Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 318

[Episode 103 Reality (1)]

“If you can get Lee Jeong-gyeom out of the castle safely, what can you do for me?”


Baek Hyang-mook frowned at my question and looked at me.

I guess what I'm saying is not easy to understand.

Baek Hyang-muk, who was staring at me like that, said.

“...Do you really think you can rid that child of his nature?”

I nodded to that question.

In fact, if you are caught in the evil spirit of the Sword of Death, you can return it to its original state with the power of Heavenly Power, which can control your mind.

All I have to do is absorb the white paper written by Jeong-gyeom Lee.

“They told me the same thing.”

“I am confident that it is much safer than that method.”

At least it will be better than Hwanma Poison.

With illusion poison, you won't be escaping from the castle, but rather being manipulated.

Baekhyangmuk looks at me as if she is in trouble.

He soon opened his mouth.

“Looking at the many miraculous things you, the descendant of Geomseon, have shown me so far, I believe that these are not empty words.”

“What will you do if you do?”

“If I can truly rid that child of his nature, I will accept anything as long as it does not deviate from morality.”

“An answer like that is ambiguous.”

In the end, isn't it up to the person to decide what is right?

Baek Hyang-mook’s eyebrows rose at my words.

Looking at the expression

- is this person really a descendant of Geomseon? I think you think this way.

Sodamgeom giggled and said.

Well, it seems roughly similar.

However, even though I am a descendant of Geomseon, I have not officially joined the Taoist school.

I have the right to live the way I want.

Baekhyangmook thought for a moment and then spoke to me.

“Okay. “I will do whatever you want, unless it means indiscriminately slaughtering political faction members.”

I took the blame for killing Mo Yong-su, the head of the Hwangryongdang, and the later Jisoos.

I think I felt quite uncomfortable about that.

I pinched my teeth at his words.

“I said I did it to counter their threats, but the number of people my disciple has slaughtered so far is countless.”

These words left Baek Hyang-muk speechless.

It's funny that someone with so many weaknesses is able to defeat me with words.

In the end, Baek Hyang-mook had to promise to grant me anything I wanted.

“It’s the right choice.”

“......If I can heal my disciple, I can endure anything as a teacher.”

I'm not a doctor and the concept of treatment is... Ah!?

At that moment, something passed through my mind.

It was the will of God in all things.

I had solved the other questions to some extent, but the only thing I couldn't figure out was why the God of Mansa had a sword designed to kill and kill people.

Has the assassin ever been injured or has anything serious happened to him?

Neither the first owner of the sword nor Lee Jeong-gyeom had anything to do with it.

“Why are you doing this?”

Baek Hyang-muk seemed puzzled by my silent frown and asked.

As I was staring at him, I

remembered Baek Hyang-muk's words,

“The personality that was obsessed with nature was still alive, and it was gaining strength again and waiting for its time.”

A question arose here.

As he said, let's say that all of this was done by a personality obsessed with nature.

Baek Hyang-mook said that she did not remember when Lee Jeong-gyeom changed his personality.

However, I don't know if it was only for a short period of time, but in the meantime, he committed so many massacres and even committed the atrocity of killing another of his teachers.

You don't have any doubts about that unforgettable gap?

I asked Baek Hyang-muk.

“Has Lee Jeong-gyeom ever asked a question that made him question himself?”

“What do you mean?”

Baek Hyang-mook looked puzzled at my question, but then her face hardened.

I think he also understood what I was asking.

“The god of all things I met before had a sword designed to kill and kill people. “I didn’t have any particular questions at the time, but don’t you think it’s strange?”

Baek Hyang-muk’s eyes trembled at those words.

I didn't mind this and continued talking.

“What if Lee Jeong-gyeom went to the Mansa God and asked him to stop the Yang Yi God Gong from working or took some kind of action?”

Baek Hyang-mook said in a trembling voice.

“Are you saying that the child has always been controlled by a personality obsessed with nature?”

* * *

Same time.

A masked person is carrying someone on his shoulder and is crossing the forest.

The masked man, who was running at high speed, stopped in a deserted place.

The masked man stopped and looked around with his senses, and when he was sure that no one was there, he put down someone he was carrying on his shoulder.

That someone was none other than Lee Jeong-gyeom, the head of the Blue Dragon Party and a disciple of Baek Hyang-mook, the Infinite First Sword.

The masked man took something out of his pocket.

They were needles coated with some kind of sticky liquid.

‘Shall we get started?'

