Battle of Ascension

Chapter 15: [Chaos Dragon Essence Blood]

Chapter 15: [Chaos Dragon Essence Blood]

Randy fell silent and did not move a bit from the front of the opened Ascension chest, like a statue.

A few moments later he sighed and sat on the floor, the hope and excitement that had once been so high now disappeared without a trace, leaving only disappointment and fatigue.

Walk for 6 hours by avoiding beasts after beasts, experienced shock after shock in the cave and in the end he only got Potion Strength which is worth 1 gold and worth 100 gold for the best grade Potion Strength.

Then Randy looked back at his stats window.


Name: Randy Christian

Title: [Demonic Rabbit Slayer]

Level: 12 (50975/204800 Exp)

City: East City

Guild: none

Territory: none

Stats: Stats Point: 0

[Strength]: 73

[Vitality]: 23

[Stamina]: 23

[Agility]: 93

[Spirit]: 23

[Luck]: 600

Skills: Skill Point: 2

Level 3 (0/8) [Basic Sword Mastery]: increase proficiency in using a sword, level can be increased using skill points.

Level 1 (0/4) [Basic Detection]: detects the level of the beast/monster and stats, level can be increased using the skill point.

Level 1 (0/4) [Burst Strength]: increase 50% strength for 1 minute, level can be increased using a skill point. Side effects: after the skill finished, strength will decrease 50% for 20 minutes.

Level 1 (0/4) [Burst Agility]: increase 50% agility for 1 minute, level can be increased using a skill point. Side effects: after the skill finished, agility will decrease by 50% for 20 minutes.

Level 10 (0/30) [AI Helper]: helps and guides during Battle of Ascension, level can be raised using skill points.


Initially, he still had 976 Luck and now Luck he had 600 left. He used 376 Luck just to get Potion Strength, Randy did not know how much Luck is used to find the location Ascension chest and he also did not how much Luck he used when opened Ascension chest.

"Maybe I used 350 Luck to find the location Ascension chest and 26 when he opened Ascension chest? Nah, I do not care anymore, I just want to go home. F*ck that Ascension chest!" Randy cursed in his heart.

Seeing Randy condition like this, Shana confused. Looks like he was very disappointed after opened Ascension chest, why he disappointed?

The items he got from inside Ascension are very good even this vial is much better than the items that are in Mythical chest according to Shana, why Master is so disappointed?

Shana could not hold her curiosity, in the end, she asked Randy, "Master, what's with you? Why do you seem so disappointed?"

Hearing Shana's question, Randy get annoyed "You still ask me why I'm disappointed? didn't you see what is inside Ascension chest? I used a lot of Luck just for this piece of trash. Do you think I should be happy?" Randy's voice was so loud when she answered Shana, he seemed to be unable to hold his emotion anymore.

At first, Shana was upset when Randy answered her in a loud voice.

'I'm asking nicely, why is he scolding me? Hmph, stupid Master 'Shana said in her heart

Suddenly Shana realizes why Randy is so upset and angry that after heard Randy's last words, Shana know why her Master is so upset and angry.

Master did not know what the vial was or he did not recognize the vial and thinks it is a piece of trash.

"Pffftt.... hahahaha.... hahahaha....." At first, Shana held her mouth with her hand so she did not laugh but she could not hold it and explode with laughter.

Seeing Shana laugh out loud, Randy was mistaken. He thought Shana laughed at him because he got 'Potion Strength' from Ascension chest. Randy was angry, but he was helpless too. What can he do to Ai without a physical body? insulting and abuse her? Finally, Randy could only sigh and shook his head.

Little did he know that Shana laughed not because Randy got 'Potion Strength' but because of his ignorance. He did not check the vial, instead, he thought it was a trash item.

A few minutes later Shana stopped laughing. If she had tears, she would have shed a lot of tears because of laughter.

At first Randy was not thinking about this anymore, but when Shana said that he was stupid, Randy became annoyed again. But when he wanted to scold Shana, Randy felt there's something strange with Shana's question.

"The item inside Ascension chest? Is not that 'Potion Strength'?" Randy answered Shana with uncertainty

Heard Randy's answer, Shana burst out laughing again.

"hahaha .... 'Potion Strength'? hahaha .... haha .."

Shana laughs very loudly, Master thought it was 'Potion Strength'. The difference is huge. An item that even Demon King or Devil Emperor drooling over when looking at this item and her Master thought it was 'Potion Strength'.

