Chapter 212: Xiao Yan’s Crisis! Yao Lao’s Shock! Xiao Yi Xian’s Gift!

Chapter 212: Xiao Yan’s Crisis! Yao Lao’s Shock! Xiao Yi Xian’s Gift!

Chapter 212: Xiao Yan's Crisis! Yao Lao's Shock! Xiao Yi Xian's Gift!

In the Demon Beast Mountain Range, a chase that had lasted for over half a month was still ongoing.

"Xiao Yan, you can't escape. Surrender now, and I might let you keep your whole corpse," roared Mu She, the leader of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, furiously at the fleeing young man.

For half a month, since discovering Xiao Yan's whereabouts, he had been leading his mercenaries in relentless pursuit. Despite his efforts, Xiao Yan, with his cunning Dou Techniques and ruthless methods, had repeatedly escaped their encirclement and even inflicted heavy losses on his men. This only intensified Mu She's hatred and desire to tear Xiao Yan apart.

"This kid must have an extraordinary background with such skills!" thought Mu Snake. "But no matter his origin, he must die for killing my son!"

Realizing Xiao Yan's potential threat, Mu Snake's killing intent deepened. This was a feud that could only be settled by death.

As Mu She watched Xiao Yan disappear into the dense forest, his eyes blazed with murderous intent. He quickly followed, plunging into the dark woods.

Just as Mu She entered the forest, a shadow reeking of blood attacked him. Without hesitation, Mu Snake drew his long sword and viciously struck the shadow.

The sound of the blade cutting flesh echoed through the forest, followed by a piercing screech. Mu She had struck a Bloodthirsty Rat, a first-tier demonl beast.

Mu She, expressionless, flicked the rat off his blade and quickened his pace, but soon, a group of Bloodthirsty Rats, each half the size of a man, blocked his path. Though they couldn't harm him, they significantly slowed his pursuit.

As Mu She grew frustrated, his mercenaries finally caught up. Seeing their leader blocked by the rats, they drew their weapons and began to fight off the creatures.

"Chase him!" commanded Mu She, kicking a rat away.

The relentless chase resumed.


The usually peaceful mountains were turned upside down by the pursuit and ensuing chaos. Xiao Yan, the instigator, had unwittingly provoked the local wildlife, causing the mercenaries to suffer casualties without even touching him.

Xiao Yan, feeling the ache in his legs, looked up at the crescent moon and couldn't help but bitterly smile. The mercenaries' persistence was beyond his expectations.

"Am I nearing the heart of the Demon Beast Mountain Range? Are these fools not afraid of encountering high-tier Demon beasts?" Xiao Yan cursed under his breath, then continued deeper into the forest.

Mu She, seeing Xiao Yan stop near a cliff, was overjoyed. The cliff was over ten meters wide, and crossing it meant entering the heart of the mountain range, a place even he dared not venture.

As Xiao Yan stood at the cliff's edge, Mu She approached, his face twisted in a triumphant grin. The mercenaries surrounded Xiao Yan, sealing off any escape.

Xiao Yan, facing the cliff, darkened. He had inadvertently been cornered while fleeing aimlessly. "Damn my luck," he cursed inwardly.

"Xiao Yan, surrender now, and I'll grant you a quick death," Mu She said coldly, approaching Xiao Yan with his sword drawn.

As Xiao Yan stood cornered, Mu She relished the moment. He would finally avenge his son and the losses his men had suffered.

Xiao Yan sighed, lifting the Profound Heavy Ruler in his hand. Suddenly, he closed his eyes, a smile playing on his lips.

Mu She frowned, uncertain of Xiao Yan's intentions. The mercenaries watched, amused, believing Xiao Yan's situation was hopeless.

Mu She's unease grew as he sensed the energy in the air intensifying. As he approached Xiao Yan, the atmosphere seemed charged with imminent danger.


With his hands tightly gripping his large sword, Mu She, feeling uneasy, cautiously approached Xiao Yan, no longer concerned about the difference in their strength and status.

Noticing Mu She's solemn demeanor, the surrounding mercenaries sensed something was amiss. They gripped their weapons tighter, preparing for the unexpected.

"Stop playing tricks, die!" Mu She, entering his attack range, displayed a ferocious look and, without hesitation, swung his large sword fiercely towards Xiao Yan's neck.

"It's too late…" Xiao Yan, with his eyes suddenly wide open, uttered coldly. The Profound Heavy Ruler in his hand surged with intense heat, the first time it was controlled by Xiao Yan.

"Flame Splitting Wave!"

