AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 139: Spring II

Chapter 139: Spring II

Year 4, Spring, Second Month, Second Week.

Ernest, are you sure about this? We could just rent one of the simple houses, like most of our friends

Moira rubbed the child on her belly, who was strangely active, while they walked towards the fifth section. A month after New Years, the Council had finally started selling and renting land. Although everyone was anxious about it, it took time for them to get used to newly acquired freedom. Most didnt change jobs, but quite a few tried to risk themselves in new never-heard jobs or even opening businesses.

The housing district was divided into ten sections. The basic public earth houses were built in the ninth and tenth sections, which bordered the production district, while the most expensive land would be found in the first section, bordering the business district. Anything in the middle would be priced according to their proximity to the citys center. However, the sixth, seventh and eighth sections were reserved for the basic houses built by the Council for renting.

Even though the three sections were reserved, they couldnt build houses for everybody just yet. So, the Council only built a little more them a dozen houses, and every day, a new house would be finished and the next family on the line could move in. The same was true for the houses being built in the first five sections, which was limited by one in every two days. Different from the business, quite a few decided to get loans and built a house instead of renting one.

Although they couldnt change much from one houses design to another, the ability to chose was something valued by everyone. Besides being bigger and closer to the center, the five internal districts also had other benefits. While every section would have one water well for the residents, the houses built in the first five sections could choose to install a water drawer inside or in the back of their house. Later, when the lighting system is expanded, the houses of the five sections would also be able to use the lighting effect inside.

We deserve it, honey. After living with my parents for the past months, we earned the right to live comfortably for the rest of ours lives Anyway, the Council clearly announced that everyone would be able to get a loan as long as they have a job, so the others didnt buy a house because theyre saving to buy other things Whats the use of taking extra work if we cant enjoy it? We even had to endure their criticism for another month, but now that we received our second wages, we finally have enough to pay for the land upfront

Moira was a little more confident after hearing his explanation. All of their friends didnt want to earn debts and work years to pay it, so they decided to rent a simple house in the outer sections. For them, having a good and firm house was already enough. However, Moira and Ernest have a different opinion, theyre ambitious and want the best for their unborn child.

After years of being humiliated by his parents and losing confidence in himself, Ernest finally had enough. Fortunately, once he decided to take control of his life, things started to get better. During the Alchemy badge project, he performed better than his peers and became one of the project managers of the department. In exchange for working more hours and more responsibilities, he earned a better wage and some benefits, like getting one day off every week.

As for Moira, she was currently working as an aide in the Crafting Department, but she wanted to become a teacher. Although she didnt know how to read and write, she was studying hard in the free classes given every night by one of the Councilors. Her in-laws would criticize her for gossiping until late every day, but she was actually studying and didnt want them to know. Moiras parents died on the journey to the vein, so she felt powerless against the selfish in-laws, and worse, once her child was born, who would help them to take care of the baby?

The couple continued to walk towards the fifth section until they saw a clumsy figure holding a book close to a construction site. The girl saw them and quickly ran to meet the couple, only remembering to keep a professional posture after Ernest gave her a confused glare.

Cough Cough Sorry, Im Anna. You should be Ernest and Moira, right?

While the project manager analyzed the girl from head to toe, doubting her ability to become a city planner, Moira fought hard to repress her laugh, she could clearly see that the girl had a similar personality as her husband. She smiled sympathetically and took the liberty of helping the girl fix her attire, before asking:

Yes Are you the city planner, miss?

Im! Anna, my name is Anna Im sorry, I was just excited to see the builders working, I can barely believe they put up the walls so fast

Ernest wasnt convinced the girl could do the job correctly. They didnt have a lot of money, so they couldnt waste it because of some clumsy girl who was barely old enough to work.

Humph The only reason why theyre capable of building the house so fast is Alchemy. Without the tool, they would take weeks on a single wall Are you really a city planner?

Anna got offended by his comment and quickly replied:

Of course their tools are great! Alchemy is amazing, but could you do the same if you had the tools? No, because they need great skills, otherwise, the tools would be wasted If you dont want my assistance Ill take my leave, I have a big line of families waiting

Please, Anna. Forgive my husband, he works on the Alchemy Department and was just surprised by how young youre

Moiras smile calmed the girl and the general mood become pleasant again.

I see Sir, I might be young but I learned how to read and write in less than a year, and I have been helping the Council since we cross the tunnel

Ernest felt a little bad for turning on the girl so easily, after all, many had also questioned his ability as project manager, so he knew too well about being underestimated.

Sorry for doubting you, Anna. And you can call me Ernest

After exchanging some pleasantries, Anna guided them through the available properties, explaining the sizes, benefits and even pointing some shortcomings. In the end, the couple settled for a small-sized land closer to the main road. Ernest had to steel his heart and think of the 520 crystals as an investment. Later, such a good location would probably be worth much more.

Next, they had to decide on the key features of the house. After the couple explained their requirements and limitations, the city planner took some notes and come up with some suggestions:

I suggest building a house with four rooms, one general big room with a kitchen, a table and four seats, and three extra rooms for sleep or to be used as storage. You could do with a smaller house, but nobody is building less than four rooms, so it would be difficult to sell or modify it later. We could add water access in the back of the house and leave the installation for the lighting ready. Although it would probably become available only next year, is cheaper to add it when building the house. The construction team can also craft the beds and a storage box in the room. All the houses come with the standard lock and key, crafted by our blacksmith, but I would suggest you pay an extra 150 crystals to get a spiritual lock. Everything would cost you 3000 crystals, the loan fees included for a ten months payment. Is a little rich, but you would get a top-class house!

Ernests heart skipped a beat, while Moira was shocked speechless by the price. Fortunately, Anna was used to dealing with this situation, so she smoothly dealt with their trauma.

If a similar house was available for rent, you wouldnt pay less than 100 crystal a month, so buying for 300 to be paid in ten months isnt too much. Also, you could get more installments, though you would pay more in the end. For more than ten months you need to submit a request in the department, but it would be something like 20 payments of 190 crystals. The price might trim your budget but you would finish paying it before the end of the year. Next year, you would have a great house while your friends would still have to pay rent for a simple one.

The couple pondered over Annas words and slowly recovered from the shock. She was right, they would be sacrificing their money now to reap the fruits in the future. Ernest looked to Moira and said:

It could work My wage is enough to pay for the installments and we could live on your wage until next year. What do you think?

Moire rubbed her belly and looked at the beautiful house been built only a few properties away, her eyes were suddenly filled with determination.

Lets do it!

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