Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 281

[Episode 92: King Pyeong’s Tomb (2)]

“You year...what is it?”

A middle-aged escort spoke to me in astonishment.

“It’s true…why don’t you reveal it first?”

At that guy's reaction, I grabbed him by the base of his ear like lightning and ripped it off.

Then, his hidden, original face was revealed.

The face hidden in the bast face was none other than Pagongwi Chosa.

“Bat cotton?”

King Gyeong and the gisaeng who were watching this could not contain their surprise.

Unlike them, I was more surprised that his arm was still intact.

My father-in-law, Wolakgeom Samachak, told me.

I tried to kill him by surprise by cutting off his arm, but he ran away at great speed.

-You can’t see it because it’s covered by the skirt.

Sodamgeom grumbled and said to me.

This was because, while disguising herself as a gisaeng named Yeonsaeng using a disguise, she put the Namcheoncheolgeom in her lucky bag and hid the Sodamgeom in her skirt.

Rather, can a severed arm be regenerated over time?

Otherwise, there is no way it would be this fine.

While I was wondering, the guy tried to release the hand holding my neck.

In response, I punched him in the stomach.



Fresh blood flowed from the mouth of the man who was in pain because he applied quite a bit of force.

Do you think they will let him run away?

Chosa looked like he couldn't believe it.

I think the same goes for me.

He must have thought he was just one of King Gyeong's courtesans, but how embarrassing must it be for him to push himself like this, climbing over the wall with his slender wrists and reaching the realm of superhumans.

“Who the hell are you?”

Even King Gyeong, who was watching in surprise, asked me if he was curious.

First of all, I have to talk to Pakungwi Chosa, so I should leave King Gyeong to sleep.

-Just right!

I snapped my fingers in the manner of Jeongyo Hwanui-gyeong.

Then the gisaengs who surrounded King Gyeong and guarded him fell asleep all at once.

-dump! dump!

Of course, I thought everyone would fall asleep, but I asked,

“What are you doing?”

But King Gyeong actually couldn't sleep.

Instead, he yelled at me for putting his guard gisaeng to sleep.

-What are you doing?

That's strange. Although

King Gyeong learned the inner skills , It is difficult to endure Hwanui-gyeong, which is the final form of the development of Jeongyo Hwanui-an, because it is endured with mental power, unless at least at the peak of the expert level. It was strange that King Gyeong, whose internal strength was only at the level of a first-class expert, was able to withstand it. King Gyeong bowed down and let


gisaengs He felt the pulse in his neck and exhaled a sigh of relief.

It seemed like he was glad he didn't kill them.

“Why did you put them to sleep?”

“I tried to put you to sleep, Your Highness.”


I wondered why he hadn't fallen asleep, but right now, he was the priority.

- Tap, tap, tap!

The bones in his broken wrist were twisting and trying to return to their original state.

His recovery speed was incomparable to that of any of Geumsangje's subordinates. I have it.

Actually, I've lived for over 300 years, so I guess it's at this level.


Chosa suddenly increased his attack power

and threw a kick at my neck.

I tilted my head back slightly to dodge it, but the kick changed direction and tried to hit my arm that was holding my neck. So

I used my left hand . I grabbed the guy's ankle.


Then, I applied my strength and grabbed the guy's ankle.

At that moment, the guy quickly pulled out the sword from his waist and lifted it up in one go, grabbing my wrist and neck as he tried to break his ankle. I tried to cut off the arm I was holding at the same time.

There was nothing I could do.

- Tap, tap, tap!


I broke the guy's neck with the hand I was holding.

The guy with the broken neck lost strength in my hand and fell to the bottom.


Normal people would die if they broke their neck, but those who received the gold retardation procedure Since you won’t die without your head being cut off, this is probably okay, right?

You’ll recover quickly anyway.


At that time, Noh Kang-yeon, the county commander who was watching this, became thoughtful and tried to run away.

“Where are you running to?”

King Gyeong was so angry that he shouted and tried to chase after the guy. He

must have wanted to catch the person who hit him in the back.

