Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 285

[Episode 93: A Gisaeng’s Spirit (2)]

“A gisaeng?”

King Jin was dumbfounded by the noisy shouts coming from outside.

How can a mere gisaeng who should be at a drinking party break through the government army, which can be considered an elite army?

“What nonsense are you talking about!”

King Jin, who could not believe this, eventually went outside the barracks to see it with his own eyes.

Military commanders and subordinates followed behind to protect him.


King Jin, who came out like that, was momentarily speechless at the sight that unfolded before his eyes.

A woman wearing a flowing green suit was running here at great speed, easily defeating the government soldiers who tried to stop her.


The government soldiers who were rushing at her were knocked unconscious by a single gesture from her delicate hand.

It was like watching a fight between adults and children.

“That girl...is she really a gisaeng?”

King Jin couldn't take his eyes off her.

One of the military commanders who saw this clicked his tongue and said.

“I don’t think I’m an ordinary gisaeng.”

“Then what do you mean?”

“You can’t deal with trained regular government troops without learning martial arts.”

“Does that mean you are a martial artist?”

“It seems so. “I didn’t know that there was a woman of that level of inaction under His Majesty King Gyeong’s command.”

King Jin looked puzzled at those words and asked.

“If you do it, what level is it?”

There were some people who were skilled in martial arts by King Jin's side.

Half of the military commanders here were trained in martial arts, and the eunuch wearing the blue uniform next to him was a concubine who was said to have the greatest military skills in his class, except for the admirals.

The youngest commander among the military commanders who learned martial arts spoke excitedly.

“It’s quite the topic of a woman. At least it looks like it's top-notch. “If your Majesty orders, I will immediately subdue that woman.”


As soon as he finished speaking, someone let out a faint laugh.

At this, the young military commander frowned and looked at him.

“Go concubine?”

The owner of that laughter was my classmate’s older brother.

My classmate's eunuch, who was called my late concubine, covered her mouth with her hand and said.

“Jang Cheoninjang’s words have a point, but in my opinion, that woman easily surpasses the level of a first-class warrior.”


The young military commander spoke, unable to hide his embarrassment at those words.

“Go, my concubine. God is also like that...”

“A top-notch expert like Jang Cheoninjang can easily deal with dozens of trained regular soldiers, but it is difficult for him like me.”

The young military commander, who had exuded confidence, bit his lip.

King Jin showed interest in his late concubine’s words.

“So you’re saying that that gisaeng girl is a master of the highest order?”

“I think that’s the case. majesty.”

“That’s interesting. Even among the few female Geumuiwis in the palace, I don’t think there has been anyone who has reached that level, and such a woman is under King Gyeong...” Just a moment ago, King Jin was about to order that the gisaeng in the green suit be killed


However, aside from being a gisaeng, it gave him a strange feeling to think that a woman with such outstanding military status was under the control of King Gyeong, whom he considered insignificant.

King Jin, who was staring at her, commanded.

“Suppress that woman and bring her to me.”

At King Jin’s words, Concubine Hyeong laughed inwardly.

‘The habit came out again.'

If King Jin had something he wanted in the hands of other princes, he had to take it to satisfy his true nature.

Even now, I feel that way when I look at those greedy eyes.

I understood it well enough.

Anyone with a smooth face and outstanding martial arts skills like that would want to have one by their side.

The old concubine gestured with his hand and ordered the three leaders he had brought with him.

“Ho ho ho. “You must have heard His Majesty’s orders.”


The three leaders came forward with a whispering voice.

They had such outstanding military skills that they were counted among the top five among the fifty or so leaders assigned to the late concubine.

Since they were experts at the peak, I thought they would be able to subdue that gisaeng.

The middle-aged man, the oldest among the military commanders, opened his mouth.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been able to see the skills of my fellow classmates.”

“Since General Moon said so, our party leaders will have to show off their status to His Majesty for the first time in a long time.”

Opportunities like this don't come around often.

The leaders also understood what the late concubine was saying.

It was a golden opportunity to make a mark.


The three leaders hurled their new weapons at the gisaeng wearing green police uniform.

As if competing to see who could overpower her, they each displayed the martial arts skills they had learned at the Imperial Palace Vigo.

But something unbelievable happened.

