Black Market Merchant

Chapter 164: Underway

Chapter 164: Underway

Everything is ready to go. Xander reported to Martinez.

Xander, Rodney, Ernest and Hugo were all coming into the bosss bank office together. Martinez was mulling over some papers and happily tossed them onto the desk seeing the four lieutenants coming in. The sun was setting towards the front of the bank, causing the rocky desert landscape behind the bosss desk to glow a miraculous orange-tan.

Xander continued, All the ammo, supplies and plans are organized for the morning.

The gang is armed and ready. Most of them are even eager to go. Hugo added. We even have plenty of gas to light the Skulls docks and base on fire with. That pile of logs will burn like a bonfire in summer.

Perfect. I assume you can all march immediately? Martinez asked.

At your word. Rodney answered.

Well then, go at first light! Martinez said giving a shoeing motion with his hands. Then turning back to his desk, he gave out his commands. Ernest, you will go by boat and draw their attention by striking first, make the situation for them as dire as possible and there is no need for discretion either.

Understood, you want as many of them coming at me and I relish the opportunity. Ernest answered giving a confident grin from under his hoodie.

Hugo. Martinez continued. You are to lead the larger force to burn the docks as soon as you see at least three Hands show up or it becomes clear Ernests forces are going to be repelled. Then encircle the docks from behind and burn the docks, with every Skull member on them too. Oh, and Ernest, make sure your forces keep their boats from leaving the docks too, once the flames are lit. We have no need to keep any of their boats, so sink them. Just dont block up the river if you can help it. Hugo, keep anyone trying to put out the flames out and any late coming Skull forces need to be attacked on sight. The overall goal there is to kill as many as we can.

Got it. Hugo answered.

Satisfied, Martinez looked at the other two. Rodney, you and some scouts are going to go first and sniff out the Skull base for any secret exits or anything that could be an issue. I dont want Hugos forces to get overwhelmed before the docks burn down enough. You can leave right now. Just join up with Xander once you see the smoke rising and report anything unusual.

Sure-thing boss. Rodney replied tipping his cowboy hat and leaving the glass walled office.

Now Xander, I know attacking isnt exactly your forte, but I know you have the patience to carry out the main bases assault. Martinez said while picking up a blue colored paper from a tall plie on the desk. Here is the best map we have of the Skull base. It used to be a mall and we have most of the blueprints here. Assuming they havent altered the insides too much, you need to get in there, light the place on fire at these specified locations and draw out whoever is left guarding the place. With any luck the Head, Undertaker, will still be there. I will be waiting with my special team to take him on myself outside the main entrance.

Martinez had a special team comprised of a select number of Match Fighters, gangsters and outside hired mercenaries affiliated with the Hunters Clan. The lieutenants themselves didnt know fully who this team was comprised of. Each time they had seen them, the team was almost always comprised of a different set of people. This team, no matter who they were, was dangerous and mysterious as they all wore blank white masks to hide their identitys, save for Martinez. He always had his face exposed as he led them.

I understand. I will move quickly as I can. Dealing with the bases special guards should be most entertaining. Xander answered. I have been surveying the main entrance with my cameras for some time now and though skilled, our gang can handle them for a simple infiltration job.

Sounds good. Martinez said walking lengthwise across the room towards a separate table that had on it a special glass weapons display. It has been too long since my Heart-render has tasted blood.

Martinez grabbed the leather rapped handle of his eighty-centimeter bludgeoning weapon. It was the Aztecs most well-known weapon, the Macuahuitl. The Macuahuitl wasnt a sword, stick, or club as it was not a solid forged weapon like a sword blade might be. The ornately carved and vibrant colored wooden centered weapon totted the traditional designs his ancestors used. The Macuahuitl was a short wooden staff similar in shape of that to a cricket bat but with multiple sharp edges of obsidian colored tungsten fused into the woods edges. The faux black obsidian glinted dangerously in the natural, falling sunlight as he carried it proudly on his shoulder.

With a blood thirsty glair, Martinez laughed, Lets get ready have some fun gentlemen!

Come on, put your back into it! Terry ordered.

Were doing the best we can boss. One of the two rowers complained.

Ya, this skiff might as well be a log than a boat. The other rower added.

Terrys group hadnt been able to find any barges to bord. All, save for Olivias barges working for the ERM, had not yet returned to the eastern shore. They were lucky enough to find this old skiff beached between two large boulders. They were also lucky that every one of them could just barely fit into it, though the skiffs railing was uncomfortably close to the waters surface. At this point they were halfway across and the current was pulling them further south.

