Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 149: The Cat

Chapter 149: The Cat

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Chapter 149: The Cat

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The two of them were strung taut with nerves. This creature attacking them wasn’t just unafraid of fire; it could even vanish into thin air.

Having succeeded twice, Mikmik grew complacent. It hadn’t expected these two to be so weak. The instinct of a cat toying with its prey awoke within it, and Mikmik’s mischievousness surged.

It had forgotten its original purpose—to retreat once the mission was complete.

Once again, it pounced. But in the instant it leapt, Ebony Veil reacted first, clenched his fist, and swung fiercely in Mikmik's direction. His forearm, reinforced by iron bracers, nearly made contact with its body. In midair, Mikmik could hardly maneuver effectively and barely evaded the strike.

Although this attempt had missed, his reaction was improving—he was beginning to anticipate Mikmik’s moves. Another try, and he might hit for real.

The playful mood that had just arisen was quickly squashed. As Mikmik prepared to retreat, Azure Dew rummaged through his backpack and flung something towards it.

The substance glittered as it left his hand, possibly glow-in-the-dark powder. Though Mikmik recoiled sharply, a few particles stuck to its fur as the wind carried them.

It seemed like it had taken things a bit too far. For the first time, its invisibility was compromised, the glowing powder clinging to its fur. As it moved, the sparkling trail betrayed its presence. To an unknowing bystander, it might have appeared as if a ghost were playing tricks in the dark.

A mess indeed.

Mikmik moved rapidly on the ground, but the two men remained hot on its heels. It couldn’t risk leading them back to the sanctuary, knowing full well he’d be scolded if he did.

If he couldn’t shake them off on the ground, perhaps an alternative approach was required. No matter what, he couldn't lead them to the sanctuary. A good old diversion was needed.

Bee Wings. A tiny golden orb, no larger than a marble, dropped from its fur. The Bee Wings had been Athena’s reward from the last regional battle—three pairs in total, distributed among the trio.

With a shake, spectral wings sprouted from Mikmik’s back, far larger than its own body.

Mikmik flitted around the two, the air currents stirred by its wings slowly ridding its body of the powder.

Ebony Veil looked up, watching the sky. There was a black cat, its jet-black fur blending into the vast darkness. And yet, astonishingly, its body shimmered with faint starlight.

More surprising still was the pair of glowing wings extending from its sides, resplendent in their clarity.

"A monster with equipment? Could it be a high-level beast, with the intelligence to use items..."

He kept elbowing Azure Dew in the back, gesturing for him to find something—fast.

"I'm looking, I'm looking."

Watching the flying creature, Azure Dew’s heart pounded. He was frantically rummaging for his mechanical crossbow.

Why hadn’t he realized before how disorganized his things were?

Finally locating it, he shot a few bolts towards Mikmik, which it evaded effortlessly. Soon, Mikmik had shed the last of the powder, vanishing into invisibility once more—along with the wings.

It disappeared from sight, darting swiftly back to the sanctuary.

On its way out, Mikmik even made sure to swat a few loose tufts of fur in another direction.

“Chase it!”

Seeing it vanish, Ebony Veil felt a surge of frustration. Today was truly a rotten day—did they really think they could bully the two of them so easily?

“Chase it?”

“Chase what? We’re lucky to have survived this. Who knows if there are more monsters? Run, run!”

“Chase it!”


“You—you just wait...”

In the dim candlelight of the sanctuary, Athena reclined on the balcony, a thin blanket draped over her.

Her system panel was aglow.

Initially, she’d intended to trade some rare minerals with "Asks-The-Heavens," but he mentioned his supply was limited. With that option dismissed, the conversation wandered off-topic.

Asks-The-Heavens said, "I’ve gathered my team. We’re planning an offensive against Area 003 soon, but we're short on manpower. Any interest?"

Asks-The-Heavens was also sitting comfortably in his two-storey cottage, sipping hot tea. As he messaged Athena, he was simultaneously organizing his group in another chat.

The people in Area 003 had clashed with them in the last regional battle. With this function re-opened, it made sense to prioritize eliminating that threat and avoid further complications.

Athena understood perfectly why Area 003 was the target instead of Area 005—they had some familiarity with each other and grievances from the last encounter. Besides, given Asks-The-Heavens' ongoing transactions with Area 003, they had precise information of the 003 players.

“Sure. When?”

“Tomorrow morning at seven. Head straight east, and you’ll reach the boundary.”

This move was in the collective interest of their entire area. Asks-The-Heavens knew Athena wouldn’t refuse.

If his team was the strategic brain of their area, then Athena represented its top combat power. With her on board, more people would be encouraged to join.

This group had learned to rely on their self-healing capabilities—there was no fear of them leaving their homes vulnerable to raids.

They discussed more details, and after settling on a general strategy, ended their pleasant conversation.

Athena closed her communication channel, glancing over at the rowdy crowd. The gambling frenzy had reached a fever pitch, and the snacks below piled ever higher.

Gambling fools—gamble too much and end up with nothing.

Mikmik had been out for quite a while and hadn’t yet returned…

Looking at the inky blackness outside, Athena fell silent. It wasn’t that she doubted Mikmik’s abilities, but anything could happen.

She eyed her watch. Ten more minutes. If Mikmik didn’t come back, she’d go looking.

Two minutes later, the sanctuary’s barrier rippled slightly, and a flying creature suddenly hurtled in. Evidently, Mikmik hadn’t quite mastered the art of flight yet and hadn’t learned to stop in time—crashing straight into the ceiling beam.

Athena opened the door to see Mikmik sprawled on the floor, dizzy, with little golden orb beside it. Prince and Princess were covering their mouths, stifling their laughter, much to Mikmik’s indignation.

The Bee Wings weren't a one-time-use item; they could be used for a total of three hours. If they weren’t used up all at once, they’d revert to the golden orb. Once their usage accumulated to three hours, they’d disappear for good.

"You used the Bee Wings?"

Mikmik nodded.

"Troublesome opponent?"

He nodded furiously, tail swishing.

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