Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 275

[Episode 90: Conditions of the head of the room (1)]

“You’re learning Yang Kang’s inner skills?”

My father-in-law, Sama Chak, a Wolak sword, could not hide his surprise.

Learning the inner skills of Yang Gang is not an easy task.

This is because it disrupts the balance of yin and yang in the body.

Disruption of the balance of yin and yang causes imbalance in the body and ultimately becomes a shortcut to short-lived life.

The representative constitutions are the nine syllable veins and the sun syllable veins.

People with this type of constitution, which occurs in tens of thousands of people, live short lives due to the imbalance of yin and yang, but there are people who have overcome this.

The Qin people created martial arts to overcome the imbalance of yin and yang, and one of them is Nine Yang Jin-gyeong.

However, the Seoleum Hwayang Seonmu that I learned is different.

Since the energy was raised by balancing yin and yang from the beginning, it could be said to be much more stable than martial arts that focused on either yin or yang.

“...It’s a Taoist fortune telling technique.”

He is a father-in-law who can guess the fortune system at once using just energy.

Along with Manbaja, he was worthy of being called the most knowledgeable person in the martial arts world.

“Where on earth did such a famous person come from…”

“You need to concentrate, so please refrain from talking.”


The Yang Gang energy of Hwayang Seon-kwon seeped into my father-in-law's meridians.

This was to drive away any remaining chill.

‘You left enough to survive.'

I don't know who the master who drove away chills with the Nine Yang Jin-gyeong was, but he was really skilled at manipulating his energy to a very detailed level.

Shaolin was not called the origin of King Jeongjong for nothing.

Once the chill that had reached my bone marrow was completely driven away, everything was smooth sailing from then on.


My father-in-law's various meridians throbbed as if he was waiting.


After all, he was my father-in-law.

My spiracles were sealed and a chill had reached my bone marrow, but little by little I was regaining my strength.

It was not a lie to say that it would come back if the chill was driven away.

Did you say that gathering dust into a mountain is like a mountain?

Let my father-in-law focus the gathered energy on one point

- Pow!

One of the gold needles that was stuck in my father-in-law's spiracle was pulled out.

As one of the air ports opened, the flow of energy became gentler.

Then, as if he had been waiting, my father-in-law divided his energy and sent it to the golden acupuncture needles blocking the airway.

-Papa pa pa pa paak!

At the same time, six needles were pulled out.

It was truly amazing.

How could it be so easy to unblock the Seven Great Qi Gates?

My father-in-law, who had released the stuck gold acupuncture needles, began to use inner energy and recovered his energy through luck.


Sima Ying called me with an emotional expression.

She was anxious about having to leave her father behind again.

“Let’s watch.”

The reason my father-in-law went straight into luck was to quickly recover his energy.

Perhaps it was because they decided it was right to quickly restore power in order to escape with us.

I looked towards the entrance of the cave.

“Why are you doing this?”

“It’s Shaolin, after all.”


Many people were already flocking in.

It seems that he probably called the monks nearby.

I need to buy time for my father-in-law to recover his strength, so I have to go out to protect the law.

“I’m protecting my father-in-law.”

She nodded, understanding what he was saying.

And he spoke to me in a sorrowful voice.

“thank you.”

“The obvious thing to do.”

It's about protecting your father-in-law, who will become your family.

How can you expect gratitude?

Leaving them behind, I walked out of the cave.

When I came out, about fifty monks had gathered and were camped in front of Hoegeum-dong.

The monks couldn't help but be taken aback when they saw me coming out of the cave.

“It’s really a blood demon.”

“A blood demon is invading our headquarters.”

“How could this happen.....”

“Amitabha Buddha.”

The position that can be considered the head of the Sa Sect is the head of a blood religion.

The fact that I appeared in the middle of Shaolin Temple, the center of Buddhism and a symbol of the political faction, was nothing short of the worst thing for them.

Among the monks, a middle-aged monk who looked older stepped forward.

“Amitabha Buddha. This is a sacred place for Buddhism and the center of Jeongsong. “How could you so recklessly break into a place where you wouldn’t even be able to come in even if you formally requested entry?”

I couldn't hide my anger.

So I spoke with strength in my voice.

“The father-in-law of the sect leader I saw in Shaolin is locked in a golden prison. How can you leave him alone?”


“Could it be Wolakgeom?”

At my words, the monks murmured and became an uproar.

It seems that the detailed circumstances were not heard from the monks who were reciting sutras in Hoegeum-dong.

