All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

As a purple-grade technique, “Flame King Blast” has three levels: ‘Fire Fusion Realm’, ‘Fire Separation Realm’, and ‘Flame King Realm’. At the first level, Fire Fusion Realm, fire is fused into fists and legs, with each punch carrying endless fiery might. Having mastered this realm, Zhanyue could now cover his hands and feet with flames without harming himself.

If one reaches the second level, Fire Separation Realm, the power of fire can leave the body to attack enemies. Throwing a fireball with a punch is not a dream. At the third level, Flame King Realm, one’s mastery of fire reaches a very high standard, able to compress fire power and release it when needed. Mastering “Flame King Blast” to the highest level makes killing enemies not difficult.

“You seem quite confident. Come with me,” Cheng Lu was very interested and took Zhanyue to the garrison.

“You’re at the third stage of Spirit Contract Realm, while I’m at the ninth stage of Soul Control Realm. There’s a gap of two major realms and more than ten minor stages between us. Sparring with me won’t be very beneficial for you,” Cheng Lu explained. After Spirit Contract Realm comes Spirit Communication Realm, and then Soul Control Realm.

Spirit Contract Realm is the beginning of cultivation. Everyone naturally enters this realm when contracting with their contract object. At Spirit Communication Realm, one can communicate spiritually with the contract object, achieving unity of mind and spirit, and exerting most of the contract object’s abilities. As for Soul Control Realm, one can skillfully control the contract object and unleash its potential.

“I’m currently at Spirit Contract Realm. I wonder what changes will happen when I enter Spirit Communication Realm and Soul Control Realm, especially since my contract object… is a bit too special,” Zhanyue pondered.

“Don’t be disappointed. I’ve found two suitable opponents for you. Xiao Ming, Xiao Liang, come here,” Cheng Lu called two soldiers. The two looked very similar, being a pair of brothers. They wore light iron armor, their faces still showing traces of youth, both having just come of age.

“They are both at the ninth stage of Spirit Contract Realm, in the same major realm as you. They’re just right to be your opponents,” Cheng Lu said.

The two looked at Zhanyue, inevitably feeling contemptuous. “An opponent at the third stage of Spirit Contract Realm?”

“Brother, you go first. Don’t embarrass us,” Cao Xiao Ming said to Cao Xiao Liang beside him.

“Don’t worry, brother. He’s just a new recruit at the third stage of Spirit Contract Realm. I’ll take him down quickly,” Cao Xiao Liang said as he stepped forward. The surrounding soldiers all gathered to watch the excitement, wondering why Captain Cheng would let a new recruit at the third stage of Spirit Contract Realm fight against Cao Xiao Liang.

“I am Cao Xiao Liang, a weapon contractor. My contract object is the Bright Silver Spear,” Cao Xiao Liang introduced himself. The Bright Silver Spear in his hand was a standard weapon, but becoming a contract object made it extraordinary. However, he wasn’t as lucky as Cheng Lu to awaken elemental power. He was among the weaker weapon contractors.

“Zhanyue, miscellaneous contractor, contract object – Flame Gem,” Zhanyue also said. It was customary to announce one’s contract object before sparring.

“Miscellaneous contractor? Flame Gem? Could he have mastered fire power? Such a miscellaneous contractor shouldn’t be underestimated. But how did he register in Sun City?” people discussed. But except for Cheng Lu, others didn’t know that Zhanyue had been rewarded for saving the Holy Maiden. After all, a man spending a day and night alone with the Holy Maiden, even if everyone knew nothing would happen, it wouldn’t be good if word got out. So Sun City didn’t publicize Zhanyue’s deed. However, they did give him ample rewards, allowing him to choose a purple-grade technique. Cheng Lu’s family had a white-grade technique that was treated as a family heirloom, let alone a purple-grade technique. Most ordinary contractors didn’t have techniques.

For ordinary contractors without money or power, they could either have enough talent to enter an academy and obtain techniques, or join the military to earn merits and exchange them for techniques. Zhanyue’s protection of the Holy Maiden was considered top-tier military merit.

“Brother Zhan, watch out!” Cao Xiao Liang said as he charged with his spear.

Zhanyue nimbly dodged the spear and quickly closed in. Cao Xiao Liang’s spear technique was skillful, quickly withdrawing the spear and thrusting a second strike. With his fist covered in flames, Zhanyue grabbed the spear shaft, and the fierce flames in his hand raced along the shaft towards Cao Xiao Liang like a long snake.

“Hmph!” Cao Xiao Liang was slightly surprised but then shook with all his might, breaking Zhanyue’s grip and dispersing the flames. Zhanyue felt his right hand go numb. Cao Xiao Liang didn’t give Zhanyue a chance, this time thrusting at Zhanyue’s lower body. Zhanyue nimbly moved his legs, avoiding the shadow-like thrusts. Then Zhanyue leaped, stepping on the spear shaft, and jumped high, kicking towards Cao Xiao Liang’s head.

