Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 254: Enthusiasm

Chapter 254: Enthusiasm

Kazuya wasn’t the least bit surprised to learn that Gin Ichimaru had been seeking him out. Leveraging every possible advantage was very much Gin’s method of handling important business. And through his battle against Sōsuke Aizen, Kazuya had more than proven his immense potential usefulness to the sly snake.

Kazuya wasn’t surprised about Gin seeking him out. Using every card at hand was very much Gin’s way of handling business. Through his battle with Aizen, Kazuya had shown the potential to be of use to Gin.

“Why would Gin betray Aizen now? Is it because Aizen without Shikai isn’t a worthy leader in Gin’s eyes, and he wants to get rid of Aizen?”

While Kazuya found Gin’s proposal to be sensible given the situation, Unohana seemed utterly baffled by this abrupt shift in Gin’s apparent loyalties. But her confusion was understandable — after all, she had always viewed Gin as being Aizen’s closest accomplice and confidant, even more so than the blindly devoted Kaname Tōsen.

For a brief moment, Kazuya considered sharing what he knew of Gin’s rather tragic origin story, to help Unohana grasp his true motivations... but he quickly dismissed the notion. There was simply nothing to gain by making her sympathetic towards Gin Ichimaru.

“Gin probably wasn’t on Aizen’s side from the beginning,” Kazuya said. “Or it could be the other way around. Their relationship is irrelevant for us. What we should focus on is Gin’s promise of isolating Aizen in Hueco Mundo.”

Although he trusted Unohana’s skills, she was from the most optimal choice for the task she volunteered for. Gin, on the other hand, would have a much easier time convincing Aizen to leave the Soul Society.

“One moment, Kazuya,” Unohana said, holding up a hand. To his surprise, she pivoted on the couch to sit in the traditional seiza position, as if preparing for a formal tea ceremony. Clearly, she wasn’t comfortable sitting on the couch in her uniform. “We don’t need Ichimaru’s help. The plan I had is full-proof.”

The confidence in her voice piqued his interest.

“Well, care to share your game plan?”

Unohana put a finger on her lips. “The threat of Arrancars is still fresh on everyone’s minds. Captain Commander will initiate an assignment to assess the Arrancars forces in Hueco Mundo, as it’ll prevent invasions in the future.”

Kazuya leaned forward, listening intently. “And...?”

“Let me finish,” Unohana chided with a solemn expression. “At the discussion for the mission, I’ll pitch Captain Kyōraku and Aizen as the main leaders for the assignment, with Isane and you providing support. If I were in Aizen’s shoes, I’d jump at the opportunity to get rid of a Captain as well as the most unpredictable variable in the Soul Society — you.”

{For a battle-maniac, she sure has good intellect. The saying about wisdom coming with age wasn’t wrong after all.}

Kazuya shook his head. “We can’t rely on your plan.”

He could see a flaw in her plan — a hole greater than the biggest Hollow hole in any Hollow.

Unohana frowned skeptically, looking mildly discontent about his quick dismissal. “Why?”

“Aizen’s ego won’t be satisfied without everyone acknowledging his superiority, that he was right in his pursuit to overthrow the Soul King. He won’t get that if the captains aren’t around. Only their submission and recognition will satisfy him. After all, he doesn’t just want to rule... he wants to be worshiped as a God.”

A stunned silence fell over the room as Kazuya finished his blunt assessment of Aizen’s sinister worldview. He could see the surprise flickering across the faces of his beloved Arrancar family.

Unohana fell silent as well, contemplating the implications of what he had said.

On the other side, Mila Rose scrunched her nose. “Aizen reminds me of Barragan. It’s typical of every person with a god complex.”

Staying with Sung-Sun all the time had its perks — for one it greatly broadened her horizons as Sung-Sun had a habit of spouting things from books, and even stranger habit of explaining the strangest concepts.

“It truly does,” Sung-Sun chimed in, showing rare support for Mila Rose. “Husband, be careful when you fight him. ‘The person who has nothing to lose is the most dangerous person on earth.’ I read that in a book yesterday!”

Sung-Sun had seen Hollows becoming fiercer at death’s door. Fathoming the craziness of an unrestrained egomaniac was hard even for someone as knowledgeable as her.

“He who fights for others can be just as formidable,” Harribel whispered with a thoughtful look. “In my eyes, Kazuya’s true strength lies in protecting others...”

“Otouto-kun will not lose!” Izumi said in her most cheerful voice, her bright smile rivaling the radiance of a sun. “Our love will empower him to kill even the gods!”

Coming out of the shadows of her ‘Quincy duties’ did wonders for Izumi. She had become more cheerful and less moody.

Mila Rose pumped her fist, swept by everyone’s enthusiasm. “Hell yeah! Kazuya, hunt your enemies and devour them!”

Apacci couldn’t help but laugh. First Barragan and then Aizen — her lover seemed to have a thing for provoking men with a god complex. Smiling, she said, “Silly goose will kill this guy too, just the way he annihilated Barragan.”

Their immense trust put pressure on Kazuya — the pressure to go to any length to protect their smiles. Right now, he felt confident enough to take on the whole world and come out on top.

{I like their confidence, but jeez they are jinxing the hell out of us.}

Unohana turned to him, regarding him with an assessing look. “It’s a welcome surprise to see them having this level of trust in you.”

“I’m quite lucky to have them.”

She nodded slowly, then tilted her head, her eyes flashing with a fresh resolve. “Kazuya, I’ll double or triple the intensity of our training tomorrow. You must do everything to never let them down.”

He let out a dry chuckle. “Yeah, I’m down.”

Unohana let out a hum of acknowledgement, finding his confidence to face her quite charming. “Since my plan is a little flawed, I’ll let you seek Gin’s assistance… just be careful with him.”

She showed no faith in Gin — a reasonable reaction after Aizen’s epic performance had her fooled for over a century.

He leaned closer to her ears. “Is that worry I sense in your voice?”

“The future of the Soul Society rests on your shoulders… which includes the safety of Isane. I will not let you fail.”

She prioritized Isane’s safety above everyone — above her own.

Kazuya looked at Harribel. “Did Gin give any way to contact him?”

“There is no need. Gin will come to the same spot as yesterday,” Harribel paused and glanced at the ticking clock on the wall. “In two hours.”

“Where is that?”

“The bridge.”

“Oh, our favorite spot.”

A tiny smile graced Harribel's lips, which went away in a blink. “It’ll be better for you to change into your other form before meeting him. I’ll accompany you.”


{Sheesh, Partner. Keep your charm in check, or Gin might end up falling for you like Aizen…} Nami hummed. {Beating two of the most powerful Shinigami by genderbending…. that's one heck of a twist.}

‘Yeah, no. I’d rather not.’

As if sensing his inner turmoil, Harribel shifted beside him and clasped his hand in both of her own. Her skin was warm and pleasant against his. “If it’s any consolation, Kazuya... once Aizen is defeated, you’ll never have to assume that form again.”

In any other case, she’d be the first to protest against killing someone, but she had judged Aizen as beyond redemption. Someone who deserved no mercy or compassion from anyone.

Kazuya sighed and nodded, raising her hands to his lips to plant a kiss across her knuckles. “I know, Tier. I know.”

Harribel’s eyes softened. “You have two hours. Can you spend it with everyone?”

“Hmmm. Retsu, I’ll be back in two minutes.”

Taking Harribel’s hand, he left the room, leaving Unohana alone with his family, who were all a bunch of strangers to Unohana.

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