Aura of a Genius Actor

Chapter 27: You’ve Arrived

Chapter 27: You’ve Arrived

༺ You’ve Arrived ༻

The second semester had begun.

“Senior Yoomyeong!”

“Oh, hello. You’re Hyun-wook, right?”

“Yes! Didn’t you take this course in your freshman year?”

“No. I couldn’t get it during the course registration.”

He was about to leave after class when a freshman from the Business Department started talking to him. But since a semester has already passed, perhaps he’s not considered a freshman anymore.

“Is that your schedule for this semester? Wow, those aren’t business courses… Are you double majoring?”

“No. They’re just courses I wanted to take.”

Yoomyeong had chosen many courses this semester from both the theater department and his major.

If he was going to pursue a career in acting seriously, he might not even graduate from college. In that case, it was better to take courses related to acting.

“By the way, have you heard about Brother Sang Jin?”


“Eventually, he shaved his head and enlisted in the army. His father is strict, and he’s been avoiding enlistment. Hehe. It’s harder when you go in late because the younger ones become the seniors.”

“I see. He’s going to have a tough time.”

Last semester, after getting wasted during the MT (Membership Training), Sang Jin picked a fight every time he saw Yoomyeong.

The straightforward Shinhee couldn’t stand it and gave him a piece of her mind several times. After that, he stopped coming to the lunch gatherings.

Yoomyeong prayed that Sang Jin would mature a bit in the military.

“With all the seniors gone, who do you plan to eat lunch with? Would you like to eat with our group? We’re in building 1.”

His female classmates were in their final semester. They said they would not be able to attend this semester because they were busy preparing for their jobs. Maybe that’s why he hadn’t heard from Bora, who continued contacting him separately.

“Thanks, but I have theater classes before and after lunch, so I plan to eat in that building.”

“Oh, that’s a shame. I’ll say hello next time!”

Hyun-wook bowed slightly and left, while Yoomyeong made his way to the theater department building.

The subject of this course was <Playwriting>.

After writing a script in the <Method Acting> class last semester, he realized that creating dialogues and scenes himself was quite beneficial for acting. That led him to register for this course.

“Hey, Shin Yoomyeong!”

Senior Suho waved to him from the front. Hye-Seon was sitting next to him.

Hearing that name, even the students who didn’t know Yoomyeong’s face glanced over. Last semester, Yoomyeong had become quite famous in the theater department.

“Are you planning to transfer departments?”

“Hehe. Are both of you taking this class? Isn’t Yu-ri in this course?”

Hye-Seon chimed in.

“Yu-ri’s on a leave of absence because she’s directing the autumn play. Didn’t you know?”

“Oh, really? Well, that’s what happened.”

“There’s a story behind that. I’ll tell you later.”

Suho cleared the seat next to him. Naturally, Yoomyeong was about to sit down next to him and was placing his bag on the seat when he spotted a familiar face peeking into the classroom from the hallway.

‘Who is that? I definitely remember that face…’

The ordinary-looking male student with glasses hesitated for a moment before approaching the teaching assistant to speak. The teaching assistant nodded, and the student cautiously entered the classroom through the back door.


Yoomyeong suddenly remembered and called out with joy.

“Woo Jun-ho! Jun-ho!”


After the <Playwriting> class and during a break, Yoomyeong went to cafeteria Y with Jun-ho.

“You’ve returned this semester?”

“Yeah. Is that really you… Shin Yoomyeong?”

“Haha, I’ve changed a bit, haven’t I? You look the same as before you went to the military.”

Woo Jun-ho.

He was a member of the S~Y surname group during the Business Department orientation. After the second semester, their batchmates, including Oh Sang Jin, naturally formed close-knit groups, and Yoomyeong mostly hung out with the remaining Jun-ho. In other words, they were the outsiders.

While they began hanging out more out of convenience than anything else, they stuck together for almost three years. To Yoomyeong, Jun-ho was his closest college friend.

