Believe It Or Not, I Already Caught You

Chapter 11

Become Fairer La

Imperial Capital Universitys military training was arranged in a military camp in the western suburb of the Imperial Capital. It concludes on National Day. During this period, no matter whether you were from the city or country, the top student or scum, a man or woman, you stillhave toparticipate and only then can you return to school.

But obviously Chen Yu was an exception. After all, the physical strength required to catch ghosts wasnt what ordinary people had. As for the natural enemy of women, Chen Yu totally didnt care as the sun of the imperial capital was much gentler than that ofQingmuProvince.

But in order to not be estranged, Chen Yu still followed her roommates whitening skin care routine and used a face mask every night. During the day, even if she forgets to wear sunscreen, several of her other roommates would apply it for her. So more than half a month later, under the diligent supervision of the three roommates, our dark classmateXishiturned fairer!

Oh, my God, we spend so much time in the sun every day. And you still turn fairerXishi! FangFeifeistared at Chen Yu incredulously.

I didntnoticebefore. Han You reached out and touched Chen Yus smoothand tenderface.AlthoughXishiwas dark, her skin is smooth and tender.

ZhangMuwanturned over Chen Yus skin care products: The mask you used doesnt seem to be a common brand on the market. Where can I buy it?

My mother gave me agiftcard atabeauty center, and they gave me this mask. Chen Yu explained.

Which beauty centerah? Why is the potency of this mask so good? ZhangMuwanconcluded that the mystery of Chen Yus whitening was due to this mask.

I dont remember but Ill show you after military training. Chen Yu picked up a few masks and handed it out to them. Would you like to try them first?

Then we wont be polite. It was quite common for girls to share masks between themselves. The three people werent shy and were joyous when they took the mask, laying on their beds to sample it.

There are still a few days before military training is over, ah.Now I have a face mask on, and it hurts.I must be sunburned. Because of the mask, HanYousvoice was a little vague.

Soon, there will only bea week left, FangFeifeireplied.

Girls, lets hold on. ZhangMuwanlaid in bed, raised her right hand and clenched it into a fist to cheer them on.

Chen Yu listened to their conversation while chatting on her cellphone with Mother Chen. Mother Chen sent messagesevery dayto Chen Yu to ask about her situation and to also remind her to apply the face mask.

Chen Yu just respondedto Mother Chens message when thePenguinapp that was idle suddenly popped out with a message prompt. Chen Yu opened it doubtfully and found it was March Floating Rain.

March Floating Rain: Brother are you here?

I WantToFixRoad: ??

March Floating Rain: Brother, you are hereahahahah, where are you right now????

Chen Yu felt the other partys urgencyfrom their exaggerated tone full of energy thenreplied back: Im in the Imperial Capital.

March Floating Rain: Imperial Capital? Imperial Capital!! Have you come back after finishing things???

IWantToFix Road: Ive been in Imperial Capital and havent finished my things yet.

March Floating Rain: Brother, no, Deity, can you spare a night and go help this younger brother deal with the malevolent ghost first???

IWantToFix Road: Whats wrong?

March Floating Rain: Something unexpected happened. That malevolent ghost must be dealt with before midnight tomorrowah.

Tomorrownight? It was already very troublesome to sneak out of the barracks. Then to go catch ghosts in the middle of the night then rush back that same night for training the next day. ChenYu thought about it and felt this was too last minute. She was about to refuse it but saw the other side sent another message.

March Floating Rain: How about another200,000?

March Floating Rain: I know its not appropriate to change the time, butDeity, help this younger brother ah. I boastedin front of my grandfather.

Youboastinghas nothing to do with me but that extra 200,000cant be taken lightly ah. Chen Yu deleted her typed words and replied: Ill make time to go there tomorrow evening.

March Floating Rain: Thank you, thank you Deity. Can Deity get this done before midnight??

IWantToFix Road: Address.

March Floating Rain:XiaohanMountain in the northern suburbs.

Chen Yu checked the address and found thatit was quite far from here. If she was lucky enough to get a cab, she could arrive beforemidnight,but it was a little difficult to get it done before midnight.

But an hour and a half away, the other party shouldnt be aware of it. With a fluke mentality, Chen Yu struck down one word: Maybe.

En, maybe, it wasnt certain, and this wasnt a complete lie.

March Floating Rain: Great Deity, you have saved your little brothers life ah. If there is anything you need in the future, say it, your little brother will not hesitate to help.

IWantToFix Road:Are you trying to suck up to me?

March Floating Rain:Heheheyou noticed.

IWantToFix Road: I wont give a discount on friendship.

AfterChen Yu finished replying, she went offline and ignored him.

MarchFloating Rain sent a long series of ellipsis to express his feelings of being speechless.


InImperial Capital atan ancient Chinese-style buildingfacing the sea,a young man in a white T-shirt, March Floating Rain, who had just chatted with Chen Yu, walked out of the room with a joyous expression.

Liang Yu, whereare you going ah? A man in a suit who looked 27 or28 years old shouted to Liang Yu.

Just going out to take a look around. Liang Yu didnt intend to pay attention to the man. He casuallyreplied backthat he was going out, passed by the man andwas planning to leave.

Are you going to find a helper. The man sneered.

So what? Liang Yu stood in the corridor and looked at the man coldly.

Brother, Im doing this for you too. Its not very easy to deal with a century-old malevolent ghost. Dont boast about this and drag others down with you. The man blamed as if convinced that Liang Yu couldnt find a Heavenly Master to help deal with this malevolent ghost.

You dont have to worry about it, cousin. Liang Yu replied.

