Ascenders Rift

Chapter 259: Prelude to the True War

Chapter 259: Prelude to the True War

As the battlefield within the Earth Sector transitioned to a new phase, so was the scene within the X Space. By now, those of the underground base that now homed those of the City of Hope had already recovered to their peak conditions. The talented amongst them even having striven a great deal in strength due to the stimulation to their evolution potential.

More and more were Evolvers who awakened more of their primal genes, achieving a deeper relation to the strengths belonging to their age-old ancestors. Because of this, the atmosphere here no longer had a dismal mood but rather an air of hope for a future.

Of course, while all seemed at ease, the system's announcement was naturally heard by all lifeforms. As such, the fires in everyone's eyes leaned more to than of combat readiness than anything else.

The droning sounds belonging to many large and newly modified aircraft sounded as a giant fleet had already assembled at the underground base's core entrance.

Looking towards that sector, one would notice that amongst this great armada were teams of Evolvers garbed in combat armor with newly prepared weapons, each emanating an illusory breath of fire as if they bore the spirit of dragons.

At the lead of these groups, and on the summits of separate aircraft, were none other than the mightiest Evolver troops, led by Leo, Julie, Irene, Oron, and Razel, respectively. Looking at each of them, one could tell based on the look on their face just how strong they had gotten within this period of recovering and rebuilding.

Beyond them, on the grandest ship of all, mounted with dozens of special grade plasma cannons, was none other than the city head Milon, with his closest aid Wilma at his side.

Feeling the shift of the wind that came from the distant ends of the exit, Milon had a sharp look in his eyes as he stared into the distance before he glanced at Wilma, who smiled at him.

Knowing the meaning behind it, Milon scratched the back of his head and made a fake cough before ignoring the strange looks of those around them as he spoke.

"Did Hero Evan send his word?"

"Yes, ho... err," Wilma tried to reply, but she hurriedly fixed her words with a slightly crimson face as she continued, "I mean Sir Morrison. He says that the true mission has begun, and we must make haste for the final clash."

Milon felt his ears were a bit red because of her prior words, he feigned indifference as he replied, "I-I see, okay, then let's get this show on the road."

"Yes, sir!" Wilma and the other crew of the aircraft said in unison.

Milon looked at them with a satisfied expression before he reached his hand for the communicator and spoke in a dignified tone.

"Attention to all warriors, to all of whom hope had once been deprived!"

When all Evolvers heard those words, they lifted their heads and faced the main aircraft with stern gazes, patiently awaiting the next words.

Milon, having waited a while to get everyone's attention, spoke again, "We have lost too many lives to those wretched creatures and mutants. For too long, we have suffered under the reign of others. We were born as the rightful heir to these lands, and it is time we return to where we belong! Never again will we succumb to another! Never again will we back down and retreat from our adversaries! Today is the day we make all right and claim back our world from these mooooonsssstteeeerrrrrrsssss!"

Despite Milon's heavy shout, silence pervaded the underground base as all Evolvers looked up with fierce eyes, some having bits of tears that leaked at their eye corners as if they could see the fallen from those many years of hurdles.

In this instance, as if everyone had formed synchrony with each other, fists were tightly clenched, genetic energy had fluctuated, sending ripples about the underground base as if something was boiling in the air.

"It's time."

Leo, who stood within his ship, said as he stared outside, he could feel his blood boiling and not due to his ancestral heritage's fiery primal blood.

Julie, Irene, Oron, and Razel had similar thoughts and feelings as they peered forward, patiently awaiting Milon's next words.

Razel gripped a ring around his finger, an item once worn by the late Vernisa. He thought to himself while peering at the main airship from the windows of his aircraft.

'Mother, guide us to true victory.'

As if Milon could hear not only his words but even the will of all Evolvers gathered, he smirked with a bright flame in his eyes as he raised the communicator and pointed forward as he shouted.

"We move forward to battle and claim victory! All fleets, move out!"

Hearing Milon's words, all Evolvers shouted in unison, "Uhaaaaah!"

As if their cries were the start of everything, all thrusters lit up as the aircrafts blasted through the lone runway at great speeds, not long after vanishing into the dark.


Much like the Evolvers, the leaders of the enemy forces had already moved. Galgorax had already transported towards the domain formed by her trusted aid, Deerut.

Yelshiva had also taken actions, storming into the X Space from the special gate she had commandeered, her armor of endless insect beasts marching forward with an unstoppable mood.

Of course, while all of this occurred. Far away within a forgotten laboratory, there was another who laid still as if sleepingpatiently waiting for this time.

Deep within a hidden chamber surrounded by countless roots and vines as thick as a tree that would require ten men to circle it with their arms, one would notice a massive plant with a flower bud reaching a size of a few dozen meters.

This plant pulsated as it made a sound akin to that of a beating heart, slowly whittling away its leaves that shrouded what laid hidden at its core.

Soon, a bright light shone from these plants as they fell to the ground, finally unleashing the monster within, a dark silhouette of a humanoid being with cruel-looking eyes that peered to a mechanical gate-like construct before it.

This creature was listed as the master of the Origin Labs, the very same Origin Mutant Life.

"Excellent, the time that I've been waiting for has arrived, I can now achieve true transcendence and evolve beyond my current shell..."

Following those eerie words, the mechanical gate lit up, showing a portal to the X Space as the Origin Mutant Life showed a strange smile before taking a step forward and faded into its domain. 

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