The gisaeng wearing green attire struck the chin of the first Tang Du, who was the first to attack, with her knee, and then snatched the wrist of the other Tang Du, who was making a fancy move, in one go with a geumnasu technique and threw him to the floor.

“100 million!”

Dandu fell to the floor and fainted.

It wasn't a proper competition, and when the two heads of the family were defeated in just one day, the head of the family, who was the only one who was still intact, couldn't hide his embarrassment.

”Is this girl hiding her skills?”

From what I could feel, she clearly had the energy of an orgasm.

However, he subdued the two leaders who had almost the same level of inactivity as him, as if they were children.

This was impossible unless you were a master of the level of a high-ranking concubine.

‘A girl who is only 20 years old is a supreme expert? Nonsense.'

It was extremely embarrassing.

Regardless of his inaction, it was impossible to subdue this gisaeng with his own skills.

However, if I were to be treated like other party leaders in front of Jinwang, such a shame...


This was before the calculation was even finished.

Dandu suddenly discovers that a gisaeng has crawled right under his nose.

I was embarrassed and tried to throw the new model backwards,

but -boo!

Her kick landed on the left side of his neck, and Dandu couldn't even scream and fainted.


“I can’t believe they are no match for me at all.”

The military commanders who had learned martial arts could not help but be embarrassed by the sight.

No one could have predicted that those three, who were known to be outstanding among their classmates, would not even be able to compete with them.


My late concubine brother, who sent his subordinates with confidence, was most embarrassed.

I decided that he was definitely an expert at peak level.

However, the head of the family was suppressed and the classmate's face was lost.

‘What on earth is that girl?'

It made no sense that a woman with such inaction could be nothing more than a gisaeng.

This means that King Gyeong has been deceiving people all this time.

The late concubine noticed King Jin’s feelings.

However, contrary to his concerns, King Jin's eyes were focused on the gisaeng.


King Jin let out a sincere exclamation as he watched her kick with her smooth, exposed legs while wearing a flowing skirt.

The look in her eyes and face as she deals with her enemies is even more confident than any other women she has seen.

I feel like the standards I have known about women are being shattered.

Every single movement she makes seems like a jewel to the eye.

‘...I can see why that bastard was hiding that woman.'

I wanted it.

For a guy like King Gyeong, who was known for his red hair, she was too much of a girl.


Jinwang came out of his thoughts when he heard his late concubine's voice coming from next to him.

The late concubine bowed his head and spoke to King Jin.

“It seems that Your Majesty’s conviction was wrong. “I will personally bring that woman to Your Majesty.”

There was only one way to make up for it here.

As a concubine, he personally stepped in and subdued her in a good way.

But he wasn't the only one asking to come forward.

“majesty. Give the warden a chance. Since this happened because of God, I will bring that gisaeng woman to Your Majesty.”

He was a five thousand seal.

King Jin stared at him with narrowed eyes.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that his inaction was by far the best among them, as he had entrusted it to him as his guard.

I didn't like it, but I wanted to have a conversation with that girl as soon as possible.

“good night. Then, five thousand people.....”

That was right then.


“Your Highness...look over there!”

After hearing the words of several corps commanders, King Jin turned his attention to that place.

There was a group that stood out there.

“.......King Gyeong, that guy.”

While the green-dressed gisaeng was running wild, King Gyeong was riding leisurely on Sain Bridge to the center of the garrison.

As he arrived at the military garrison, he was extremely relaxed, not even wearing armor.

* * *

[As His Majesty's old age and chronic illness deepen, the fight for the throne is intensifying in earnest. This king also suffered three assassination attempts in the past two months.]

[In the past two months?]

[It is still like this now, so it is obvious that if His Majesty falls, they will openly try to kill each other.] [

That is why I have been promoted to the throne as a Yeonsaeng . Are you asking me to get rid of you?]

[I can't catch you, but what would you do if the real Yeonsaeng, not you, was always by the side of the king?]

After receiving this request, I am shaking off my status as Yeonsaeng for the last time.

Even if I leave as King Gyeong said, if the real Yeonsaeng is still there, King Jin and all the people in the imperial palace who heard this rumor will raise their awareness of her.

-Seeing how he treats you, this king is no easy feat.

Well, this is an acceptable level.

