Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 288

[Episode 94 He’s Back (2)]

‘That’s it. He's back.'

In Jo Seong-won’s mind, only one person came to mind.

-Thump thump thump!

My heart pounded like crazy at the sight of a black figure approaching, engulfing the eastern part of Song Ja-hyeon village in darkness.

When I first met him, I never imagined that he would become such a monster.

However, the scene unfolding in front of his eyes made it impossible for anyone not to be afraid of him.


The elder medical student could not hide his embarrassment.

Dozens of open streets running toward the eastern boulevard.

Open methods that raised morale by shouting to forget fear rushed towards the darkness and soon collapsed like a doll whose strings were cut.

I had no idea what was going on.

‘How could this happen when I didn't do anything...'

The black figure was just walking.

However, none of the attacking open arms could get close and they collapsed.

What's even more curious is that all the villagers who were there turned around and entered the building as if they were possessed by something.

Every time, the lights in the building went out.

Now it was only about thirty miles from the front of the house they were in.

“ark! “Whether you run away or deal with him, you have to do something!”

The elder medical student urged Jo Seong-won, who was losing his mind.

Jo Seong-won barely came to his senses at that cry.

‘What should I do with this?'

It was definitely him.

He must have been angry if he had approached like that, encroaching on the eastern side of the village with darkness.

If he had shown up at the branch of the blood religion, he might have thought he had betrayed him.

‘.......Damn it.'

It was stupid to make his death a thing of the past.

He was a master of the eight great powers and a member of the five great evildoers.

He was convinced that if he, such a monster, had not been heard from for seven months, something must have gone wrong.

Of course, I didn't cross the line just in case.

‘Is there room for an excuse?'

Even if I wanted to say something, it became an awkward situation because he came as a blood demon.

The methods of openness do not know that they are loyal to him.

In a situation like that, if you run and kneel down to make an excuse, you will have to resign from your position as Ark.

‘If you run away...'

it becomes the worst.

Then he will become convinced that he has betrayed him.

It is virtually impossible to escape anyway.

How can you escape from someone who uses swords and swords?

The elder medical student urged him to do so.

“Ark decision must be made!”

Jo Seong-won bit his lip.

‘...There's nothing I can do.'

In any case, he was destined to die due to the plans of the Honggu family, the previous owners of the Ark.

It was he who made himself into an ark like this.

Since I swore allegiance to him, the leader of the blood religion, I was always prepared for the possibility that a situation might arise where I would have to give up my position at any time if he wanted.

“Elder of.”


“let's go.”

The elder medical student thought that Seongwon Cho had made up his mind when he heard a voice full of determination.

The opponent is a monster that defeats the enemy without even using a single hand.

There was no expectation that only he and Ark could do anything against such a monster.

However, as a member of a political faction, how could I abandon my colleagues?

I had to keep my beliefs even if it meant risking my life.

“I think Nobu had a good look at the ark.”

Jo Seong-won's heart ached at the elder's words.

He wasn't going to fight.

However, the elder Uigusaeng seemed to think that he was trying to burn the last one down.

‘I'm sorry for disappointing you.'

I will bow down to him.

Otherwise, all methods of opening will die on the spot.

Cho Seong-won jumped off the roof without a word.

Then he went through the main gate of the house toward the eastern street.

The elder medical student followed him.

‘It's an incredibly daunting feeling.'

I saw Inyoung walking in the dark.

It was dark, but as we got closer, the face became clearer.

‘The face?'

However, it was not the face of Jin Woon-hwi he knew.

It was the first time I saw him.

‘Is it bast cotton?'

There was a possibility that it was someone else, but it didn't seem like that.

He was the only one who could show his prowess in defeating his enemies without even touching them.

Although the elder medical student was watching, Jo Seong-won tried to kneel as he had decided.

“Cho Seong-won...”

- Boom!


Jo Seong-won turned his head when he heard a sound next to him.

An elder medical student was lying on the floor.

“Elder of?”

Despite his calls, the elder medical student did not wake up, even snoring.

I fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

It was the moment when Jo Seong-won turned his head in surprise.



His new body was thrown back more than a dozen times by a kick to the abdomen.

Because it happened so quickly, I couldn't protect myself with my strength.

Jo Seong-won rolled around on the floor and vomited a handful of blood.

‘.......I've become stronger.'

Of course I knew that I had reached the realm of superhumans.

However, he also constantly practiced the Eighteen Dragons, and after eating the spiritual teachings that were said to come down from the Arks of Openness, he reached the state of transcendence.

I tried like crazy not to be ashamed of my place in the ark, but it felt like all my organs and six parts would be twisted with just one kick.

‘Was the expert who crossed the wall this strong?'

It was to the point where I had doubts.


Before he knew it, he appeared in front of him.

When I looked up, I saw his facial structure twist and change.

Eventually, it became the face he knew.


It was as expected.

It was definitely him.

Jo Seong-won urgently fell down, bowed his head, and shouted.

“A lowly believer knows the blood demon, the leader of the blood religion!”

A voice came to him as he bowed his head.

“Why do you get beaten?”

I got goosebumps all over my body.

Embarrassed, Jo Seong-won raised his head and hastily tried to make an excuse.

“My lord. Of course, you may misunderstand, but...”

- Puck!


Before he could finish his words, his shoulder was hit by a kick, and his body flew up and crashed into the wall of the empty house he was using as a temporary base.


I felt like my whole body was going to be crushed.

Jo Seong-won, who was pinned against the wall, barely raised his head.

Jin Woon-hwi was walking towards him with a scary face.

Seeing this, Jo Seong-won's face became contemplative.

“My lord!”

“Bite this tight.”

* * *

Sitting on the main hall of an empty house, I looked down at Jo Seong-won, who was covered in bruises.

Cho Seong-won, who was kneeling, was half-fazed, probably from exhaustion.

He was beaten like this the day he first swore loyalty to me.

Memories of that time must have come back to me.

“You really made a mess of it. young master.”

Asong stuck out his tongue.

After beating up Cho Seong-won, he asked him where Ah-song was, and he personally brought him from the warehouse in the house.

He didn't know Ahsong because he was on his way to the Ark inauguration ceremony.

If there was even a single fur wound on Asong's body, I would have pummeled him further, but fortunately he was safe.

“That guy didn’t torture you or something, right?”

“Torture? I didn’t particularly touch him, but I didn’t give him food or sleep, but that’s it…”


When I raised my eyebrows, Jo Seong-won shouted in embarrassment.

“I really didn’t know!”

“Tsk tsk.”

He scolded me once more and I clicked my tongue in disapproval.

The only reason it ended this way was because he didn't cross the last line.

He told me that he had leaked information to the Murim Alliance in advance without being involved in the operation to wipe out the Blood Cult branches on a large scale.

As a result, it seems that the branches of the blood religion that Cho Seong-won received information about escaped safely before the sweep.

Of course, he confessed that he could not help all branches.

-I've prepared myself a place to live.

I know.

When I first saw him, he seemed quite immature as a spy, but he has improved a lot since then.

All of this is probably prepared for when I return.


I looked at Jo Seong-won, who was constantly watching me.

While acting as an open ark, it seems that various efforts were made to avoid direct conflict with the blood religion.

-What would you have done if you were really dead?


He must have been walking a tightrope in the middle and continuing to observe the situation.

Even if I disappear, there are people at our school who know his identity.

It was difficult to rashly defect.

-Can you believe it?

It's a shame that I went somewhere in the middle, but this guy is an ark of openness.

As long as it was not top secret, it was not a card to be easily discarded because it could be used to obtain information about the Wulin Federation and, conversely, to confuse information.

After staring at him, I walked forward, stopped in front, and asked.

“Why did you help the branch people by leaking information and then set up an ambush here to catch the church members?”

“......Openness also plays an important role in the Wulin Federation. “Such openness will be suspected if you openly oppose the conquest of our school and do not participate.”

