
Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Sonya smiled at the young couple as Lillian broke into a brief dash before scooping Snow up into her arms. She thumbed her nose and walked past, chuckling to herself and patting Chunhua on the arm, “Thanks for playing along,” She said as she winked at Alex and Greg who were both staring at the pair, dumbstruck.

Chunhua shrugged a little while Marta and Carla caught up. “It was fun,” She said with a grin, “Getting involved in your antics for once.”

Carla sidled up with Sonya and Sonya opened her arm for her lover to slide it in. The two walked together while Marta, smiling to herself, took her position at the rear, hands over her lap as always. Carla glanced back over her shoulder at the pair who were talking to one another with bright eyes and bits of beautiful laughter while Alex and Greg scrambled to join them, “Were those her first words?” She asked.

“Since becoming mute?” Sonya asked, “Yes. She didn’t say a word besides offering commentary with her text illusions while we were getting her set up,” Sonya said with a small smirk, “Saving them for her, how cute.”

“The clothes?” Carla asked, “You didn’t go out shopping in the middle of the night, did you?”

Sonya pointed to herself, feigning offense before snorting and shaking her head, “Oh no, they’re mine actually. Marta is stellar with a needle and had them fitted in no time flat. Did her hair too.”

Chunhua glanced back at Marta appraisingly, “Impressive.”

Marta raised her head with a bit of pride and smirked at Chunhua, “Only to be expected of Miss Chernovna’s personal caretaker and bodyguard. I couldn’t call myself such if I wasn’t capable of this,” She said smugly only to get a snort from Chunhua. She narrowed her eyes as the woman turned away and laughed, “What? What’s so funny?”

Chunhua kept laughing, “Would you happen to consider yourself ‘one hell of a maid’?” She asked, putting a little emphasis on the phrase.

Sonya raised her eyebrows while Carla looked confused. The two looked back at Marta who blinked a few times, opened her mouth, closed it, blinked a few more times and then went starry eyed. She hustled over to Chunhua with a delighted smile, “How many episodes?”

“I’ve read it,” Chunhua said with a small laugh, “When I was in high school.”

Marta nearly squealed with delight, drawing a few looks but she couldn’t care less. The two immediately broke into conversation while Sonya ushered a confused Carla away. “There’s two of them now,” Sonya said and rolled her eyes, “Oh boy,” She said with a shake of her head.

Carla pursed her lips, “Marta’s little addiction?”

Sonya nodded gravely, “The same.”

Carla nodded and squeezed Sonya’s arm, going quiet for a moment before glancing at her, “We’re really going back to that beach?” She asked with a small smile, pressing up a bit closer.

Sonya raised an eyebrow, “Why not?” She let out a gasp, “Miss Mint! Are you thinking of something unprofessional?” She said, scandalized, “Now that is quite unbecoming for someone of your position!”

Carla did her best to repress a smirk, “Miss Chernovna, we are not on business, we can let our hair down a little while enjoying the beach,” She said with a refined tilt to her voice, looking up and closing her eyes.

Sonya glanced at her collar, “I’ll let your hair down in a-”

A throat cleared behind the two of them and they looked back to see Chunhua and Marta both scowling at them with their eyebrows raised. Sonya shut her mouth and looked away. Buzz kills. No fun! She grumbled inwardly before huffing and throwing her hair back, marching towards the crowd, “Miss Mint! Let us away from these killjoys!” She announced, dragging a red-faced Carla along with her. Several of the aspirants and a few instructors glanced their way. Sonya brightened and waved, “Hello!” She called, “Excited?”

There was a chorus of agreement that greeted her as she came to a stop. Axel stepped forward from the pack of boys and extended a hand, “Miss Chernovna! It’s been a while!”

She pat Carla’s arm and pulled herself free, extending a hand and shaking his. “We’ve both been very busy! I hear you’re doing a fabulous job in the field combat courses.”


<New Product Acquired: Momentum.>

He smirked at her from behind his sunglasses, he was at least a foot and a half taller than her so she had to peer up a bit. He squeezed her hand back and nodded, “You’re not half bad either, took Black Lotus to task in that spar.”

She released his hand. He can’t resist, can he? That’s brand loyalty for you. She let out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders, “She was obviously holding back quite a bit, but it was still a good match.”

“Would you mind doing me the honor of going a few rounds?” He said with a toothy grin.

She looked him in the eyes, “After the beach I’ll show you what it really means to be a knife fighter, Axel.”

