Chapter 295: The Serpent People’s Army Advances! Flight!

Chapter 295: The Serpent People’s Army Advances! Flight!

Chapter 295: The Serpent People's Army Advances! Flight!

Atop her throne, Queen Medusa listened to Yuemei's report, her beautiful eyes momentarily filled with hesitation. Deep within her mind, the image of a middle-aged man kept flashing through, and despite her current breakthrough to a five-star Dou Ancestor, the thought of this man still invoked a sense of dread in her heart.

"I hope that man is not from the Jia Ma Empire..."

With a sigh in her heart, Queen Medusa looked down at the eight Serpent People tribal leaders gathered below and opened her mouth to speak with a voice full of authority.

"Yuemei, Mobas, Yinshi, Yan Ci... Carry out my orders, lead the tribal armies towards the Jia Ma Empire!"

"As you command!"

With Queen Medusa's words, the eight Serpent People's faces lit up with excitement. After bowing again to Medusa, the leaders left the grand hall.

After their departure, an elderly female figure appeared beside Queen Medusa.

Sensing the queen's contemplations from her gaze, the elderly woman spoke slowly, "Your Majesty, now that you have advanced to a five-star Dou Ancestor, and with the power of your Rainbow Heaven Swallowing Python, you should be invincible even against seven or eight-star Dou Ancestors. Why worry about that man?"

"Besides, the three-month period has long passed, and that man has never appeared to claim the remaining spiritual medicines, which suggests he might not be a powerhouse from this region."

Hearing this, Queen Medusa nodded slightly, "Elder, I know all of this. Intelligence gathered from the surrounding areas indeed shows no information about that man, and currently, no one in the Jia Ma Empire has broken through to Dou Ancestor."

"Your Majesty, if you have already gathered all this information, why do I still see a trace of worry in your eyes?" The Serpent People's Elder asked, puzzled.

Hearing the Elder's question, Queen Medusa furrowed her brows and sighed lightly, "Ever since preparing to attack the Jia Ma Empire, I've had this feeling, and even I don't know the reason why..."


In the Jia Ma Empire.

Eastern border.

On a massive fortress near the Magical Beast Mountain Range, an elderly man clad in silver armor and a silver helmet, exuding an aura of iron-blood, was gazing towards the desert.

Suddenly, a soldier hurried up to the city wall, approaching the middle-aged man and spoke respectfully, "General, our scouts have ventured deep into the desert and observed that the recent movements of the Serpent People are indeed unusual, with the eight tribes interacting much more closely than before."

Hearing the soldier's report, the silver-armored elder sighed, "Thankfully, the Mo Tie Mercenary Group had sent word earlier, or else it would have been difficult for the nearby imperial forces to assemble in such a short time."

After saying this, the elder slowly turned to the young soldier and instructed, "Immediately send this information back to the imperial capital."

"Yes, sir!"

Following the order, the young soldier respectfully acknowledged and quickly departed.

Not long after, deep within the Tagore Desert, two immense Serpent People armies began their march towards the eastern border of the Jia Ma Empire.

One army, led by Yuemei, Mobas, Kuixing, and Nan She, advanced westward. The other, led by Yinshi, Yan Ci, Hei Du, and Hua Snake King, headed towards a fortress near the Magical Beast Mountain Range, which was also on the border with the Tagore Desert.


Above in the clear sky, the giant sun hung high, like a massive ball of fire continuously releasing flames. The intense sunlight was scattered across the golden desert, heating the fine grains of sand until they seemed like red-hot iron pellets.

Due to the scorching temperatures, wisps of heat emanated from the sands, eventually making the space above seem twisted and surreal.

In the midst of the endless desert, a black figure slowly emerged, looking weather-worn and evidently having spent a significant amount of time in the desert.

The figure trudged up a towering sand dune, scanning the surroundings before pulling out a sheepskin map from a storage ring, scrutinizing the route ahead.

"This damned map seller, what trash maps they sell, most of the markings are wrong, not a single supply point encountered," Xiao Yan cursed, licking his dry lips in frustration as he examined the map.

Just then, Yao Lao's voice urgently entered his mind.

"Xiao Yan, hide quickly!"


Upon hearing Yao Lao, Xiao Yan, though puzzled, did not hesitate and prepared to follow the instruction.

The next moment, regardless of the scorching sand, he lay face down on the sand.

"Master, did you notice something?" Xiao Yan asked after laying down.

In the Tagore Desert, apart from being wary of magical beasts hidden beneath the sands, the most feared were the Serpent People. Few wished to cross them due to their tactics of using poison snakes for surprise attacks, which were notoriously difficult to guard against.

"Strange, we're not even deep into the desert yet, why are there so many Serpent People troops appearing?" Yao Lao mused with a frown after Xiao Yan had hidden.

Serpent People troops!

Hearing Yao Lao's words, confusion deepened on Xiao Yan's face.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan, lying close to the sand, heard a rustling sound – the movement of the Serpent People. Soon, as he slightly raised his head, he saw rows of Serpent People soldiers armed with poison spears at the edge of his vision.

"There must be thousands of them!"

Seeing the continuous stream of Serpent People emerging into view, Xiao Yan felt a chill run down his spine.

He was well aware of the long-standing grievances between the Jia Ma Empire and the Serpent People.

With such a large force of Serpent People appearing not far from Stone Desert City, could it be that the Serpent People were looking to start a war?

As Xiao Yan speculated, minutes quickly passed, and the armed group of Serpent People had almost reached where he was hiding. Just then, at the edge of his vision, he spotted four Serpent People with dazzling wings flying through the air.

Four Serpent People Dou King powerhouses!

Just as Xiao Yan was again struck by surprise, suddenly, a black bird the size of a human hand flew overhead in the sky behind him.

"Move quickly, we've been spotted!"

Noticing the bird, Yao Lao spoke with more urgency.

(End of Chapter)

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