Black Market Merchant

Chapter 157: Tom

Chapter 157: Tom

"You want to hire me? To be your temporary repairman?" Tom asked a bit taken back. "I'm just a kid, why would you want me to work on something so important as your personal prosthetic's?"

"Because I see potential. Not many kids are interested in working with technology, much less knowing how to repair delicate equipment." Lisa said while finishing up closing her exposed forearm.

"I'm not sure" Tom said hesitantly thinking it over. "I don't know what grandfather would say about this either. I need to help him around here and any boats that need their system's repaired too. I just can't leave with you."

"Ha-ha, you won't need to go anywhere." Lisa said smiling. "You just need to be willing to come fix me up when I need you too. Or if there is something else technical, I need your help with.

Tom scratched the back of his head roughly in thought. The offer was decent but knowing that she was a Match Fighter also made it potentially dangerous for him. He had heard from traveling merchants that a Fighters team members occasionally ended up being targeted by rivals to get them to forfeit.

Lisa could see the uncertainty written all over the young teens face. "Tell you what, you won't be an official member. How about I pay you by the job? Like a handyman."

Tom looked up at the tall woman smiling confidently down at him. He couldnt help but wonder, "Why is she so persistent? Am I really that good?"

"If you can't decide than that's just fine." Lisa said getting up from the short stool. "I can always come back later for a proper answer. I am sure you want to talk it out with you grandfather."

Lisa then got down on one knee and opened her coffin again. "Let's see, I think this will be enough to pay for both the repair and hush money." Lisa stood up and extended her arm out to Tom. In her hand was a rolled wad of cash.

Tom took it carefully and took off the rubber band to count it with unbelieving hands. Both the offer and now this mass of money made him speechless. In the meantime, Lisa put back the black egg device and locked up the coffin, before putting it back on to go.

"There is two hundred dollars in here?!" Tom said with a shocked voice.

"Yep, one hundred for the repair and fifty for you and your grandfather. That should be more than enough, right?" Lisa asked in a convincing tone.

"Y-ya!" Tom said looking down in awe at the large sum in his hands.

"Good. I'll see you soon sometime." Lisa said turning to go to the door. She knocked once before leaving and opened it inwardly. The old man Ulster was just then turning around to see what the knock was about.

"Ah, miss. I take it that everything was taken care of? That was rather quick." The old man said scooting to one side of step.

"That's because he did a good job." Lisa replied stepping past him and onto the rickety dockside. "He probably needs to talk with you and your pay is with him as well."

"That's great to hear. I hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon." The old man replied grinning.

"You as well." Lisa replied giving a small wave before turning to go.

Lisa walked slowly back down the dock towards the dam in thought. "So now what to do? I can't technically get into any MFA fights, so I got more time to work on the dam now. I need Mr. Sellers to hurry up and get my supplies so I can fix everything up. I guess I could also go check out what those sketchy guys were up to and what they are storing. Or perhaps stake them out later and just help my volunteers finish checking out the units."

Then Lisa rubbed her eyes with her thumb and forefinger in realization. "Ugh, then there is the whole thing with Hanna. I still don't understand what's going on with those odd things that's happened to her with the Mech. Not to mention we practically have no food left and I need to stock up. So much random stuff to do"

Lisa continued walking in silence towards the dam. The sounds of the gentle river waves lapping the rocks and dock pilings was soothing to her. In the distance the muffled noise of workers unloading and loading ships could also be heard. The afternoon sun was warm on her cheeks and a light breeze was blowing off the river making the whole experience feel nice.

"Ah, I guess I could try and take this afternoon off." Lisa murmured aloud to herself. "It feels like all I have done is run around here with not much of a goal in mind."

She was just now a few meters away from where her turn was to go towards the dam while just across from this turn there was a barge that was just now preparing to dock. Walking onwards, Lisa watched absentmindedly as two crew mates hoped overboard onto the dock. They each had a mooring line with a bowline tied on each end. Taking these lines, they expertly tossed them onto the bollard nearest to them, then headed on towards the next bollard while other crewmen still onboard threw more lines to them.

Lisa was impressed by the river men's skill in quickly securing the boat. They clearly were well accustomed to their job. Getting closer, Lisa couldn't help but overhear the conversations that were coming from the barge.

"Come on get the gangway pulled out already." An annoyed female voice called out. "I don't want have to stay in this crap hole town longer than we need to."

"Aye Captain." A man with a deep southern accent replied.

The woman continued speaking as the gangway was lowered and rapidly tied down. "I want to hurry up and find out more about that woman and get back to work right away. The longer those dirty people in the other side of the river take, the longer we got to smell them."

