After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 90: You are surrounded

Chapter 90: You are surrounded

The necromancer was stunned by this scene.

Water, fire, wind, and earth, all the elements are here.

This town has four archmages (summoners), each with one of the four elements. What on earth is going on?

This kind of place should not be Westwind town. It should be called the West Capital instead, right?

How do we even fight such a battle?

This is no longer a city that can be captured by a single necromancer with a group of undead troops. I'm afraid it will take a large group of necromancers to confront such a large group of archmages (summoners).

The necromancer feels that the problem now is that their side's intelligence is insufficient and misjudged Westwind Town's strength. He has to retreat now, it is useless to continue the attack, and he can only humiliate himself. It seems that he has to gather information about Westwind Town to continue the attack.

He looked around and as if a small team commander, he only has two skeletal knights, left and right, riding their skeletal horses to protect him. Of course, the two skeletal knights are still very reliable. They were both famous figures in their lifetime, with strong fighting power and awe-inspiring.

The necromancer took a lot of effort to steal them from their tombs to turn them into skeletal knights, but these two guys were so strong-willed that even if they became skeletal knights, there was still a little bit of integrity and goodness in them to fight against his dark magic. He took great pains to completely suppress the souls of the two knights and turn them into his servants.

The necromancer thought, [I just wont send these two knights. Theyre not easy to make. Ill just take them away from here.]

Of course, even if he had decided to quit, he would rather die than surrender. And as per the usual, he had to yell at the town at the top of his voice. The loser should always shout, "Wait for me! Im coming back," to save face.

Soon, the necromancer spoke again and said in a gloomy tone, "Westwind Town is really good. You dared fight even after I gave you a chance to surrender. Don't blame me for being ruthless. Wait for me. When we occupy all the nearby villages and towns and bring the main army, you won't even have a chance to surrender and serve me. I'm going to turn your whole town into zombies, Jiejiejie! ""

Sure enough, the faces of the townspeople who had just been happy sank again.

The necromancer was overjoyed. Did I scare you? Haha!

He strangled the reins of his skeletal horse and turned to retreat.

Just then, Robb spoke again, using Sound of Nature and made his voice sound through Westwind Town and the battlefield, and only heard him say in a lazy voice, "Necromancer, have you forgotten what I just told you? You are surrounded. You have no choice but to surrender. Why do you still want to retreat? Do you really expect to go back for reinforcements? Arent you being nave? Now surrender. If you do, Ill just turn it up to fourth gear. If you fight stubbornly, fifth gear will be your destination.

The necromancer was angry and turned and roared, "from the beginning, you have been talking about the third, fourth, and fifth gear of a ceiling fan. What are you even talking about?"

"You'll know when youre hanging from it," Robb said with a smile.

"Nonsense!" The necromancer said, "I, f**k, don't care about you."

Just then, the skeletal knight, who had been behind the necromancer, like his loyal servant, suddenly strangled its skeletal horse. It approached the necromancer. The two horses stood side by side (TL: The knights and the necromancers), and then the skeletal knight suddenly threw its fist firmly, hitting the necromancer in the face.

The necromancer had no idea that this would happen. He didnt even make the slightest move to dodge. He was hit by this punch and fell from his saddle. He shook his head on the ground and stood up, looking blankly. Then, he yelled at the skeletal knight, "What are you doing? You dare to fight your own master?"

As soon as his words fell, another skeletal knight behind him suddenly stepped out and kicked him in the a*s.

The necromancer snorted miserably, jumped forward, and again fell like a dog eating its waste.

He was so angry that he jumped up and scolded the skeletal knight behind him, "Are you also overturning the heavens?"

There was a strange spark in the eyes of the two skeletons, and they spoke in a disgusting and annoying tone, "Wow! Cant we just overturn the heavens?"

As soon as he heard this, the necromancer felt wronged. Why are these two speaking in such a cheap tone of voice? This style is a bit like the priest who just talked to me from the skies.

This is not how these two guys spoke when they were alive. They were very upright knights, and they all spoke in a bold, serious tone.

He only heard the two skeletal knights unexpectedly say, "I told you, you are surrounded, yet you still do not believe me. See, you are surrounded by two knights in front and behind."

F**k, thats impossible. The necromancer secretly used his dark magic and drilled into the two skeletal knights, trying to feel what had happened to them.

His magic poked over but was immediately bounced back by even stronger magic. It turned out that the two skeletal knights had been shrouded in dark magic, more powerful than his own dark magic. No wonder they did not listen to him. Now they belong to a new master.

F**k! A bead of sweat slowly fell on the necromancer's forehead, "how does the enemy have a necromancer more powerful than me? This is impossible! The other side is the side of the Church of Light. How can someone there be allowed to believe in the God of Darkness and use dark magic? It is absolute heresy to do so in the territory controlled by the Church of Light. It shouldve long been burned to death and can never be used by the Church of Light. This is absolutely impossible! "

A skeleton knight waved his sword and slashed at the necromancer.

The necromancer shook his hand in hurriedly and shot out a bone spear that had already been prepared. With a poof, the skeleton knight was shot cold by the bone spear and scattered all over the ground.

The necromancer threw out another prepared magic, but it had to recite a chant for the second. He didnt have the time to chant before another skeleton knight waved its shield, slamming him. "Peng" hit on the necromancer's forehead.

The necromancer only felt the sky spinning with stars in his eyes. He fainted to the ground with a puff, knowing nothing.

End of Battle, the necromancer is no match for the knights! Even if the opponent is only two skeletal knights who have lost their lives, with their strengths several times lower than before, they can still hang and beat the necromancer.

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