Although I Am Only Level 1, but with This Unique Skill, I Am the Strongest

10 10. Popcorn And Black Are

In the morning, on my way to the dungeon in Nifonium.

As I was chewing on the slightest bit of happiness I'd had since I woke up, I was reminiscing ...... about the time before.

I've been in the world when I first arrived.

A few days before that day, I wasn't feeling very well. I was feeling a bit dizzy, and I found myself having moments of unconsciousness. But I was still working with nutritional drinks and stuff like that.

I started working from the morning, and the last hour of the day was when it started to get really tough, but I still didn't finish, so the last train passed while I was working, and I went blank in front of my eyes and laid down on my desk to take a nap, and then...

-- and the next thing I know, I'm dropped into slime!

I don't know, when I think back and try to put it into words, it doesn't make sense.

I don't know why, and I'm like, "Is that here in my dream? I think about it.

I decided not to think about it because it didn't seem to answer my question.

In the meantime, I arrived at the Nifonium dungeon.

I did an ability check on the Now Board on the table that I somehow saw.


Level: 1/1



Power C

Strength F

Intelligence F

Spirit F

Speed F

Dexterous F

Luck F

--------- ...

I'm still at level 1, but my strength is steadily increasing thanks to the seeds.

I'll do my best today too! With that in mind, I went inside and came to the second basement level of a cave that looked like a limestone cave.

I immediately encountered a zombie.

The zombies attacked me as usual, ooohing and ahhing and moaning.

From yesterday's gorilla - the one that dropped from the hagfish that the humans of this world don't "drop" in their mouths.


The sound of the explosion was deafening, the powder smoke was deafening, my hands were chattering and numb.

And then - the zombie's head is blown off.

In my right hand is a revolver pistol that doesn't belong in this world.

This handgun and a bunch of bullets dropped from a gorilla.

I think I'm going to do some seed hunting and test the waters today.

One shot blew the zombie's head off and it just died and went to seed.

I pick up the seeds, raise my power one, and look for more zombies.

I saw a zombie in the distance. It's about twenty meters away.

I holster my gun and shoot it, and it misses ...... and hits me in the shoulder.

The zombie staggered, and I quickly fired a second shot into the zombie, this time with a solid head shot and a head shot.

Two zombies as soon as possible, if you get used to it, you might be quicker.

Now for the seeds--.


I was about to pick it up when the wall suddenly collapses, revealing a zombie.

The zombie took me by surprise and tried to bite me, opening its mouth to bite me.

You--take this!

I pull it off forcefully and give it a front kick.

The zombie bends over and flies through the air like it's been hit by a truck.

They won't die like this!So he quickly raised his gun and--

'Uh, uh, ......'

From the back!This!

He knocks another zombie that has teamed up from behind and knocks it to the ground with a forceful backhandedness.

He readies his gun, and this time he pulls the trigger.


The zombie at my feet and the one I kicked off in the distance, blowing both of their heads off.

I cringed for a moment, but I managed it.

I pick up two seeds, raise my power to two, and go around the dungeon some more.

I took out the zombies, trying out the combination of gun fire and fighting, which my body is learning over the past few days.

After noon, my power was up to B.

We left Nihonium to join Emily and head for Tellurium.

The guns were handy and powerful.

At first I was worried that it would work on monsters since this is the world, but it's a gun that physically flies lead bullets at great speed, so it usually worked pretty well.

It's going to make monster hunting in dungeons a lot easier, I was wondering what I was going to do with my weapon after the bamboo yarns broke, but now I don't have to think about it.

The problem is the bullets.

Yesterday, the number of bullets dropped from the gorilla along with the gun was just under two hundred.

That's quite a few in normal life, but I've actually already shot about 50 rounds in the morning.

At this rate, we'll soon be short, we'll have to replenish them.

...... I guess I'm still haggling.

Somehow I thought so.

I think I'm starting to understand the law.

I'm the only one who was able to find seeds that I can touch from Nihonium, which everyone says don't drop, and guns and bullets from the other side of the world from Hagremonos, which don't drop so it's not worth it to fight them.

The key word in common is "no drop".

Haglemono ...... monsters that attack the city away from the dungeon.

Of course it's better if it doesn't appear, but I'm going to expect ...... it, don't you think?

I waited for a moment there, on the basement floor of the tellurium.

'He's not coming.'

He's not coming.

I met up with Emily, hunted one of the sleeping slimes and dropped a carrot.

With that, I waited for Eve, but she didn't show up.

Eve waited and waited and didn't come, and Emily's face became worried.

'Is something wrong?'

They're on their own time. They don't come here every day.

Yes, sir.

'Let's save these carrots, maybe I'll go home and open the door and there's a chance that I'll be inside. ...... You don't have that.

After I said that, I got a little nervous imagining the scene.

When I got home, I found Eve had broken in and was waiting inside waiting for the carrots: .......

It was kind of a scary scene that I could imagine in a very real way.

I put the carrots away in my luggage, just to prepare myself for it.

