Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast

Chapter 308: 241: Auctioning the ‘Treasure

Chapter 308: 241: Auctioning the ‘Treasure

Translator: 549690339

However, Vincent Wolf believed that with his actual strength, he should be able to fend off the Beast Master below the Grandmaster level, as long as he was cautious .

But now he had infiltrated the enemy’s base, even though his mission was to destroy Bai Gui Hui, gathering extra intel was always beneficial. Hence,

Vincent decides to hide his presence first and then observe the situation inside.

“But I don’t think I have any stealth skills. What should I do?” After some distress, Vincent suddenly came to a realization.

Although Vincent didn’t have it, Dragon Town did!

Dragon Town had always been quiet, but it had always been shrunk and kept with Vincent.

“I almost forgot about Uncle Cartwright, because he doesn’t talk much.”

He checked himself and found Dragon Town in his pants pocket.

“When did you get in there?”

Dragon Town was still sleeping, so Vincent shook him hard.

“Uncle Cartwright, wake up!”

Dragon Town, who was woken up, looked somewhat dissatisfied. But after seeing the unusual surroundings, he swallowed the complaint he was about to make and whispered,

“What kind of place is this? Why do I sense an aura of the Undead?”

“Aura of the Undead? What’s that?” , Vincent didn’t follow.

“There are undead pet beasts around. They are tricky and can manipulate ghosts. They also have strong resistance to physical attacks. I am annoyed by them.”

With a frown, Vincent wondered why such beasts could be here.

It must be because a Beast Tamer had contracted such a beast.

It made sense for such a beast to be in the Ghost House.


Bai Gui Hui and undead pet beasts…

Vincent didn’t have time to think more, he explained everything about the Bai Gui Hui to Dragon Town.

After understanding the whole storv. Dragon Town asked Vincent:

“Did we just enter the base of the Bai Gui Hui?”

“No, it’s just a small outpost.” Vincent quickly said: “Uncle Cartwright, cast a stealth spell on me, I want to sneak in to see what tricks these guys are up to!”

After Dragon Town applied the stealth spell to Vincent, he retracted himself back into Vincent’s pocket, only leaving his head out to watch, while Vincent clung to the side walls and proceeded cautiously.

After walking for a while, he suddenly saw a dim light, casting faint shadows of several figures.

In front of these figures was a two-meter high white jade statue, dressed in exquisite garments, elegant and extraordinarily beautiful, yet imposing enough to deter direct gazes.

The incoming guests, no, they should be referred to as devotees.

The new devotees, seeing the statue, were overjoyed. They rushed forward to pay their respects, then knelt down and began murmuring something.

He saw that the people in front of him were divided into different ranks.

There were two people next to the statue; they should be from Bai Gui Hui. But the other nine people, who were kneeling on the ground, maintained some distance from the two, indicating a clear social hierarchy.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, Vincent started to become impatient.

If these people’s purpose for their gathering was just to kneel on the ground, then wouldn’t his waiting be in vain?

Luckily, Vincent’s worry was unnecessary.

After a few more minutes, one of the leaders of Bai Gui Hui raised his head and said,

“We warmly welcome the great compassionate Spirit Empress Duye to save us from our tribulations!”

The remaining nine regular devotees also shouted,

“We warmly welcome the great compassionate Spirit Empress Duye to save us from our tribulations!”

Then, the white jade statue actually started to emit a faint light, which grew brighter, until it was nearly blinding.

“Today, I bestow upon you this object to overcome your trials, so that you can soon join the ranks of Hundred Ghosts and escape from endless cycles of disasters!”

Soon, the light disappeared, and each of the two members of Bai Gui Hui had an extra object in their hands.

As soon as they saw those objects, the eyes of the nine ordinary devotees sparkled with greed and desire on the verge of exploding.

The Bai Gui Hui member on the left side of the Spirit Empress Duye statue said,

“This object in my hand is the Eight Treasures Seeking Immortal Bell. During the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade, this bell can summon the gods to help you slay demons and escape disasters when surrounded by eight ghosts.”

The Bai Gui Hui member on the right side of the Spirit Empress Duye statue said,

“This object in my hand is the Qianyuan Tribulation Transformation Pill. During the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade, if you take this pill among the ghosts at Qian hour of the day, you will immediately overcome disasters and ascend, becoming one of the Hundred Ghosts under the Spirit Empress Duye.”

Before the Bai Gui Hui members could even finish talking, they heard the nine ordinary devotees frantically bidding:

“I’ll bid one million for the Qianyuan Tribulation Transformation Pill!”

“You poor wretch, go away, I’ll bid five million!” “I’ll bid 10 million, give me some face!”

“Your face isn’t worth shit! I’ll bid 50 million! I’ll buy both!”

“You dare to buy both, shameless! I’ll bid 80 million, and I’ll buy both!”

“I’ll bid 100 million!”

Looking at the hot bidding scene in front of him, Vincent was stunned.

Although the exchange rate for Union Currency to Cathay currency was twenty to one. But to Vincent, the auction in front of him was still outrageously absurd.

“How dare they sell these junk items at such high prices? Moreover, they all have to be used in dangerous places. Isn’t their purpose obvious at a glance?”

“The Bai Gui Hui is really harming a lot of people! Oh my God!”

Dragon Town, in his pocket, whispered to Vincent,

“Earlier, I sensed an aura of an Undead pet beast in that Spirit Empress Duye statue.”

“Ah? You mean the Spirit Empress Duye is actually an Undead pet beast?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying. The statue itself is just a statue. It just that I don’t know where the Undead pet beast is. I just sniffed a faint scent.”

While Vincent and Dragon Town were talking, the auction continued, and the bid prices continued to rise. However, the two items began to sell separately. Because the Qianyuan Tribulation Transformation Pill could help one become one of the Hundred Ghosts under Spirit Empress Duye, its price was much higher than the Eight Treasures Seeking Immortal Bell.

“Vincent, aren’t you going to take action soon? They’re about to finish.” Dragon Town said quietly. “I’m contemplating on something.”

“About what?”

“This place is just a small outpost, but I need to eliminate all the branches on Qingchuan Island. If I act here, will I scare off the snake and alarm them? Also, it’s tough to handle these ordinary believers. They’ve been brainwashed and might do something drastic.”

“So, what’s your plan?”

“I want to track them after the meeting ends. Once they’re alone, I’ll strike directly. If they return to their base, that would be even better. Since I’ll be incognito, there would be many ways to deal with them..”

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