The gangway was now secure, and the female captain stomped heavily across it. She was dressed in a long brown coat that was only draped across her shoulders and under the coat was a plain buttoned white collared shirt. Here long dark tan pants and matching shin high boots made her overall appearance look very much like a boat captain might. It looked like she and Lisa were about to cross paths when what the captain said next caught Lisa's attention.

"What was that woman's name again, Herman? The one working on the dam?" She asked the tall slender man following behind her.

"I recall it was Lisa." Herman answered while pushing the brim of his truckers hat up.

"Right, Lisa." The female captain replied stepping onto the dock. "Let's find her and ask those questions and get back across the river."

Just as the womans second foot stepped on the dock, the plank had a weak spot and her heel fell through. Unable to react quick enough the female captain fell forward with her arms out to catch herself. However, she never landed.

A pair of strong arms had caught her. Lisa easily stood the woman upright and placed her onto the deck safely away from the rotted plank.

"Thank you!" The female captain sighed in relief. "At least someone around here can do something right. If only this place wasn't a dump!"

"Uh, you are welcome, I guess." Lisa replied. "Now what do you want to ask me?"

"Ask you?" The female captain replied in a huff brushing back her curly brown hair. "I wasn't going to ask you anything. Are you alright in the head?"

Then she noticed how much taller the woman that caught her was and took a nervous step away. Seeing this Lisa let out a small chuckle.

"I am perfectly sane. It's just you were going to ask Lisa something, right?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, what of it?" The woman asked as Herman joined her on the dock.

"Well, you can save your searching, because I am Lisa." Lisa said pointing at herself.

"Uh? You are joking with me, right?" The woman asked completely unconvinced.

"I am not." Lisa replied holding back a bit of laughter. "Ask me what you know about Lisa and I'll prove myself."

"Fine, what is Lisa working on and what is the name of my boss of whom she is affiliated with." The woman replied crossing her arms and giving an exaggerated expression.

"I am working on getting the dam running to produce electricity. As for who your boss might be, well, it must be Mr. Cline. He's the only merchant that I have worked with that runs a large shipping company that can employ a crew and boat your size." Lisa replied right away.

"Well, I guess it is you." The woman replied reaching a handout for a shake. "My apologies, Miss Lisa. I didn't expect to actually find you so fast or in this way. My name is Olivia Green, Assistant North Regional Tradesman for River to Gulf Shipping Co. I know thats a mouth full, so just call me Olivia."

"No worries, I would have also been suspicious myself." Lisa replied grinning and taking Olivia's hand. "Now what can I do for you, Olivia? I assume you just came to ask me something important."

"More or less." Olivia replied giving a shrug. "I just came from the ERM, they are going to be taking forever to load my other barges and upon hearing that you are going to be getting electricity working again, I had to find out more to pass the time. I also heard you have other merchants willing to invest here as well."

"Well, for starters, getting power back to the people is my first priority." Lisa replied. "As for those merchants, yes at least three will be looking into adding their business to these parts if I am successful."

"Do you trade in anything?" Olivia asked abruptly, as if Lisa answered her question but wanted to speed things up.

"Uh, not yet. However, I might have something to trade with later on." Lisa replied a bit taken back by her abruptness. "I will potentially have some storage units of merchandise to sell to someone. If I get it, will you be interested in looking at it?"

"Perhaps." Olivia answered pragmatically. "Show me and if I can resell it, I'll buy it. I dont let much pass me up and I am always willing to trade. I didnt get my position by sitting around."

"Very well. I'll cross the river with a sample and find you." Lisa answered. "Can I ask why you were going to ask me all this?"

"Simple, I was forced to work here and those poor ERM folks aren't going to be making my company much money. So, I want to expand the potential earnings from these excursions to this dead-end town. You sounded like a capable woman that is willing to work." Olivia said matter-of-factly.

"Sounds reasonable. I too want to earn money, so I'll do what I can. I'll also make you change your mind about the ERM. Eventually they will be making quite the profit from their efforts." Lisa said while rubbing her hands together as if to show off her insight.

"Pfft, those half-starved people aren't going to make a dime off of crap sheet metal. They will need to do a lot better than that to impress me." Olivia replied rolling her eyes. "Well anyways, I will talk with you later then, Miss Lisa."

Then turning around promptly Olivias long coat fluttered following after her as she went to get on the barge. "Come on Herman, it stinks even more over on this side. Must be the wind blowing this way."

Lisa too turned to leave and chuckle to herself. "What an odd random encounter. She seems like quite the charmer. Well now I know what to do next, raid those storage units!"

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