Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 308

[Episode 99: Youngest Leader Candidate (6)]

It was a shock itself.

No one expected a situation like this at all.


“I can’t believe Sogeomseon’s inaction was to

this extent…” Although I had heard about the reputation of Sogeomseon Sounhwi, there were some parts of me that were skeptical.

This was because he showed tremendous growth in a short period of time for a young swordsman who had only just left the terms and conditions.

So, because he had doubts inside, the vice leader, Yeolwangpae, did not dissuade Jingyun.

Jingyun of the Ten Kings was said to be inferior to Musangdo, but he was a superman who had maintained his position as one of the Eight Great Masters for a long time.

In terms of age and experience, he was more than capable of overpowering So Woon-hwi.

But when I actually opened the lid, the results were truly shocking.

‘It's only one trick....'

Master Li Sima Zhongxian couldn't believe it even after seeing it with his own eyes.

Seven months ago, I watched the match in person at the guesthouse.

It ended in a heartwarming draw, but as a result, So Woon-hwi lost to Jin Gyun in terms of his strength.

‘You mean you hid your exploits back then?'

Even if there was a miracle or skill, it would not be possible for one’s capabilities to increase so rapidly.

Like Sima Zhongxian, there was one person who could not hold his tongue over Su Yunhui's incredible inaction, and it was Hyeongsan Ilgeom Jo Cheongun.

‘.......It's ridiculous growth.'

He also competed with So Unhwi.

At Ikyang Soga.

However, So Woon-hwi at that time certainly had the ability to be counted among the later indexes, but not to this level.

Nowadays, his status has grown to the point where it can be said that the difference between him is heaven and earth.

‘Hojongdae Daehyup. ‘What on earth did you grow?'

This is not the level of Cheongchuleoram.

It was a monster itself.

Jo Cheong-un was like that, but North Yeongdoseong Kwak Hyeong-jik, who was secretly curious about his advanced inaction, was equally surprised.


It was just shocking.

I last saw him when he was possessed by the Blood Demon Sword and went on a rampage.

I was curious about what his capabilities would be without the help of the magic sword, but this was beyond my imagination.

‘.......The choice was right.'

When I received the offer from So Unhwi, I gave it a lot of thought.

Was it right to follow him?

However, after confirming this monstrous ability, I became convinced that my choice was not wrong.

Kwak Hyeong-jik looked at the other elders.

Each of them had different expressions, but they were all so surprised that they could not take their eyes off So Woon-hwi.

Now no one will be able to doubt So Woon-hwi’s inaction.

As someone who knew his identity, he thought it was funny, but he thought that there would be no one better suited to deal with the blood demon than Sounhwi.

‘The youngest leader in the history of the Martial Arts Federation could be born.'

That is, if only Baek Hyang-muk, the former leader of the Infinite First Sword, can be defeated.

However, So Unhwi, who had pushed him to the lower floor of the building, kept looking at the hole in the floor.

Could it be that he was still unharmed after receiving that huge blow just now?

It was right then.



“The building is shaking.”

The headquarters building shook as if an earthquake had occurred.

The shaking gradually became stronger, and soon a roaring sound was heard from below.

At that moment, the floor cracked and a sharp, blazing red flame erupted.

* * *


I used footwork to avoid the rising flames.

The Jingyun of the Ten Kings' Pack seemed to be quite sturdy, but I didn't expect it to be able to withstand a strike from the Chilseong's power.

The flame-covered flag broke the ceiling of the main building and spread outward.

Those nearby may have seen it.

At that time, I felt hot heat from below.


From the hole that had been opened, the fungi of the ten kings' swords holding the swords of blazing flames jumped out.

His pipa-shaped paeyeoldo was red with flames.

“Heat fire magic!”

“This is the Tao of the Four Kings’ Demonic Art!”

Several elders recognized this and shouted.

He must have been quite excited to pull out his secret trick so quickly.

This is clearly visible when you look at Jingyun’s highly distorted face.

-Looks like you've mastered left handedness as well.

It seem to be like that.

