Breathing Life into Real Dolls

Chapter 13: First Kill

Chapter 13: First Kill

Status Window.


[Status Window]

Name: Kim Doha

Age: 28

Height: 178cm

Weight: 67kg

Strength: E+

Durability: E

Stamina: E

Magic: D

Total Ability Rating: E+

Traits: [Overflowing Vitality: E+], (NEW) [Wand of Release: S]

Special Abilities: [Power to Turn a Real Doll into a Human: B-]


I was shocked as soon as I saw the status window.

Many changes had happened in just a day.

First, my total ability rating has changed from E- to E+.

The trait [Overflowing Vitality] has also changed from E- to E+, and the special ability [Power to Turn a Real Doll into a Human] has changed from C+ to B-.

These alone were tremendous achievements, but the most surprising was the new trait that appeared.

The trait, [Wand of Release]. It was S rank.

This is a huge hit!!

What could this trait be?

Since its written as a wand, does it mean I will have a good physique for using magic-like things from now on?

I calmed my throbbing heart and touched the trait to check.


[Wand of Release]

Trait Rating: S

Due to your special ability [Power to Turn a Real Doll into a Human], your sexual organ has become a conduit for magic.

As a result, your sexual organ has evolved into a unique organ that can discharge magic through ejaculation.

This is a unique achievement in all of humanity and has received a high evaluation rating.

No one knows what can be achieved with this organ. You are a pioneer of this new trait.

Known function so far: [Sperm Control]

[Sperm Control]

You can control the amount of sperm in your ejaculation at will.

Congratulations! No need for contraception anymore!

What the is this

The new trait I gained was the ability to imbue my semen with magic.

Then what was the good in it?

There would be no need for contraception.

The only function of this highly-rated S-class trait was contraception.


On second thought, I had never used contraception while ejaculating inside Serena.

I didnt need to worry about it anymore, but I had to take emergency contraception for what I had already done.


I decided to think positively.

It was a trait that wasnt originally there. What was wrong with having a contraception function?

And there would be many functions that had not yet been revealed.

I didnt know where to use the semen imbued with magic

Lets get ready.

Today was an important day.

A fight with a human, not a zombie. And that, too, with one that had abilities.

The one who lost would die.

I pushed the thoughts about the trait out of my head.

There was an old saying, Know the enemy, know yourself, and you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

If you knew about yourself and the enemy, you wouldnt be endangered even in a hundred battles.

Information about me could be seen in the status window. Then, how could we know about the enemy?

Observing the enemy would do.

The advantage on our side was that the enemy came all the way here.

In other words, we could watch them.

I mean, they would use their abilities while fighting with zombies on the street on their way here.

The voices of the enemies came over the smartphone I was holding.

-Bro Do we have to go that far to get a woman? There are plenty of women at our base

-You idiot, do you think orc women and Baek Seona are the same? Even if the real thing looks half as good as the picture, it would be amazing. And Baek Seonas real looks have already been verified by a goddess cut from the broadcasting station.

-Hmm Is that so?

-This guy, really.

At that moment, the cries of the zombies could be heard.


-Five more are coming from that side, bro.

-Sangcheol, am I blind? Why do you report everything? Just take care of it yourself.


With that, a dull hitting sound was heard, and the zombies cries stopped.

And Serenas commentary came.

-There are three enemies in total. It seems that Sangcheol can strengthen some parts of his body. His right fist was about three times bigger when hitting the zombies. The power is honestly, it looks weaker than my fist, Master.

Good. Youre doing well, Rena. Continue following and watching them. We need to figure out the abilities of the other two.


I knew their location in advance.

Because Seona told me where the shelter was before she lost contact with her brother.

So, I sent Rena to follow the enemies coming this way.

The reason I specifically sent Rena was because of her overall ability score.

The ability scores displayed on the status window were absolute.

Even if Rena could be a bit clumsy, she could demonstrate overwhelming performance when it came to physical activities.

Furthermore, due to the effects of the [Obedience] and [Devotion] traits, Rena, who followed my orders, became a weapon close to invincible.

In fact, Rena was successfully following them without being detected.

The problem was




-You bastard, cant you deal with them swiftly before I tell you?

-I will correct my actions, hyungnim.

-Yeah, you bastard, dont just say it, do it.

For a moment, the conversation of the enemies was heard, and then with the sound of thumping, the zombies cries disappeared again.

This was the problem.

Because the zombies were so weak, only that guy Sangcheol was using his ability, and the other two were just watching.

I decided to implement the second plan.



Aggro the zombies as planned.


Upon receiving my order, Rena started to move busily.

The results were immediately visible.

-Awooooo, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!

-Ugh, damn it!

-Eh, whats this! From behind, behind!

