Arcane Sniper [Matan’s Shooter]

Chapter 62

Ch 62

Leeha stopped by the bank to buy gunpowder and bullets under a contract with the wholesaler, Bob.

He took out the items from the common safe and deposited the money.

‘4 copper for gunpowder and 1 copper for a bullet. He bought 260 sets for 5 copper per set. It was a total of 1,300 copper, which was equivalent to 13 silver.

He came out of the bank and everything was ready.

He could shoot a total of 300 rounds and he still had 3 gold and 87 silver.

He had some spare time now.

‘It’s a pity that I could not change my weapon, but I can’t help it.’

Leeha shook his head and looked at the low-class crude musket that was heavily stained with grime.

While dealing with the sundries, he asked for the price of a musket and even though it was not the best, it was ridiculously expensive.

‘The cost of a level 20 musket is 3 gold, I wouldn’t even use it because it’s dirty.’

Leeha was already level 26 and if he bought it, he would need to use all of his fortune for something that was of a lower level.

Rather, Leeha decided that it was better to save his money for now to buy a musket that was used at level 50, considering that his stats were already greater than an average level 30.

He finished all the necessary preparations!

‘Now, let’s-’

“Ara? You?”


A hand held Leeha from behind. Who was it? He did not know anyone in the capital, Aelstock.

“Do you remember me?”

The man asked Leeha if he remembered him.

Leeha looked carefully at the man’s face, but did not recognize him.

But his equipment reminded him of someone.

A shield was worn on each of the man’s arms.

“……Ah, ah. Yes. I remember. You were the one at the hunting ground, right?”

“Yes, that’s right! About a fortnight ago! I’m Petal Kim, I was in a party at the southern hunting ground!”

“Ah, yes.”

Why is this person suddenly acting all nice?

It was him who escaped and ignored Leeha when he asked for help.

As Petal Kim and his party members escaped, Leeha fought a life and death battle.

It was not an exaggeration to say that Petal Kim was the reason that Leeha almost got his first death in Middle Earth.

“Haha, nice to meet you. Like this.”

“What’s going on?”

Petal Kim held out his hand, but Leeha did not shake it.

“Heh, I see that you sold a lot of things today.”

His clumsy awkward smile was visible. Animosity burned in Petal Kim’s eyes.


“The clothes you are wearing… As for the items you sold today…”

Petal Kim raised his head slightly and stared at Leeha.

“Did you pick it up? The coat, shoes, and cap… Aren’t those dropped by the Brown Bear? Did you also pick up all the items the users dropped?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Bullshit. Did you know how long and hard I tried looking for the bastard who picked up the items? I have watched the video a few hundred times. I got treated like a bastard in the community.

I found him though. Where the low level musketeer heading to the capital went. What if he lived and did not get killed by the Brown Bear?

What if he was the one who picked all the items up? I was sure he’ll be wandering around the academy or the armor store.”

Petal Kim’s eyes gleamed. Petal Kim’s image completely came to Leeha’s mind. He was smarter than Leeha expected.

He also had a lot of knowledge about Middle Earth, so he knew when the field boss would be enraged as well as how to hunt it.

Of course, he was so calculative that he ran away as soon as he predicted that the Brown Bear raid would fail.

“What do you mean? At that time, I definitely asked for help. Don’t you remember? You left me when I asked for help.”

“T-that. Because I didn’t think that a bastard like you could catch it-.”

“Right? But I succeeded. When you shrewdly took your party members and ran away, I fought and caught it by myself. So I took the loot, what’s the problem with that?”

Leeha was not ignorant either.

He knew that Petal Kim and his party members watched until he cried for help and ran away when he was reloading.

That was how they were.

They watched until the very end and ran away when they thought that he would fail the hunt.

“There.. there’s a problem. A lot of it. Don’t you visit the community often? It usually isn’t a problem.”

Petal Kim grinded his teeth.

Leeha knew about the community, but he wasn’t able to look at it lately because he had been spending a lot of time in Middle Earth.

What happened?

Petal Kim, who had been staring at Leeha for a while, opened his mouth.

“Phew, right. It sucks, but I’ll admit it. You can get all the field boss items. But, shouldn’t you give back what the users dropped?”


When Leeha confidently asked, Petal Kim got flustered.

“You’re asking me why? Of course, those were items that you got unfairly-.”

“Don’t you know what happens when you die in Middle Earth? Why are you talking like I’m some kind of lost and found counter?”

One’s level would decrease by 1 and be unable to connect for 48 hours.

As well as an item drop.

From Leeha’s point of view, he just acquired items that fell on the ground, as they were not from the same party or guild. He had no obligation to find the original owner.

It was a completely different story from finding the owner of lost property.

“T-this bastard. What level are you? Why is a low-level bastard pretending to know anything? If I say give it to me, you just have to give it to me.”

“You want to know what my level is? I’m busy so don’t speak nonsense.”

If it was the usual Leeha, he would not have such an intense reaction.

However, Leeha currently had the worst mood.

No matter how much gold he got or how much gunpowder he had, it couldn’t lighten his mood, because he saw the scene of his precious cousin getting decapitated.

“You, you, you! D-do you know what this is?”

Petal Kim raised his shield.

Leeha flinched for a moment, but he did not get attacked. There was no idiot in Middle Earth who would try to PK in the capital, Aelstock.

Petal Kim pointed to the symbol engraved in his shield.

“Raging A-.”

“Are you stupid?”

Leeha did not hide his sour mood. What he saw was the shape of a Rising and Heavenly flag engraved in the middle of the shield.

“W-what? He does not know about ‘Rising Sun’? And you’re Korean too!”

“Are you kidding me, you bastard! Scram. If you bother me again, I’ll call the Sacred Knights.”

