All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

“I won’t… let you go!” Cheng Lu tightly gripped the black-robed assassin’s ankle.

“Hmph, today is my last mission. I was in a good mood and thought of sparing your life. Since you’re seeking death, then die!” The black-robed assassin stabbed straight at Cheng Lu’s back. At the critical moment, Cheng Lu’s contract object, the fire crystal dagger, suddenly moved on its own, blocking the strike, preventing the black-robed man from stabbing down.

“I won’t let you go!” Cheng Lu’s entire body erupted with flames, blasting the black-robed man away.

“Break…breakthrough?” The black-robed assassin hadn’t expected Cheng Lu to break through to the Profound Realm, entering the Star Profound Realm at the brink of death.

“So what? You’ve just broken through to Star Profound, while I’m at Moon Profound!” The black-robed man felt this person was truly annoying. Why was he so unlucky today?

“Again!” Cheng Lu, gripping his fire crystal dagger, once again engaged in combat with the black-robed assassin. Unfortunately, he had already been severely injured earlier.

“Fire Fang!” The lion’s fang bit directly towards the black-robed assassin’s neck.

“Enough! Chaotic Wind Slash!” The black-robed assassin became truly angry. The blood sword in his hand slashed like a wild wind, suppressing all the flames with blood energy. Cheng Lu’s body was once again covered in numerous sword wounds, falling into a pool of blood once more.

“Hmph!” The black-robed assassin knew that with such severe injuries, Cheng Lu was surely doomed. Just as he turned to leave, his foot was grabbed again!

The black-robed assassin’s eyes flashed with murderous intent. He slashed off that arm with one stroke, then chased towards the forest.

“Little mouse, did you really think I don’t have tracking techniques? Blood Energy Sensing!” Blood-colored energy spread out from the black-robed man’s body, and he revealed a smile, having found the direction of Zhanyue’s escape.

Trees suddenly fell one after another. The black-robed assassin was destroying the forest trees without restraint. Seeing the falling trees around him, Zhanyue’s heart sank. He had still been caught up to.

“What about Brother Cheng Lu?” Zhanyue looked at the blood on the black-robed man’s body, having an ominous premonition.

The black-robed assassin smiled, “Dead, of course. In a quite miserable state too.”

Zhanyue felt a pain in his chest, his eyes turning red. He threw a full-force punch towards the black-robed assassin. However, this flame-erupting, full-power punch was blocked by just one finger of the black-robed man.

“Spirit Contract, Spirit Communication, Soul Control, Star Profound, Moon Profound… How many major realms do you think are between us? Your daring to fight back is admirable. Earlier, I wanted to give you a quick death, but you refused. Now I’ve changed my mind. I want you to die painfully.” The black-robed assassin’s eyes revealed a manic look. Killing this person before him would give him enough points. Then he could go to that place to find a way to remove the poison, and he would truly be free. He looked at Zhanyue with some excitement, as if looking at a peerless treasure.

“Thank you, using your life to exchange for my freedom! I’ll definitely make you a nice tombstone. Oh right, that captain or whatever can be buried with you too. He was so intent on protecting you, I’m even a bit moved. You can continue to stay together in the netherworld.” The black-robed man’s dagger thrust out, a fatal strike.

“All or nothing!” Zhanyue had no other choice. He channeled all his strength into a punch towards the black-robed man.

At the brink of life and death, the Sun God Stone finally lit up. The flames in Zhanyue’s hand suddenly erupted massively, like a sun rising in the forest.

The black-robed man was forced to close his eyes tightly. He wanted to retreat but it was too late. He felt terrifying heat waves enveloping him. His contract object, the blood-congealing dagger, was actually melting? Then it was his flesh, his bones…

When Zhanyue came to his senses, he found that this punch had set half the forest on fire. Everything in front of him had been incinerated, leaving only vast scorched earth. The black-robed man, along with his contract object, had been instantly vaporized. Only a blood-colored token lay lonely in his position.

“What’s this?” After picking up the item, Zhanyue suddenly ran towards Cheng Lu’s direction.

“Did you encounter trouble?” The illumination Goddess’s voice finally sounded at this moment.

