Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 283

[Episode 92: King Pyeong’s Tomb (4)]

I was going to return to the original anyway.

Being in the body of King Gyeong, it feels like the female intestines are going to be torn apart.

-Knock knock!

King Gyeong clicked his tongue as he looked at me, who had returned to the form of a gisaeng called Yeonsaeng through the transformation technique.

Then he asked me as if he was suspicious.

“You’re probably not doing this to deceive the king, are you?”

“Unfortunately, I am a man.”


Looking at King Gyeong’s expression, he seemed genuinely disappointed.

How absurd would it be for me to even hear someone ask me to become an empress in my lifetime?

In any case, his proposal fell through.

“Your Highness’s proposal cannot stand.”

King Gyeong, who was taking a bite with a sad expression, spoke to me.

“.......As you said, I think it would be impossible to become an empress. If so, can't you be my bodyguard in that way? “If you do that, won’t you be able to see if you become a tyrant?”

He was a king who did not give up on obtaining the secret of immortality.

Strictly speaking, it may be a desperate desire to escape the pain of solar eclipse.

I took the gun from King Gyeong and politely declined.

“I’m sorry, but I think that would be unreasonable.”

“......If you do that, I will grant you everything you want. “Isn’t that okay?”

King Gyeong truly wanted to live.

It's a pity because it's not a desire for immortality.

I asked while looking at him blankly.

“You said everything. Is anything possible?”

“okay. Tell me anything. “I will grant anything that King Bonn can grant.”

“Then can you give up your position as emperor?”


King Gyeong’s expression hardened at my question.

I guess he didn't know that he was going to tell him to give up his position as emperor.

In addition to his obsession with life, he was also greedy for the throne, to the extent that he increased his power by acting like a man addicted to love.

I told him to give up one of his wishes.

King Gyeong hesitated for a moment as if he was in trouble, then muttered as if he felt sorry for me.

“...It seems that the fate of this king cannot be changed.”

There was an unexpected reaction.

I never thought he would give up his life for the throne.

Is the ambition for power stronger enough to endure pain and the fear of death?

When I looked at him curiously, King Gyeong sighed and said.

“Don’t look at me like that. Would King Bon, who has lived his entire life in pain, covet power more than a peaceful general?”

“But why are you giving this up?”

You can escape from the illness that has plagued you your whole life and live forever.

In fact, it was a much better option than a short period of authority.

Besides, once you get a life where you won't die, won't you be able to seek power by breaking your agreement with me?

“This king made a pact with the deceased Eomamama. “I decided to become emperor and make my mother’s dream come true.”

When you say Eomamama, do you mean Hyangjeong Bin, the Emperor's Bin (嬪)?

King Gyeong said to me with a sigh and a smile.

“It’s not a grand dream like living in peace or anything like that. “Because she was a court lady, she only stayed in Vienna.”

Ah... I

guess that's for my mother.

-Why is it for your mother?

The emperor's first wife is called the empress.

The next rank after Hu was Bi, and immediately below that was Bin.

Since she was born as a court lady and her son would not have been the legitimate eldest son, King Gyeong's mother, Hyangjeong-bin, would not have ascended to that rank.

There is only one way to increase your status.

-what is that?

King Gyeong becomes emperor.

When she becomes the emperor's mother, her status cannot be considered bean, so she is promoted to concubine.

In some ways, King Gyeong wanted to become emperor for the small reason of wanting to fulfill his dead mother's dream rather than his ambition for power.

“Why do you seem unqualified for the Dragon Throne?”

At King Gyeong’s question, I shook my head.

And said.

“You are honest. “If you are someone who cherishes even the wishes of your deceased mother, I think it would be okay to sit on the throne.”

King Gyeong smiled at my words.

It seems like something feels good.

King Gyeong asked me as if he had brushed it off cleanly.

“If I stay here any longer, I will only regret it. The king wants to wake up those children and go back, but should I wait until you take them?”

I feel like I've really given up on it.

The bowl was much bigger than I expected.

I looked at him blankly and said.

“I would be grateful if you would do so, but before that, there is one thing I would like to confirm.”


“Your Majesty, can you endure a little more pain?”

King Gyeong shook his head in response to my question.

“My whole life has been a pain. Do you think there will be more pain than this?”

“Then that’s a relief. “If you do, I will apologize for a moment.”


I grabbed King Gyeong, who was questioning him, and turned around.

Then he pointed his finger toward his famous acupoint.


A cold chill flowed from his fingers, and the energy soon seeped into him through King Gyeong's famous blood vessels.


King Gyeong could not hide his embarrassment as the cold energy penetrated his blood.

I warned him like that.

“If you don’t endure the pain from now on, you could lose your life right here.”

