Absolute Dominion

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

The two continued to climb the mountain.

The trail grew increasingly treacherous. What had started as a modest hill along the road had now transformed into a steep and rugged climb along narrow ridges. Their bodies were drenched in sweat. As it turned out, mastering martial arts and being skilled at mountain climbing were two entirely different things.

Ah, this is really tough.

In contrast, Jeok Lee-Gun seemed to be climbing with ease.

I shouldn’t ask him why he’s so good at climbing mountains. He might say it’s because he used to gather herbs… no, he’ll definitely say that. He might even claim that every female deer in the mountains fell for him and followed him around. Ugh, what am I even thinking? I’m losing it.

“Where exactly are we going?”

“There’s someone I need to catch.”


“There’s this annoying guy.”

His answer left her wondering if it was something dangerous.

Despite her curiosity, she felt no sense of danger. Being around him had this strange effect—everything felt safe.

Ah, this careless habit might just shorten my lifespan.

As they continued climbing, time became a blur. She was breathing heavily now.

“Shall we rest a moment?”

Thank goodness. If you hadn’t said that, I would have turned around and headed back.

The two of them sat side by side on a small rock—a short distance from the edge of a cliff.

“Are we almost there?”


What a half-hearted response. So we’re still far away.

“Look over there.”

When Cha-Ryun turned her gaze, she was amazed.

The clouds bathed in the sunset were truly magnificent. It was a breathtaking view. It felt like immortals might be living somewhere beyond that horizon.

The peace and beauty of it all brought a serene feeling.

Cha-Ryun stole a glance at Jeok Lee-Gun.

He too was silently captivated by the stunning scenery.

At times like this, he really looks cool, doesn’t he?

“The background makes me look even more amazing, right?”

Yeah, yeah.

“Let’s go, come on.”

So the two climbed further up the mountain.

Another hour had passed.

Cha-Ryun found herself staring ahead, her gaze fixed blankly at something.

What filled her eyes was undoubtedly fear.

“You’re joking, right?”

Her voice trembled.

As always, Jeok Lee-Gun shattered her hopes.

“No. I’m serious.”

“You really want to cross that thing?”

“This is the only path forward.”

“There’s no way I’m crossing that!”

Cha-Ryun stepped back.

In front of them was a bridge.

Not just any bridge—the worn sign next to it read “The Bridge of Life and Death.”

What a terrifying name!

It was a narrow bridge, just wide enough for one person to cross at a time.

The entire structure was composed of wooden planks crudely tied together with fraying ropes. The wooden planks were old and rotten, and the whole thing looked like it would collapse the moment someone stepped on it.

Cha-Ryun instinctively shook her head.

She’d bet all the money she had saved—no, all the money she’d ever saved—that if someone tried to cross it, it would surely snap. The biggest issue was that it was suspended over a thousand-foot drop.

Jeok Lee-Gun spoke as if he wasn’t affected by the sight.

“We’re crossing.”

“Yeah, no, let’s go home. It’s time to head back now. If you climb up, you must climb down. That’s what mountains are.”

Cha-Ryun turned around, but before she could react further, Jeok Lee-Gun had already set foot on the bridge.

Cha-Ryun shrieked in horror.

“Don’t do it! I’m begging you, stop!”

Just the sight of him on that flimsy bridge made her feel dizzy. If he fell, even his lightness technique wouldn’t be able to save him at this height. She grabbed at Jeok Lee-Gun, desperately trying to pull him back.

The bridge swayed dangerously.

“I don’t know where you’re going, but this isn’t the way. It’s definitely not. Even if your mortal enemy is on the other side, you should give up on your revenge.”

Hah… only this guy could make me spit out my honest thoughts so easily.

Jeok Lee-Gun walked a little to the side and gestured for her to come over.

“Just come here for a moment.”


“Just come.”

Cha-Ryun reluctantly approached Jeok Lee-Gun.


After stopping her in front of him, Jeok Lee-Gun drew two parallel lines on the ground where she had walked.

“You walked straight to me like this.”


“Just walk like that over there too.”


“You walked to me without swaying an inch. All you have to do is cross the bridge the same way.”

“It’s completely different!”