-Lee Dongyeop, you damn idiot! What are you doing standing there? Cast a shield!

-Ah, ye-yes!

The sound of the enemies falling into confusion was heard for a moment, and then a sigh, like Whew- was heard.


-You moron!! Do you have to wait for me to tell you to cast a shield!? If I dont say anything, will you just stand there while a zombie bites your neck!?

-Bro, bro Im sorry. I was startled.

-You idiot, you imbecile! How many times have I told you to cast a shield first when youre surprised!!

For a moment, there was an uproar. After they had defeated all the zombies that suddenly appeared, they began to argue amongst themselves.

After waiting a bit, I heard Renas voice.

-Master. The other two also used their abilities.

Really? What were they? One seemed to have a shield ability.

-Yes. The ability of someone named Lee Dongyeop is to create a spherical shield about 3m in diameter. The zombies couldnt get in and were blocked.

The last one, whats the ability of the guy called brother?

-He spits fire from his hand. The range is not that long, about 3-4m, but the firepower seems quite strong. The zombies were completely burned and turned into charcoal.

I see. Youve worked hard, Rena. Come back now.

-Hehe. Yes!

A human flamethrower

It was certainly a tricky ability.

Everyone had a fear of fire.

There was also a saying that the greatest pain was being burned by fire.


At this level, its within the anticipated range.

I confidently stated this.

Then Baek Seona, who had been applying makeup to my face, nodded seriously.

It seems very likely that things will go according to your plan, Doha. You really are a frightening person. Im really glad youre on our side.

I chuckled lightly.

What was she saying? Her reaction was overly dramatic.

Haa Damn it. It feels like there are more zombies attacking than usual.

The leader of the three, a man they called Hyung, Choi Cheolnam, said this.

Then Lee Dongyeop mumbled to himself.

Hmm Is that so?



Choi Cheolnam smacked the back of Lee Dongyeops head.

Hey, you damn bastard. Either talk louder or dont at all. Youve been mumbling annoyingly since earlier. If only you didnt have that gloomy shield ability

Lee Dongyeop rubbed his smarting head with a sour expression.

Then, Park Sangcheol, who had been looking at a map app on his smartphone, shouted.

Brother! Were almost there! Just around this corner is the officetel building with the convenience store!

Oh, finally? It didnt feel that far, but it felt like it took forever. Lets hurry up. I need to catch that bastard to calm down.

They quickly arrived in front of the convenience store.

The convenience store was on the first floor of the high-rise officetel building. The door was made of clear glass, so the inside was clearly visible.

Theres only one zombie inside, Brother?

Theres a warehouse door there. She said shes inside the warehouse.


As the trio entered the convenience store, the bell on the door rang.

At the same time, the zombie inside the convenience store reacted and charged.


Sangcheol, take care of it.



When Park Sangcheol swung his enhanced right fist, the zombies head exploded in one shot.

The three stood in front of the convenience stores warehouse.

Thump. Thump.

Choi Cheolnam tried to open the warehouse door, but it was locked from the inside.

Ms. Baek Seona are you there?

Knock, knock, knock.

He knocked on the door and called out, but there was no response.

Ms. Baek Seona we came to rescue you at your brothers request there are many people at the shelter here. Well take you there!

Should I try breaking the door down, Brother?

Engulfed in an odd silence, Choi Cheolnam began to have a bad premonition.

At that moment, a loud noise came from outside.

It was a chorus of a large group of zombies.






Choi Cheolnam, who was grimacing, quickly responded.

Its a trap! Theyve brought zombies and set them on us! Go and lock the convenience store door!


Yes, Brother!

Damn it, damn it, damn it! I had a feeling there were more zombies than usual on the way here!

Park Sangcheol and Lee Dongyeop rushed to the convenience store door and locked the mechanism at the top.

From their experience so far, zombies rapidly charged when they saw a living human, but they could not think to remove obstacles in their way.

Even though it was a fragile glass door, it should buy them some time.

Choi Cheolnam thought so.

However, reality did not flow as Choi Cheolnam thought.

One of the leading zombies ran straight into the convenience stores glass door, shattering it.



The nimble-moving zombie, uncharacteristically so, took out a kitchen knife from behind his waist and stabbed Lee Dongyeop in the neck.

Lee Dongyeop, who was off guard and did not anticipate the zombie breaking the door, was helpless.

As the blade plunged deep into his carotid artery and was pulled out, blood began to pour out like a fountain.

Ugh, ugh gurgle



Lee Dongyeop collapsed, clutching his gushing neck.

Thus, in this critical situation, the shield ability user who could protect them had disappeared.

Choi Cheolnam screamed.

That bastard is not a zombie! Get him!!

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