If you look at the fact that he held the Tao to the left rather than to the right.

In fact, the move you made just now must have clearly made you realize how big the difference in aerodynamic strength is between you and me.

But I guess the reason I came up like this was because of my pride.

‘I was wondering who he looked like, and it turned out he looked like my grandfather.'

When I asked who Jinyong looked like, I found out that he resembled my grandfather.

Regardless of the strength of his opponent, his strong fighting spirit was reminiscent of his youth.

I guess I became stronger by whipping myself like this.

I said as I grabbed him.

“Senior, are you going to continue?”

At my question, Jinkyun shouted with anger in his voice.

“The fight is not over yet.”

“If you do it, it would be better to do it outside. “If you hold a sword so blazing here, the entire headquarters building might burn down.”

The heat had already caused the wood floor to catch fire.

If we make a fuss here, the entire headquarters will burn down in no time.


“Worry about yourself first!”

At my words, Gyun Gyun gnashed his teeth and swore.

His power nearly doubled as he wielded the Paeyeoldo, a German-style weapon, and even unleashed his secret move, the Heat Flame Shinkou.

At this level, it is no exaggeration to say that he is almost on the verge of breaking through the wall of superhumanity.


As Jingyun unfolded his sword, the flames wrapped around his sword opened their mouths like a large fierce tiger, trying to devour me.

It seemed like the burning of the building wasn't something they were concerned about in the first place.

Well, I understand that you will have a chance of winning if you do your best rather than trying to save your energy.

First, I need to turn up the heat of this flame.


I pulled out the Namcheon Iron Sword from my belt.

Then, I stepped forward and extended my sword towards the huge flame that was attacking me.

‘The 6th Chosik Jinchukahhoegeom (逐亞回劍).'

I adjusted the angle as much as possible.

Then, as he extended his sword and turned its trajectory upward, the wind pressure created by the rotation immediately created a dragon fist wind.



The dragon fist wind of Chukahhoegeom quickly engulfed the powerful flames created by Jingyun, and soon half of the ceiling of the headquarters building was blown away.

“This can’t be right.....”

“This is geomcho?”

The expressions on the faces of some elders watching this scene were unbelievable.

The herbivory that Jingyun caused with his heat flame magic was enormous, and it was not only that he handled it so easily, but he also showed such power with sword grass, so it was worth it.

-Is it okay to burn a building, but this is okay?

That's right.

I don't think it's my place to say anything.

However, the power of the cut was quite dangerous to roughly estimate.

Eventually, along with the flying fragments of the main altar ceiling, Jingyun's new form, which had been caught up in the dragon fist wind, fell to the bottom.


He barely managed to get his bearings and landed, but his appearance was telling.

Blood was flowing from sword marks all over the body in anticipation of the sword attack.

‘Do you want to continue?'

I approached him slowly.

Jingyun staggered and stood up.

And he told me.

“......Nobu has competed with many masters, but this is the first time that someone has grown so quickly like you, Sogeomseon.”

There was no longer any anger in his voice.

I guess he realized that he had no chance of winning with this one herbivorous meal.

Maybe that's why the voice sounds empty.

Since he didn't seem to have the will to fight anymore, I grabbed my sword and grabbed him with my sword and said,

“That’s too much praise. “There are still many things lacking.”

He was staring at me, his lips trembling, and he opened his mouth with difficulty.

“.......You are inferior in all aspects, both in character and in martial arts.”


“Nobu lost.”

In the battle of the kings, Jingyun eventually admitted defeat cleanly.



At the words that came out of his mouth, sighs flowed from the mouths of the elders of the vice-lord’s faction.

The meaning of declaring defeat was no different from giving up on being a leading candidate.

But no one could raise an objection.

Who could do that when I saw my overwhelming inaction right before my eyes?

“They say that the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes out the front wave, and now I understand. “Nobu was caught up in vain desires.”

Jinkyun’s voice seems much more comfortable.

Even before he admitted defeat, he hesitated due to pride.

As soon as he let go of what he was holding, his face looked much better.

