Against the Clock: The Team Leader’s Pursuit of Glory

Chapter 169 - I'd like to make a formal request

Kang Mu-hyuk's statement was, in essence, a provocation. He was basically saying, "You didn't handle things properly, so I had to step in."

The seasoned politicians, some serving their third or fourth terms, didn't miss the underlying message. But if they responded with outrage and attacked, it would only backfire. That would make it look like they were admitting guilt. Since their opponent was using an unconventional tactic, they needed to counter with solid reasoning.

The lawmaker opposing Kang Mu-hyuk adjusted his glasses and stayed calm. He looked up at Kang Mu-hyuk and spoke steadily, "Overstepping authority means acting beyond your legal power. Especially when dealing with monsters or Hunters, we must follow the law. If not, we risk becoming a lawless region like Africa or South America. Don't we have our own history with the North Korean Hunter coup?To protect South Korea's freedom, democracy, and the rule of law, we cannot allow overstepping, no matter the reason."

Though the lawmaker addressed Kang Mu-hyuk, his real audience was clearly the citizens watching the broadcast. Behind him, an aide discreetly checked a smartphone, checking real-time chat reactions to the hearing broadcast. When the lawmaker looked at him, the aide gave an okay sign, showing that the feedback was positive.

Encouraged by this, the lawmaker spoke with more confidence, "Well? Is there anything wrong with what I just said?"

"No, everything you said is correct."

"Then, as someone who put the legislators and media in danger in Cheongjin City, you should admit your mistake and face the consequences."

"If you're asking for legal accountability, I'll accept it."

The lawmaker, surprised by Kang Mu-hyuk's quick agreement, straightened up, feeling even more confident.

'I was nervous because I'd heard he was known for his smooth talk in the guild circles, but it seems he's not that big of a deal. After all, he's surrounded by uneducated Hunters. What can he even do? If I handle this right, my approval ratings will soar. This election is practically in the bag.'

Even though he felt confident in his victory, he knew not to push Kang Mu-hyuk too far. After all, Kang Mu-hyuk was appointed by Ju Se-ah, the top Hunter in South Korea. With her influence, there were limits to how much pressure he could apply.

He wanted to offer his opponent a way out, but the offer had to come from the legislature's generosity.

"We fully understand how hard guilds and Hunters work to protect people from monsters. While there have been clear legal violations, we also know that the situation on the ground can be different. That's why Kang Mu-hyuk's actions should be treated with leniency. So..."

"But this isn't a courtroom, is it?"

"Excuse me?"

"You've been going on about the legislature as if you're passing judgment like the judiciary. We aren't here to decide guilt or innocence, are we?"

"Didn't you just admit to your wrongdoing and promise to reflect on it? That's what I heard."

"I said I'd accept legal responsibility."

"Are you playing word games with me? It's the same thing, isn't it?"

Kang Mu-hyuk, turning more boldly toward the camera than the lawmaker had, spoke up.

 "I was referring to Article 17 of the Guild Law, which covers emergency provisions. I'm willing to take responsibility for the legal limits on how much a guild can intervene in emergencies."

The lawmaker was fuming, "Isn't that just dodging responsibility? Citizens were killed by the orcs, and there was a full-blown war involving hundreds of Hunters in Sinuiju. Are you really trying to escape responsibility by citing emergency provisions?!"

Even though the microphone had been switched off, the lawmaker's voice echoed loudly through the chamber.

Kang Mu-hyuk stood casually with his hands behind his back and looked thoughtfully at the ceiling as he replied, "I feel deep sorrow for the citizens who lost their lives to the orcs. But before we go further, I want to talk about the failure at the North Pocheon fence. At that time, border security wasn't under our guild's control yet. Later, it was revealed that some of the Gate staff were taking bribes to arrange illegal civilian tours. If you plan to blame that on our guild, I wonder how many other guilds could pass such a strict standard."

Guilds worked tirelessly to hunt monsters, but even their best efforts didn't always yield perfect results. Sometimes, a monster would slip through and attack civilians. Sometimes, a Gate wasn't secured, which forced entire areas to evacuate. Casualties and property damage became as common as car accidents.

If every incident like that led to blaming the guilds, they would become more cautious about taking on monster hunts or Gate missions. By pointing out the mismanagement at North Pocheon before Iron Will took over, Kang Mu-hyuk put the lawmaker in a tough spot. The lawmaker knew these cases well, so he couldn't easily argue back.

But Kang Mu-hyuk wasn't finished. He brought up the Sinuiju situation too.

"Sinuiju is the same. Let's talk about the territory. Congressman, whose land is Sinuiju?"

"...It's part of South Korea's territory." The lawmaker answered reluctantly.

It was a perfect trap. Despite the blurring of borders after the Demonic Realm formed, South Koreans still viewed Sinuiju as their land. The lawmaker knew that by responding, he was walking into Kang Mu-hyuk's trap. But staying silent would make it seem like he didn't believe in Korea's territorial claim, so he spoke up.

"Yes, it is Korean territory. But a Chinese guild tried to take it over."

"In that case, you should have informed the government and let them handle it diplomatically..."