Cao Xiao Liang released his left hand, protecting his head, and took Zhanyue’s kick head-on. He held the spear with one hand and thrust at Zhanyue again. Zhanyue dodged sideways, grabbing the spear with his left hand, and once again erupted flames that raced along the shaft.

“What? The left hand without the Flame Gem can also use fire?” Cao Xiao Liang was shocked and released the spear to avoid this attack.

“Come!” Cao Xiao Liang shouted lowly, and the spear obediently flew back to his hand. This was the difference between a contract object and an ordinary object.

“It seems I still need to focus on attacking his lower body. His leg techniques aren’t as good as his fist techniques,” Cao Xiao Liang realized this and once again attacked Zhanyue’s lower body. Like a movie replay, Zhanyue nimbly moved his legs, avoiding the shadow-like thrusts. Then Zhanyue leaped again, stepping on the spear shaft, and jumped high, once again kicking towards Cao Xiao Liang’s head.

“Again?” Cao Xiao Liang sneered, releasing his hand to protect his head just like last time.

However, this time, Zhanyue’s entire right foot erupted with fierce flames. The terrifying force directly knocked Cao Xiao Liang to the ground. This kick was something he simply couldn’t defend against. By the time Cao Xiao Liang tried to get up, Zhanyue’s fist was already stopped in front of his face.

“I… I lost,” Cao Xiao Liang felt ashamed but wasn’t a sore loser.

The spectators were silent. After a brief pause, thunderous applause and cheers erupted.

“Brother Zhan… you really surprised me. With such battle talent, are you sure you don’t want to consider joining the military?” Cheng Lu still wanted to recruit Zhanyue. In the previous fight, Zhanyue’s first kick was a probe, knowing Cao Xiao Liang had no follow-up. The second formal attack caught Cao Xiao Liang off guard, using the same defensive method as last time, resulting in him being knocked down in one hit. Cao Xiao Liang’s psychological state was always led by Zhanyue, which is absolute initiative in battle.

“No thanks, Big Brother Cheng. I have my own path,” Zhanyue declined again. He had the token given by the princess, allowing him to enter a top academy without exams, which was naturally a better path.

“Alright,” Cheng Lu looked disappointed. “How about this, we have a mission in a few days. We need to escort a batch of illumination Stones to the northern volcano for coloring. You can come along. I’ll teach you some knowledge about living in the wild, which you’ll definitely need in the future.”

Zhanyue gladly accepted, “Thank you, Big Brother Cheng. But with my strength… won’t I be a burden to you?”

“It’s fine. Escorting illumination Stones is one of the most routine military tasks. No one dares to mess with Sun City. As for those big shots, they won’t bother with such small things and won’t attack us. Don’t worry, with my protection, I’ll make sure you return safely,” Cheng Lu patted Zhanyue’s shoulder.

“Then thank you, Big Brother Cheng,” Zhanyue was also eager to learn how humans survive in the wild at night, as the nights in this world were very dangerous.

Zhanyue returned to his temporary room, pondering over what he had gained today, and smiled with satisfaction. He took out a pouch containing several fire-red gems, which were Flame Gems. “The Sun God Stone looks similar to these Flame Gems from the outside. I bought a few Flame Gems earlier to confuse people. They might be useful in the future.” After all, his contract object wasn’t actually a Flame Gem, so he had to be well-prepared.

In the Rising Sun Kingdom, in the capital Golden Sun City, in a magnificent estate, a man in yellow robes was lying on a recliner with his eyes closed. A mechanical bird descended from the sky and landed on the recliner. The bird’s claws fit perfectly into a notch on the recliner. Soon after, an opening appeared on the armrest of the recliner, from which a secret letter emerged. This communication system was extremely difficult to decipher.

“The Holy Maiden was attacked by Night Lord’s subordinates? People came from the Azure Wind Realm? Thunder Lord appeared?” The man in yellow robes had an unpredictable expression. Then he read that the Holy Maiden had used a spatial talisman to escape, saving a soldier from Sun City along the way, and was found after a day and night.

“Able to spend a day and night alone with the Holy Maiden? What good fortune,” the man in yellow robes revealed a hint of gloom in his eyes. “Hmph, is he worthy?” Terrible jealousy made him unable to control himself.

“Dragon Guard, send someone to kill him,” the man in yellow robes said to the shadows, then added, “A lion using its full strength to catch a rabbit. Send a Profound Realm assassin.”


Far away in Sun City, Zhanyue could never have imagined that just because he spent a day and night alone with the Holy Maiden, someone wanted him dead, even sending a Profound Realm assassin.

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