The voice of Namcheoncheolgeom came into my head.

-I remember what the previous owner said. It was said that even a hundred people would become Buddha immediately if they let go of the sword in their hands.

There is some truth to what he says.

Jingyun's face was similar to the first time he met him, even though he had let go of his obsession with power and competitiveness.

I said with a grin.

“Don’t say that. “You are still active enough.”

Jinkyun snorted at my words and said.

“Who said they would retire?”


“Nobu has a temper that he can never live without. Now that I have a new goal, I will sharpen my skills further. Be prepared.”

“......Junior. “I must always be on edge.”

It looks like he hasn't given up on his desire to win.

It is better than not being able to discern between personal interests and interests due to the desire for power.

Jingyun of the Ten Kings turned his head and shouted to the elders.

“This deputy leader will resign from his position as leader candidate from now on. And I will support Sogeomseon as the new leader candidate. “Anyone who has a difference of opinion, speak up.”

To Jin Gyun's words, the elders of the vice-lord's faction made no reply.

Even if my vice-lord gave up, I don't think I could bear to admit it since he put me down like that.

If things went this way, the former leader might have thought it was better.

But it seems not everyone is like that.

Someone grabbed me and said,

“The Hangsan faction will support Sogeomseon as the leader candidate.”

It was a Yangmyeong incident for the Hangsan faction.

Her words revealed her discomfort with Amifa's clove situation.

“Yangming incident!”

“Is there something wrong? “Clove incident?”

“No matter how good his inaction is, if the young leader, who lacks experience, cannot overcome his fierce spirit, who will take care of it....”

At that time, someone cut off her words.

“If there is anything lacking in terms of experience or experience, our elders can help make up for it. “It is not the Presbytery or Military Department that exists for that purpose.”

“Elder Nangung!”

He was Namgung Mujin of the Namgung family.

Ignoring her, Namgung Mujin grabbed me and said,

“We, the Namgung family, will support you as a leader candidate.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the elders took control of me one by one and said,

“Jinju Eon will also support you as a leader candidate.”

“The Sichuan Party also supports Sogeomseon as the leading candidate.”

As they stepped forward one by one, the expressions on the faces of the elders who opposed me hardened.

Nevertheless, the elders’ support did not stop.

“The Hyeongsan faction will also support Sogeomseon as the leading candidate.”

“If our Jang Moon-in were here, he would have supported the Sogeomseon Grand Hyeop. Therefore, we, the forward faction, also support Sogeomseon Daehyup as the leading candidate.”

“The Volcanic Sect wants the former leader to come back, but Bio acknowledges that Sogeomseon is not lacking as a leader candidate.”

The last person to decorate was Cho Seong-won, who was in charge of the Northern Yeongdoseong Castle and the Ark of Openness.

Since they were my people in the first place, they did not bother to show off, but they took advantage of this atmosphere and took full control of me, declaring that they supported me.

As a result, more than half of the elders recognized me as the leading candidate.



even if the remaining elders raised objections, there was no longer any reason to stop me.

Vice-lord Jin Gyun looked at Sima Zhongxian, the commander of the Li army, who could be said to be his strategist.

He also sighed, but nodded as if acknowledging this result.

...Does the Commander-in-Chief agree?

Can you say this?

Is there any way that Commander-in-Chief Bang Deok-hyeon could object?

It's moving in my grasp.

Accordingly, Vice Lord Jingyun officially announced it.

“Then it is decided. With this, Sounhwi, the Sogeomseon, has been decided as a candidate for the upcoming leader election, just like Baek Hyang-muk, the Infinite First Sword.”

“Follow the decision!”

The elders who expressed their support for me responded unanimously.

It didn't matter whether the rest answered or not.

I was wondering if things were going to work out like this, but someone's voice suddenly rang in my ears.

[Look here. Sogeomseon.]

He was none other than Namgung Mujin of the Namgung family.

As I looked at him puzzled, he cleared his throat, paused, and then asked me something.

[Hmm. There is no particular intention. Is there a marriage decided by the family?]


? Hanzhongwolya

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