As Geumsangje's actions are changing more and more because of me, it is difficult to say for sure that the history of the imperial family will not change either.

If it helps King Gyeong even a little, there is nothing wrong with me.

‘I guess this is enough.'

I looked around.

As they reached the center of the garrison, they defeated nearly hundreds of soldiers.

He could have used Jeongyo Hwanui-gyeong, but the divine status of a gisaeng named Yeonsaeng refrained from doing so in order to focus only on the boxing technique.

However, since he defeated most of the soldiers in just one day, his power seems to have been sufficiently demonstrated.

You could tell just by looking at the soldiers that they were so alert that they could not approach easily.

When I looked at King Gyeong, he nodded and signaled that it was okay.

So, I joined the group of gisaeng.

“sister. “It’s so cool.”

“How can you fight so well?”

The gisaeng looked at me and whispered.

They had already found out that I was not a Yeonsaeng.

However, they also showed a lot of interest in me, probably because they were practicing assassination techniques and other martial arts.

They all call me their sister.

I suddenly feel like the leader of the gisaengs.

-What would Sima Ying, your wife-to-be, say if she saw this?

Sodamgeom giggled and said to me.

I feel so fortunate that you can only talk to me.

At that time, King Gyeong came down from Sain Bridge, put his hands together and bowed politely.

“The King of Gyeonggi sends greetings to you, brother.”

The person to whom King Gyeong saluted was none other than King Jin.

King Gyeong said that he might be at the Wuhan army's garrison, and his prediction was correct.

That guy is really bold too.

He came all the way here and even attempted to take King Gyeong’s life.

Looking at this, it seemed clear that the emperor of the time no longer had enough energy left to run the state.


King Gyeong looked around and snorted lightly.

No matter how many people were following King Jin, none of them bowed their heads even though another prince and King Gyeong came.

It was a situation that could have made King Gyeong angry.

However, because he had been acting like an idiot for a long time, he did not reveal any further emotions.

At that time, King Jin turned his back and walked forward.

“How could my younger brother come here in the middle of the night and be mischievous?”

Even though they are half-brothers, their tone is hostile.

It was Jinwang who got the main point out of the way.

King Gyeong looked at King Jin and said with a grin.

“I had no idea that your highness was at the Wuhan Army camp here, less than ten miles away from the tomb of King Pyeong of Gucho, where I am in charge of the excavation.”

“Do you think that responsibility disappears without you knowing?”

Jinwang came out strong.

As he raised his hand, government troops poured in from all directions and surrounded him.

Even though they were afraid of my status, I could see that they were moving in an orderly manner, showing that military discipline was being followed well.

“It’s very strict.”

Nevertheless, King Gyeong trusted me and spoke without losing his composure.

King Jin felt uncomfortable with his attitude.

King Gyeong, who had been acting like a fool until now and had not even raised his head in front of him, seemed dissatisfied with his attitude.

“It seems like you trust that child.”

King Jin’s eyes turned to me.

King Gyeong smiled at his words and made a hand gesture.

Then, soldiers dragged someone from behind Sain Bridge.

That person was a government officer who came into the tomb and tried to kill King Gyeong and me, but failed and sold King Jin's name.


King Jin's eyes became sharp when he saw him.

I thought he would pretend not to know, but he doesn't try to hide it.

I guess it's because I have some faith in it.

I looked alternately at the eunuchs wearing blue official uniforms and the generals wearing five thousand seal armor on either side of King Jin.

“That naekwan over there is my classmate’s concubine.”

One of the gisaengs whispered to me and said.

I heard that there is an admiral at the head of the class, and below him are two concubines who can be considered the next successors.

It looks like the person with the white powdered face is one of them.

Martial arts were not ordinary.

He went from being an elder of a clan to the level of a clan lord.

Although there were some people who practiced martial arts by King Gyeong's side, it seems that the emperor thought of him as the next lieutenant, as he even gave his classmate concubine, who was supposed to be in the imperial family, as his bodyguard because he was the eldest son born to the empress.

King Gyeong said after making the captured government soldiers kneel in front of him.

“This guy said that his Majesty, my brother, told him to kill me, but I was wondering if that was true, so I made a rude mistake.”

