Because I simply love you

Chapter 321: A resolve to end things at one side, a resolve to make them right at another

Chapter 321: A resolve to end things at one side, a resolve to make them right at another

As Jing returned, he immediately dialed Yukito's number.

The number kept on ringing and ringing, but Yukito didn't pick up.

Jing tried again and again but to no avail.


Jing collapsed on the bed holding his head in his hands.

He tried once again, and this time, Yukito picked up.

Elated, Jing exclaimed. "Yukito! I was calling you-"

But Yukito interrupted him. "Just like how Nee-chan doesn't want to see brother-in-law, I don't want to see your face ever again...Liu Jing! I cannot believe that you helped your brother in that plan. I will never forgive you for hurting my sister."

"No, Yukito, please listen to me just once. I-i just wanted them to be together."

"Enough! Wanted them to be together? As a part of this giant scheme!? No Jing. I won't stand for something like this."


"Let's break up."

Jing froze. The color drained from his face. "Yukito... please don't say that"

He teared up. "I really love you... please don't break up with me."

At his end, Yukito's condition wasn't any better.

Love? Even I love you, Jing. But once the trust is broken, it can never mend back

"This is my final decision. Let's end it all here. Please don't contact me from now on. Stay away from me."

Yukito quickly cut the call. Something pierced his heart as he sensed the begging in Jing's voice.

He felt a hand on over his shoulder and saw Nana staring at him.

"Yukito. You don't have to do it for me. You"

"No, Nee-chan. This is the right thing to do. I... cannot forgive him. I am fine. Really."

Nana said nothing.

"Let's go, Nee-chan. Everybody is waiting for us down."

At Jing's end, he kept calling out his name, but the line was already dead.

Break up?

He didn't know how long he just blankly kept staring at the space.


In the apartment, Serena was walking back and forth in the living room, thinking of what to do to make things right.

After the conversation she had with the monk that day, she was seriously considering her options.

What could she do?

But even if she couldn't think of anything right now, the color that was lost from her face all this time, came back. She felt hopeful after so long. She felt a purpose after so long.

When Jianyu entered, he narrowed his eyes when he saw her. He found something different in her. She wasn't sad or depressed like before.

Something had changed.

When her gaze met Jianyu's, she was surprised. 

"You are here"

There was a graceful smile on her face, and for a moment, he thought that he saw the old Serena back. The usual Serena whom he had met for the first time. There was a sense of cheerfulness and even a little mischief in her expression.

Jianyu asked, "Why do you look so suddenly happy?"

Serena smiled and stood in front of him.

"Because I have decided that I won't mope around anymore. I won't fall for depression. I will get everything back that I lost."

Jianyu stared at her hard. "Heh! Are you even listening to yourself?"

"Yes. I am saying what you just heard. I want Nana and you back. And I will do whatever it takes to make that happen."

"You are dreaming."

"People always first dream and then work hard to realize that dream. Just like how I dreamt of building my own company one day and with your help, I did. I made Jia Se."

Jianyu chuckled. "Which is on the brink of collapse."

"I know. I will straighten that up too. It's both of our hard work. I won't let it go to waste."

"I think you have lost it now. Oh, or is it that you have found some fun past time."

He threateningly stepped forward. "You have played enough with our emotions. If you do anything else then-"

"No. This time, I will make everything right. I promise. First, I will win Nana's trust. I have betrayed our years of friendship. Now I have to work and repent hard to get it back."

Serena smiled. "It's difficult. It may take a lot of time. I don't know. But I am sure that I will stick to Nana like a parasite until she is fed up with me and talks to me. And is your turn Mr. Chen Jianyu."

Jianyu glared at her. "Don't even think that I would forgive you."

Serena took a deep breath. Her heart was racing, and she knew that she would make Jianyu really angry, but

She wrapped her arms around his neck.

He froze. He blinked his eyes many times to know if this was not an illusion.

Serena tiptoed and kissed his chin.