The masked man, who had Jeong-gyeom Lee sit down, picked up a long needle and tried to insert it into the acupuncture point on his head.

It was that moment.


Someone grabbed the masked man's wrist.

He was none other than Lee Jeong-gyeom himself.

The masked man's eyes narrowed.

“You…how did you get rid of the blood sword?”


In response to his question, Lee Jeong-gyeom silently tried to twist his wrist.


In response, the masked person hit him on the back.

Lee Jeong-gyeom, who was trying to break his wrist, pushed off the floor with his palm and jumped up one foot closer.

Lee Jeong-gyeom, who jumped up like that, turned his body and threw a kick at the masked man's head.


However, the masked man easily blocked his kick and even counterattacked.

The dazzling display of a masked person that creates dozens of afterimages.

In the beginning, Lee Jeong-gyeom used his footwork and widened the distance behind him.

‘Look at this guy. You can show this level of inaction even without a sword?'

Lee Jeong-gyeom's inaction, which he felt through his senses, had reached its peak, but it was not at a level that he could not have suppressed.

However, he blocked and avoided all of his herbivores.

‘Then how about this?'

The masked man's new form suddenly burrowed in front of Lee Jeong-gyeom.

One of the masked men dug in like that and aimed at Lee Jeong-gyeom's face with lightning-quick accuracy.

I thought that with this level of speed, there was absolutely no way to avoid it.

However, before the pole reached him, Lee Jeong-gyeom tilted his head back slightly and narrowly avoided it.

‘this guy?'

As if he knew the attack was about to hit.

The moment the masked man saw that cold expression staring at him sharply, he felt embarrassed for some reason.

Feeling uneasy about something, the masked person used footwork to increase the distance.

‘This guy can't be...'

Just as he was about to have doubts, Lee Jeong-gyeom's new brother rushed towards him.

* * *

I nodded to Baek Hyang-muk, who had reached the same conclusion.

Baek Hyang-mook was so mentally shocked by this that he even stumbled.

I spoke to him as if to comfort him.

“not sure.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because I can’t be sure that the sword of murder and cruelty obtained by God of All Things was obtained from Lee Jeong-gyeom.”

The only person who knew the exact truth was God of all things.

Depending on when he obtained the badge, it can be determined whether he is a great zealot of the deceased or a great zealot of this era.

However, there was no need to check this.

“And even if I were to continue to be obsessed with that personality anyway, it wouldn’t change anything. If you remove that element, it will return to its original state.”

Baek Hyang-mook, who was shocked by my words and stiffened, said.

“Is that really possible?”

“If you remove Yaoseong.”

If you just absorb the poison, it will return to its original state.

The only thing I'm worried about is that I may be losing my mind after being invaded by white for so long.

That can only be known by observing the situation.

Baek Hyang-mook, who was looking at me, spoke in a voice full of determination.

“I will trust you.”

I will be greatly disappointed if I am not able to repay your trust.

Then Baek Hyang-muk frowned and said to me.


“Why are you doing that?”

“I guess we’ll have to hurry. When they think Nobu is dead, they may change their plans and quickly target Jeonggyeom.”


There was some truth to that.

So I took out the pocket that could hold anything from my chest again and put my hand in it.

What I took out was the Namcheon Iron Sword.

Baek Hyang-muk's eyes widened as if he was always amazed.

Since we are going back to the Murim Federation, shouldn’t we return as Sogeomseon?


-i get it.

The Namcheoncheolgeom floated to the point where it could fly and showed its sword face.

So I climbed on top of the sword.

And he said to Baek Hyang-muk.

“I have to hurry, so I’ll go first.”

“I understand.”

As soon as I heard his answer, I flew up on the Namcheon Iron Sword.

You have to hurry much faster than going to Gyeonggong.

If you are an expert at the level of Baek Hyang-muk, you will be able to catch up soon, even if it is not at the level of a fish sword flight.


I flew at great speed across the night sky.

In less than a day, the martial arts league's castle and the surrounding villages could be seen very small in the distance.

It was natural to ignore the mountain range and fly in a straight line.

I thought it would arrive soon, but at that moment I had no choice but to stop.

‘Namcheon. stop.'

-Why but?

Namcheoncheolgeom stopped flying at my command.

I lowered my head and looked downward.

A frighteningly sharp energy was openly revealing its murderous intent to me.

When I looked there, I saw a small human-looking figure.

‘You noticed me.'