“What on earth are you going to do....”

“We will clear the blocked vein.”


“Whether or not your condition improves will depend on how much you endure.”

“I’m saying it’s getting better…”

“Refuse your words and grit your teeth and endure it.”

As soon as those words were finished, I sent the chill I had generated with Seol-eum-ji along the Myeong-mun acupoint and sequentially towards his twelve major meridians.

These twelve meridians are connected to each other and form a circulation system.

The meridians are connected at the tips of the fingers and feet, the yang meridians are connected in the eye area, and the penis is connected in the chest, forming a circle and circulating.

Strong yang energy is blocking this circulatory system.



When the cold energy reached the place where the positive energy was blocked, King Gyeong could not bear the pain.

Then I gritted my teeth as I remembered what I had said.

I don't know if this will work, but it was no different from an adventure for me.

‘It pierces the area blocked by positive energy with cold energy, which is negative energy, and makes it flow smoothly.'

This was a way to tackle fundamental problems that could not be solved with acupuncture or drug elixirs.

I have heard that the symptoms of the nine syllable veins can be alleviated or cured by tapping the blockage area with Naegyosu, which is said to be strong in the energy of the Yang River.

However, there are not many experts in the world who can handle internal skills in such detail.

Moreover, among those who manipulate cold energy or negative energy, there were almost no masters who reached that level.


Steam gradually rose from King Gyeong’s body.

It's like a phenomenon that occurs when hot and cold overlap.

It took about half an hour like that.

Because it was a process of unclogging the veins that had been blocked by yang energy, King Gyeong's entire body was covered in sweat and he was shaking in pain every time he was hit.

What's surprising is that, except for the first time, he endured the pain without even moaning.

‘Half pierced.'

However, I don't know if Gyeongwang can hold out while the other half is drilled.

My head was nodding as if I had reached the limit of my physical strength.

The pain that comes every time the positive energy and cold energy created by the solar cleavage collide is probably beyond imagination.

How could he be okay if he endured it for almost half an hour?

“Your Highness, please be patient. “I will retrieve the chill.”

I raised my other hand to King Gyeong’s Baekhoehyeol and infused the Innate Qi.

This was because if he lost consciousness, it would affect his ability to recover all of his chills.

“Ah... I feel strange. “It seems like the pain in my hands and feet has gone down a lot compared to when I took the medicine given by Shinui.”

This is a natural phenomenon since a major blockage has been unclogged.

However, I think this alone is not enough.

As I was recovering the chill from the pierced acupuncture points, the yang energy was rising again little by little.

That meant that even if it was all breached, it would still need management.

“Are we there yet?”

“Just a little bit and it’ll be over...!?”

At that moment, I turned my head towards the entrance to the common.

I felt quite popular there.

Sure enough, about twenty people who appeared to be government soldiers rushed inside.

Among them, the three who came in first were peak masters, and the rest were a group of people who were so good at martial arts that they reached the level of first-class masters.

King Gyeong thought they were government troops under him and spoke with difficulty.

“Don’t misunderstand. Jim is healing.”

Despite King Gyeong's words, there was something strange about their attitude.

The government soldiers who came in looked around and frowned as if they were embarrassed.

Then, the man who was the most incompetent among them pointed to the five-angled stone chamber and gave an order to the other officials.

“Retrieve everything inside.”

King Gyeong said, embarrassed by those words.

“...Who are you?”

“You don’t need to know that. “It’s good that you’re receiving treatment.”


The government commander, who had reached the peak of inaction, pulled a Yuyeop sword from his belt.

Seeing the murderous spirit rising, it was clear that they were not the government forces under King Gyeong, but the subordinates of Geumsangje.

-oh my god?

There isn't much left now.

If you release your hand here, King Gyeong will not only suffer internal injuries, but will also suffer damage to his body.

If you are hit by a coin while in a state where you have solar veins, you will definitely die.

They appeared at the worst possible moment.

The rest of the government forces entered the stone room.

-Just give up. If this continues, the secret to immortality could be taken away by these guys.

not much left.

If you give up this, the future emperor will change.

The key is to finish it faster than they can take the sarcophagi out.

At that time, the government military, who had reached the peak of inaction, walked over with his Yuyeopdo drawn and spoke to King Gyeong in a murderous voice.

“Who owns that palace and made it like that?”

“I do not know.”

King Gyeong answered the guy’s question.

Still, he remained loyal, perhaps because he knew that he was trying to save himself.

The official, who had reached the peak of inaction, snorted and said.

“You said you never left this place. Does it make sense that you don’t know?”

With those words, he turned his gaze to me.

Then, with a suspicious expression on his face, he raised his sword at me and said,

“What are you doing now?”


