Black Market Merchant

Chapter 155: Northbound

Chapter 155: Northbound

"For the Skull!"

Alan could faintly hear his victory cry being echoed back by his men through the thick Pit's glass and it was made even more muffled by the cheers of excitement coming from the Sun People. Yet he heard them all the same and patted his tattooed torso proudly. The pride of his compatriots was short lived, however. A sudden rattle of chains sounded out from his left and looking that way he saw a gate was opening.

Taking one last look at the monstrosity he had just killed; Alan shook his head amazed. While walking briskly too the exit, he mused to himself, "Was that Twisted really all that much of a threat? Sure, it had formidable power and speed, but its weak points were so obvious. The Skull can handle them easily on our own without these crazy peoples help."

Picking up his shirt and shaking off the gritty sand he was glad that this was all over. He then walked through the gate and took one last look at the oozing Twisted laying in the sand. "Do we need that person of prophecy?"

"Well done. You did better than I expected." Garth said coming towards him down the carved canyon rock tunnel.

Behind him were Alan's giddy subordinates. They quickly gathered around him and started patting him heavily on his back. Alan tried to brush them off, as it was a bit embarrassing, but the kept on their congratulations.

"Ahem!" Garth coughed loudly. "I don't think we should be wasting time. We need to hear what the Shaman have to say. Follow me."

"Get off me. My arm is still injured" Alan said pushing one man off him. The rest of the men back off, still smiling and followed after Garth as Alan continued, "Come on guys, its not like I did that much. Let's get the rest of this meeting out of the way. I feel like if we stay here any longer, they'll make me do something else ridiculous. Besides, being underground so much today has been making me sick."

"We hear you, boss." Sharp Tooth said hardily. "Those Sun People should have gotten the message and be willing to fight with us."

By now many of the Sun People were also starting to leave the Pit too. The tunnel was starting to get cramped as so many people were leaving at once further adding to the difficulty of keeping up with the speedy Garth. The group had to hurry at almost a jog as they followed Garth back out of the tunnel and back into the warm, waning sunlight.

The sun was getting low now and evening colors were painting the landscape beautifully. The tan stony earth had begun to glow gold as sandstone formations atop the surrounding cliffs drew cookie cutter shadows out of the sunlight. The deep blue sky was streaked with flaming orange clouds, while the yellow sun sunk ever lower behind them to only enrich the colors. Opposite of the failing sun, a half-moon had already risen high above the rim of the eastern river cliff and its silver body glowed brightly. If not for the urgency of their meeting, Alan would have wanted to gaze longer at this sight.

The Shaman were waiting on the other side of the river, meaning they had to cross the wooden bridge once again. Most of the people leaving the tunnels from the Pit were also joining them as they crossed. Alan and the rest of the men were nervously holding onto the two hand-width thick railing rope as the rush of people joined them. It didn't seem like the bridge would be able to hold so many people and might break at any time.

Garth laughed looking at the scared outsiders. "Relax! The bridge was designed to sway and hold more weight than this. It gets inspected weekly by our best people."

"That's still not comforting." Sharp Tooth griped.

By chance Alan looked down between the wood beams and blinked twice to be sure he saw things correctly. Expecting there to be only darkness to be below, Alan was amazed to see that there were glowing jewels below him. Looking this time over the railing, Alan saw that the riverbanks were lined with thousands of torches and zigzagging lines of fire traveled up the cliff sides marking the pathways to the top. River boat lights dazzled the waters wind wrinkled surface as they traveled up and down this inky surface. The cliffs looked to be a live with all the activities still going on in the deepening darkness below. A light cooling breeze wafted by his head and he had to pull back his bangs to keep looking.

"Come on Speaker, you don't want to get left behind." Ashen One said tapping his shoulder. He and Wind Talker were bringing up the rear of the group.

"I'm coming." Alan replied looking away from the unique sight.

This time, however, they didn't have to go back into the cave. The Shaman were already waiting for them at the entrance to the cave sitting on river reed woven mats. A sizable gathering of outlandishly dressed Sun People had also gathered with them. Alan took note that there were peoples of all nationalities that seemed to call themselves Sun People and that all were dressed equally as crazy as the next.

Alan scanned over them carefully but failed to see any of those mysterious animal masked figures that guarded the Shaman. However, he suspected that he could feel that they were watching him closely.

"Well, it seems that you are capable after all, Speaker." The center Shaman croaked as the Skull group arrived in front of them. "We will agree to help you after all."

"However," the left Shaman interrupted. "Only those that wish to volunteer will be going. We will not force anyone to go."

"Why are these guys so stingy?" Sharp Tooth murmured behind Alan.

"That is understandable." Alan replied to the three ancient men while ignoring Sharp Tooth's comment. "After all I am unsure as to what will be provided as compensation anyway. Both Lady Cassandra and the Head failed to tell me this detail."