Leeha turned his back.

“Ha! Do you think you can threaten me, you low-level bastard? Are the Sacred Knights your friend? Do you think you’ve reached a high enough level just because you were able to wear the Brown Bear equipment? I’ll make you pay, you bastard.”

Leeha felt that he was not worth talking to.

And he shook his head. He felt that it was a waste of time to talk to someone like him.

‘I don’t have the time to waste talking to you, bye.’

Leeha ignored Petal Kim and walked towards Aelstock’s West Gate.

Was he friends with the Sacred Knights?

He was not friends with the Sacred Knights, but if it was Sir Syndergaard, he would listen to Leeha. It was not because he received the Sacred Knight’s respect, nor was it because they knew each other by name.

It was also not a private request, it was for the sake of the capital’s security against unruly users.

‘But, it’s a waste of time.’

He did not have a way to directly contact Sir Syndergaard.

In other words, he had to waste time dealing with Petal Kim, but Leeha did not have the time.

Above all, there was a simpler way to get away from someone who annoyed you…….

‘Okay then, let’s do some reconnaissance of Kobolds first.’

He already had information about Kobolds.

They were small monsters that lived in a village with a fairly high level of intelligence. With that said, the reason why there was a division of roles in their villages was because of their intelligence.

‘Fighting roles were classified as well, there were Warrior-Types, Shaman-Types, and Archer-Types……

There were also those who mainly did surveillance and reconnaissance around the village, guard the entrance of the Kobold den, the chieftain’s escort, gatherers, etc. It was said that there was division by battle type and division of roles by rank or position in the village.

‘If I was a normal level 26 player, I don’t have much to think about. This quest would have unconditionally failed.’

He only had to hunt.

He had to find a safe place to level up until he reached level 29. However, Leeha’s combat power was already well above level 26.

Leeha was also aware of that fact.

Above all, currently, it was unlikely that his ability to snipe would increase with just one or two levels.

‘The, I have no choice but to look at the Kobolds and judge for myself. Would I choose a frontal breakthrough? Or do I have to “snipe”?’

He looked at the information about the monsters and their major skills, but then again, he can’t just look at it.

If he determined that sniping was possible, he would have to fight right away.

So, he had nothing to be afraid of, because he had prepared thoroughly.

“Wait! Where are you going, you cowardly bastard! Stop right there!”

Petal Kim shouted endlessly behind Leeha, who walked while organizing his thoughts. The fastest way to lose an annoying bastard.

Leeha glanced at Petal Kim for a moment and then, he started running.


He didn’t have any special skills, but Leeha’s running speed was fast. He was already in the center of Aelstock. His ability to pass through people while running was also outstanding.

“Wait! Hey! Hey! A low-level bastard running away from a tanker?”

Petal Kim ran after Leeha.

At first, he was able to chase for a while. Leeha’s speed was a bit faster but he expected him to get tired eventually.

“That, that bastard, haaa, hey!”

However, no matter how much they ran, he was not able to close the gap.

Rather, even though Petal Kim’s stamina had run out and he began to gasp for breath, Leeha was still running without any problems.

“Why does he- Haa, haa, haaa?”

He was not able to continue chasing after Leeha.

“Sta…… Haa, mina…… haa, how……”

In addition, it took a considerable amount of time for users to recover after depleting their stamina. Leeha was well aware of that fact.

Right now, Leeha did not have a low amount of stamina, but above all, he had a fraudulent skill called ‘Runner’s High’, which increased his running speed and let him continue running even when he depleted his stamina.

The skill he obtained through achievement when he was level 1 has only just now begun to shine.

“Revenge, I will… haa, have, haa, my… haa, re…… ha, venge-!!”

Petal Kim clasped his chest that was about to burst and shouted one last time. Of course, Leeha did not hear it.

After running for a while, Leeha looked back when he was about to reach the West Gate.

“Is he gone now?”

He got chased from the marketplace, but now, Petal Kim was nowhere to be seen.

Leeha smirked.

‘Sure enough. After my agility increased, my running speed also increased a lot. In that case, the remaining stats are……?’

Would it be better to put everything in agility?

The faster one moved, the easier it was to observe the other’s movement. If they were moving at the same speed, it would appear that the opponent had stopped.

“Character window.”

Name: Ha Leeha/ Race: Human

Job: Musketeer / Level: 26 (8%)

Title: Fearless / Achievement: 14

HP: 1640 / MP: 350


Strength: 40(+25)

Agility: 215(+105)

Intelligence: 46(+31)

Constitution: 74(+26),

Mind: 27(+17)

Remaining Stats: 32

‘There are 32 remaining stats.’

It seemed like additional intelligence was not needed to understand the weakness of humanoid monsters. Strength? He did not reach the weight limit when he carried the 9 equipment items dropped by users during the raid for the field boss Brown Bear, including the metal armor and swords that looked quite heavy.

‘In other words, it means I have enough strength.’

He didn’t need much MP because he only had a few skills. His stamina was similar to tankers of the same level, so it was sufficient. It meant that he could afford to invest all his stats into agility.

‘Normally, I have to invest in agility, so I wouldn’t have to be able to invest in other stats.’

However, because Leeha had enough points on other stats, he had the leeway to focus on agility to increase his attack power.


Strength: 40(+25)

Agility: 247(+105)

Intelligence: 46(+31)

Constitution: 74(+26)

Mind: 27(+17)

Remaining stat points: 0

‘247 agility……’

After putting all his available stats to agility, Leeha felt it was absurd. When one calculated their overall base stat points per level, minus 10 for the initial points given at level 1, his agility was equivalent to level 47.

But Leeha was only level 26 right now.

(To be continued…)

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