Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 93: 93Berengar

Chapter 93: 93Berengar

Chapter 93 93. Berengar

Dont, dont kill us. This place is very close to the trade area! Kill us, you will definitely be in trouble!

The gangster in his hand was trembling while turning his small head.

Lan En's ferocious style of beating people up like rag dolls without saying a word made the little gangster feel like he might really be pressed to death at any time.

Although reason told him that this place was very close to the trade area, if someone killed people here, Vizima's city defense troops and security forces would not give up.

But fear is something that is beyond the control of reason.

What's more, [Yaxsi Dharma Seal] deepens this point.

Is there a management organization for porters and unloaders near the city gate? Whether it is official or unofficial.

The king and the kings accountant only care about taxes and dont care about anything else. The workers and coolies belong to our Snake Tooth Gang. For every copper they earn, we will take a fifth.

Snake Tooth Gang? This name is so vulgar.

This vulgar name even made Lan En feel uncomfortable from the inside out, and he pinched his teeth.

Who is in charge of the accounts among you, and where does he usually appear?

Jung. I only remember that he sent me money. I dont know whose account the gang has.

Under the hood, her long and beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

Think about it, the accounts of a gang are the absolute core secrets.

Then who is in charge of the accounts cannot be known by these unscrupulous people on the street.

Lets talk about Jung, where would he be?

"When he has money, he goes to the House of Night. It's the best brothel in Vizima! But you can't find him there now."


Its still the accounts. Five days ago, all the accountants in the gangs were picked up, no matter how big or small, and they were going to do a big reconciliation.

This time, the brows under the hood were not slightly frowned, but frowned tightly.

Five days ago. If there was nothing fishy about this coincidental time, Lan might as well pay homage to Meritelli.

In other words, the human traffickers manage even the lowest-level coolie workers without any flaws?

Can this **** national spy agency do this?

The further down the investigation goes, the more shocking the opponent's power is.

This is also the reason why in this world, the magicians who have mastered extraordinary power have to negotiate amicably with the kings, or even submit to others.

Supernatural power is limited.

Even a person with high magic power like Arzu can summon giant centipedes that are enough to destroy half a city on the terrain!

But in the face of truly all-pervasive power and money, what really comes into play behind these two is human desire.

Mana seems insignificant.

It is better to play with people's hearts than with magic.

This is the truth of this world.

But Lan En is not from this world, and he has also seen the terrifying extent that truly powerful power can reach.

So far, the young witcher is not discouraged.

Then give me the name of a worker, the name of a worker who does the most work and works most frequently.

Since the management organization of the coolie workers has also been taken care of, lets simply lower our horizons a little further!

I will go directly to the person who delivers the goods!

Bei, Berengar. Like you, that guy doesnt like to look up at people. He lives in the temple area.

Under the hood, the thin lips showed a satisfactory arc.

A moment later, the tall and muscular cloaked man walked out of the alley. As he walked from the shadows into the sunlight, he subconsciously patted the corner of his clothes that were not dirty.

In the alley behind him, two dumbfounded gangsters were piled on a puddle of vomit.

After the two of them woke up, they would only think that they had a quarrel with each other, and then they got excited and had a fight in the alley.

The willpower of the gangsters in the two cities is far different from that of the warriors who have seen blood.

Following the gangster's information, Lan En quickly found the target house after twisting and turning among the messy self-built houses. But when he reached the door, the movement in the room made him stop with his lips pursed.

Oh! My warrior! Oh!

This is obviously a bachelor's house, but the bold voice inside now belongs to a woman.

Mentos. Shield it.

"Sir, I don't recommend you to do this. First of all, it will help overcome your shy mentality. Secondly, the physical quality of this worker is not simple just by listening to it. We should not throw away clues for the sake of emotion. "

At this moment, the biological intelligence brain, which had rarely even greeted him since he started to devote himself to the patching business, actually said a long paragraph by himself without saying hello.

Lan looked expressionless under his hood.

I heard, you seem to have come up with the second reason?

"Sir, you can't make unreasonable assumptions about a loyal and loyal person!"

I have to listen carefully.

The lady in the room has a good professional level, at least as far as "giving customers a sense of satisfaction with her voice".

Fortunately, the noise that made the young man want to pick his nails was over within two minutes.

A scantily clad lady put on the few pieces of fabric she had on her body. She couldn't wait to walk out of the room before she had even put it on completely.

While still carrying the money bag, he smiled and shouted into the room: "Call me next time and I will give you a discount, my warrior!"

Lan En stood leaning against the wall, breathing long and quietly.

This wandering warbler didn't even notice his presence because of the angle.

The woman turned to leave, and a hand with a studded leather glove held the door before it closed automatically.

He turned around and the tall figure slipped into the room smoothly.

The room was very simple. There was a man of no apparent age lying on the bed, with his upper body naked, and there were many hideous scars on his skin.

At first glance, Lan En frowned slightly.

Are these scars left by monsters?

Why are you still here? What I gave should be enough

The man knew that someone else had entered the house before he even opened his eyes.

Berengar was no ordinary hard worker.

Lan En couldnt believe that at such a delicate time and under such a big conspiracy network, an obviously extraordinary character appeared. Is it purely a coincidence?

So the young man simply rushed forward.

The sword was not drawn, nor was the three-pointed spike on the fist of the glove used.

Instead, open your palms and use the tiger's mouth position to jam towards the opponent's throat.

The man who was lying lazily on the bed savoring the aftertaste suddenly woke up the moment Lan En began to move violently.

Under the young mans surprised face, he opened his own shimmering cat eyes.

Witcher? !



Lan En's palm that was originally responsible for attacking suddenly retracted and was raised to protect his face.

The violent impact hit him, and his body weight of 200 kilograms was almost lifted off the ground!

This guy's seal release speed is one level faster than mine? ! So skilled!

While Lan En was surprised that the other party was practicing on the Dharma Seal, the other party was even more surprised.

Berengar maintained the gesture of releasing the seal, while holding on to the bed board to get up and change his stance against the enemy.

This is the sigil variant of the Wolf School witcher, which can turn [Alder's sigil] into a move that provides continuous driving force.

Opposite him, he just blocked that kid from the Bear School with his arm and was fine? !

Before he could express his surprise, Berengar's cat-eye pupils suddenly shrank into a thin line because of something even more outrageous.

I'll take your mother in my mouth!

This guy rushed over with [Alder] on his back!

New book for newbies! Please collect it! Please recommend! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please read it!

Thanks to Ledao for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to Rhaegal Targaryen for the 5000 point reward!

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