At King Gyeong’s words, King Jin, who was staring at him, sighed and laughed.

He even brought in a witness and interrogated him, but he still seems to think that the situation is in his favor.

King Jin looked at the captured government troops and said.

“This king is a stranger. “You sure don’t believe what he says, do you?”

“You really don’t know?”

“Didn’t you say you didn’t know?”

“I see. “What this person said was a lie.”

When King Gyeong interrogated King Jin, his face hardened and he spoke as if he was displeased.

“Do you dare to doubt the king you saw?”

As soon as King Jin finished speaking, one of the military commanders raised his hand, and the archers among the surrounding soldiers drew out their bows and loaded arrows into the bow.

As arrows rained down, the gisaengs and the soldiers brought by King Gyeong could not hide their tension.

King Gyeong said in a low voice.

“You’re not only threatening me, but you’re even threatening my life, my younger brother.”

King Jin smiled and answered while looking at King Gyeong.

“Not only is my younger brother being rude, but he is also suspicious of my older brother, so what can I do? “Shouldn’t we teach him that cheeky habit?”

“.......Are you trying to teach me habits with my life?”

In response to King Gyeong’s question, King Jin raised the corner of his mouth and said.

“Do you really think this older brother would try to kill your younger brother just to change one of his habits?”

“Then stop your protest.”

“That’s up to you, brother.”

“......What do you mean by that?”

At those words, King Jin pointed his finger at me and said.

“You have a pretty interesting kid under your wing.”

“He is a child with excellent martial arts skills.”

In response to King Gyeong’s answer, King Jin gestured to me and said.

“Hand over the child to the king. “If you do that, I won’t ask about the mistake my brother committed today.”


King Gyeong was speechless at the words that came out of King Jin’s mouth.

It was the same for me too.

I thought he would be dissatisfied with me or feel alarmed because he made threats without doing anything, but I didn't know that he would immediately ask me to hand him over.

King Jin was even giving me a strangely greedy look.


Sodamgeom burst out laughing as if this situation was funny.

Even though they say they are different, they seem to be brothers.

There is no difference in how one looks at a woman.


King Gyeong’s lips were twitching.

I guess I couldn't help but laugh because I was committing the same mistake I did when I thought I was a woman.

King Jin raised one eyebrow and raised his voice when he saw King Gyeong like that.

“Are you laughing now?”

King Gyeong said, barely holding back his laughter.

“So, Brother, are you telling me to give this child to you?”

King Jin snorted at his words and said.

“I think I’m too much of a child for you.”

Then he turned his gaze to me and said.

“What is your name?”

I answered King Jin with both hands in a respectful manner.

“It’s called Yeonsaeng.”

“You’re a trainee...I like the name. “Come to Jim’s side.”

Although he speaks in a soft tone, goosebumps appear all over his body.

King Jin seemed to not mind this, holding out his hand to me and telling me to come closer.

“I am His Highness King Gyeong’s person.”

“Your brother’s life depends on your choice today. No matter how good you are at martial arts, do you think you can protect your brother against thousands of soldiers and generals?”

With those words, King Jin raised his hand up.

Then, as if in response, the archers' protests became more tense.

“When I lower this hand, the arrow will leave the string. If you really want to save your brother, stop being stubborn and come.”


I sighed deeply.

Then he turned his head and looked at King Gyeong’s face.

King Jin laughed at my appearance like that, as if asking if you could do anything about it.

Then he spoke softly, as if to comfort me.

“I see you are not easily moved when I ask you to come with your master’s life as collateral. “If you do it, I’ll suggest it to you.”

“What if it’s a suggestion?”

“I will make you my wife. Rather than serving my younger brother as a mere gisaeng, I am offering you a position that cannot be compared.”

King Jin gave me a triumphant look, as if asking me if this was enough.

To this, I smiled and answered.

“It’s better than His Highness’s suggestion.”



At that moment, I stood behind King Jin in an instant using Lee Hyeong-hwanwi's method.

There was no one here who could catch my movements.

As I turned my head to find where I had gone, I grabbed Jinwang by the back of his neck and pushed him down, forcing him to kneel.

“How could you…”

I whispered in his ear, who was astonished and thoughtful.

“Let’s see what happens if you lower your hand.”


? Hanzhongwolya

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