Because I simply love you

Chapter 241: Meeting the Huo family

Chapter 241: Meeting the Huo family

At seven-thirty in the evening, guests started coming into the Huo residence. The banquet hall was lavishly decorated. The participants of the competition were already huddled together in a group.

Jinhai and Nana entered, hand in hand. This was the first banquet they were attending as husband and wife.

Every socialite and prominent figures knew what happened in Chen banquet and about Jinhai and Huian's divorce.

"Look there, she is Liu Nana."

"They look perfect together."

"I still cannot believe that Nana is now married to Liu Jinhai. She was engaged to Chen Jianyu, but got married to his cousin."

"Fate is a strange thing."

"And I heard that she is also catering to this event."

Nana and Jinhai were standing a little bit to the corner. Initially, she had thought that she would be coming alone since she had catering to do, but then Jinhai said that he is coming with her as Liu family had got an invitation to the banquet. But, they were still subtly avoiding each other.

A voice came from a distance. "Ah, Liu Jinhai."

They turned and saw a middle-aged man approaching them. He was giving off the aura of being a refined and elegant gentleman who also held a presence of power in his walk and style.

He smiled. "Glad you could make it."

But, Jinhai had a poker expression on his face. "How can I not? My wife is catering to your banquet. As her husband, I should be here to show my support."

The man shifted his gaze to look at Nana. He slightly squinted his eyes, observing her. He didn't say anything for a few good seconds.

Nana felt a little odd with the way he was staring at her. It didn't exactly seem rude. But, she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Nana gave a polite smile.

The man said, "Won't you introduce us, Liu Jinhai?"

Jinhai stayed silent. Nana doubtfully glanced at him when he didn't say anything. She lightly tugged his coat. She was worried that the man would feel offended.

Jinhai glanced at her side and looked at the man. "Nana, he is Huo Shen, the ex-CEO of Huo Corps. Now his son, Huo Liwei, handles the business."

Nana nodded.

"She is my wife, Liu Nana. Naturally, you must know about her since she is in charge of catering to this event."

Huo Shen laughed. "Yes, I know. Who doesn't know about Natsukashi? She is a great chef, I must say."

Nana smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Huo."

He waved his hand. "It is me who should thank you for giving your excellent culinary services tonight."

Jinhai tilted his head. "I don't see your wife anywhere, Mr. Huo Shen. Won't you, too, introduce her to us?"

Huo Shen slightly stiffened. But, he maintained the smile on his face. "Ah, you know women. They take forever in getting ready. She is still busy getting the last touch up."

Jinhai curled the corner of his lips into a faint smile.

By this time, Huo Liwei also came to his father's side and greeted the two. He also similarly stared at Nana just like his father did. Nana couldn't understand the meaning of the father and son's gaze at her. Jinhai and Liwei got busy in discussing business affairs.

"You young lads stay here. This old man would just be a bother to you."

Huo Liwei rolled his eyes and shook his head. From the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure coming. He coldly glanced at the direction.

Serena came in wearing a beautiful olive green color dress. She spotted Nana and saw Huo Liwei was standing with her. She pursed her lips and walked up to her.

"Serena!" Nana took her in a hug and smiled. "Congratulations on the win! I'm so proud of you!"

Serena smiled and returned her hug. "Thank you. And thank you too. Even at such short notice, you agreed to cater to this banquet."

"Silly." She flicked her forehead. "I can do anything for my best friend."

Somehow, Serena felt a heavyweight press on her chest.

Huo Liwei subtly looked at Serena, and she could feel the mock and disdain in his smile. The little exchange of glances didn't go unnoticed by Jinhai.

Huo Liwei said, "I see Miss Serena and Mrs. Liu Nana are good friends."

Nana nodded. "En. Not just a good friend, but my only best friend."

Huo Liwei raised his eyebrow. He could see the genuine care Nana had for her. He looked meaningfully at Serena and said, "I hope you cherish your friendship, Miss Serena. You hardly get such true and loyal friends in today's world."

