Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 153: The Plan Changes

Chapter 153: The Plan Changes

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Chapter 153: The Plan Changes

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The crimson sun hung low in the sky, casting its glow over the barren land, and all around was an eerie silence.

Perhaps it was merely a trick of her mind, but Athena felt as though the sun had taken on a deeper shade of red today, verging on black even.

Clutching the parchment in her hand, she remained silent for a long time, her thoughts drifting back to the recent agreement she had made with Asks-The-Heavens.

[ Regional Chat Channel ]

“Surely we’re not going out to confront 003 tomorrow?”
“Of course we are! We must go. Who knows if this situation will last two days, three days, or even a month?”
“As the saying goes, ‘He who kills and burns takes gold for his belt.’”
“That’s mass murder we’re talking about! How can you all joke about it so casually?”
“Who’s the lunatic up there? Drag them out; monsters relish devouring those with twisted minds.”
“Are so many people planning to join in?”

Asks-The-Heavens’s inquiries had drawn quite a crowd for this operation. News spread rapidly—one person told ten, ten told a hundred. The chat channel was buzzing with excitement.

[ Big Dream sends you a message.]

The scalpel in his hand flipped deftly as he dissected the rabbit carcass before him.

Though he no longer required his surgical skills, he was determined not to lose his touch. Now and then, he would find something to practice on.

They had just finalized their plans for the attack tomorrow in the chat group.

Using some water nearby, he washed the blood from his hands. Big Dream usually didn’t reach out to him without good reason; was there something urgent at hand?

Asks-The-Heavens opened his chat channel.

-“I’ve just received some information.”
-“That thing in the sky is behaving strangely; its color has turned increasingly red. It’s likely to undergo a second mutation very soon.”
-“If it continues to change before midnight tonight, I won’t be going tomorrow. I suggest you all reconsider your plans as well.”

He read through this information with a furrowed brow. Although he was unsure where Big Dream acquired such extensive intelligence, he understood that her top ranking status was not self-assigned. She possessed resources he could not access.

He looked up at the sun. Unless one paid close attention, it was easy to miss that it had indeed deepened in hue since yesterday.

In the current circumstances, attacks among regions were merely a matter of time. They were all vying for an advantage rather than simply adopting a defensive stance.

But if Big Dream had genuinely uncovered different information…

Then perhaps their plans for tomorrow truly needed adjustment.

Not a complete overhaul, but they would have to wait until after midnight to see if there were any changes. This would indicate that the information Big Dream had received might not be entirely accurate—no precise timing to rely on.

If something were to happen, he would certainly inform his team.

'Let’s hope for a peaceful night…'


Athena rubbed her throbbing temples, then reached to remove the earthen wall outside the shelter. Compared to her earlier attempts at controlling the time, her mental strength had certainly increased significantly.

Asks-The-Heavens replied, “I have a rough understanding of the situation and will await further developments to adjust our plans accordingly.”

There were no signs of confusion or questions from him; he accepted this fact with calm assurance.

Interacting with Asks-The-Heavens was indeed a refreshingly pleasant experience.

At her side lay ten scrolls, acquired through trade with scroll guy, Potato, costing her ten silver coins. These were acceleration scrolls; it was always wise to stockpile such items for future use.

It wasn’t that Potato had been unwilling to trade before; the chance of successfully reorganising duplicate scrolls was rather slim. Now, however, he had rushed over to her the moment he had new information to barter.

She gladly accepted all ten scrolls without hesitation.

Everyone had their secrets—Potato’s varied scrolls, Asks-The-Heavens’s special abilities, and even those two individuals from area 007 whom she had encountered recently.

Her fingers gently stroked the black-colored axe in her hand, its blade glinting with a mysterious crimson light, subtly exuding an aura that sent shivers down her spine. Her gaze sharpened as if peering through the axe into an endless world.

As she moved her fingers along the icy surface and keen edge of the black axe, she contemplated her next journey to the goblin city.

Although she had made little progress in alchemy, she had mastered the explosive ball technique learned from Mu, yet crafting a quality or even perfect explosive ball remained a lengthy process with slim chances.

Additionally, the Moonlight Bow could be enhanced through the fusion of similar weapons; the black abyss axe could likewise be improved. However, she had only found one weapon during her time with Uncle Gowther, leaving her without additional axes for fusion.

It was unclear if he had managed to forge anything noteworthy during this interval.

For now, she wouldn’t venture there. Preparing enough food for a visit to the goblin city was essential, as they lacked provisions, making food a far better medium for communication.

Inside the grand fireplace, a fierce fire blazed, crackling and popping with life.

Beside it sat an exquisite candle, its tiny yet stable flame gently radiating a warm glow.

While both emitted bright flames, their purposes were entirely different.

The fire in the hearth was meant to warm the room and create a comfortable atmosphere, its fierce heat dispelling the chill and invoking a sense of home.

Conversely, the primary function of the candle was to guard against and dispel darkness, serving as a key to the shelter’s activation.

In addition to the mid-level candle currently alight, Athena possessed two junior candles. Others, however, were not so fortunate, as yet another candle’s duration was about to expire.

The count of survivors had not ceased, and the next threshold was 500. Should their region’s population decline to that number, a new phase would commence.

Feeling rather bored, Athena sat by the fire, gazing through the circular wooden window at the sky, quietly observing its changes.

It had been a long while since she had attentively watched the sky like this. If only everything remained calm tonight—it was a shame.

As she looked up at the sun, now so deep a red it appeared almost black, a small dark spot emerged, rapidly expanding and threatening to engulf the sun.

Yet, in an instant, everything felt like an illusion. The sun was still the same vibrant crimson as before; it no longer bore the taint of blackness.

"I felt... empty"

Athena felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. The clock had long since passed midnight. How many would notice this fleeting change?


'Many have died, and indeed, we too shall meet our end. I survive, yet there lingers within me that I have already succumbed to death. For reasons beyond comprehension or maybe, hallucinations, what is the purpose behind all of this?'

If she hadn’t been watching so intently and question everything since the day she awakened in this world, Athena too might have thought all was as it should be.

And that surviving is meaningless.

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