A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

108. Hikari’s Stand Against The Hidden Mist Swordsmen (4)

108. Hikari’s Stand Against The Hidden Mist Swordsmen (4)

As the distance between them crackled with tension, Raiga shouted across to Hikari with a threatening and hostile tone of voice, his stance was aggressive, his eyes fixed on Hikari,

"Hyuga brat! You think you've seen our full strength? Think again! We've just started!", His swords, the infamous Kiba, hummed with fierce and thunderous energy, more intense than before, now finally fully 'charged up' from his chakra over time. The twin blades glowed ominously, the quantity of lighting energy increasing all around Raiga and the entire scene.

Kushimaru chimed in, his tone sounding menacing from behind his mask, "Your little tricks won't save you forever. We're ready for a long fight, kid, and let you 'bleed out'. Let's see how much chakra you really have!", His words carried a promise of a drawn-out fight to the death.

Jinin nodded, his voice loud and clear, "You took down one of us, but you won't get past all!", He stood ready, his posture firm, signaling readiness for the next phase of their strategy. He glanced a little at Raiga nearby and his skyrocketing thunderous aura, feeling more assured.

As if without a trace of fear and with a cold look on his face, Hikari scanned his opponents with a calculating gaze, standing composed amidst the growing storm of threats. He shifted into a defensive stance, ready to meet their next onslaught, his eyes narrowed.

Internally, however, Hikari fully acknowledged the gravity of the situation, these were not just any shinobi, these were real-world renowned elites. He understood their strategy: to wear him down with their unique weapons and superior numbers, exploiting any drop in his guard.

As he prepared mentally, Hikari analyzed their approach, 'They plan to use their range and the unique abilities of their swords to keep me on the defensive...', He thought, 'They want to stretch the battle, drain my chakra and exploit my moments of weakness. This will be tough.' 

The battle erupted with renewed intensity as all four Swordsmen launched their attacks simultaneously. Raiga, harnessing the full power of his amplified Kiba swords, unleashed a torrent of thunderous energy. The lightning surged from the ground like a living conduit, tracking Hikari's movements relentlessly, forcing him to continuously dodge and weave.

Kushimaru, wielding his Nuibari with lethal precision, sent the sword slicing through the air like a guided missile, its deadly thread weaving a net of death around Hikari. He expertly manipulated the thread, attempting to hit or ensnare Hikari and restrict his movements.

Jinin, all the more cautious of getting too close to Hikari due to his newly-shown deadly mysterious attack that took down Fumetsu, maintained a medium distance this time.

He hovered, looking for the perfect moment to dive down with his Kabutowari, aiming to break through Hikari's defenses in a single, devastating blow.

Pressed on all sides, Hikari was forced to repeatedly activate his Wind Release: Rotation to escape traps and block the barrage of attacks multiple times.

Each escape cost him valuable chakra, and as dozens of minutes passed, he felt the drain intensifying.

Despite his strategic mind racing for solutions, he recognized the grim reality: if the battle continued like this, he would inevitably lose in a war of attrition.

He needed to find a way to shift the momentum quickly or find an opening to exploit, as his reserves dwindled under the unrelenting assault of his opponents. 

Over time, as Hikari carefully observed his opponents and evaluated his remaining jutsu options, he recognized a strategic opportunity.

While his throwable Rotation Spheres were ineffective against the swift movements of Kushimaru and Raiga, Jinin presented a more viable target due to his slower speed, burdened by the heavy Kabutowari and his body frame.

Therefore, as the battle waged, Hikari always looked for, patiently waited, and then finally noticed that Jinin was momentarily disadvantaged by the dense jungle terrain and the positioning of his comrades' short-term attacks.

Seizing this critical moment, Hikari executed a calculated move. He threw one of his Rotation Spheres behind Jinin, effectively cutting off his retreat paths by creating a barrier of swirling chakra. But, the distance was still a little too far away for him to cross on time now quickly and effectively, he noticed.