As Xiao Yan shouted internally, the energy of the heavens and earth above the abyss surged violently. Countless visible energies, as if attracted, crazily infused into the Profound Heavy Ruler in Xiao Yan's hand. The ruler grew hotter and its bizarre patterns began to glow with a fiery red light.

As Xiao Yan channeled the last of his Dou Qi into the Black Heavy Ruler, the tip of the ruler flashed brightly. A crescent-shaped red glow, half a meter long, shot out, carrying intense heat and violently striking towards Mu She.

A red light flickered in the distance, and as the crescent-shaped glow left the ruler, Mu She's pupils shrank, shocked. Condensing Dou Qi externally was a skill only a Dou Grandmaster

could master. How could this mere Dou Practitioner release such a perfect condensed Qi attack?

Before Mu She could ponder this bewildering question, he surged with Dou Qi, coating his large sword with a light blue aura, resembling a thin energy film.

"Wind Blade Dance!"

Exhaling deeply, Mu She waved his sword furiously. Numerous blue sword afterimages appeared before him, forming a dense net of blades.

This was Mu She's highest level Dou Technique, a low-level Xuan Technique. He had once earned the title of the strongest man in Qing Shan Town with this technique. Now, facing Xiao Yan's mysterious and powerful attack, the cautious Mu She used his strongest move.

The red crescent arrived in a flash. Before the mercenaries could comprehend what it was, a thunderous explosion sounded over the abyss.


With the explosion, Mu She was hurled from the ground, his feet digging into the earth as he retreated over ten meters before crashing heavily into a large tree, causing it to burst apart. Only then did he come to a stop. The onlookers gasped in shock – the disheveled figure was Mu She, a Two-Star Dou Master!

As they stared at the frightened and pale Mu She, the mercenaries swallowed hard, then turned their eyes to the center of the explosion. A deep, wide crater appeared shockingly before them.

Seeing the blinding pit and the pale Mu Snake, there was a deafening silence. All were dizzy with the realization that an eight-star Dou Practitioner had left a Two-Star Dou Master in such a sorry state.

The dirt finally settled, revealing Xiao Yan holding the heavy ruler. His face was also pale, but his black eyes burned with a chilling fervor. Despite the backlash from using the Earth Level Dou Technique, its power filled Xiao Yan with joy. The gap between a Dou Practitioner and a Dou Masteri had been bridged by this terrifyingly powerful technique.

Coughing violently, Xiao Yan took out another Qi Returning Pill and quickly swallowed it. His cold gaze swept over the mercenaries, who now avoided his eyes in fear.

"Kill him! Attack!" Mu She, shaking off the mercenaries supporting him, had his palms split open, his sleeves soaked with blood. His crazed and twisted face revealed the fear Xiao Yan's strength had instilled in him.

At this moment, Mu She even forgot about the treasures Xiao Yan might possess. His fear had turned into a wild desire to kill. Without an antidote to regret, his fear naturally transformed into a frenzied killing intent. Only by killing Xiao Yan could he find peace.

"Everyone, attack! He's at his limit!" Mu She shouted.

Hearing the order, the hesitant mercenaries, gripping their weapons, cautiously surrounded Xiao Yan.

"Today, you must die!" Mu She glared fiercely at Xiao Yan standing at the cliff's edge.

"Teacher, aren't you going to help?" Xiao Yan called out to Yao Lao in his mind, seeing no way out.

"Heh, I've said before, I won't intervene unless you're truly about to die," Yao Lao's teasing old voice echoed in Xiao Yan's mind.

"Crap!" Xiao Yan cursed, then glared at the approaching Wolf Head Mercenary Group, his handsome face twisting ferociously.

"Just try to take me down!"

As Xiao Yan braced for a last stand, his expression suddenly changed.

He sensed an overwhelming pressure approaching.

"Eh! A fourth-order magical beast!"

Yao Lao's old voice followed in Xiao Yan's mind.

"What, a fourth-order magical beast?" Xiao Yan was startled and alarmed.

They were deep in the Magical Beast Mountain Range, but still in the outer area. How could a fourth-order magical beast, equivalent to a human Dou Spirit, appear here?

The next moment, a piercing eagle cry resounded above the forest, causing Xiao Yan to cover his ears.

Mu She and the Wolf Head Mercenary Group also sensed the anomaly above.

"This is... a Demon beast!"

Mu She's gaze fixed on the sky, sensing an extremely fierce aura approaching.

"A third-order Demonl beast?"

"No, it might be a fourth-order!"

The presence of a powerful magical beast made Mu She break into a cold sweat.

"Why would a fourth-order magical beast appear here? Did our commotion attract it?"

This thought brought a wave of fear over Mu She.

"Everyone, hide! It's a fourth-order magical beast!"