“You did that to avoid suspicion?”

“sorry. “We had to make it feel like we were assisting the federation’s work even just a little bit.”

He spoke to me as if he had committed a mortal sin.

At this, I sighed and laughed.

And then he held out his hand towards the guy.

“I feel like a spy now.”

Jo Seong-won looked at me with trembling eyes.


“You deserve to be punished more for seeing the liver in the middle, but since you held your position as best as you could, I’ll move on from this.”

“.......thank you.”


He held my hand with a look of relief on his face.

I raised the guy who was kneeling and sat down in the main hall again.

Cho Seong-won said that to me.

“I will return to the main school with my master.”

“no. “I have to continue to play the role of the ark right now.”

“...Are you sure?”

“Does this sound like a joke?”

If the person who is supposed to control the opening moves with me, its usability decreases.

It was more useful to stay in place and gather information like now.

“Why do you think I put all the methods of opening up to sleep?”


The guy let out a small exclamation as if he finally realized my intention.

I didn't put them to sleep to show off Jeongyo Hwan's abilities.

Since they were meant to be used, no harm was done.

And although it may seem like he was just venting his anger, the reason he made Cho Seong-won into such a mess was to prevent him from being suspected.

“I don’t have time, so let’s get to the point.”

“What about the main point?”

“I need information about what happened before the sleeping beggars wake up. “Cut out all the unnecessary parts and tell me about the situation between our school and the Moorim Federation.”

We need to know what happened in the past seven months.

Since the Song Ja-hyeon branch had withdrawn, the right person to inform them right away was Seong-won Cho, who was in charge of the Ark of Openness.

He spoke as if he was embarrassed by my command.

“I don’t know the details of what goes on inside our school.”

I guess so.

Starting from the Yangtze River, many branches withdrew or were destroyed by the Wulin Federation.

It is difficult to get information about what is going on at our school unless you contact them directly.


Actually, this was a question.

Too many of our church's branches were damaged.

It may be one or two, but if the branch was hit nearly 30% as Seong-won Cho said, then some information must have been leaked.

Of course, Cho Seong-won stubbornly explained that it was absolutely not him.

‘Who leaked it?'

Most of the ganjas in our school were hunted down.

However, the fact that this situation occurred means that another ganja may have infiltrated the inside, or there may actually have been a traitor inside.

You will be able to find out more about this once you return to our school.

“Say only what you know.”

Hearing my words, Jo Seong-won carefully parted his lips.

“Master... do you know that Ilzon is dead?”


At those words, I couldn't believe my ears for a moment.

Ilzon is dead?

Single blood sample unit class.

Excluding me, he was said to be the strongest person in our school.

Until I disappeared, I was keeping a check on the shaman's Taegeuk swordsman, Zongseon Jinin, one of the eight great masters, at the border of Guangxi and Hunan provinces.

For a moment, I was speechless from shock.

[I will sacrifice my life to protect the new school that the Lord will build. Please allow this old man to become a part of it.] What

he said to me rang in my head.

It was Iljon who said he would give me strength.

The news of his death was so shocking that I was heartbroken with sadness.

‘...Are you saying it's my fault?'

Seven months disappeared.

I hoped that there would be no major incidents in the meantime.

But I had no idea that something this bad would happen.

Between the shock and sadness, anger welled up deep in my heart.

- Wow!

“Is this the Taegeuk Sword Festival?”

Jo Seong-won shook his head at my question.

I could not hold back my anger and raised my voice.

“So who did that?”

“...Taegeuk Sword Master Jongseon Jinin is also dead.”


What does this mean?

It was thought that Jongseon Jinin, the Taegeuk swordsman of the warring shaman faction, had killed Iljon, but it is unclear what the meaning of this is that he is also dead.

What on earth happened in seven months?

Jo Seong-won spoke in a meaningful voice to me who was dumbfounded.

“Both of them were killed by a murderer.”


Absolutely serious killing.

He is one of the five evils called the worst butcher.

? Hanzhongwolya

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