Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Ah Zheng pinched Ye Yaodong's cheeks, then looked left and right, "We all live by the seaside, so why don't you get a tan like everyone else? If I were as fair as you, I wouldn't be single!"

"You think having fair skin is all it takes? This is the real drawback!" Ye Yaodong mischievously placed his hand on Ah Zheng's head and then gestured diagonally towards his shoulder!

Ah Zheng angrily exclaimed, "Damn it, I'm 170 cm tall!"

"169 rounded to 170?"

"That's also 170!"


Everyone joked and bantered, each person adding a witty remark, making the atmosphere lively and spirited.

Ye Yaodong hadn't relaxed and laughed so easily with his friends for a long time. The latter half of his life had been mostly occupied with the busyness of making a living. He regretted not striving harder in his youth, and he bore the consequences of that choice!

After eating and drinking their fill, the sky began to darken, and the table was littered with empty cups and dishes.

Ye Yaodong let out a satisfied burp. "You guys clean up; Fatty and I have been busy all afternoon!"

"No problem, leave it to me to clean up.

"Nonsense, you're definitely going to make your sisters do the cleaning. We haven't even had any drinks today, and it's not yet completely dark outside. Let's all pitch in and clean up," Ye Yaodong said. His maturity and mindset had grown significantly compared to his younger days. They weren't at a restaurant, they were civilized individuals in a civilized society, so he was determined to clean up after himself.

"Alright, alright, each of us do a bit, and we'll tidy up in no time.

With his reminder, the others also started moving, realizing that it was just a few bowls and chopsticks to clean up. It was a simple task after all!

"There's still some Dragon and Phoenix Soup in the pot. Do you still want to eat it? It's just a bit cold.

Ye Yaodong leaned over to take a look. There wasn't much meat left, but there was still a good amount of soup. "Pack a bowl for me to take home. I want my wife and sons to have a taste too.

"Since there's some left, pack a bowl of soup for me too," Little Xiao said.

The rest of them didn't ask for any soup. Some of them didn't have wives or children, while others had comfortable living conditions like Fatty and didn't have to worry about food and drink.

As childhood friends, what difference would it make if someone took a little more or a little less? Everyone understood this and didn't mind sharing food and drinks.

Ye Yaodong packed a large bowl of soup along with a few pieces of meat and headed home, taking a step ahead of the others.

Ah Guang's house was located at the foot of the mountain behind them, not too far from their homes. It would take about a ten-minute walk, but he was being cautious as he held the bowl of soup, afraid it might spill, so he didn't dare walk too fast.

By the time he arrived home, it was already pitch dark. The neighbors had retired to bed as there wasn't much to do after dark, and to save on electricity bills. The lights in their house were also turned off.

He gave the door a push. "Damn it, locked? Who locked it?"

Muttering a few curses under his breath, he walked to the side of the house where his room was located. He noticed that the window was open, but there was no sound coming from inside.

He lightly tapped on the window and called out softly, "Ah Qing, Ah Qing? Are you asleep? Can you open the door for me? It's locked, and I can't get in."



The two children had their eyes closed but were still awake. When they heard the commotion at the window, they quickly got up from bed.

Lin Xiuqing was so furious that she was on the verge of exploding. She had just managed to put the two children to sleep, and now they were being disturbed again!

This troublemaker!

"You're still awake! Perfect timing, I brought some delicious food for you. Hurry and ask your mother to open the door for me!"

The eldest son's spirits soared as soon as he heard about the delicious food. "Mom, open the door quickly! Dad can't come in!"

"Got it. Keep your voices down and don't disturb others' rest. I'll go open the door. Wait for me inside.

Lin Xiuqing put on her slippers and carefully opened the door, trying to make as little noise as possible to avoid disturbing others. Father Ye and Ye Yaopeng had to go out to sea later that night, so they were most likely already asleep.