Actually, they will be more focused on my intrusion into Shaolin.

It seemed like he was just as confused, but soon the middle-aged monk shouted.

“Even so, there is a procedure for everything. “How could someone who is the head of an organization commit such a reckless act!”

I can't help but laugh.

Shaolin severed ties with the secular world.

Therefore, it is more closed than any other organization.

They are famous for not bending their beliefs even under external pressure, so would they even listen to me, the head of a blood religion that is in conflict with them, making a request?

“I don’t think this matter is something to be shared with just monks. So, I will wait for Master Bangjang of Shaolin to arrive.”

The monks were outraged by my words and shouted.

“Hey, have you seen such an arrogant person!”

“I think it’s reasonable for Master Bangjang to talk to someone who follows Sima’s path.”

“If you don’t back down, you will be treated with respect!”

Still, perhaps because they are monks, even their words of protest have a dignified tone.

But if I was going to leave here, I wouldn't have come.

I stepped forward and held up the inspection paper.

Although he only took one step forward, some monks flinched and did not let down their guard.


When I lightly traced the test paper, a sharp line appeared on the floor.

As soon as the line was drawn, the monks could not hide their wonder.

He spoke loudly at this.

“I will warn you. “If there is anyone who crosses this line before Master Bangjang arrives, I will understand that they want to go to the Buddha’s side.”

“No, this is him!”


The middle-aged monk must have been indignant and struck me with a sword.

No matter how much he has cut off ties with the secular world, if he is called one of the five great evildoers, you can guess the extent of his inaction, but his courage is incredible.

The middle-aged monk was fighting with the spirit of a dragon.

I think this is Dragon King Yuquan, one of the famous fighting methods of Shaolin Temple.


His power was hegemonic and admirable, but his opponents were bad.

I lightly kicked a rock on the floor toward the middle-aged monk who was trying to cross the line with his back turned.



A middle-aged monk was struck in the chest by a rock that flew like a cannonball and was thrown backwards with a scream.

The monk who was thrown out like that rolled around on the floor a few times and then fainted.


The monks' eyes widened at the sight.

I guess he didn't know that he could throw a rock and knock it down without even touching it.

“I clearly warned you. “Don’t cross this line.”

I spoke to them with great force.

The monks' complexions darkened, perhaps because they were frightened by this.

Since there was a clear gap of inaction, I couldn't think of making a hasty move.

At that time, a loud shout was heard.


The epicenter of the shouts was in the direction where Nahandang was located beyond the monks.

There, one hundred and eight monks wearing orange robes holding batons were walking in unison.

“These are Nahan monks!”


The monks cheered at their appearance.

Most of the monks who appeared now were first-class masters, and among them there were even masters at the peak.

In terms of ratio, it seems to be 80% and 2%.

‘Hundred and Eight Nahan Monk.'

They seem to be the famous hundred and eight arhat monks.

These are monks who have practiced the Baekpal Nahanjin (百八羅漢陣), which is said to be the most perfect among all the passing classes.

As far as is known, it is said that no one has been trapped in the Hundred Eight Arachans and escaped safely, and its power is truly said to be the greatest.

But they weren't the only ones who came.

-What is that? It looks like your whole body is painted with brass?

As Sodamgeom said, monks wearing only lower garments and their entire bodies in brass color were also coming.

They had expressionless faces like emotionless dolls, and the monks cheered again at their appearance.

“It’s the 18 members!”

18 people?

I've heard of it.

It is said that the etymology of the Diamond Buddha is derived from Shaolin's Diamond Buddha. It is said that a person who has attained the Vajra Buddha's Realm is said to have reached the Vajra State of Invincible Swords, and in order to reach this state,

I heard that one must

take a special drug once every fifteen days and practice for more than 10 years, enduring pain that feels like tearing and burning.

It is said that when one attains the Diamond Buddha's Realm, the skin becomes as hard as iron and the whole body takes on a brassy color.

-It’s been a while since I saw you.

The voice of the blood demon sword rang in my head.

‘Why have you ever dealt with me?'

-I once competed with those guys during the 4th Blood Demon. Did you say it was a 18-dong jinjin? Not only is it hard, but it is also extremely difficult to deal with.

They even called those people.

It means that they have no intention of sending it to you.

At that time, a group of monks were walking through the pavilion.

Unlike before, they were all middle-aged monks, but all of them had unusual spirits.

The ten of them were wearing gray robes that read,

‘Ten Commandments, Ten Victories.'