They weren’t particularly close on a personal level, so their communication gradually faded after graduation. The last news he had heard was that Jun-ho had gotten a job at a small or medium-sized company.

Since he mainly attended theater courses, Yoomyeong never considered that Jun-ho might return this semester.

But to meet him in this class of all places…

“So you’re taking playwriting, too?”

“Yeah… I’m just listening in…”

“Are you interested in writing?”

“Uh… not really, just curious…”

Jun-ho evaded the question, looking uncomfortable.

“…What about you? Why are you in this class?”

“Oh, I’m into acting.”

“Acting? You?”

“Yeah. I was also a staff member at Changcheon during my freshman year. Didn’t you know?”

Jun-ho seemed taken aback.

After meeting his friend in such an unexpected place, he found Yoomyeong vastly different from the person he remembered.

Jun-ho had once thought that he and Shin Yoomyeong were like extras, appearing but easily forgotten once the performance ended.

He was a friend who seemed to have nothing to do with acting, actors, and fancy words like that.

After finishing their meal and sipping a cup of tea, Jun-ho, who had gradually become less tense, opened up to Yoomyeong.

“I’ve actually been interested in playwriting… since a long time ago.”

“Oh, really? We’ve been together all this time and I never knew. Since when?”

“Since I was a kid… It doesn’t fit me, does it? I’ve never formally learned it, but I gathered the courage to attend this class when I found out about it.”

Yoomyeong felt sympathy upon hearing Jun-ho’s uncertain tone.

‘It doesn’t fit me,’ or ‘What can I do?’ Yoomyeong himself must’ve had such thoughts thousands, if not millions, of times.

But now, Yoomyeong had come to realize that he wanted to pursue what he loved. He couldn’t let it go. Without taking that step, he would be forever watching from the sidelines.

Still… he felt like he could give Jun-ho a little push.

“Have you written anything? I really love reading scripts.”

“Well… really? Should I show you one? Ah, it’s embarrassing… but promise me you won’t laugh, okay?”

While feeling embarrassed, Jun-ho excitedly rummaged through his bag. The eagerness of showing one’s work, like showing off a beloved child, probably wasn’t any different for actors nor writers.

The neatly written A4 papers were quite thick.


The first page with the title smoothly flipped over. Jun-ho watched Yoomyeong with a tense expression. It was the first time he was showing the script to someone other than his younger sibling.

‘What kind of script is this? It’s garbage.’ Imagining such criticisms made him feel like his skin was shriveling up.

The pages flipped continuously, but then suddenly stopped at one point.


The expression on his friend’s face sitting across from him changed rapidly.

His mouth opened.

“You didn’t want to see me? No? You must’ve been upset because I only gifted Hyun-ji last time. You’re cute, hehe. What do you mean, it’s not true? Don’t be shy. Today, I’ll buy you what you want, so cheer up. Hey, where are you going?”

Jun-ho’s eyes grew as wide as saucers.

‘What am I looking at right now?’

A character from his script had seemingly sprung to life.

The main character, Oh Jun. He had that arrogant expression and spoke those cheesy lines.

Watching the world he had created take on color and come to life, Jun-ho trembled.

“This script is interesting. You’re talented, aren’t you?”

Oh Jun threw out a compliment.


Yu-ri was sitting with the script in front of her, her head buried in her hands.

‘At this rate…’

<Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde>. This was the piece to be presented at the Oedipus Autumn performance.

She had tried out various adapted scripts, but none of them resonated with Yu-ri’s heart. She even scoured the English versions.

Taking up the role of director unexpectedly, she wanted to produce the best performance possible under her name. More so, since the originally planned director was exceptionally talented.

— Yu-ri, will you direct it for me?

— Huh? Weren’t you supposed to direct the next performance, senior?

— I’m sorry, but I have other ambitions now. I’ve never wanted to act this much.

