Because I simply love you

Chapter 258: The two brother's revenge

Chapter 258: The two brother's revenge

Serena clutched the papers in her hand, bursting out in tears. "Please, JianyuI beg you. Please give me one chance, but don't do this."

The documents were the official papers that declared that Serena would hand over the baby/s to Jianyu once they are born. She will get fifty million Yuan as compensation after the delivery. Furthermore, Serena will have to give up all the parental rights as the child's mother. She would not be allowed to meet or raise the child under any circumstances. And if she tried to exercise her parental right, breaking the contract, Jianyu has the right to sue her, warranting an arrest order.

'Our babyI will lose my baby"

Jianyu coldly said without even a trace of sympathy. "Don't waste my time and sign the papers. I have meetings to attend."

The papers fell from her hands, and she cried. "Jianyu, how can I give up on our baby-"

"MY baby, Serena." He interrupted. "My baby. Get used to it. The child in your belly is only mine. You are just the tool to give birth."

She was startled, hearing those harsh words.

Only his?

"What is the problem? Is the compensation not enough? How about I make it a hundred million, and you stop whining and sign the papers?"

"Jianyu believe me that I didn't want to be a part of this plan. I never wanted to hurt youI really love you, Jianyu" She inhaled sharply in between her sobs. "I cannot live without you, JianyuPlease I will do anything you say, just please give me one chance."

She covered her face with her hands, and her shoulders trembled. She found everything slipping away from her hands; Jianyu and now their baby.

"Are you done? Sign."


He loudly banged his fist on the table, and she stepped back, suddenly startled.

He walked up to her and pinched her chin hard.


"You understand your position, right? Huo Corps is already facing a huge crisis because bro is pulling strings. You must know about it, right?"

Serena knew about it. She just learned that her father's company is on the brink of a forced shutdown.

"And now if Chen Corps join the Liu Corps, do you think your father's measly company would be able to stand up against two giant corporations? Poor Huo Shen will have to die an unfortunate death."

Serena looked into those eyes where until yesterday, there was nothing but warmth and love in them. But now it only held hate and loathing for her.

"Pl-please, can we talk? Don't do this." She sobbed.

"Right. So, if you don't want me to make things worse for your already losing company, then just sign the fucking papers!"

His loud voice rung in her ears. She lowered her head, unable to say anything.

"Jianyu, please forgive me. I just-"

Jianyu picked up his phone and said, "Fan, in ten minutes, I want the news of Huo Corps going down."

"No!" Serena frantically protested. She tugged his arm, but he slapped it away. "Jianyu, pleaseDad has worked hard to build the Huo Corps. Punish me how much ever you want, but don't hurt him"

He grabbed the back of her head and clutched her hair. She hissed in pain. "So. Sign. The. Fucking. Papers."

Her eyes turned red, but not because he was roughly tugging her hair. The realization that she had lost him and now was losing her baby, too, filled her heart with pain and anguish. She wanted to talk, she wanted to apologize, she wanted another chance, but now there seemed no hope. Even her sight disgusted him now.

Her betrayal completely changed Jianyu, to the point that she couldn't even recognize him anymore, and just because she couldn't make the decision to withdraw from her mother's revenge.

"I-I will sign"

"And I had to fucking waste my time on you. Now get to it!"

Serena picked up the papers and once again read the words. After this, she would be losing her last link to Jianyu too.

She would be all alone.

Her hands trembled as she took the pen. A tear dropped on the papers.

'My baby' Her vision blurred as she thought of their baby. The dream of raising their child together was all broken now. She would never be able to hold her baby in arms.

Now she can never see her baby's face, his smile, his big eyes, his cute expressions.

She can never see him taking his first steps.

She would never hear him calling her 'Mom.'

His kindergarten, school, college, achievementsshe would miss all of it.

The happiness and the laughter of a perfect familyshe lost it all.

As she did the last stroke of her sign, she collapsed on her knees and burst into tears.

Jianyu snatched the papers and threw them on the table. He signed a cheque leaf and threw it at her.

"Here is your fifty million. You will get the rest after I take my child away from you."

Jianyu grabbed her arm and dragged to make her stand up. "Now listen, what you are going to do. You would always be under Chen family guards' sight, in case if you tried to harm my child to threaten me."

Serena froze, and she looked at him, stunned. "Youyou think that I would harm my baby?"

Jianyu smiled and tightened his grip on her arm, digging his fingers in her skin. She winced in pain.

"First, a fall, it is MY child. The next time you make that mistake of calling it yours, then you have to be ready to face the consequences and trust me, they are going to be very unsightly. And secondly, a woman who is capable of hurting her best friend and her ex-boyfriend, stomping on their trust and love and smashing everything they ever had into smithereens, can also hurt my baby. After all, feelings don't matter to you, right?"

Every word struck as if an arrow pierced straight through her heart.

"A lowly woman like you can stoop to any level, so I won't be surprised if you tried to harm MY baby. And as the father, I must protect my unborn child."

She said nothing.

"One more thing. You should be at your apartment whenever I want you to be there."

She didn't understand. He saw the confusion on her face.

Jianyu touched the tip of her chin with his index finger and raised her head to make her face him. "Did you think that it's over since you have signed the papers? That we would only meet after six months to take my baby?"

He laughed. "No, no, no, This is not over. This has just started. You played with my feelings. Now, it's my turn. You hurt me. Now, I will hurt you. Until the time you give birth" He whispered in her ear. "I will make your life a living hell."

Her complexion turned pale. She got white in fear as if somebody drained all of the blood from her.

"I will make you regret that you barged in my life. I will make you regret that you used Chen Jianyu. Every second and every moment, I will make you feel that death is much better than living a life like yours."

A chill went down her spine.

"You have seen Chen Jianyu's love."

Serena slowly met his dark gaze. 

"Now, you will see Chen Jianyu's hatred."


Liu Jinhai was leisurely leaning on his chair in the office. He heard a knock and smiled.

"Come in, Mrs. Huo Xiao Fan."

Huo Xiao Fan opened the door and saw Jinhai sitting like a king, a cunning smile etched on his face.

She held no expression on her face and simply walked inside.

"Take a seat, Mrs. Huo. I hope you didn't get any problems finding your way to Liu Corps." He smiled. 

She was silent.

Then she said, "Can we negotiate?"

"About?" He rested his face in his palm, and lazily looked at her.

"About not attacking Huo Corps."

"Why should I negotiate? I'm very ruthless when somebody touches my bottom line, and you repeatedly crossed it. You see, I'm not a very nice man."

"I will do anything you say but withdraw from harming my husband's company."

Jinhai paused and then laughed. "Husband? Huo Shen? I thought your brain is only filled with Yu Tengfei. I believed you even secretly regarded him as your husband."

It was a direct insult, but she could nothing but bear it.

"If you spare Huo Corps, then I will tell you where Nana's real parents live."

"I already know where they are."

Huo Xiao Fan widened her eyes.

"Did you really think that Liu Jinhai cannot find them and would have to depend on you? You think too highly of yourself."

She went silent.

"Then what do you want?"

Jinhai smiled. He opened a drawer, took out a file, and slid it towards her. He waited.

Huo Xiao Fan looked at him for a second. She picked the file and opened it.

She stiffened.

"How does it feel to stand at the same place where once Nana stood, Mrs. Huo Xiao Fan?"

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