Because I simply love you

Chapter 223: A strange phone call

Chapter 223: A strange phone call

Yu Ichika looked at her palm, the thin bloody line glaring at her as if reminding about the atrocities she did to Nana. She started silently crying as she finally let out the fear she had been holding back since Jinhai came back to talk to her.

He was one terrifying man. She remembered how he shot her a cruel stare, and then his expression suddenly turned gentle when he looked at Nana. He was one person behind her back and a completely different person in front of her.

The whole time she felt such oppression weigh down on her as if he could have killed her if it was up to him. He wouldn't have even batted an eyelid.

The nurse entered and saw Yu Ichika's palm bleeding.

"Oh goodness, what happened!?" She was shocked. She immediately went over to her and started dressing her wound.

"How did you get hurt?" Everything was fine when they left. Did she try to hurt herself?

But that is strange. She has shouted and yelled and broken things before but has never hurt herself. This is the first time.

She was puzzled.

Yu Ichika was hesitating. She was scared like a little child who had heard a scary ghost story.

She was sniffling and stuttering as she said, "T-T-That man d-did it. He was s-scary. He cut my hand with the knife. He is dangerous. Tell Nana about it!"

The nurse looked astonished. "Man? Who? Wait, that man who came with Miss Nana?"

She nodded furiously.

How can that be possible? That man is Liu Jinhai, the CEO of Liu Corps. He looked so refined and elegant. He was even so gentle and protective of his wife. Why would he hurt his mother-in-law? He even gave her a bouquet and talked so nicely to her.

The nurse couldn't help but peek inside a little. After all, it was once in a lifetime chance when she met such a distinguished personality.

Seriously, how many men are like him who genuinely accept their wife's family situation?

Now she was sure that Yu Ichika had hurt herself and was pinning the blame onto him. Anyway, patients like her sometimes tend to do that.

She smiled. "I have cleaned up and dressed the wound. Take a rest."

"B-but that man did it. Believe me! I talked rudely to Nana, and he punished me for it! It's the truth!" She cried.

The nurse nodded. It was better to go along with her rather than making her lose her temper again.

"Okay, if you say so. I will tell Miss Nana. Now, please calm down and take rest."

Yu Ichika felt a little relieved.


Serena was talking to a nurse outside.

The nurse said, "Don't worry, Mam, this medicine is the most effective."

Serena nodded. "Any suspicions?"

"I'm careful."

"Alright. If there is any problem, then call me."

The nurse went away. Serena felt tired. She turned and gasped in shock.

"L-Liu Jinhai?"

She thought as if her heart would jump out of her chest. She didn't even hear his footsteps.

Just how much quietly does he walks?

She nervously smiled. "You came back?"

Wasn't he waiting in the car with Nana?

He glanced at her and said nothing. 

Serena was already feeling it difficult to breathe. The aura he exuded was so cold and intense that it was difficult for her to maintain her smile.

Seriously, how does Nana live with this man? It's like you are crushed under a heavy boulder. The pressure can force a person to break down.

Thank God, I got a boyfriend like Jianyu. He is so warm and affectionate.

Jinhai silently walked away.

Nana smiled as she saw Jinhai coming back, but he could feel the sadness in her eyes. Serena also sat at the back.

She said, "You don't have to go back to my house. Just let me off at the square two blocks ahead, please."

Nana asked, "You have some work there?"

"En. Didn't I tell you that I'm opening my new company? My boyfriend has shortlisted some places, so we are going to check them out one by one."

Jinhai was silent.

Nana nodded. "I'm so glad to know that you are taking this step. If you need my help, you can come to me anytime."

She scratched her head. "Can I come to you for money?"

Nana facepalmed.

Jinhai quietly said, "Money will never be an issue for you."

Serena was startled. She didn't think he would talk to her.

She believed that he doesn't like to talk to anybody else other than Nana.



Serena's mouth twitched.

After talking in riddles, he is now refusing to explain himself.