I guess they are the ten monks in charge of the precepts.

They are the monks who manage the ten precepts that monks must follow, namely, the killing world, the fighting world, the fishing world, the gear world, the main world, the musical world, the musical world, the musical world, the Jinyok world, the tam world, and the world. It is the second highest position in the temple after Jeonju.

-They're coming over there too.

There were eight middle-aged monks wearing yellow robes entering the southwest hall.

“Amitabha Buddha. Meet the Eight Great Lakes!”

“Meet the Eight Great Guardians!”

When they saw them, the monks put their hands together and saluted.

Eight monks guarding the Shaolin master have appeared, so it looks like the master will appear soon.

At that time, I heard someone's voice behind me.

“You’ve done a good job.”

The owner of the voice was none other than my father-in-law, Wolakgeom Samachak.

He could have regained his strength a little more, but he came out faster than expected.

“Are you okay? Father-in-law.”

My father-in-law just snorted at my question.

Because my father-in-law had overcome the wall, he was able to completely store up his energy, so it was difficult to gauge the extent to which he had recovered.

Still, judging by the redness of her complexion, she looked much better than before.

“Confucius…what can you really do?”

Sima Ying, who followed my father-in-law, asked me.

I guess I'm concerned about the large number of monks flocking in.

It was my father-in-law who answered that question, not me.

“If there is no plan, there will be no reason to draw attention. “Have you set up an ambush outside?”

“...I heard you came alone.”

My father-in-law frowned at Sima Ying’s words.

My father-in-law seemed to think that I had come up with some big plan.

“Is that true?”

“That's right.”

My father-in-law put his hand on his forehead and said, as if he had a headache after hearing my answer.

“Then what kind of guts did you have to provoke Shaolin?”


“Could it be that you were trying to break their fighting spirit by breaking through head on and preventing them from pursuing you?”

My father-in-law guessed my intentions right away.

My father-in-law shook his head and said.

“You underestimated the power of Shaolin. In Shaolin, there are not only the Baekpal Nahanjin and Master Jingak. The truly scary person is Jang Gyeong-gak....”

Even before he finished speaking.

All the monks who had crowded in and surrounded him bowed their hands together and showed respect.

The middle of the crowd opened like a wave, and an unusual old monk appeared among the monks, wearing red robes and holding a staff that looked like a gold ball.

“You’re late.”

My father-in-law looked at the old monk and muttered.

That person was Master Bangjang Jingak, the head of the Shaolin Temple.

‘.......The rumor was true.'

There was a saying that when Master Jingak of Shaolin steps forward, the landscape of the Eight Masters will change.

But it was true.

Ambassador Jingak was an expert who overcame walls.

But it wasn't him who surprised me.

There were two old monks wearing scarlet robes standing behind Master Bangjang Jingak, and the one standing on the left was a peerless expert facing the wall.

In other words, he was much stronger than Master Jingak, the head of the room.

My father-in-law spoke to me in a low voice.

“That person is Master Jinjong, the master of the Janggyeonggak. As the next leader, he is the second leader since the founding of Shaolin to achieve mastery of Ouyang Jin-gyeong and Yeokgeun-gyeong Se Su-gyeong at the same time, and is comparable to me in terms of internal energy alone.”

I can feel it even without saying it.

I can't believe I have such incredible strength even though I haven't climbed over the wall.

Who would have known that such a huge monster was hiding in the Shaolin Temple, which was cut off from the martial arts world by saying that it had cut off ties with the secular world?

My father-in-law sighed and said to me.

“...I will stop it, so take Youngi and get out of here using the sword flight.”


“It’s not a force that the two of us can handle. If I had a dog, it would have been worth it...”


“Uh huh.”

“Please leave this matter to me.”

My father-in-law urged me upon my words.

“That’s not the situation. I want you to take Youngi and go right away…”

It was before my father-in-law could finish speaking.

I completely unleashed the power of the bottom battle that I had been conserving.

Then my father-in-law stopped what he was saying and looked at me with surprised eyes.

“.......Are you going beyond the wall?”

At this, I smiled and nodded.

My father-in-law muttered as if it was absurd.

“What happened in just seven months?”

“.......A lot of things happened.”

Because it wasn't seven months for me.

I walked forward, leaving my astonished father-in-law behind, and shouted with all my energy in a loud voice.

“Listen to Shaolin!”


“What is this!”

Ordinary monks all covered their ears as the Lion's Hood resounded like an echo.

? Hanzhongwolya

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