"As I said earlier, it's not the Chinese government, it's a Chinese guild. The Demonic Realm has cut off access to the Liaodong Peninsula, so these guilds operate with almost independent power. If our government steps in, then China's government will too. Then, it's no longer a fight between guilds; it's a war between nations. Cities bordering the Demonic Realm aren't going to be solved with diplomacy. Do you think China would just hand over a city their guild already controls? If we make a weak protest, Sinuiju will quietly become Chinese territory."

"That's an insult to our government! Take that back!"

Feeling the pressure from Kang Mu-hyuk's words, the lawmaker raised his voice, trying to regain control of the situation. Even his aide's signals about the online reactions weren't favorable.

Chairman Jung Woosu, wanting to support the lawmaker, subtly turned his microphone back on, even though there was no formal request for more time. None of the other lawmakers objected.

With the support of his colleagues, the lawmaker regained his confidence and launched a counterattack.

"Let's say, for argument's sake, that what you're saying is true. What then? Are we supposed to start a war using guilds? And you want to use Hunters with a history of coups to do it?"

"Let me clarify that. The coup was carried out by an earlier generation of Hunters, before they became citizens. It has nothing to do with the current residents of Sinuiju. You're not suggesting guilt by association in a democracy, are you?"

"Hunters are a special case! They have that kind of power, and everyone knows what they did. Who's going to trust them?"

"Exactly. Hunters are a unique case, just like the Demonic Realm. That's why China and Russia have signed treaties to keep governments from interfering in Hunter conflicts within the Demonic Realm."


The lawmaker fumbled, unable to find the right words. What was supposed to be extra speaking time to help the lawmaker had now turned into Kang Mu-hyuk's advantage. Kang Mu-hyuk pressed forward, not letting up.

"Sinuiju has always technically been part of Korea, but in reality, it wasn't. Since it borders the Demonic Realm, Chinese Hunters treated it like a part of the Realm, much like Dandong. They even tried to take it for themselves. But the Hunters in Sinuiju, descendants of North Korean refugees, couldn't just stand by while Chinese guilds moved in. That's when one of my old colleagues asked for help, and with time running out, I had no choice but to intervene under Article 17 of the Guild Law. As you all know, we successfully expelled the Chinese Hunters, fully reclaiming Sinuiju as South Korean territory."

Nobody in the room could muster a response to Kang Mu-hyuk's commanding words. Although this was supposed to be a hearing, it was clear that the lawmakers were on the defensive. Chairman Jung Woosu was about to call for a recess, but before he could, Kang Mu-hyuk added one final remark.

"And once again, let me remind you, Sinuiju is now entirely part of South Korea."

Jung Woosu regretted not stopping Kang Mu-hyuk earlier. As an experienced politician, he didn't need to check the public's reaction to know how much of an impact Kang Mu-hyuk's words would have on viewers at home.

Frustrated, Jung Woosu banged his gavel.

"We will now take a short break."

Bang, bang, bang!

"Before we break, I'd like to make one more comment."

Kang Mu-hyuk looked straight at Jung Woosu. He requested another chance to speak. It was an unusual request, but ignoring it wasn't an option.

This hearing was as much a public spectacle as a formal inquiry, and the lawmakers were the judges. Denying Kang Mu-hyuk's request in front of a large audience would make them look weak.

"Make it quick."

Jung Woosu's reputation was already damaged, so there wasn't much more to lose.

Kang Mu-hyuk didn't waste any time.

"I came here for a hearing about the Cheongjin City incident, but it feels like we've been dancing around the real issues and avoiding the important questions."

"Isn't the Cheongjin incident just another example of you overstepping your authority, like what happened in Sinuiju?!"

The lawmaker, still upset from being embarrassed earlier. He snapped back in frustration.

Kang Mu-hyuk didn't even glance at him and kept saying, "Cheongjin City is going to get much worse. The defensive line could retreat all the way back to Gangwon Province."

"Who says we'll let it get that bad? The government is already working on countermeasures."

A ruling party lawmaker grumbled, trying to criticize Kang Mu-hyuk.

"Countermeasures alone won't be enough."

"And why do you say that?" Noticing the grave expression on Kang Mu-hyuk's face, Chairman Jung Woosu asked.

"The collapse of the Tumen River defense isn't just because of the monsters heading south. 

It's mainly due to an outbreak at the Gates near Jilin Province."

"An outbreak..."

"I believe the Gate boss has come out. If the boss starts moving south, what's happening now will seem small in comparison. Also, there are signs that several other Gates are about to open. We could face chaos on the same level as the last two wars."

Though Kang Mu-hyuk couldn't see it, the online chatrooms were exploding. Viewers glued to their screens couldn't look away. People eating lunch seemed to forget to chew.

Some spilled coffee on themselves, and others let their cigarettes burn down to their fingers without noticing. Taxi drivers didn't move when the light turned green, and passengers didn't tell them to go, even as the meters climbed.

For a brief moment, all of South Korea seemed to stop. Everyone still remembered the pain of the Great and Minor Wars.

As if waking the country from its daze, Kang Mu-hyuk spoke again, "That's why I'm officially requesting something from the government and the National Assembly."

"W-what are you asking for?" Jung Woosu stammered, finally snapping out of his shock.

Kang Mu-hyuk took a deep breath and then spoke, "Please authorize the creation of a Unified National Strike Force."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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