Liang Yu, although I dont like you very much, I dont want you to die. The man frowned. Its just awoodenpeach sword. Whats the use of holdingonto it?

Its useless for me to hold it but I wont give it to you. Liang Yu saw the mans face turned green then left the courtyard feeling refreshed.

Liang Yu is the legitimate son of the Liang family, but he is the weakest in this generation. After 20 years of hard work, he was barely able to help people through geomancy. In addition to decades of taking care of simple ghosts. He encountered some profound malevolent ghosts who have a high level of cultivation and was chased by them. The man who just stopped him was LiangGuang, Liang Yus older cousin and this generations genius of the Liang family.

Originally, itwas okay to be a little lower in terms of cultivation. After all, some people who have high accomplishments have low cultivation. However,Liang Yu had athousand-year-oldwooden peach sword in his hand. A top-gradeTaoistweaponfell into the hands of Liang Yu who was a good-for-nothing. The rest of the Liang family were naturally greedy. Although Liang Yus father obtain the wooden peach sword by chanceand left it to Liang Yu.

Half a month ago,OldManLiang asked LiangGuangtogo toXiaohanMountain in the northern suburbs to clean up. Liang Yu knew thatit wasOld ManLiangs friend, Master Mao, who specially ordered for that place to be cleared. It was said that there will be a very important person who will stay in that villa for a few days after a month and it needs to be 100% guaranteethat there wasnt a trace of evil energy left.

LiangGuangwent toXiaohanMountain but suddenly discovered that there was a century-old malevolent ghost. After fighting the malevolent ghost, LiangGuangcouldnt defeat it. When he returned, he said toOld Man Liang,That malevolent ghost is so powerful that he needs to borrow Liang Yus wooden peach sword.

Sayinghe wanted to borrow it, in fact, it was just an excuse to take it away. Its estimated that the old man also thoughtthat giving it to LiangGuangwould bethe best way to utilize the wooden peach sword.Buthow couldLiang Yube willing, hehated his cousin the most since he was a child.So,in order to keep the wooden peach sword, Liang Yu was so hot-headed that he said he could also get rid of the malevolent ghost.

Buthe didnt have thecapability.

At this time, he thought of the new Deity on the Internet, I WantToFix Road who was able to open the Underworld Gate. Then contacted him,1and finalized the matter of exorcism after a month. But unfortunately, the important person suddenly changed the appointment, indicating that he would be living there tomorrow night.

Liang Yu couldnt help it. He couldnt beat the malevolent ghost himself. He could only use the Internet and reach out to I WantToFix Road.Then he thought that if the Deity wasnt available, he would give LiangGuangthe wooden peach sword. After all, magical weapons werent as important as ones life.Fortunately, he had good fortune. The Deity was online and agreed.

So just now, he was able toenergeticallystand uptallin front of LiangGuang, his most hated person.


In theLoufamilys courtyard, Lou Ming, the important person, was on the phone with theHeadmasterof Imperial Capital University.

Yes, the time is fine. Lets make it Friday. Lou Ming nodded.

Im really sorry aboutthis that I suddenly changed the time. TheHeadmasterapologized, Its mainly because Ill be attending an academic conference in Country M next week. It will take me a month to return and I really dont want to miss out on your lecture.

Headmaster, youre too polite. Itsan honor for you to come listen to my lecture.Lou Ming said modestly.

Dont say that to me. I know your accomplishments. The Headmaster asked again, Is the lecture ready for tomorrow?

Lou Ming glanced at thelectureon the computer: Its almost done. Ill be done by tomorrow.

Okay, then I wont disturb you. You mustbe done with the lecturequickly. TheHeadmaster said and hung up the phone.

Lou Ming smiledandput his cellphone aside. He turned around and selected five or six reference books from the bookshelf behind him. He planned to take them to the villa atXiaohanMountain tomorrow.

Third young master. He Qi said. He changed shifts with his previousassistant,and they walked to the study together.

In order to avoid being affected by Lou Mings evil spirits, Minister Lou provided Lou Ming with seven assistants. Each of whom only worked one day a weekwhile they used their time off eliminating the evil spirits contagion.

Back? Lou Ming asked He Qi to send someone toQingmuProvince to find Chen Yus grandfather. The person they sentwasnt able tofind him, so He Qi went there personally a week ago.

Yes. Becausethis matter couldnt be discovered byMinister Lou, He Qi didnt come to make his report to Lou Ming untiltodays shift change. I personally went toDamuVillage. Its true that Wu Lao is no longer in the village.

No longer? Lou Ming wondered.Why does a man who has lived inDamuVillage for more than a decade suddenly disappear when weare looking for him?

The Village Head said, Wu Lao had long said he wanted to travel but because Chen Yu was still going to school, he wasnt at ease and waited. When Chen Yu leftDamuVillage, Wu Lao packed up and left within two days, but Ifeel that this is strange.

Later I went to check theticketinformation at all the stations and there was no information of a Wu Lao.He Qi said, Ill have people countrywide tomorrow2

No. Lou Ming placed the last book on the table and said, The identity may also be fake. You dont even have a photo, so how can you investigate?

I He Qi was stunned for a while. Indeed, there is no photo of Wu Lao from Damu Village. And the photos from the public security system are all old photos from decades ago which are totally different from his current appearance. Whats more, the identity may also be fake.

Pack away these books and take them toXiaohanMountain tomorrow. Lou Ming just wanted to ask Wu Lao about the situation.It wasnt a goal that needed to be achieved. If you cant find him, then you cant find him.

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