His words were a brutal jab at her.

Jinhai smiled. "Of course. My wife trusts her with all her heart. Nana would be heartbroken if there comes a crack in their friendship, right, Nana?"

Nana nodded. "But that would never happen, right, Serena?"

Serena was finding this conversation too suffocating. "Obviously not."

Huo Liwei saw a guest coming towards him, and he took his leave. 

Serena said, "Ah, I will just check where my boyfriend is roaming around. He must have been here already."

Nana stiffened. Jinhai was expressionless.

"Has he also come with you?"

"Yeah. Actually, I kind of had to drag him here." She scratched her head. "He was avoiding this banquet like the plague, but I pushed him out of the house. His girlfriend has won such a big competition, so how can he not be here to celebrate it with me?"

Nana nervously smiled. "O-of course."

Outside, Jianyu sighed for the nth time. He was the Chen Corps CEO, so naturally, every business person knew him. And now, Nana was also the catering manager, so his cousin would definitely be there. He had already met Nana, but facing his cousin again was

Serena came outside and stomped her way towards him. "What are you doing here outside, Jianyu? The banquet is about to start!" She pouted her lips.

Jianyu said, "I think I should not be here, Serena. I will leave-"

Serena sighed loudly. "Now one more word and I will stop talking to you. What kind of boyfriend are you? You should be here celebrating with me!"

Jianyu was hesitating.

"Plus, this party is going to be so much fun! I heard that it's going to be a masquerade party." Her face was gleaming with excitement.

Jianyu paused. "Really?"

"Yes! They are going to give stylish masks in the middle of the event. I think it's already starting."

Well, if that is the case, he could go with her.


Serena was satisfied. "Come on, now quick!"

In the hall, Huo Shen went up the stage and took the mike. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for making it to our banquet. As you all know, Huo Corps had organized a large scale competition to search for talented artists in the many fields of design. We are proud to introduce you all to the winners and the participants who were selected through our tough and strict process."

The guests clapped as all the winners made their way to the stage.

Serena's heart was pounding as she stood next to Huo Shen. She smiled and bowed. Huo Shen shook her hand and said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you" It was almost like a whisper.

He softly mumbled. "Daddy is proud of you."

Tears threatened to fall. She nodded slightly and acknowledged him.

One by one, other participants, too, stepped up the podium.

Huo Shen said, "Now that the congratulations are over, it's time to start the banquet. But we have decided to make it more fun and interesting by doing a masquerade party."

The guests gasped.

"Wow, this will be real fun."

He continued. "Please choose your mask and let the party begin."

The guests then realized why the hall was a little darker than usual. The lights dim enough so that guests don't recognize the others by their clothes, at least those standing far away.

Everybody wore their masks, and the couples came out at the center to dance.

The maid, Qian Mei, had also secretly given entry by her master for the plan that was going to unfold tonight. She was standing at a corner, wearing her mask.

Jinhai offered his hand for a dance. "May I?"

Nana nervously put her hand in his. They joined the other guests on the dance floor. Serena and Jianyu were also there just beside Jinhai and Nana. She waved her hand. Jianyu simply remained low key, hiding his presence. The mask proved useful.

After the dance was over, Nana said to Jinhai, "I will check on the dinner."


Nana was on her way to the kitchen when a woman approached her.


Nana looked at the woman before her. She was wearing an elegant cheongsam, which was custom made with beautiful embroidery work. Her hair was styled in a bun. She was wearing a mask just like her, and there was a smile on her face.

Nana said, "Hello."

"I have heard a lot about Natsukashi and personally wanted to meet you to thank you for agreeing to my banquet on such short notice."

My banquet?

Nana was sure she didn't meet this woman before. "Please excuse my rudeness, but I didn't recognize you."

She smiled. "Oh, how silly of me. You must have met my husband, Huo Shen. I'm his wife, Huo Xiao Fan."

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