“Big sister… you finally responded. We almost perished together,” Zhanyue’s tone already had some reproach and resentment.

“….I’m sorry. But, the Sun God Stone I left you activated. The enemy should be dead, right?” The illumination Goddess said embarrassedly. By rights, she should have been guarding Zhanyue.

“Dead, not even ashes left.” Zhanyue looked at the slightly dimmed gem in his palm, still feeling the lingering fear. This thing was too terrifying. The Goddess leaving it to him must have been trusting in its power.

“The Sun God Stone was my most powerful treasure when I was alive. It has the ability to avoid wind, fire, water, and dust, and can store sun god power to unleash sun god fire. However, after this activation, it needs some time to recover energy. I thought that in Sun City, you wouldn’t encounter anything too dangerous, and its protection should be enough. I didn’t expect you to encounter so many incidents in just over a month,” the Goddess sighed.

“Big sister, I don’t know why I’m so unlucky. I don’t even know who I offended, yet they’re willing to send a Profound Realm expert to assassinate me. They’re taking me too seriously. Who could hate me so much?” Zhanyue couldn’t think of who would hate him so much, believing he hadn’t offended anyone.

When he ran to Cheng Lu, the tragic scene before him made Zhanyue’s face turn pale. Blood was splattered all around, with a severed arm lying beside Cheng Lu.

“Brother Cheng!” Zhanyue looked at the person in the pool of blood, feeling incredibly guilty.

“He seems to not be dead yet, but with such severe injuries, I’m afraid he won’t survive,” the Goddess said.

“Shut up!” Zhanyue shouted angrily, completely disregarding the illumination Goddess’s face at this moment.

Zhanyue placed the severed arm back beside Cheng Lu, muttering with lingering fear, “It’s good he’s not dead, it’s good he’s not dead. No matter how severe the injury, I can heal it! State Reversal!”

Zhanyue once again activated his ability. This time it consumed quite a bit of his lifespan, but Zhanyue felt it was all worth it. Cheng Lu still lay there, but the scattered blood miraculously returned to his body. The wounds all over his body rapidly healed, and the severed arm was completely restored. The only imperfection was that his newly broken through Star Profound Realm reverted back to Soul Control Realm.

“How… how did you do that?” This time it was the illumination Goddess’s turn to be shocked. She wasn’t angry about Zhanyue shouting at her earlier.

“I’ll explain that later. I’m thinking about what to do now. Should I go back? This time even a Profound Realm assassin failed. Will there be even more powerful assassins coming? And how should I explain what happened to Brother Cheng?” Zhanyue pondered for a moment, but still came to a conclusion.

“Let’s go. We can’t return to Sun City. If Brother Cheng doesn’t know my whereabouts, others will have even less chance of knowing. Besides, staying with them would only endanger them. This time Brother Cheng not dying is already a blessing in misfortune. Otherwise, I’m afraid I would feel guilty for a lifetime,” Zhanyue said. Then he helped Cheng Lu lean against a rock, and left without looking back.

“I also agree with you going alone. It might be safer this way. With the Sun God Stone protecting you, Nightmares can’t harm you. Unknown enemies are more dangerous. Hiding your identity is the better choice,” the illumination Goddess agreed.

“Um, when are you coming back? With your protection, there wouldn’t be so much trouble,” Zhanyue said helplessly. He had the world’s most powerful bodyguard, yet was still in such a sorry state.

“I’ve discovered some very strange things and need to confirm them. But I’ll pay more frequent attention to your side,” the illumination Goddess explained.

“What very strange things? Are they that important?” Zhanyue asked, puzzled.

“Yes, I’ve discovered that the Nightmare race seems to be intentionally hiding their strength. They’re far, far stronger than what you see,” the Goddess’s words made Zhanyue shiver.

Not long after Zhanyue left, a man wearing golden armor descended from the sky, holding an umbrella. This was General Bai Yun, who guarded the teleportation formation at Mountain River Inn.

The scene before him left him dumbfounded. The nearby forest was half lush green and half covered in scorched earth. Soon after, he discovered Cheng Lu hidden behind a rock. Cheng Lu was unharmed, without even a scratch, just unconscious.

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