So, I pretended to pull him towards Noh Kang-yeon, the county spirit, who was trying to run toward the common exit.


Then, he was caught by an object in the air and was forcibly brought in.

Instead of sending him to me, he kindly delivered it to King

Gyeong. King Gyeong looked at me in surprise at the sight of Noh Gang-yeon, a wise spirit, flying in front of him, and immediately pulled out a sword from his belt. I aimed at the guy’s neck.

“How dare you stab the king you saw in the back of the head?”

“Please save my Highness.”

Noh Kang-yeon, the prefect, fell flat on the floor and bowed his head.

There was no way that King Gyeong’s anger would subside easily.

King Gyeong urged him,

“Do you want me to live?”

“I just did what I was told.”

“Do as you say? Who’s behind you? Can’t you tell me right now!”

- Pow!

King Gyeong stabbed Noh Kang-yeon in the back with his sword.

The man who had been slightly stabbed in the back was startled and shouted urgently,

“I don’t know. I just did what that guy over there told me to do. That’s true.”

The person he pointed to was Chosa Pagungwi.

If Chosa ordered it, then of course Geumsangje would be the one behind it.

“Please save your highness.”

“I trusted you!”


King Gyeong struck down the head of the bastard begging for his life and cut it off.

Noh Kang-yeon, the wise man, could not even scream and died with his body and neck split apart.

King Gyeong, covered in the bastard's blood, had an angry face on his face. He looked at me.

“It would have been better if you hadn’t killed him.”

The guy King Gyeong was talking about was none other than Chosa.

His neck was broken and he fell sideways, so it looked like he was dead.

To this, I said casually,

“He’s not dead yet.”


- Tap, tap, tap!

As soon as King Gyeong finished speaking, the sound of a bone was heard from Chosa's neck.

The broken bone began to adjust and recover on its own.

His head, which had fallen to the side, was straightened, and Chosa's eyes flashed open.

He opened his eyes . He said to me as if he was perplexed,

“What on earth is your identity? To say that there is a woman like you…”

“Did King Jin send you!”

Before Cho Sa could finish speaking, King Gyeong intervened and shouted. That's

why I was trying to put him to sleep.

I guess I'll have to take advantage of his blood vessels to put him to sleep.

Before that, I knocked Cho Sa out one more time...

That was right then.

- Papang!

Suddenly, a tremendous amount of rebound occurred from Chosa, and Shinhyeong, who was holding the guy's neck, was pushed back more than eight paces. -What's


‘The force suddenly exploded.'

It almost doubled in size.

When I looked at the guy, a black haze was rising from his body.

I have seen this ominous energy before.

The guy quickly pulled out an arrow and fired straight at me.


The air was torn apart and a huge explosion came out. A large arrow rushed at me at a speed

that was nothing compared to the arrow I saw three hundred years ago. Since

I was only ten paces away, I did not dodge it and caught the arrow as it came.


The energy contained in the arrow. My body was pushed closer to three steps. As the arrow rotated, even smoke rose due to friction against my palm.


King Gyeong shouted in surprise at the sight of me being pushed away.

Are you still thinking that I am his gisaeng?

But this is not the problem.

That shout caught the guy's attention.


Pagongwi Chosa shoots four arrows. He pulled out his gun and fired three shots in succession at me, then fired one shot at King Gyeong.

It was an amazing shooting skill.

There was no way his skills would remain the same over the three hundred years.


This time, I already saw what he was going to shoot, so I avoided it. There was nothing he couldn't do.

But King Gyeong could never stop that with his own power.

I threw the new weapon at King Gyeong.

‘It's fast.'

It is difficult to keep up with the speed at which the arrows are flying.

I raised the spirit with the sword and flew it right in front of King Gyeong.

The spirit flew through the air and narrowly deflected the arrow that was trying to pierce King Gyeong.


-shoo! Shoo!

Three arrows that I thought I had dodged. His feet buckled and he flew towards me.


- Whirririririk!

The arrows flying from the side tried to pierce my head, waist and legs at the same time.

So I kicked off my feet and turned my body.