The small figure below deliberately revealed its energy as if to let me know that it was watching me, as it was flying at a fairly high altitude.

In some cases, the energy could be easily overlooked, but at this level, it is strong enough that it is no exaggeration to say that it has overcome the barrier of being a superhuman.

A person like that sends out an energy that is close to hostility, and you can't ignore it.

‘I have to go down.'

-i get it.

Riding the Namcheon Iron Sword, I headed to where Inyoung was.

And as soon as it got a little closer, it jumped off the spot.

Inyoung is sitting on what looks like a rock with her arms crossed.

The moonlight that had been hidden by the clouds was revealed and the face was revealed.

“Lee Jeong-gyeom.”

That guy was none other than Lee Jeong-gyeom.

Although I didn't show it on the outside, I couldn't hide my surprise on the inside.

I felt such an intense energy from him that I wondered how he had hidden it all this time.

It was even quite different from my usual drowsy feeling and feeling bothered by everything.

It was extremely sharp and sharp.

I told him that.

“You hid yourself well.”

Lee Jeong-gyeom snorted at my words.

He looks so completely different from the guy I knew.

Aside from everything else, it seems like he is a character who is clearly caught up in the evil spirit of the sword of death.

Lee Jeong-gyeom told me.

“I’m really grateful that you went out of the castle to avoid attention.”

“You’re talking as if you’ve been waiting.”

“I waited. “You don’t know how I feel about continuing to let it go.”

“Keep leaving me alone?”

He laughed at my words and said something incomprehensible.

“The time is ripe and your usefulness has been fulfilled, so I will kill you now.”


As soon as he finished speaking, his new form became blurred and arrived in front of me in an instant.

The guy extended the sword between my eyes at incredible speed.

It's as if the air is being torn apart and penetrates everything.



That guy's sword stopped right in front of my nose.

Because I grabbed his wrist.


We were able to catch it, but the force on the sword was so strong that strong wind pressure occurred around the two of us, causing the trees around us to bend and sway.

-Puddeukdeuk! thud! thud!

‘Is it possible to hide such incredible feats?'

I couldn't believe it.

In terms of power alone, he was superior to Baek Hyang-mook, who had surpassed the wall of superhumanity.

How on earth did you hide your inner strength?

Even if your energy sensitivity is high, this is an incomprehensible phenomenon.

It was then.


The energy holding the guy's hand dissipated.

As his attack power weakened, the swordsman of the guy who was holding his wrist shook it off and tried to stab him between the eyes.

In response, I struck it away with my left hand and took the bird about five steps backwards.

‘Wasn't it the ability of the Cowardly Sword?'

The guy wasn't holding a sword right now.

How did he disperse his energy when he didn't have a sword?

While I was wondering, the guy chuckled and said.

“If it’s only like this, I’m very disappointed.”

“You are very proud.”

“Do your best. Otherwise, if you let your guard down even a little, you will die quickly.”


A tremendous amount of murderous energy emanated from this guy.

I think this is my first time seeing a life so tangible that it touches my skin.

In an instant, the guy reached towards me again and extended his sword.

Because of the sharp examples included in the sword, it feels as if you are wielding a sword with a treasured sword even without a sword.

-Choo! Chop!

The cutlass of the sword cuts through the air and presses on.

Indeed, just as I had heard from Baek Hyang-muk, it was a perfect sword with no gaps.

So I unfolded the Poongyeongbo.


The new figure dispersed like fog, and before I knew it, I was behind him.

The guy who immediately noticed that I appeared behind him immediately turned around and made a move.

My test paper was faster than that.


If I stabbed him between the eyes he would die, so I aimed for the chest.


Lee Jeong-gyeom quickly grabbed my wrist with his left hand, just like I did.

Then, the merit contained in the check paper began to disperse.

The guy raised his mouth and said.

“You should have known just now that contact is poisonous.”

“Then let this go too.”


Before he could finish his question, I clenched the hand that was holding the inspection paper into a fist and stepped forward, stepping forward.

The guy was trying to let go of the power he had in his fist.

But the guy's expression suddenly became distorted.

“Oh my...”

My wrist was held and my fist struck his chest.

-Boom! Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwak!

At that moment, his new model bounced like a cannonball and flew away, breaking all the trees behind it.

It flew so far that nearly dozens of thick old trees broke and fell.

Sodamgeom asked me in surprise.

-How did you do it?

What should I do? What should I do?

I didn't do it moderately and hit with all my might.

? Hanzhongwolya

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