Nana asked, "Now that you said about him, I remembered. Have you told your parents about your boyfriend and your pregnancy?"

Serena slightly stiffened. "No. I was so busy planning about my company that I forgot."

"Silly, how can you forget to tell such an important thing? She would be so happy and excited about her grandchild!"

Her heart felt bitter when she thought of Yu Ichika's reaction.

They dropped Serena off at the square.

Jinhai said, "Let's go on a date."


He nodded. "Yes, we will go to a movie, and then we can go shopping. And then" He took her hand and kissed it. "We can have a beautiful dinner date."

Nana was excited. It was her first date with Jinhai, and she was looking forward to it.


Serena and Jianyu reached home after finalizing the place. Since they already had dinner outside, they went to bed.

A little late at night, Serena opened her eyes. She blankly stared at the ceiling. She looked at Jianyu, and faintly smiled. She gently lifted Jianyu's arm off her waist to not wake him up.

She tiptoed out of the room and quietly shut the door. She stood at the balcony and took out her phone. She stared at the number for a long time before finally pressing the dial button.

After a few rings, the call was answered. A woman's stern voice came from the other end.



"I was waiting for your call. What took you so long? Tell me, how did it go today in the hospital?"

"Like always."

"Nobody has doubted anything, right?" She sounded a little anxious.


Serena could hear her sigh in relief. "Good."

"And what about Nana?" There was a distinct sound of malice in her voice.


Her mother was getting annoyed at the other end. "What? Stop being mum!"

After a pause, she said, "She is married."

"What!? When?"

"Almost two months back."

"And you are telling me this now!?" She was furious. "And you let her got married? Are you a fool?"

"I-I also got to know about it just a while back."

"You are supposed to be her best friend. How come you didn't know? Otherwise, what is the use of your friendship?"

Serena nervously said, "I was busy with my life. Things were going on."

"Your life? Pray tell me what things were you so busy in." Her voice sounded like she was restraining her anger.

"MomI-I am pregnant."

There was silence at the other end.

"Are you crazy!? Oh god, whose child are you carrying? Is it any of your pathetic ex-boyfriend's?"

Serena's voice choked. She had expected her reaction, but it still hurt her heart.

"Mom. He is my boyfriend. And he is a very good man." She said softly. "At least, can you be a little happy about my child? You are going to become a grandma."

"I'm not interested in any grandchild!" She roared. "Such a stupid daughter! You wasted so much time on a useless relationship! And Nana is already living happily in her life! I don't care. Just get on with the job I gave you. Don't forget your purpose of staying beside her."

Her shoulders were trembling.

"Forget it. I will only have to do something. You play the friendship-friendship game with Nana and boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with your boyfriend. I'm so tired of you!"

Her mom said nonchalantly, "Oh, and I don't care what you do with your child. Keep it if you want or kill it if you want. Just don't come to me for any help in raising him."

Serena let out a self-deprecating laugh. She didn't even realize when tears were trickling down her cheek.

She leaned against the wall and touched her belly. She sadly whispered. "Even you couldn't melt her heart. I'm so sorry"

She sniffled and wiped her tears. She went back into the room. She saw Jianyu was sleeping peacefully. She quietly laid beside Jianyu. She buried her face in his chest and slowly closed her eyes.

As her breathing became steady, Jianyu slowly opened his eyes. He lowered his head and saw the faint traces of her dried tears on her sleeping face.

He kissed the corner of her eye and tightened his hold on her.

What is the sadness behind your smile Serena?


A few days later.

Nana was working as usual in Natsukashi. The morning rush was starting to cool down.

"Meiling, keep these plates inside, and check the reservations for this week. There should be no clashes."

Dong Meiling nodded. "Yes, mam."

Nana's phone buzzed. She saw an unknown number calling her.

She frowned.

'I don't recognize this number.'

She picked it up, and a strange voice answered. "How is Mrs. Liu Nana's married life going on?"

Nana blinked her eyes. "Excuse me?"

"Right now, it must be like a fairy tale, isn't it? But it won't be any longer."

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