Well, its better than swimming. So shut up and row. Terry replied indifferently.

Suddenly, he felt a familiar, unwanted feeling by his feet. Looking down and lifting one foot, he let out moan, Scratch that guys! Row faster or we all are going to have to swim the rest of the way. The skiff taking on water somewhere.

Immediately everyone looked down at their feet and saw a few centimeters of murky brown water sloshing about. Without a word two other gangsters grabbed the ends of oars and started rowing with the other two rowers.

Hurry up! I cant swim and I dont want to learn anytime soon! One of them shouted.

Minutes later the boat sunk. Water poured over the railings and the boats back end started to submerge at an alarming speed. At first most of them started to panic until one man jumped overboard. Unexpectedly, when he landed, the water reached only up to his knees. Then as if to further prove how shallow it was the boat ran aground on a pile of river smoothed rocks, masked as a sandbar.

Good job there, boys. Terry laughed. The looks on some of your faces was priceless. Grown men, afraid of getting a bit wet!

Once everyone had gotten out of the boat and finished climbing up the steep, rocky embankment they found themselves nearer to the middle of the town. Though wet and grumpy they had no choice but to turn to Terry as they had no clue where to go.

Well, where too now boss? Stan asked. We havent the slightest clue where the Mad Dogs base is at.

That wont be a problem. Terry answered as he pushed his way to the front of the group. All we got to do is wander around until we see some rough looking guys then ask them. The Mad Dogs got lots of members and I bet they will be part of the gang. Just let me do the talking.

The sun was just one fingers width away from the mountains peek, so they didnt have much time left. After nearly an hour of wandering the streets and asking random people where the Mad Dogs were, they finally found a gang member. The only problem was it wasnt lucky for them. This particular Mad Dog was a lieutenant, Xander. Xander knew exactly who they were on sight and he had his guards, all twenty of them, with him.

Well, well, well. What is going on here? Xander called out to them as the Black Rats were crossing the intersection in front of him. There seems to be a whole bunch of rats in my town! Then with a flick of his wrist, signaled to his guards. Immediately every one of them pulled a gun out at the Black Rats.

Hold your fire! Terry shouted throwing his hands sky high. Every one of the other Black Rats did likewise as Terry. Some even dropped their weapons to the ground entirely. We arent here to fight or cause trouble!

Oh? Is that so? Xanders seductively scratchy voice droned out. Then please tell me what is going on or Ill have to turn you all into Swiss cheese. Wouldnt that be poetic, turning rats into cheese?

Im sure you have heard by now that the Black Rats have been beaten by the ERM? Terry said taking a hesitant step forward.

Xander eyed him suspiciously and nodded.

Terry swallowed and continued, Well I am a former lieutenant of the Black Rats, Terry. The Black Rats just officially split today and are no more. We are here to join the Mad Dogs.

Hmm? Join us and why would you do that? Xander asked.

There is no where left for us fighting for scraps over there. Fighting for scraps with the ERM is pointless. They will be out of food in weeks or maybe less. It would be smarter for us to start over and join the gang that is clearly going to be the last one in the town. Terry replied.

That makes sense. Xander answered lowering his hand. The guards with him lowered their weapons but kept them ready. Now explain to me, why should I let deserters join us?

We are not deserters. Terry scoffed. Like I said, the Black Rats have split up. The rest followed with the other last lieutenant from our gang, Dianna, and went to join the Skull. We refuse to join those freaks!

That didnt answer my question. Xander replied raising his hand again. The guards started to raise their guns in turn.

Wait, wait! Terry shouted and Xander stopped raising his hand. We can offer not only our services, but information as well.

Information you say? Xander said as a smile parted his lips. What kind of information?

Terry had to play it smart. If this guy really was a Mad Dog, he needed to be sure that their position would be secure before giving up what little he knew up. Take us to see Martinez. He is the only one I know thats for sure a Mad Dog. Ive never seen you before and dont feel like dying in the streets.

Ah, a smart man. Never give up what you know without leverage. Xander answered. Then pointing upwards with his pointer finger and spinning it around in a circular motion, signaled to the guards who then immediately surrounded the Black Rats with guns aimed menacingly.

W-what are you doing? Terry asked nervously.

Just being cautious. Xander replied calmly. Drop all your weapons right now and get ready to be searched. Ill play along with you for now. However, dont expect your, hmm, entry into the Mad Dogs to be an easy one if the Boss agrees to take you in. I have something in mind for you lot.

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