Jianyu felt as if a thunderbolt struck on him. He looked at her, aghast.

He clenched his jaw, and a vein popped up on his forehead. He was about to lash out on her, but Serena didn't deter.

Instead, she said, "Don't forget that I am pregnant, Mr. Chen. What if your anger causes something untoward to happen?"

The mention of his child made him stiffen.

He gritted his teeth. "The hell are you doing!?"

"Why? Don't you hate me? Does my closeness still affect you, Mr. Chen? Did it make your heart race when I kissed you?"

"In your dreams!"

Serena said, "I promise Jianyu. Once I get Nana's trust back, I will make everything right between us too."

Jianyu laughed angrily. "Right between us?"

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "Do you want me to bring the same woman here and show you how much things are right between us?"

Serena jolted just a bit, but she knew that he would bring this topic.

It stabbed her inside, remembering how she saw them together intimate.

Serena looked straight at him. "I will kick her out even before she steps inside this apartment."

Jianyu sneered. "Don't forget that this is my apartment now."

"And don't forget that I am a pregnant woman. Look at my belly?"

Jianyu squinted his gaze.

"I have many ways with which I can stop you from bringing any woman here."

"You" he nodded. "Alright, let's see what you can do."

Serena smiled. "Yes, and I will show you the same. I want you back, and one day I will surely make it happen."

Jianyu's phone buzzed, and he saw that it was his e quick. There is something important that we need to tell you."

He immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"Mom, is everything alright?"

Chen Liling didn't say anything further. "Jianyu, just come back, okay?"


Serena frowned when she saw him worried all of a sudden.

"I-is everything, alright?"

"You don't need to know."

Jianyu quickly left the place, leaving Serena behind wondering what happened.


After the dinner was over, everyone gathered in the living room. Liang Xiao Dan excitedly opened a box.

"Look, Nana. I have brought new clothes for my grandchild. Some are if its a boy and some are if its a girl. How do you find them?'

Nana smiled. "They are really gorgeous and so cute."

Yukira tried to divert Yukito's attention, but he just gave a perfunctory smile.

"Hey Yukito, look at all these clothes I designed for my cutie pies! Aren't they just adorable!"

Yukito was indeed impressed with Jing's work. "They are cool."

"Isn't it? I have worked so hard in the last few days! Now I want some prize."

Jing leaned forward with a mischievous grin. Yukito raised his brow. He pulled his shirt and kissed him hard. "Thanks for the hard work, hubby."

Jing was shell shocked. "What did you call me?"

"Your loss that you didn't hear it," Yukito giggled and went away.

"Hey, don't go! Say that again, Yukito!" Jing chased after him.

The chitter-chatter snapped Yukito out of his stupor.

Liang Xiao Dan felt proud. "After all, it's my choice. You should have seen Zou's choice. Pah! So boring."

"Hey, mine was not that bad either," he mumbled.

Shin took one baby shirt in his hand and stared at it as if in a trance.

Nana was then suddenly startled. "Ah, the baby kicked. Twice."

Liang Zou was excited. "Really? I want to feel it too!"

When the Liang couple pressed their hands on her tummy and felt the baby kick again, their joy knew no bounds.

"Aiyo, my grandchild kicked for his grandma!"

"His grandpa too!"

"Hey Shin, what are you doing there! Come here. Your nephew or niece is kicking! Don't miss it!"

Shin hesitated for a bit, but they all forcibly pulled him forward.

"Come on!"

Shin pressed his palm o

n Nana's belly. He waited, and then a moment later, he felt a soft sensation as the baby kicked for the fifth time.

He froze. His eyes were beginning to tear up, and he choked a bit, but he held it in.

A memory flashed past his eyes.

"Why! Why did you do that!? It was our child Shuchun! aborted it?"

"Shin, what else choice did I have? We didn't plan for this!"

"I know we didn't plan for the child! But we could have figured something out! You didn't even talk to me! How could you decide something so big by yourself? I was the father damn it!"

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