I didn’t answer anything.

“The girl is so crazy about wanting to die.”

Then he tried to point the sword at my neck.

I concentrated my mind and tried to release the prisoner's energy.

Even though he couldn't move, it didn't mean he couldn't use his prisoner's abilities.

It was right then.

“What is this?”

Everyone's eyes turned to the sound of a shout coming from somewhere.

It was a five-cornered stone chamber containing the secret of immortality.

At that time, screams erupted one after another.



At the sight seen from the entrance, the government army, who was trying to target Yuyeopdo Island with the utmost inaction, looked like I was wondering what the hell was going on.

As expected, something protruding from the sarcophagus was slaughtering the government troops.

The strange being had red eyes and a muscular body, and its entire body was silver and copper, making it look very strong.

“What is that…”

I expressed it as that, but they were not one.

There were five in total.

It looks like those were inside the sarcophagi.

I couldn't sense anything alive, but if something like that came out, it wasn't normal living people.

“What on earth is that?”

In response to a question from an official, the official who was about to aim Yuyeopdo at me muttered.

“I think that’s why he told me not to go in. Could it be some kind of Jiangshi?”

“What should I do?”

“Let’s withdraw immediately.”

“But they...”

Government soldiers were being mercilessly killed by those strange beings.

However, the government forces targeting Yuyeop Island probably thought that if they withdrew, they would not have time to escape.

“It's already late.”

With those words, the guy swung the Yuyeopdo sword as if he were going to kill me and King Gyeong.

It was that moment.


The guy's Yuyeopdo was blocked by something along the way.

It was none other than my palm.

“This is...”

The guy couldn’t hide his embarrassment as he blocked the sharp blade with his bare palm.

Because of those strange beings that came out of the sarcophagus, I was able to recover all the chill from King Gyeong's body in the nick of time.

When he got out of control, he shouted as if he had finally realized it.

“No way, four years ago, you were Cho’s master.....”


Even if you know, it’s already too late.

I grabbed the palm that he had blocked.



Then the blade broke just like that.

In that state, he snapped his fingers at the broken pieces of the blade, and the energetic pieces soon penetrated the guy's body.



It pierced through his neck and chest and he died.

I was trying to deal with the person right behind me, but he shouted urgently.

“Your Majesty King Gyeong! We were sent by His Majesty King Jin. If you kill us, His Majesty King Jin will be angry.”

“Brother Jinwang sent you?”

King Gyeong, who was barely able to stand unsteadily, looked at me when he heard that I was King Jin.

I guess he had the same thoughts as me.




I took over his blood sword on the spot.

The guy whose blood pressure was high just fainted.

Unlike the dead Pagongwi Chosa, they still did not know that I was a descendant of Geomseon.

Because he thought he was a man of King Gyeong, he tried to save his life by selling King Jin.

So, can we miss this opportunity?

-Woonhwi. The screaming stopped.

As Sodamgeom said, there were no more screams coming from inside the five-pointed stone chamber.

The reason was that all the government soldiers who had already entered were killed by those strange beings.

-Jump! Damn it!

They had killed all the government soldiers and were coming out covered in blood.

King Gyeong pointed to that place and spoke urgently.

“Yeonsaeng. I guess those monsters aren't human. “I can stop it... Huh!”


Before King Gyeong could finish speaking, strange beings rushed towards us.

The sight of him running towards me with an emotionless face, with a red glow all over his eyes, was extremely ominous.

A monster like that rushed at me in front of King Gyeong-gang

- Pow!

I grabbed the monster’s head.

The moment I grab it, I will know for sure.

It was so hard that it was almost as strong as a gold bullion ingot.

‘I don't think there's any need to adjust.'

Since it doesn't seem like he's human anyway, I guess I shouldn't spare any effort.

-Wood clack!

The monster's head was crushed by the force of his grip.

I grabbed the monster's shoulders and ripped off his head.

- Quad deuk!

When the head was torn off, black blood poured out along with a rotten smell.

It was a stench like something you would smell from a corpse.


I kicked upwards with each angle towards the neck of the monster that was charging at me one after another.

-Fuck! Kwaang!

The body of the monster who had been struck in the jaw by the angle bounced up, and its head ended up hitting the ceiling.

The thing hanging from the ceiling, motionless, appears to have died with its head crushed.


The other three monsters, who seemed to have no emotions at the sight of the two monsters who were attacked in an instant, flinched and stopped running.

“Aren’t you coming?”

Then I have to go.

I rushed towards those monsters first.

The monsters, who seemed to have no fear, suddenly turned back when I charged at them and tried to run away all at once.

King Gyeong stuck out his tongue at the sight.

“...You are the real monster.”

? Hanzhongwolya

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