“No, it’s the same.”

Please stop being so unreasonable.

“No! How can you even compare the two?! This is flat ground, not a cliff where you’ll be smashed to pieces if you fall!”

“No. It’s the same if you walk straight. The only difference is your mindset.”


Jeok Lee-Gun suddenly became serious.

“That’s the difference between a master and a novice martial artist.”

Cha-Ryun’s expression changed.

Jeok Lee-Gun slowly began walking toward the bridge.

“To a master, walking here and walking there are no different.”

He said this as he strode confidently across the bridge.

Cha-Ryun was so shocked that she almost screamed, but she covered her mouth with her hand.

Jeok Lee-Gun walked all the way to the middle of the bridge.

How? How could he walk so fearlessly?

Cha-Ryun feared that even a gust of wind could blow him away.

Standing in the middle of the bridge, Jeok Lee-Gun motioned for her to come.

“I know you aren’t a master yet. But I believe you have the heart to become one.”

Jeok Lee-Gun spoke seriously.

“Now prove it.”

This guy really has a knack for shaking people’s hearts.

Jeok Lee-Gun stood there, willing to wait as long as it took.

The loneliness of watching him stand there, isolated on the bridge, pulled her forward. It was impossible to turn back now.

Cha-Ryun took a deep breath. She felt as though something was stirring within her, as if she was under a spell. Otherwise, she would have turned back without hesitation.

She inched closer to the edge of the bridge.

Can I really do this?

Fear crept up inside her. A part of her mind screamed that this was madness. Just the sight of it made her feel dizzy, and now she had to cross it?

If she had truly reached nine-star mastery of the Red Silk Sword Technique, wouldn’t this be possible?

No, even then, this is insane.

Jeok Lee-Gun spoke softly, trying to reassure her.

“This has nothing to do with your martial arts level. It’s only a matter of your heart.”

But her heart… was trembling in fear.

“Be brave! You can do it!”

“Alright, fine, but before I die, let me ask you just one thing…”

“…Why do you trust me so much?”

“You are…”

Jeok Lee-Gun paused for a moment, unable to continue speaking. His gaze deepened. It seemed like he was about to say something, but then a slight smile appeared in his eyes.

Jeok Lee-Gun smiled mischievously as he spoke.

“Because you’re a perfect woman with many amazing qualities.”

Then, without waiting for her reply, he turned and continued walking.

Cha-Ryun took another deep breath.

She carefully lifted her foot and stepped forward.

Don’t look down!

Then she took a second step.

To her surprise, the bridge held firm beneath her feet.

Yes, think of it like you’re just walking on solid ground—only focus on what’s ahead.

She took a few more steps.

When she reached the middle of the bridge, the wind blew.


It wasn’t even a strong wind, but just realizing there was wind made her feel like she was in danger.

Her steps quickened, and at the same time, she felt as if her body was lifting off the ground.

If this continues, I’m really going to fall!

Just as despair suddenly bloomed in her chest, at that moment, she heard Jeok Lee-Gun’s voice.

The voice that reached her ears was calm and soothing, as if he were right beside her. The sound was almost sweet, like a gentle melody guiding her forward.

“The moment I first laid eyes on you—I thought my heart had stopped.”

What did he just say?

Cha-Ryun snapped back to reality. She realized she was still standing in the middle of the bridge.

From the other side, Jeok Lee-Gun smiled, his voice carrying across the distance.

“Come on. Because I like you.”

Her heart felt like it was about to explode. But soon, that heart-throbbing sensation transformed into an almost miraculous focus.

Everything around Jeok Lee-Gun blurred and disappeared.

The only thing that remained in her sight was his figure.

She took another step. This time, her steps were much steadier than before.

Step by step, Cha-Ryun crossed the bridge.

The moment her feet touched solid ground, her legs gave out and she collapsed on the spot.

Jeok Lee-Gun clapped for her.

He looked extremely proud.

Was what he said earlier really true? No, it couldn’t be. Suddenly, she felt embarrassed.

Maybe that’s why she decided to strike first.

“Of course, you were lying when you said that earlier, right?”


“You’ll say you just did it to distract me because it looked like I was going to fall, right?”