Then, I caught two arrows and hit the other arrow with an angle. .

At the same time, he fired the arrow he had caught at the guy.


Chosa swung the incoming arrow with his large bow and easily blocked it.

The black haze covering the guy's body became more vivid, and bulging black veins appeared on his face. .

In the meantime, I blocked King Gyeong’s path.

“Please don’t step forward.”

Its purpose was not only to be inside that stone wall. It

was also to kill King Gyeong.

This time, Chosa Pagongwi put five arrows in the palace's strings at the same time and said,

“She is not a descendant of Geomseon and has never heard of such a woman. “You can’t believe you’re using this power on someone.”

He said as if he was humiliated and pulled the string.

He just pulled the string, but wind pressure rose and black haze gathered around the tip of the arrow.

At that sight, King Gyeong said to me in a trembling voice,

“Can you stop it?”

“It is a secret technique containing the energy of the devil, the Palace of Destruction. Even if the descendants of the Swordsman come, we cannot stop it!”

He shouted furiously and withdrew his hand from the protest.

Then, arrows filled with a black haze each curved like a living snake and stretched out with the power to pierce everything.

-Paaaaaaang! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa!

The wind pressure from just the arrow flying was enough to crack the floor and ceiling of the cavity.

King Gyeong, surprised by the enormous power, flinched and crouched.

I tried to do it in moderation, but I couldn't help it.


I sighed and put my hand forward.

At that moment, the five arrows that were flying with the momentum to pierce everything stopped in the air as if something had stopped them.


The air rippled with the rotational force of the arrow.

Even though it had such power, the arrow could no longer move forward.

“What… is this…”

Muttered as if he couldn’t believe it.

It looks like he was shocked that his secret technique was blocked after giving his all.

I told him that.

“Has it increased a lot since 300 years ago?”


At those words, Chosa's eyes shook like crazy.

Either way, I pretended to clasp my hands.

- Quad deuk!

Then, a strange sound came from the spinning arrows, and soon all five arrows broke.

As the broken arrow fell to the ground, I walked towards it.

“Damn it!”

The guy in panic pulled out an arrow and shot it at me.

-Papa pap pap pang!

He fired a series of shots as if he was sure to get hit with one shot.


- poof! Damn it! bang!

Every time I lightly waved my hand, the arrow that was flying was bent and bounced off, hitting the ceiling and floor, including the walls of the cavity.

Just seeing the crack in the area where the arrow was stuck gave me an idea of how hard he was putting his effort into it.

However, this doesn't work for me.

“Oh my...”

King Gyeong exhaled in exclamation at this sight.

On the other hand, Chosa Pagongwi fired arrows like crazy with a contemplative look on his face.

I was struggling to somehow hit the arrow at me.

However, the more I do this, the more accurately I can see the path of the arrow he is firing.

I think you can do it like this too.


I twisted the path of the flying arrow.

At that moment, the arrow whose path had changed pierced through the man's abdomen at incredible speed.



The body of the guy who was shooting the arrow shook as his abdomen was pierced.

In that moment, I narrowed my focus to the guy and at the same time swung the sword that had been sucked into the void.

Chosa's arms were cut off as he tried to throw the new model back.


I stepped on his chest as he fell down screaming.

The guy writhed beneath his feet as if in pain, then muttered as if he couldn't believe it.

“You are a descendant of Geomseon? That can't be possible. “She’s not a girl…” She

seems embarrassed because she looks like a woman.

When he saw me more than three hundred years ago, he looked like a special military leader.

I could tell you so there's no misunderstanding, but there's no need to reveal whether I'm a man or a woman.

Rather, what you don't know will be more confusing.

I grinned and said, deliberately flicking my tongue like Baek Hye-hyang, as if trying to intimidate her.

“Why were you disappointed because I was a woman?”


The guy couldn't help but feel angry at this, as if he was ashamed of it.

Meanwhile, King Gyeong's voice mixed with exclamation was heard from behind.

“......I think I’ll fall in love with you, Yeonsaeng.”


What does this mean again?

? Hanzhongwolya

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