Ten minutes later Shana stopped laughing and said to Randy, "Master you should check the item first, then you can freely feel disappointed after knowing what is inside the Ascension chest" Shana waves her tiny hand to her master.

"Eh? It was not 'Potion Strength ..." Randy muttered

Then he took the vial containing the red liquid.

Randy was stunned, then his eyes and mouth were wide open when he saw the vials in his hands. Shana was also surprised to see detailed of this item.

[Chaos Dragon Essence Blood]

Description: Blood from the heart of Chaos Dragon. When you drink this blood, you will get Chaos Dragon Bloodline

"How is it, Master? Are you very disappointed to get 'Potion Strength'?" Shana teased Randy

Randy's face turns red with great embarrassment, he thought this was 'Potion Strength' but it turns out this is [Chaos Dragon Essence Blood]. In addition to embarrassment, Randy is also felt relieved that what he got was [Chaos Dragon Essence Blood] instead of Potion Strength.

Then Randy put the vial into Storage System, he intended to drink it at home.

"Let's go home!" Randy said, looking around to make sure there were no more items around him. As Randy looked at the corner of the hall, he saw a large orange egg 1 meter high.

"Shana, what is that?" Randy pointed his hand toward the orange egg.

"I do not know either. Let's check it Master" Shana replied Randy, she's also curious what it was.

Randy approached the orange egg,

"Maybe this is a dragon egg?" Randy guessed.

If it really is a dragon egg, he will hatch it then raise it and make it his mount.

Randy imagining him flying in the sky riding a dragon and hunting down many beasts.

Suddenly Shana destroyed his dream of riding a dragon, "Hey Master, do not daydream. even though this is a dragon egg, surely the dragon inside this egg already dead. look all the dragons here are all dead and have turned into bones, how could this dragon egg could survive without any dragons guarding it? "

Randy sighed with regret.

When Randy gets in front of this orange egg he knock this egg with his hand.

"Eh? It's not an egg, but an egg-shaped rock" Randy said after knocking it, "Well, it seems like this could be a decoration for a restaurant when Mom opens a restaurant"

Then Randy stored this stone into System Storage. After that, he walked out the hall,

"Time to go home"

When walking out of the cave, the bones outside the hall all disappeared and the weapons scattered on the floor also disappeared.

When he got outside the cave, the outside was already dark. Randy did not know how long he was inside and he did not check the time either in the Battle System.

"Sigh, it looks like tonight I'm going to sleep in the wild" As Randy prepared to go to find a safe place for sleep. Suddenly Shana give a suggestion to Randy, "Master, why do not you sleep in this cave? This cave very safe, because this is a dragon's nest, although all the dragons in here are dead beasts below Divine or Saint grade, will not dare enter this cave "

"Uh, really?" Now Randy did not believe blindly in Shana anymore.

"It's real Master because there's a residual aura of the dragons. Dragon is a Divine grade beast so the beasts below Divine grade will not dare enter into this cave" Shana explained seriously.

After heard Shana explanation, Randy nodded his head and he goes back into the cave. This time when he entered the cave, there was no more pressure that attacked him like the first time he entered.

A few moments later he came out again, Randy looking for wood to roast his rabbit for dinner. Randy looked for wood and branch tree around the cave.

30 minutes later Randy finished his dinner. He thought of his mother, maybe his mother is now very anxious because he has not come home yet, Randy also helpless. No cell phone, no communication tools, so he can not tell his parents that he's okay.

Then Randy took out a vial containing [Chaos Dragon Essence Blood]. He saw this blood carefully, it turns out that this blood is not red, but the color changes, from gold, red, blue, green, yellow, purple and so on.

"Shana, I just need to drink it right? After that, I will get the Chaos Dragon Bloodline?" Randy asked Shana. He intend to drink this blood now.

"Yes, Master just needs to drink it" Shana replied Randy, "But ..." When Shana wants to explain more detail about Bloodline, she saw Randy drinking the blood right away.

The blood does not have any flavor. Randy did not feel any change after drinking the blood, but after 30 seconds later his whole body aching, like a needle was pierced all over his body. One minute later his body became numb and he felt like all the energy in his body was gone, then Randy fell to the ground. Then suddenly he felt the pain all over his whole body, Randy twitched on the ground and soon he lost consciousness due to the pain, but before he fainted he heard Shana mumbled,

"Actually I wanted to tell Master the process of Bloodline Transformation so he can get ready, but he's very impatient and just drinking it like drinking plain water ...." Shana mumbled as she watched Randy twitching on the ground.

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