldn't withstand even three moves from him before suffering a crushing defeat!" The Poison Saint Tianchan sighed.

"Not even three moves from you, senior? What are the ancient Eight Clans? And who is this Xiao Xuan from the Xiao Clan?" Xiao Yixian asked, surprised by the unfamiliar terms.

Seeing the confusion on Xiao Yixian's face, the Poison Saint Tianchan said gently, "Little girl, these are things beyond your reach for now. Once you accept my inheritance and your cultivation improves, you will naturally learn about their terror!"


Hearing the Poison Saint Tianchan's words, Xiao Yixian's brows furrowed slightly. She then respectfully bowed to the Poison Saint Tianchan and said, "Senior, I appreciate your kindness, but I already have a master and will never take another."

Hearing Xiao Yixian's words, a shadow of darkness briefly flashed in the Poison Saint Tianchan's eyes, but when Xiao Yixian looked up, his face instantly wore a smile.

"Haha, little girl, do you understand the decision you are making? Being a disciple of a saint is a dream many people have but never achieve. Are you sure you don't want to reconsider?" The Poison Saint Tianchan tempted her again.

"Senior, please don't say any more. I will never take another master." Xiao Yixian shook her head firmly, rejecting the offer.

"Very well, since you respect your so-called teacher so much, I won't force you to be my disciple. However, my legacy must be inherited by someone." Seeing Xiao Yixian's insistence, the Poison Saint Tianchan abandoned the idea of taking her as a disciple but proposed that she accept his inheritance.

"What, you won't even accept my inheritance?"

Sensing the growing coldness in the Poison Saint Tianchan's tone, Xiao Yixian, feeling his displeasure, reluctantly nodded and said, "If it's just accepting the inheritance, I can do that."

"Haha, that's the wisest choice you've made!" Seeing Xiao Yixian agree to accept the inheritance, the Poison Saint Tianchan laughed heartily. He then pointed to the skeleton on the throne and said, "Little girl, all my inheritance is within this skeleton. Approach it and use your soul power to carefully examine it!"

"In the skeleton?"

Xiao Yixian wasn't well-versed in the methods of a Dou Saint-level expert, but since the Poison Saint Tianchan had instructed her, she had no choice but to follow his instructions.

The next moment, Xiao Yixian raised her foot and slowly approached the skeleton on the throne. However, halfway there, a sudden, violent crash came from the passage entrance.

Sensing the impact, Xiao Yixian quickly turned around.

Outside the barrier of invisible energy stood a silver-haired little girl.

"Void Beast!"

"Senior, that's my friend outside. Please open the seal and let her in!" Seeing this figure, a bright smile appeared on Xiao Yixian's face. She quickly spoke to the Poison Saint Tianchan and turned to walk towards the passage entrance.

"No, you must accept the inheritance first!" Sensing the strength of the silver-haired little girl outside, the Poison Saint Tianchan shouted sternly.

"Senior, what do you mean by this? There's no rush to accept the inheritance!" Seeing the Poison Saint Tianchan's intense reaction, Xiao Yixian became suspicious.

Images of the countless rotting corpses in the ring-shaped green lake flashed through her mind.

According to the Poison Saint Tianchan, he was the owner of this relic space. The numerous corpses at the bottom of the green lake were likely the original inhabitants of this ancient city.

In this relic, the only one with the power to kill so many people and throw their bodies into the green lake seemed to be...

Thinking of this, Xiao Yixian felt a surge of fear.

Could someone so ruthless as to kill countless innocent people be genuinely kind enough to pass on his lifelong inheritance to a complete stranger?

"Do not be ungrateful, junior! I have been very lenient with you!" Seeing Xiao Yixian disobeying him, a fierce expression gradually appeared on the Poison Saint Tianchan's aged face.

The next moment, his remnant soul suddenly shot from the throne towards Xiao Yixian.

"Sister Xian'er!"

Outside the seal at the passage entrance, the Void Beast couldn't hear the conversation inside, but when the Poison Saint Tianchan rapidly approached Xiao Yixian, her heart tightened to the extreme.

With a loud shout, the Void Beast's body suddenly radiated a bright silver light. In the next moment, her small figure broke through the barrier at the passage entrance, appearing ten meters in front of Xiao Yixian and blocking the Poison Saint Tianchan's remnant soul.

"Get out of my way!"

Seeing the Void Beast suddenly appear in front of Xiao Yixian, the Poison Saint Tianchan's remnant soul let out a furious roar. Under this terrifying roar, the Void Beast's body was struck with immense force, sending her flying back over ten meters and crashing heavily onto the ground beside Xiao Yixian. A mouthful of bright red blood spilled from her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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