After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 132: Make it clear

Chapter 132: Make it clear

Robb's words were completely unexpected.

The two dark priests behind the necromancer almost jumped on the spot, "what? Youll allow us to build a church?"

Robb said, Yes!

"This This it's allowed?" The dark priest could not believe his ears.

And from the Templar Knights, two light priests jumped up and said, "what are you trying to do, Mr. Robb?"

As I said, Robb said solemnly, "there is already Chapel of Light in Westwind town, but there is no Chapel or Church of Darkness. The townspeople only have the option of choosing God of Light. Isn't that very painful? They should be allowed to choose the God of Darkness. We should fully respect the freedom of religion of every townsman." (TL: Im tempted to just use church for everything rather than chapel, thoughts?)

"Oh, my God, what a..." The priest wanted to speak, but he was kicked to the ground by Bishop Elsie, who forbade him to speak indiscriminately.

Robb thought that Little Yi would also jump out against it, but he did not expect that Little Yi was contemplating and was not in the mood to quarrel with him.

The necromancer saluted Robb heavily, "We thank Mr. Robb for allowing us to build a chapel, so as you said, we will sell our horses and raise money. Then, well ask the townspeople to help us build the Chapel of Darkness.

Now that thats settled. The masons and blacksmiths jumped out on the spot. A group of carpenters also gathered around and offered to do the work. Even the mayor leaned over and asked the necromancer with a smile, "do you want to connect your new chapel to my tap water system?"

Westwind Town, inspired by capitalist ideas, made everyone like merchants. It didn't take them long to make a deal with the necromancer. The two sides happily discussed the address, scale, quantity, and construction period of the building process.

Of course, Robb didn't bother to take care of all this rubbish.

Seeing the Church of Darkness people asking the townspeople who wanted to buy horses, Robb smiled and said, "Lillian, take some money and buy some horses, so we can return."

Lillian's eyes gleamed with doubt, "Master, you want to ride a horse?"

Although she didn't say it clearly, Robb could see what she was trying to say, [How can you ride a horse when you are so lazy? I dont believe you!]

"Of course, I wont ride the horse." Robb smiled, "but I'd be happy to go around in a big carriage and sit still."

Lillian: ""

Little Yi, Huh? The roads bumpy, so carriages will feel uncomfortable. I dont think youd want to ride a carriage.

It turns out that the technology of this age is still far behind. Wheels are made of wood, and there is no flat concrete floor. If the carriage moves, it will keep rocking, and the people sitting inside will even hurt their backsides. How could a person like Robb be willing to sit there?"

Robb smiled and said, "I have a way to make the carriage jolt less."

Little Yi asked, Wind magic?

No! Robb said with a smile, "Don't solve everything with magic. Magic has no soul."

Little Yi grunted, Just say you're too lazy to use magic every time."

"All right." Robb smiled, Being lazy is also a reason, but the real reason is that you can also use manpower instead of magic. Always thinking about using manpower is wrong. Take, for example, to make the carriage run smoothly, we just need natural rubber. Xuelu has been in the mountains looking for natural rubber for more than ten days now, so she should be back soon. "

Construction of the Chapel of Darkness began, and not far from Robbs Chapel of Light, Robb sat on a stone stool in the yard and could see the booming construction on the construction site next to him.

At this age, you don't have to buy land. You can find a piece of empty land and mess around if you want it. The dark priests circled a very large piece of land and planned a magnificent chapel. A large group of townspeople was invited to help build there, and the progress was very fast.

Little Yi sat down next to Robb, glanced at the construction site next to him, and whispered, "We should also expand the size of the chapel. According to their construction blueprints, it will be much more beautiful than ours. The people will be more attracted to their chapel.

Robb was happy, "you don't object to me letting them build a chapel, but you're obsessing about the size of our chapel? You are becoming more and more different.

Little Yi was unable to laugh or cry, "Yes, I have been spoiled by you. I am no longer the nun who is pious to the God of Light, but isn't that what you wanted to see? From the first day I set foot in Westwind Town, you tried to influence me with your bad theories, and now you are on the verge of success. "

"that's good." Robb said with a smile: "when I succeed, you will have been changed from a cold, religious stick to a lovely girl. I sincerely look forward to that day as soon as possible."

"Tsk! Little Yi snorted coldly and then said, "You didnt allow them to build a chapel just for a superficial purpose, did you? According to my observation of you for such a long time, you don't like clergy who cant produce anything, and because you have such a strong and abnormal combat strength, you don't like professional soldiers either. It feels like they all come to Westwind Town to eat for nothing. You must have another purpose in keeping these thirty-two people in town."

"Bingo!" Robb smiled and said, "that's the right answer! You've been following me for a long time, so your mind is beginning to turn for the better.

He smiled and pointed at the busy people, "I let them come in and build a chapel for the sake of more population!"

Are 32 people useful? Little Yi asked.

"You know I'm not just looking at these thirty-two people." Robb said with a smile, "it's just a gesture, and it's for everyone in West Gran, including her Royal Highness Oh no, she should be called her majesty now.

Robb continued, "although Westwind Town is independent, it is an isolated land wrapped in the middle of West Gran's territory. Since I first appeared as a priest of Light, this town closed the door to the whole of West Gran from the very beginning. No one dared to have anything to do with our town except the people of White Birch Town and Stone Canyon, who fled here, and a small number of merchants. Theyre afraid of getting into trouble with the Church of Darkness.

At this point, Little Yi thoroughly understood what Robb meant and said, "So you have to let them know that Westwind Town is open to all and that people of any faith can come here. After it is made clear, there will be immigrants."

"Exactly!" Robb said, So now, lets just wait and see."

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