— Is it because of Shin Yoomyeong?

— If I decide to become an actor now, there’s no guarantee that I’ll get the leading role. Actually, I honestly believe I might get overshadowed. Still, I want to act alongside him, on the same stage.

— …

— For this performance, I want not only the actors but also the direction to be the best. There are only a few directors I trust, and among them, I really hope you’ll do it.

It was a sincere request from a respected senior and an acknowledgement, so Yu-ri couldn’t refuse. With the determination to meet his expectations, she went against the agency’s objections and even took a leave of absence to work on the script.

However, she wasn’t satisfied with the script.

‘Perhaps… I’ll have to re-adapt the original.’

Yu-ri opened her phone.

Although she was hesitant, there was only one person who came to mind.

{Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?}

“Yes. I want to create a new script.”

{What’s in it for me?}

Min Juran. She was Yu-ri’s classmate.

In high school, she received a newcomer award at a national playwriting competition and entered the university’s Theater and Film Department as a special talent. In her sophomore year, she even won a prize at the Shinhwa Screenplay Competition. Her talent had earned her a reputation, but her personality was far from amiable.

“Your name will be officially credited as the playwright for the main performance of Oedipus. It’s not a bad addition to your portfolio.”

“It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. Which role are you doing this time? Assistant director?”

“No, director.”

“Why? Wasn’t it supposed to be senior Ryu Shin?”

“He said he wanted to act this time.”


Juran’s eyes sparkled.

“If Seo Ryu Shin is the lead role, then I’ll do it.”

“The roles are decided in the casting. I can’t promise anything.”

“Why? It’s going to be Seo Ryu Shin anyway. Who could possibly outperform him? Jo Min-seok? Shin Suho?”

Yu-ri thought of someone even more promising. This time, it was truly uncertain who would get the lead role.

“Anyone who performs well can get the lead role.”

“Oh… could it be that ‘student from another department’ that was the talk of the town last semester?”

Min Juran sharply pointed out.

“He’s a no-go. My career is on the line. To get my pen moving, at the very least, Seo Ryu Shin needs to be the lead in the Oedipus main performance.”

“…I can’t guarantee the casting. Think it over and let me know.”

Yu-ri mustered her patience and stood up from her seat.


“You’ve arrived.”

Contrary to his calm-looking eyes, Seo Ryu Shin tightly gripped the hand in front of him to the point that it made Yoomyeong’s hand feel numb. It was a grip filled with determination.

“Yes, thanks to you, I attended the workshop well. I also felt the charm of Oedipus.”

“I heard you were amazing at the last workshop. I regret missing it.”

Ryu Shin genuinely felt regretful.

Every time they met after the vacation, the workshop members talked about it. Normally, workshops were filmed for records, but Yoon Hansung’s workshop had so many personal details exposed that it wasn’t filmed. Consequently, Shin Yoomyeong’s acting wasn’t recorded either.

‘Since we’ll be preparing for the performance together from now on… I’ll have plenty of chances to see his acting.’

In front of the gathered crowd, Seon Yu-ri stepped forward.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Seon Yu-ri, and I’ll be directing the Oedipus’ Autumn 2003 main performance.”

Applause ensued.

“As you know, the play for our autumn performance has been decided as <Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde>. However, we have a bit of a problem. While the original is excellent, I haven’t found a theater script adaptation that suits my taste. I’ve tried to find various versions, but none of them worked.”

Taking a deep breath, Yu-ri dropped a bombshell.

“So, I’m currently working on a new adaptation, but the playwright said that they want to verify your abilities before committing to the script.”

Everyone’s gaze sharpened in an instant.

“We will proceed with casting based on the original script. Also, the playwright wants to observe the casting process. That person is the playwright Min Juran.”

The woman who had been standing outside the classroom dramatically opened the door and entered, enjoying the attention directed her way.

“Hello, seniors and juniors. My name is Min Juran.”

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