After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 130: Infinitely close to God

Chapter 130: Infinitely close to God

In the game world, resurrection is designed for the player's game experience because game companies can't let players permanently die.

If players work hard to cultivate a character and just die, they'd be mad.

How will you earn money?

Only Blizzards Diablo dared to set such a difficult mode. And only a small number of players who like to play extreme challenges touch it, but most players will not do such a thing.

In any case, the resurrection limit in the game is very small.

But its different in the real world!

Resurrection is a BUG in the real world. It violates the way of the heavens and ethics and destroys the law of survival of the fittest in nature.

It should not be a spell that mortals are capable of mastering!

Therefore, in Fengmo Continent, only a very small number of powerful men know the art of resurrection. In short, in the Church of Darkness or Light, only the Pope and a few cardinals can use it.

Moreover, before they can use resurrection, they must prepare many magical items and sacrifices and pray piously to heaven. After using the resurrection once, even the power of the pope will be exhausted, and it will take a long time for him to rest and recuperate before it can be used a second time.

"You must be infinitely close to God before using it? Robb shook his head, Thats too difficult.

As he spoke, he waved, and a golden beam suddenly shot through the clouds and shot down vertically from the sky, shining on the corpse of the necromancer like a spotlight on the stage.

The pillar of light appeared. Ordinary people did not know what it meant, but Bishop Elsie was so surprised that without even thinking about it, he knelt on one knee, put his hands together on his chest, raised his head, and looked at the top of the pillar with pious eyes.

His strange move stunned the Templar Knights next to him. Why did the Bishop suddenly kneel like this? Well, doesnt matter! Since the bishop is on his knees, we should kneel along.

The three hundred Templar Knights all knelt with a crash!

The ordinary townspeople next to them were startled. What's going on? Could it be that something great is coming out of this pillar of light?

All people's eyes were attracted for a moment, and they looked at the sky together.

A small hole appeared at the top of the pillar of light, where it touched the clouds, and a white-clad angel with white wings flew down from the hole.


"Oh, my God, it's an angel!"

"This is the first time I have seen an angel."

"Kneel, quickly kneel."

At this time, even the townspeople turned to kneel.

Robb was amused to see these guys' faces. What is there to kneel? This is the 3D animation effect of resurrection in the game. Why kneel?

The angel waved its wings, and countless white feathers fell down the pillar of light, scattering on the necromancer's body.

The necromancer's body, which had been cut in half, suddenly glued together, and then he rubbed his head, turned over, and sat up, bathed in the golden light and angel feathers spiraling around him.

He said with a confused look on his face, "what happened?"

"Master, you are alive!" A priest of the Church of Darkness cried ecstatically, "you are alive."

Whhaa? Im alive?

Yes, you have been resurrected by a resurrection spell!

"Who brought me back? Oh, my God! The necromancer looked left and right and saw that everyone was looking at Robb, the expression on his face surprised and confused. The necromancer knew who had saved him.

Bishop Elsie looked at Robb with admiration and fear, while Little Yi and the two little nuns of the Church of Light were so surprised that they could not close their O-shaped mouths.

Resurrection, which can only be used by someone "infinitely close to God" on Fengmo continent, was used by Robb, which was undoubtedly subversive and shocking.

It was eerily quiet. Only falling needles could be heard.

No one dared to speak, not even to breathe.

The whole picture was frozen. Only the angel in the sky was still throwing feathers down.

The eerie silence lasted a minute.

Then finally, someone made a sound. It was the two little nuns dressed in black, I a necromancer of the Church of Darkness was resurrected by holy magic? What?

The words awakened the dreamer, and the newly resurrected necromancer looked up at the angel in white who threw feathers at him in the sky and could not help saying, "Why? Why is this so? Mr. Robb, I thank you for saving my life, but as a proud necromancer and a devout believer of the God of Darkness, I cannot accept such a result! I don't want to be saved by the light. "

With that, the man jumped up with a brush, rushed out, and crashed onto the town wall.

He hit the wall very firmly. His blood stained the town wall, and his body slowly fell to the ground causing dust to fly everywhere.


Master! The priests of the Church of Darkness and the two little nuns burst into tears again.

F**k! Robb was confused. Was he crazy? I brought you up, yet you want to die again?

Its not so easy if you want to die. With another wave of Robb's hand, another golden pillar of light shrouded the necromancer's body, and the angel began to throw bird feathers from the sky again.

The necromancer scrubbed the floor and sat up again.


Even for those who are infinitely close to God, it is only possible to use the unnatural magic of resurrection once and rest for a long time to use it a second time. How can there be someone like Robb who can just wave his hand and do it twice?

The onlookers felt they didn't know how to speak, so they could only watch quietly.

After sitting up, the necromancer looked up at the angel in the sky. His face darkened, and he said, "Thank you, Mr. Robb, but Im a necromancer, so even if I die and jump off the town wall, I will not be saved by the light."

With that, he brushed the floor and jumped off the town wall. He fell head first, and "Pah," he died again.

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