“You’re really smart, aren’t you?”

As always, from Jeok Lee-Gun’s expression and words alone, it was impossible to tell what was genuine or not.

Damn it. My heart is still pounding from before.

Cha-Ryun looked back at the bridge she had just crossed, trying to hide her feelings.

It was such a terrifying bridge—looking back at it, she wondered once again how she was able to cross it.

But on the other hand, she felt proud of what she had accomplished. It was crazy, but she had done something truly incredible.

After resting for a while, Cha-Ryun had fully calmed down.

“Alright, we’re almost there.”

As they crossed the final bend in the path, a new landscape unfurled before their eyes.

“We’re here.”

Before them stood a temple.

A monk who was climbing up the path was startled when he saw the two of them.

“Did you… cross the Bridge of Life and Death?”

“Yes, we did.”

“Oh my goodness! How in the world did you manage to cross such a treacherous path?”

“Hm? Well, we were told it was the only way.”

The monk shook his head, clearly in disbelief at Cha-Ryun’s answer.

“A new path was made three years ago for travelers like you. There’s a proper road now.”


Cha-Ryun looked in the direction the monk pointed, and she saw a set of stairs— a child was holding his mother’s hand as they walked up.

What the hell!

Cha-Ryun spun around and narrowed her eyes as she glared at Jeok Lee-Gun.

“You knew, didn’t you?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“You did. You definitely knew.”

“No way.”

Without another word, Jeok Lee-Gun bolted away.

He definitely knew.

“You’re dead!”

“This is a sacred temple! Be quiet!”

The monk tried to scold them, but Cha-Ryun had already taken off, chasing after Jeok Lee-Gun.

As she sprinted forward, an elderly monk was coming around the corner of a building.

Cha-Ryun raised her leg as she attempted to kick Jeok Lee-Gun midair, but he quickly dodged to the side, leaving Cha-Ryun unable to stop in time. The old monk suddenly came into her view, and her foot slammed directly into his face.


The old monk’s white beard fluttered as he fell backward.

Cha-Ryun froze in shock. A group of monks passing by rushed over, alarmed by the scene.

Oh my god! What have I done…

Two hours later, they had ended up in the meditation hall.

“I’m so sorry.”

Cha-Ryun knelt with her head bowed in dejection.

“How can a young lady go around kicking people in broad daylight!”

The middle-aged monk scolded her, causing Cha-Ryun to lower her head even further.

“That’s enough. Let it go.”

The old monk waved his hand dismissively.

“But Great Monk, you could have been seriously injured!”

“I’m perfectly fine. Now, please leave.”

The old monk dismissed the middle-aged monk.

“Don’t worry, the two of you can leave now as well.”

Cha-Ryun bowed deeply, grateful for the kind old monk’s forgiveness.

“I’m really sorry, Great Monk.”

Cha-Ryun bowed respectfully and rose to her feet.

But Jeok Lee-Gun didn’t move from his spot, showing no intention of leaving.

“Let’s hang out a bit longer.”

Hang out with a monk? Are you out of your mind?

“What are you talking about? Let’s leave so the monk can rest.”

Cha-Ryun pulled at Jeok Lee-Gun’s arm. She wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible after her incident.

Yet, instead of moving, Jeok Lee-Gun leaned in close to the monk’s face.

“But monk, it seems like you had some fun when you were younger.”

What the—!

Cha-Ryun was shocked.

“What the hell are you doing!?”

Cha-Ryun forcibly dragged Jeok Lee-Gun away.

I know you’re crazy, but this is crossing the line!

Jeok Lee-Gun smiled at the old monk.

“Stop with the act and get up already.”

“Hey! How can you talk like that?”

Cha-Ryun shouted.

But Jeok Lee-Gun didn’t stop there, he took it a step further.

“If you don’t get up by the count of three, I’ll beat you. One, two…”

Before Jeok Lee-Gun could reach three, the old monk sprang to his feet.

“Damn it! What shitty luck!”

The old monk started spitting on the ground, before speaking again.

“You crazy bastard! How did you even find your way here? Buddha really has no heart!”

Cha-Ryun was stunned—curses flew out of his mouth so quickly that she could only stare in silence.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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