Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 43: Ways to deal with intimidation

  Chapter 43 Dealing with intimidation

  The elementary meditation method is prepared for apprentice wizards, and there are a total of twenty-four runes in it.

  Junior apprentices can only meditate on the first eight runes, intermediate apprentices can meditate on the first sixteen runes, and advanced apprentices can meditate on all runes.

  When the apprentice can meditate twenty-four runes at one time, he should start preparing for the promotion to the wizard.

  Chen Wen has been learning meditation since the first grade, and has been meditating for more than ten years now. Although the meditation method he learned is very common, his mental strength has reached the standard of an intermediate apprentice.

  The first eight runes were not difficult for Chen Wen. After spending some time, he carved them out one by one on the white clouds in the sea of ​​gods.

   When the ninth rune was carved, Chen Wencai gradually felt difficulties, and the speed of carving runes slowly slowed down.

  At the same time, Chen Wen seemed to feel some tiny spots of light appearing in the Divine Sea, blending into the runes he had carved.

  The runes in the wizarding world are complex and have strange structures, but this is not just to increase the difficulty of visualization, but because these runes have extraordinary power.

"Jingle Bell-!!"

  The ear-piercing bell rang, interrupting Chen Wen from his meditation.

  The moment he opened his eyes, the light in Chen Wen's eyes flashed away.

  He felt that his mental strength had increased by an insignificant amount, but it was followed by exhaustion all over his body.

   "I'm so tired~"

   Quickly moved his body, Chen Wen took out the primary nutrient solution for emergencies and took two gulps.

   "The primary meditation method is quite effective, but it seems to have an impact on the body, I don't know if it is good or bad."

   "The only certainty is that the items that cost money have increased..."

  Suddenly, he remembered the new "wild ginseng" that appeared in the system mall.

   "1,000 points a piece is not expensive, but earning more points can reduce your own expenses a little."


  The time for the indoor class seemed to fly by, and soon came the afternoon training class.

  After completing Su Xin's training, Chen Wen and He Xiong applied for a duel again.

  After recruiting new recruits from the Battle Club, the students in the sophomore class of Monster Beasts put away their playfulness all at once.

  Therefore, the battle between Po and Xiong Er only had one or two sporadic spectators.

  Chen Wen saw that he couldn't harvest many points, so he didn't let A Bao play with Xiong Er.

  For his good brother Xiong Er, Ah Bao didn't show any sympathy. He saw the opportunity and slapped him over with his palm.

   Smelling the fragrance of the honey of flowers, Xiong Er heard He Xiong's earnest teaching.

   "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi...Fat is not considered fat at first, then it overwhelms Kang...Xiong Er, as long as you work hard, you will be able to defeat Ah Bao sooner or later..."

  Xiong Er Hanhan nodded and decided to work hard.

   Chen Wen on the side couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.

   Thirty years?

  Thirty years later, Ah Bao might become a mythical beast.

  Of course, this still plays a lot for Xiong Er who has no concept of time.

  In the next few days, Xiong Er's enthusiasm for training increased significantly.

   Because Ah Bao took back Baihuami, he forgave Xiong Er, but he didn't slack off.

   Because it tasted the sweetness.

  Since practicing martial arts, its diet has improved significantly. It can eat one or two more meals a day, and it can have delicious food every time it wins a battle.

  A Bao was training hard, and Chen Wen did not relax. He began to search for Xiao Fenghu's information, and made a file for him.

  【Pet Beast Name】: Howling Wind Tiger

  【Pet Beast Attribute】: Wind

  【Potential Level】: Rare and extraordinary

  【Strength level】: Sixth segment of mortal body

  【Beast Talent】: Intimidate, Wind Control

  [Racial skills]: Bite, tail flick, empty claw, wind, wind blade, wind blade, roar

   Comparing the attributes of Abao and Fu Yunfei Xiaofenghu, anyone who is not blind knows that Xiaofenghu has the upper hand.

   Fortunately, after carefully checking the information, Chen Wen found that Fu Yunfei's Saofenghu had not learned all the skills.

  Generally speaking, a mortal-level Sao Fenghu can only master the three racial skills of bite, tail flick, and wind, and among them, wind can only be mastered at the late stage of mortal.

  So, the strength that Xiao Fenghu displayed on Monday should probably be its full strength.

  Compared with A Bao, Fu Yunfei's Sao Fenghu really has only two advantages.

  First, Saofenghu's strength level is higher than that of Po, which allows him to use his skills more times. However, the defensive power of mortal-level pet beasts is not too high. Generally, the battle may be over in one or two rounds, and the impact in this respect is not too great.

  Secondly, the Saofenghu has the talent of intimidation, which can intimidate pets with a lower level of strength than it.

  Intimidation talent combined with Saofenghu's higher level makes it easy for Po to fall into a disadvantage in battle.

  Chen Wenzhi is sure to win the place in the Battle Club, so he has been thinking about how to crack Xiao Fenghu's "intimidation" talent these days.

  The easiest way is to let Ah Bao advance. As long as Ah Bao advances to the sixth stage of the mortal body, Sao Fenghu will have no advantage over Ah Bao. With more subtle tricks, Po can even gain the upper hand.

   For this reason, this week Chen Wen bleeds heavily. Not only did he eat all the green jade bamboo and stones containing spiritual energy in his home, he also spent 1,000 points to buy a wild ginseng to supplement his nutrition.

   It's a pity that Po's belly is a bit rounder, but his level has not improved.

   Couldn't solve it fundamentally, so Chen Wen had to use a partial method.

  First of all, Chen Wen searched the Internet and downloaded all the pictures of Xiao Fenghu's brutality and roaring sound.

  After returning home every day, Chen Wen played the downloaded audio and pictures to A Bao in a loop.

  Although the video and pictures cannot restore the power of the Saofeng Tiger, let alone simulate the mental coercion of the Saofeng Tiger, playing it over and over again can make A Bao familiar with the Roar of the Saofeng Tiger and get tired of the Roar of the Saofeng Tiger.

  In fact, he wanted to find the video of Sao Fenghu's battle, but he couldn't find these videos online.

  Friday night, Chen Wen asked Zhu Wu for help, hoping that he could let Ah Bao experience the talent of intimidation for himself.

   Zhu Wu readily agreed after receiving the text message.

   Then, Chen Wen sent a message to Lin Wu to ask for leave: "Director Lin, I have some things to do tomorrow, so I can't go to the martial arts hall."

  After receiving Chen Wen's message, Lin Wu frowned.

  After pondering for a while, he typed slowly and replied: "You don't fear hardship in martial arts practice, and you don't relax when practicing martial arts. If you want to learn amazing skills, you need to work hard."

  Seeing Lin Wu's reply, Chen Wen immediately knew that Lin Wu had misunderstood him, so he quickly explained.

   "Our school is recruiting new players from the Battle Club, next Monday will be the final round of assessment, and the opponent's beast is the Howling Tiger, so I need to let Ah Bao go to the Beast House to experience the intimidation talent.

   Only in this way will it be possible to pass the assessment next week. "

  Seeing this explanation, Lin Wu's face turned pale.

   After thinking for a while, he typed: "Then you go to the animal breeding house first, and I will let you and Abao see the real tiger's power on Sunday."

   "The real Tiger?"

   Chen Wen looked at Lin Wu's reply suspiciously, then said goodbye and exited the software.

  (end of this chapter)

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