As the fearsome presence drew nearer, Mu She couldn't stand it anymore. He called out to his mercenaries and fled into the distance.

At this point, he had forgotten about Xiao Yan. Survival was his priority.

"What! A fourth-order magical beast! Everyone, run!"

Hearing Mu She's warning, the mercenaries panicked.

Seeing the Wolf Head Mercenary Group fleeing, Xiao Yan quickly hid under a large rock, concealing his presence.

Another eagle cry echoed as a huge shadow arrived over the forest. The light dimmed, and Xiao Yan, cautiously hiding, couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Chapter 212: Xiao Yan's Crisis! Yao Lao's Shock! Xiao Yi Xian's Gift!

Xiao Yan's eyes widened in terror the next moment. Above the forest, a gigantic bird of prey, about thirty meters long, appeared, its ferocious aura sweeping over the area. Feeling this overwhelming presence, Xiao Yan dared not linger any longer and concealed himself entirely under a large rock, not letting out a single breath.

While Xiao Yan hid in fear, the enormous bird in the sky didn't stay but headed deeper into the Magical Beast Mountain Range, as if it was just passing through.

"Eh! It's her!"

"A Dou Masteri level practitioner!"

"How is this possible?"

Following the bird's flight over the forest, Yao Lao's surprised voice echoed in Xiao Yan's mind.

Hearing Yao Lao's unusual tone, Xiao Yan, although curious, dared not make any movements. The magical beast had not yet gone far, and any sign of his presence might attract its attention.

Once he sensed that the giant bird had left, Xiao Yan emerged from under the rock, only to sense several people approaching his location.

"It's the Wolf Head Mercenary Group!"

Realizing that Mu Snake had likely noticed the fourth-order magical beast was just passing by and had returned with his men, Xiao Yan quickly left the area before they could surround him again.

When Mu Snake and his mercenaries arrived and found no trace of Xiao Yan, they roared in frustration.

"Teacher, did you notice something just now?"

Once he was safe, Xiao Yan, remembering Yao Lao's exclamation, asked curiously. It was the first time he had heard Yao Lao so surprised.

Yao Lao's spectral body emerged from Xiao Yan's ring, still wearing a look of astonishment. "That fourth-order magical beast had two people on it," he said, frowning.


Shocked, Xiao Yan couldn't believe what he was hearing. People riding a fourth-order magical beast? How strong must they be? Dou Wang? Dou Huang?

Thankfully, Xiao Yan had hidden well and did not reveal his presence.

Yao Lao, however, had recognized the faces of the two people on the magical beast. It was the shock of recognizing them that had surprised him.

Nalan Yanran?

The image of the girl who had come to the Xiao family to break off the engagement crossed Yao Lao's mind. How could it be her? Her aura had reached the Dou Masteri realm, a drastic change from her previous Three-Star Dou Practitioner level.

Yao Lao's thoughts were in turmoil. He wondered if he had misjudged Xiao Yan's potential. Could Xiao Yan really defeat Nalan Yanran?

"Xiao Yan, do you know if Nalan Yanran has a sister?" Yao Lao asked after a moment of silence.

Thinking it might be Nalan Yanran's sister who resembled her, Xiao Yan shook his head. "No, Nalan Yanran is the only daughter in the Nalan family."

Yao Lao lapsed into silence again.

Then, he turned to Xiao Yan, his face serious. "From today, you must increase your efforts. Kill a second-order magical beast every day!"


Xiao Yan was dumbfounded. A second-order magical beast was a challenge for a Dou Master level practitioner!

"Teacher, are you trying to kill me!"


Deep in the Magical Beast Mountain Range, the giant bird landed, and two figures in white slowly descended.

"Sister, I'll leave you here."

These were Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yi Xian, who had traveled from the Yunlan Sect to the Magical Beast Mountain Range.

"Thank you, sister," Nalan Yanran nodded, looking at the surrounding wilderness.

Xiao Yi Xian warned her about the dangers of the mountain range, emphasizing caution against not just beasts but also humans.

Nalan Yanran agreed, advising Xiao Yi Xian to be careful in Chu Yun Empire, a dangerous place full of poison masters.

Xiao Yi Xian, secretly amused by her innate immunity to poison, assured her sister of her safety.

Nalan Yanran then urged Xiao Yi Xian to leave, concerned about her mission.

Xiao Yi Xian agreed but then presented Nalan Yanran with gifts to protect herself - various powerful poisons she had crafted, each more deadly than the last, capable of killing up to fourth-order magical beasts.

Stunned by the potency of these "insect repellents," Nalan Yanran realized that Xiao Yi Xian might be the bane of the poison masters in Chu Yun Empire.

(End of chapter)


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