He then looked at Wind Talker and Ashen One, just in case they knew the answer. They both simply shook their heads 'no'. Alan sighed and guessed in his mind that the Sun People wouldnt aid them for free and he was probably going to make something up to offer them. Whatever that might end up being, he was going to put all the pressure to fulfill that payment on the Undertaker as a light revenge for making him go to such lengths to make this deal.

"That's nothing to be concerned about." The right Shaman replied waving at a moth that fluttered too close to his face. "We will take all the skins, bones, and organs from the Twisted we kill. They are more valuable to us than the money that you could sell them for."

"Twisted bodies are valuable?" Alan asked curiously. Though now he was disappointed he could do his revenge plan.

"To the outsiders the Twisted have been used for experiments, creating Inducements and in medical studies. However, we know that all that is in vain. The mutated minions of the Darkness can only bring about evil and not be used as a cure to what ails mankind." The center Shaman explained. "In fact, your Inducement is derived from a Twisted, Speaker."

Alan felt a lump form in his throat as he thought in wonder. "How did he guess that? I said nothing about having an Inducement. Only I and the two doctors in Moab City that did my procedure, know about the Inducements details. These mystical types are just too odd for my liking."

"But enough about that." The center Shaman continued. "Are there any present that wish to go to the aid of the Skull? Someone must lead our side along the way."

There was a moment of silence as no one immediately answered. Flames flickered in the dying wind and the sounds of distant workers was all that could be heard. It wasn't looking like anyone was interested in fighting.

"Really? No one wants to fight the Twisted?" Alan said sharply, breaking the silence. "I thought you guys reveled in killing those creatures. Perhaps all the rumors I heard were just that?"

Pressing his Bison skull tighter onto his head, Garth stepped forward. "I will lead the Sun People. Hearing this outsider speak ill of us is not right. Besides doing nothing but patrols is getting old. There hasn't been any Twisted nearby lately anyway. Unless there is another that wishes to lead, we will meet at dock twelve by morning."

There was no reply from the surrounding Sun People, only indiscriminate murmurs and annoyed stares directed at Alan. It seemed that his comments hadn't gone over to well. Rather than stoke up their desire to fight, it might have driven them away.

"Well then, Speaker, it seems that we have come to the end of our discussion of the matter." The left Shaman said clapping a hand on his knotted knee. "You all must be gone by midday tomorrow. Outsiders are never going to stay here longer than two days as is our custom, apart from the sick and injured."

Then all three Shaman in unison gave a modest salute with a fist pressed into the open vertical hand of the other.

"We now bid you all farewell." The right Shaman said.

"May the Sun warm you journey." The left Shaman added.

Alan was about to give a similar farewell in reply but stopped seeing the center Shaman was looking at him intently. Alan was frozen by what was said next.

With a strange knowing twinkle in his eye he said, "No matter how far and high you fly away, be sure to always protect the Chosen One. You are in for a long journey."

Alan and the other members of the Skull had a rather sleepless night. Garth had them sleep in a cave carved out near dock twelve. The cave had not been accommodated with any bedding or item to rest on. They were forced to sleep on the sandy ground again, just like the rest of their journey.

When the morning light started to illuminate the depths of the canyon, the sound of workers at the docks had woken them up long before. Dock workers anywhere in the world always worked the most outlandish hours, and it was always an inconvenience to others, but the jobs must get done.

Coming groggily out from the cave, Alan rubbed his eyes and headed for the riverside. He splashed some of its murky water onto his face to wake up. Standing up, he nearly jumped out of his skin! Garth was standing right next to him.

"Were did you come from?" Alan growled.

"I just got here." Garth replied nonchalantly. Then he pointed behind Alan with his long metal spear. "Get the others, we are leaving soon."

"Alright. It is going to be such a pain walking along the river again. I was hoping we could have slept better." Alan replied turning around to go back.

"Oh, we are not walking." Garth replied sounding amused.

"How are we getting back then?" Alan said turning around with a questioningly look.

"I told everyone to meet up at dock twelve for a reason." Garth said giving a light grin. "We will be taking one of the Sun People's barges back. At best we can be there in less than two days."

"Seriously!" Alan replied perking up. "If we're taking a barge, how many people volunteered to come?"

Garth scratched his chin. "Hmm, I want to say two hundred and fifty or more."

"Two hundred and fifty!" Alan repeated unable to believe his ears.

This was far more than he ever anticipated. When he got back to the Damn, the rest of the Skull was in for a big surprise! Everyone was surely going to stop calling him Oath Breaker now. He couldn't wait to show off his success now. If what the Sun Peoples reputation was equal to their actual skills, the Twisted were going be in for quite the surprise.

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