He barked out a laugh, “Man you got guts! I like you!”

“Enough to come over to the ASTA side perhaps?” She said with fluttering eyelashes.

He snickered and shook his head, “Sorry, I’m with Forge, thanks for the offer though, Miss Chernovna.”

She shrugged, “Had to try,” She said before turning to the rest gathered. She noted that Madame Rouge was decidedly not present. Figures, the woman can’t go a day without wearing makeup. She’d lose her mind on the beach, around water? Heaven forbid. She thought wryly before stepping forward, “Everyone! This is your reward for all your hard work and struggles. I know you’ve been through a lot coming here. The training is not easy, and some of your friends have already left us,” She said, holding out her arms. To her left, Chunhua tapped her earpiece and muttered something, “So a little rest and relaxation is in order before we hop into the second half and really get down to business,” She turned to Carla, “Miss Mint?”

Carla stepped forward and adjusted her glasses, “You already know the camp rules, they apply here. There are some things to be aware of. We will still be in the United States, so those laws are going to apply while we’re at the beach,” She squinted at the crowd before turning her eyes on one young man in particular, “Luke, I’m talking to you.”

The fair haired young man held up his hands, “We’ll be good!”

She huffed, “Sure you will,” She shook her head.

“Wait! Why does that matter?” Another voice called out, “Where are we going?”

The ground behind the group shuddered once and Sonya sensed four more presences walking up behind her. She rest her hands on her hips as the archway began to rise up from the ground. The stone structure took shape and the light within bent, then distorted inward before forming a tunnel. It bowed and twisted until collapsing into a scene far removed from their mountainous and woody surroundings. A beautiful beach stretched out beyond the portal with blue waves and palm trees. Those present all stared in wonder for a moment, then Sonya decided to chime in, “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my private beach house in Maui!”

A bunch of eyes turned back to her, even Axel looked at her surprised, “W-wait, from the photoshoot? That beach house?”

Sonya raised an eyebrow at him, “Thank you for buying the special edition issue, Axel,” She teased and walked past him as everyone stared. Carla and Marta moved to catch up. She sensed Chunhua shake her head a little before following along as well. “I don’t know about you all,” Sonya said loudly to the stunned group as she neared the portal, “But I’m going to the beach!”

She stepped through as a cheer rose up on the other side, feeling the sand give way beneath her feet. She glanced back at Marta before anyone else followed them, “Go have fun, dear.”

Marta bowed, “Thank you for making the arrangements,” She said with a warm smile.

Sonya winked at her before materializing a pair of big sunglasses and slipping them on, “You earned it.”

Lillian burst out of the water and took a deep breath, her hair sticking to the back of her head. She turned just in time for Alex to come rocketing in her direction, propelled by a spinning swing from Val. Her eyes went wide and she dove to the side, diving under the water again before popping back up, “Watch it you morons!” She shouted, “You’re gonna take somebody’s head-” She paused and blinked, watching Alex skip across the water like a stone another hundred feet before flopping into the water.

A peal of laughter from Val and Greg behind her told her that they weren’t aiming at her. Alex resurfaced, spluttering and shook his hair out before throwing his fists up into the air, “That had to be two hundred feet, right?” He whooped and fell back into the water.

“Only one eighty!” The small voice of Snow came to their ears. They glanced over at Snow sitting at the edge of the water with her feet in it, watching with a smirk on her face, “Try harder! Throw him again!”

Alex resurfaced, “It’s weird hearing you under-” He froze when he saw the leers from Val and Greg. “Oh shit!” He gasped and started running.

Lillian laughed and trudged her way to the edge, plopping down in the sand next to Snow. Snow rest her arms on her legs and watched the boys make fools of themselves before leaning over and resting her head on Lillian’s shoulder. “How are you feeling?” Lillian asked.

“Still getting used to it, timings a little off,” Snow said, her words coming out just a second out of sync with her lip movements, “I’m getting there.”

“Kind of like one of those old dubbed shows,” Lillian joked.

Snow squinted up at her, “Idiot,” She said petulantly, “Dumb, stupid, dummy, dum dum.”

Lillian laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “I’m teasing,” She said, “I’m so glad I get to hear your voice,” She murmured as Alex went flying past them, again, screaming the entire time.

Snow leaned forward and cupped her hands over her lips, “Two twenty!” She shouted, projecting her illusory voice. “Go for two fifty next! Get ‘em!”

Lillian couldn’t help herself, she just laughed.