'Well, let's go downstairs today.

Are you going?

'Yeah, I got a weapon and my strength went up from a C to a B. I've improved my fighting skills, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Yes, sir.

Emily followed along, smiling.

Despite her small stature, Emily is a giant hammer-wielding Emily, and she's as powerful a fighter as a gorilla, but when she's not fighting, she's just like this, giving off a gentle air of comfort.

She's that kind of comforting character that makes you feel at home just by being with her.

I came down to the third basement floor with Emily.

"Has Emily been here before?

I don't. I just know the name of the monster and the drop.

Yeah, what's it like?

The monster is a cocrosse lime and the drop is a pumpkin.

What does ...... coclo mean by slime again?

I understand squash. Sprouts, carrots, and other normal dungeon-dropped vegetables are rather normal.

Everything in this world is produced in dungeons, the things you produce in dungeons themselves are normal.

I don't know if you can beat a gorilla in a dungeon and it will drop a whole tuna, but the things that drop themselves are normal.

So I think the pumpkins that drop here are normal too.

And if it's a normal pumpkin, you can find it at .......

I glanced at Emily.

A smiling, petite girl, a girl who makes a warm room and cooks food that warms my body and soul.

Yeah, I'm sure she'll do it.

I had a little hope.

After walking for a while, a cocrosstime or something like that appeared.

...... The shape is a slime, but its size is tiny and its body is black. But its size is tiny and its body is shiny and black.

And yet, unlike the slime on the two upper floors, it didn't jump around, but crawled on the ground -- making a cracking sound as it moved.


The air froze.

Turning to the side, Emily is staring at the glowing black slime.

Her expression remains - smiling and friendly.

But something is different.

'Emily ......?'

Mr. Yoda.


I'm going to kill it.

It's kind of scary, Miss Emily!

Emily held the hammer up with a smiling face.

The hammer was small and huge, as usual, but scarier than ever.

A shiver went down my spine.

Emily dragged the hammer and lunged - and lunged!

This is my first time!I'm going to try to get a head start against the slime, Emily!

Emily swung the hammer down, the whole dungeon felt like it was shaking.

The ground cracked as it was struck by the hammer, there--.

Guri Guri.

Emily pushed the hammer down and grizzled the ground.

'Yeah, Emily, you don't have to do that, do you?'

What are you talking about, Mr. Yoda?

Emily turned around, smiling at me.

'You have to kill this much or the tragedy will spread.

Ha ha!

Her voice flipped over.

Funny, Emily's face is still kind, but it's scary, I could see something of a shura on the other side of her?

This floor is not good, let's go back up.

Just as I was about to do so, a hammer and a crack in the ground crunched.

A cocrosstime came out.

'We've leaked our house: ......

That's enough, Emily, let's get back to it.

Mr. Yoda.

What the f*ck?

'You may hate me, but please don't hate the drop.

I don't hate you!Stop before you hate me!


With a tremendous amount of energy, the hammer swung down even more.

It accurately caught the cocrosstime and shook the dungeon even more.


The hammer jumped up, and a basketball-sized pumpkin appeared from where the slime had been, which was the same size as the shiny black thing.

And Emily's mood returned to normal.

I'm glad we were able to defeat it before it got any worse.

'Emily, let's go back upstairs. I feel like a carrot today.

Yes, sir.

Emily throws the hammer away and retrieves the pumpkin.

Then we both walked back upstairs.

But a pumpkin of this size from that little slime?

That thing at the moment it was dropped, it looks like a scene of popcorn bursting.

It would have been a bit more interesting if it hadn't looked like a shiny black thing.

What was I thinking?

A crumbling sound.

Crumble, crumble, crumble.

Crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle.

As I came back to the stairs leading upstairs, a bunch of cocrosse limes appeared.

If you find one, expect to see 30 of them.

That's exactly what happened.

"Yoda-san: ......


I don't know if I'll ever be human again.

Wait, wait, wait!I got it!I'll take care of this one!

I forced myself to get in front of Emily as the air changed again.

Don't let her do it!

You can't-- no!

Guns up, aim at the slime.


In this moment, I'm more focused than ever before.


I messed up the gun, with a sharpened concentration, each shot, slaughtering the slime as fast as I could.

All the bullets hit, all of them smashed through the middle of the slime.


I patted my chest, because I felt Emily's air softening back behind me.

But immediately after that.

Pomp, pomp, pomp, pomp--.

The pumpkin dropped from the slime, dropping like a popcorn bursting out of the slime.

And - probably because of my drop S - a pumpkin the size of a balance ball, much larger than Emily's, dropped at once.

The popped pumpkin (popcorn) instantly blocked the way - the way home.

Ironically, killing the slime in the blink of an eye resulted in me being trapped on three underground floors swarming with co-cross-limes.

Then I smelled the carrots and struggled to quiet Emily until Eve appeared with a chop to the pumpkin pile.

Three floors below the tellurium, I had to make sure I didn't bring Emily back again.

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