Ye Yaodong stood by the front door and watched as his wife, with a displeased expression, opened the door. He patiently coaxed, "Don't be angry. I promise to come back earlier next time. I brought Dragon and Phoenix Soup for you. Just heat it up and enjoy."

"What Dragon and Phoenix soup?"

"It's a cobra snake stewed with chicken, and I added some spare ribs to it too. It's both cooling and nourishing. I intentionally scooped a bit more soup for you, but it has cooled down. It needs to be heated. Who locked the door? Was it intentional?"

Lin Xiuqing took the soup and gave him a look that said, "You figure it out." She wanted him to experience the consequences himself.

"My mother locked it?"

"Well, I was told not to open the door, and let you sleep outside the main door at night. Wake up and use your brain!"

Ye Yaodong: Mother!

"You warm up the soup, I'll go to the back door to take a shower."

He doesnt need hot water on a hot day. He went to the back door and used well water to fill a bucket, enjoying a refreshing shower.

When he reentered the house, there was only a flickering flame in the stove, casting a faint glow in the main room. The light from the crack under his bedroom door was also visible, especially prominent in the darkness of the night.

He pushed open the bedroom door and saw Lin Xiuqing sitting by the bedside, feeding the two children. The children had their mouths open, taking turns to receive spoonfuls of food.

"You already heated it up?"

"Yes, on a hot day like this, there's no need for it to be too hot. Just warming it up a bit without boiling is enough.

"Dad, what kind of meat is this? It's all bones, not tasty!" complained the eldest son while eating.

"If it's not tasty, why are you eating it bite after bite? Finish eating, go pee, and then go to bed. If you wet the bed tonight, I'll give you a beating!"

"I won't wet the bed!"

Ye Yaodong took a pair of shorts and walked to the side of the bed to change. He casually placed the clothes he took off on the corner of a stool and then climbed onto the bed, lying down.

"How much did we sell the two blue crabs for today?"

"They were sold for 1.50 yuan each. Mom gave it to me, and I kept the money.

He pursed his lips, Damn, so cheap!

"Save some for your mother, don't eat it all."

Lin Xiuqing said gently, "It's okay, if they want to eat, they can have it all."

Not long had passed since they finished their meal, and the two children weren't very hungry. They had a few sips of soup and ate two pieces of meat before losing their appetite.

"They're not eating anymore, so you can have it. I've already eaten outside.


After finishing their meal, the two children started bouncing and playing on the bed, laughing and joking. In a moment of carelessness, they accidentally stepped on Ye Yaodong's foot and ended up falling onto him, both sitting on top of him.

Ye Yaodong let out a muffled groan, but fortunately, he had been covering his sensitive area with his hand, so he wasn't squished by them!

He gave each of their bare bottoms a slap and said, "No more noise. Get back into bed and go to sleep."

"No, I can't sleep!"

"You've been playing around all day and still can't sleep? Even if you can't sleep, you have to lie down properly, each in your own place."

Under the domination of his authority, the two children obediently lay down side by side.

Lin Xiuqing finished the remaining soup and meat, then turned off the light, placed the mosquito net, and lay down beside Ye Yaodong. She reached out and patted the chests of the two children, soothing them to sleep.

In the beginning, the two children were saying they weren't sleepy, but they ended up falling asleep after just a few pats.

Ye Yaodong, under the moonlight, looked at his wife lying beside him, with her back turned, wearing only a tank top and shorts. He felt a slight temptation stirring within him...

But he was hesitant and didn't dare to reach out his hand

Just as he turned around, preparing to reach out, she sat up again, and he quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Xiuqing glanced at him inexplicably, "Sleeping ah!"

She shifted to a different position and lay down by his feet.

Yaodong also remembered that it wasn't comfortable to sleep with four people lying side by side on the bed. Ever since they had their second child, his wife would put the children to sleep and then crawl to the other end, creating some space between them.

Damn it, it can be done naturally with just a stretch of a hand!

Now he had no choice but to get up and switch to the other end.

(end of this chapter)

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