John stood beneath the tree, the shade was adequate though the temperature was more than he was used to. The humidity was also quite high. Even so, the breeze coming in from the north was sufficient to cool his body. His eyes fixed on the water. He was cognizant of the fact that with his ability he was more than capable of swimming and swimming well. Yet an oddly irrational part of his mind warned him against the water. There were fish in the water. There were other things in the water. There was a noisy splash and Alex popped out of the water again, throwing his fists up into the air and howling.

Like them. He thought.

He cast his gaze over the rest of the expansive beach. Young men and women were out at play. A volleyball net had been set up, people were diving and splashing. Laughter everywhere. He crossed his arms and let out a breath. Perhaps relaxation is healthy.

“Not a big swimmer?” A voice popped up behind him. He blinked and rotated his body, who on earth had snuck up on him? He paused when he saw Miss Chernovna approach, sipping at what clearly was a fast food drink cup. Where had she gotten it? Did she just keep them at her beach house? She shifted those mechanical eyes and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “You’re overanalyzing again,” She said, “Bad for conversation.”

He cleared his throat, “Apologies. Ma’am.”

She stood next to him beneath the tree, she was an inch shorter than himself but she cast a wide shadow wherever she went. It was eerie. “I didn’t get to tell you,” She began, “I spoke with Bluestar about what we had talked about.”

He turned her way, “Good news?”

“She’s willing to give you a shot,” She said with a shrug, “It’s up to you if you impress her. I only fund the ASTA Guild, I don’t make decisions for her, especially when it comes to giving heroes dual responsibilities.”

He nodded, “I see,” He said flatly, “Surpass expectations, then.”

He fell silent for a moment, watching the others have fun as the CEO slurped her drink next to him. She gave him another sidelong glance, “John?”

“Yes, ma’am?” He mumbled, his eyes still fixed on the surf.

“Don’t make me order you to go have fun,” She said and turned away, walking across the beach and waved back at him, “I might start rethinking things! I like a lively office!”

He felt his lips twitch, an expression forming. A small microscopic downward tilt as his stomach twisted. He swallowed hard and looked back at the retreating figure that stopped to greet the mythic boy who made him uneasy. He let his arms fall to his sides and after glancing around a bit, let out a heavy sigh. “...I suppose it wouldn’t hurt,” He mumbled, and stepped out of the blessed shade. She’s scary.

“Miss Chernovna! You look wonderful today, is that a new swimsuit?” Otis asked, grinning ear to ear as he approached her. She glanced at him and with every ounce of strength and self control she had she returned his smile. He extended a hand to her and she took it, her abilities providing her with enough physiological control not to shudder in revulsion as his hand touched hers.

Try again? Analyze.

<Error: Target is immune.>

Her lip twitched, “Why yes it is!” She said brightly, “Thank you for noticing Marc.”

“Certainly, I try to stay abreast of such things,” He said with a small grin before releasing her hand and looking out over the beach, “This is very nice.”

“Yes it is,” She said, keeping up the act and looking out over the water. “I’ve heard you’ve been doing better with socializing.”

He frowned a little, “It is… difficult, but I am managing,” He said with a small nod, “I don’t want to let you down, Miss Chernovna. You said that was what I was lacking in order to be considered, so that is what I will improve on.”

Sonya sipped at her drink, resisting the urge to refill it next to him. She glanced his way and took a small gamble, “What’s got you so fixated on joining team ASTA anyway? You could join the International Team with your ability alone.”

He tilted his head and crossed his arms, “That’s the ultimate goal, yes,” He said, “But something tells me that I need to work my way up with ASTA first,” He admitted, “A true hero has to start somewhere, right? Work their way up and rise to the occasion when it matters. Make their legend from scratch. I like stories like that.”

“You like stories, do you?” She asked, committing his words to memory.

“Yes, I’m rather fond of Greek myths. Like Odysseus,” He chuckled, “Are you familiar?”

Something about the way he said it sent a chill up her spine, “I am,” She said, “Lost at sea after Troy, had many adventures along the way home. Do you see yourself as Odysseus?”

He smirked, “Something like that, I have my own story to tell, though, a goal.”

“What’s that?” She asked.

He turned his head and looked up at her with those cold blue eyes, “I’m going to bring Ishtar down and become the world's greatest hero, ma’am.” He paused and looked back out to the sea with that cold smile she remembered from his dying day, “Then, who knows? Might start my own team, Seven guys should do, I like that number.”

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