Because I simply love you

Chapter 300: A dangerous confrontation (2)

Chapter 300: A dangerous confrontation (2)

Huian saw the ground from above. She was almost on the verge of losing her balance, but Jinhai was still holding on to the wheelchair. A slight mistake would lead her back to the same fate she suffered seven months back.

Jinhai asked, "Tell me. Why are you so hell-bent in separating Nana and me? I have waited for enough to make her mine. I have done enough to make her Mrs. Liu. And now I cannot lose her because of your stupidity. I told you that what I did was my revenge for hurting Nana and that it was already over the moment your body hit the ground. So why can't you just shut your mouth?"

Huian gritted her teeth. She shut her eyes once for a few seconds and then opened them again. "You are right. I have no right to say anything against you. So I'm ready to face the consequences. I am ready to tell everybody that it was because of me why Nana got hurt that night. But are you ready to tell everything?"

Jinhai tilted his head and laughed. "Do you think anybody would have any sympathy for you?"

Huian faintly smiled. "Perhaps not. Maybe only Mom and Dad would get angry. It is inevitable because they are my parents. Instead of you teaching me a lesson, they might have demanded that if you already knew everything from the beginning, then you could have just confronted everybody with the truth. You know they wouldn't have spared me because they are fair."

Jinhai knew she had more to say. The wheelchair was still shaking in place.

"But I am not only talking about how I fell. I am also talking about how you planned to set us up that night when Suyin was raped."

Jinhai expressionlessly said, "She started it. Just like how I took revenge on you, I did the same with her. She hired some different men to rape Nana because she was getting in her and Jianyu's way. I just gave her the taste of her own medicine."

Huian was a bit startled to know that.

"But why did you have to involve Nana and me!?"

"Otherwise, how would have my plan succeeded? I didn't want her to think that anything was out of place. She went there because she wanted Nana to go with her. And you joined at the last minute. That wasn't my fault. You stumbled in my plan yourself. Suyin must be thinking that her men would stop the car and attack Nana," he sneered, "but my men had already subdued and replaced them. She must have got such a shock to realize the horror, right? Why don't you tell me? You were there after all."

As she listened to everything, Huian silently looked at him. She didn't say anything for a while. But then something clicked her.

Jinhai didn't understand the meaning of her gaze.


Huian then chuckled and suddenly started laughing.

Jinhai narrowed his eyes. "Why are you laughing? What is so funny?"

Huian said, "I'm laughing at your sad destiny. Do you know what you have done? And I cannot believe that you could do something like this."

Jinhai was irritated now. He didn't like the way she was looking at him as if she realized any fallacy in his plan.

But that is not possible. My plan was perfect.

She smirked. "Are you thinking where you went wrong?"

Jinhai harshly dragged the wheelchair back on the ground.

"Should I really throw you out of this terrace now?"

Huian sneered. "What happened? Is the great Liu Jinhai desperate to know what mistake he did in his so-called perfect plan?"

Jinhai smiled. "Are you trying to plant some suspicion in me?"

"I don't have to. Because when you know the most basic mistake that you did, which clearly shouldn't have been done by you, knowing how much you love Nana, you would surely bang your head on the wall. And I can't believe that I am making you realize this simple thing."

Jinhai squeezed her neck in anger.

Huian felt pale and breathless. She struggled, and after a few moments, he finally withdrew his hold. She touched her neck and coughed hard.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Jinhai was losing his patience.

Huian stared at him before she finally spoke.

"Have you ever thought about how much Nana would be furious at you for using her that night? She will never forgive you."

Jinhai frowned.

"Why would she be angry? I don't want to let her know about Suyin, but even if she did, then she wouldn't say anything because she already knows about my underworld background. She knows how ruthless I am, and we don't let anybody go unscathed if they try to harm my family. Suyin tried to rape her, and I punished her. Are you telling me that Nana would feel bad for her and protest?"

Huian smiled and shook her head.

"You still don't get it. So pitiful. Do you understand what Nana must have gone through when your 'supposed' men attacked us and threatened to rape us?"

Jinhai didn't get the point.

"Especially after when her father sexually molested nana in the past."

Jinhai froze. He blinked his eyes for a few seconds before he slowly widened them in realization.

Huian continued. "I am not talking about what you did with Suyin. No matter how kind Nana is, she won't feel anything for a woman who twice hired men to rape her. I am talking about how, despite you knew her past, you still let her encounter that situation. Do you have any idea how difficult it would be for a woman who had such a terrible past where she was almost raped by a man before, was facing a similar situation again? Wouldn't she feel the same trauma again? You knew what she went through, yet you threw her in the same fire again."

Jinhai felt as if the entire earth shook beneath his feet. His complexion turned pale.

"Even I was terrified at that moment, Jinhai."

As she remembered the night, Huian shuddered in fear.

"Even I, who never faced any harassment until now, was petrified to know what would happen next. Was there no way out? Was I really going to lose my dignity tonight? These thoughts constantly scared me. So wouldn't Nana feel twice the fear?"

Jinhai was unable to retort. He tried to think of something, but nothing came in his mind.

"It doesn't matter if you accidentally made it look like Nana was luckily saved. The fact remains that what Nana must have felt at that time was all too real. YOU knew that the men were supposed to harm Suyin, but Nana didn't know that. Naturally, she must be scared out of her wits."

Jinhai's mind turned blank. He was unable to respond.

Huian said. "Then she came back to save Suyin and me. It must be so difficult for her. She must be thinking, 'What if I am caught if I go back? What if they rape me?' She knew up so close what it was like to be molested, yet she returned. Can you even imagine her mental state?"

Jinhai simply stood there, dumbstruck.

She lowered her head guiltily. "And now I realize that I was truly wrong. She was brave. I shouldn't have acted so selfishly. But you are equally at fault for putting Nana in that situation in the first place."

Huian smiled mockingly at him. "Just because Nana didn't let that past incident affect her or let her be afraid of men in general, that doesn't mean that you were free to do something like that. Sometimeswomen who face sexual harassment develop androphobia. But Nana didn't, especially when she was only ten years old. At that age, such incidents can leave a deep impression in mind. They are gravely imprinted, obviously, in a negative way. But she didn't let it hamper her life. And you took that for granted, Liu Jinhai."

Her every word mercilessly stabbed him in the heart. He suddenly felt short of breath. 

"You cannot play with a woman's feelings like that, Jinhai. The dread of getting raped is the worst fear for any woman. Forget about Suyin. You had no right to do that neither to Nana nor to me. You could have used a different way to take your revenge without involving us. You had the power to stop Suyin's plan without affecting both of us. You are Liu Jinhai after all. What is impossible for you? But you didn't."

"And that's why I ask you; do you think Nana would forgive you for putting her through all that? You got so lost in your game and revenge that you, who claims who love Nana so much, forgot such a simple thing. You should feel lucky that Nana's mental condition didn't deteriorate after facing two near-rape incidents because they could scar the woman for a lifetime."

Jinhai felt as if the whole sky crashed down upon him.

"Hah! Nana thinks that you cannot ever use her. Your desire for revenge was right, but how you used Nana to get that was wrong. You protected her for sure but at the same you didn't."

NoHow could IHow did I not think of Nana? How did I forget her past?

What have I done?

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