However, then another flash of inspiration struck him, 'This could work...', Hikari mused, a rare smirk crossing his usually impassive face, 'It's risky, but it might just turn the tide...',

Empowered by this ingenious plan, Hikari quickly set it into motion. With tactical ingenuity, Hikari placed another Rotation Sphere directly beneath his own feet on the jungle floor.

When it expanded, it catapulted him forward at an unprecedented speed directly toward Jinin, turning the sphere's defensive properties into an aggressive launch pad for mobility.

This sudden burst of speed and surprise maneuver aimed to close the distance instantly and catch Jinin off-guard, before he could try to escape, positioning Hikari for a direct assault.

Hikari swiftly found himself face-to-face with Jinin, the critical seconds ticking by as he predicted the impending reactions from Kushimaru and Raiga.

Jinin caught off guard, grunted apprehensively as he scrambled to defend himself. He attempted to leverage the weight of his weapon for an aerial attack, but Hikari, using precise Wind Release: Vacuum Blasts, countered him mid-air, thwarting any upward movement.

Once on the ground, Jinin swung his axe and hammer with desperate expertise, trying to fend off the young Hyuga.

Hikari's movements were a blur, his Byakugan predicting each swing, each motion with uncanny accuracy.

He feinted an attack with his Twin Lion fists, which Jinin narrowly dodged, committing to a defensive posture that left him vulnerable.

In that fleeting moment, Hikari executed a seamless transition; instead of pursuing the Twin Lions, he expelled chakra projectiles from his lower body tenketsu points, effectively immobilizing Jinin's arms and forcing the melee fighter to drop his formidable weapon.

With Jinin now defenseless and his weapons clattering to the jungle floor, Hikari placed a palm on his back. He channeled natural energy through his chakra, initiating a rapid petrification process.

Under Jinin's horrified gaze, his body began to turn to stone, immobilizing him permanently. Hikari had not only neutralized another formidable opponent but had done so with strategic brilliance and lethal efficiency.

However, the strain of the battle was beginning to tell on Hikari. Subtle signs of fatigue flickered across his otherwise composed demeanor, all over his body, though he masked them expertly. Standing before the now petrified body of Jinin, he took a quick breath.

Then with precise movements, he drew forth another scroll and once again sealed the fallen swordsman's formidable weapon within it.

Each action was calculated, and his breathing was carefully controlled to conserve energy and maintain his readiness for the continuing challenges.

The loss of another esteemed comrade sent a wave of shock through Raiga and Kushimaru. Their expressions, tight with anger and fear, betrayed their apprehension. The fall of two of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, along with the loss of two legendary swords, was a blow not only to their personal pride but also to Kirigakure's esteemed martial reputation.

They knew the stories of their defeats, at the hands of such a young opponent, would eventually ripple through their village, sowing doubt and fear, and possibly even beyond.

Standing across from Hikari, whose face remained an unreadable mask of calm, they realized the gravity of their situation.

Despite their desire to charge forward, avenge their fallen comrades, and reclaim their village's honor, they recognized the risk of adding their own names to the list of casualties.

Hikari's countenance and the mysterious and deadly ability to petrify with a touch made them reconsider their next move carefully.

Raiga and Kushimaru, grappling with the weight of their losses, exchanged a brief, intense glance, 'understanding' everything instantly, before turning their attention back to Hikari. 

"Hyuga...", Raiga began seriously, after calming down a little, his voice firm, his posture rigid with the resolve of a seasoned warrior, "Your strength is undeniable. But this battle has cost you enough, although you mask it that well.",

"There is no way that someone of your age, and a Hyuga at that, has that much chakra to spare, no matter the talent, we've seen your expenditure throughout with our own eyes..."

Kushimaru, his expression hard, added, "We offer you a pause in hostilities—not out of weakness, but from a position of prudence. Kirigakure values its warriors too highly to lose more in a skirmish when there are greater wars to fight.",

Their words were carefully chosen, projecting strength and strategic foresight rather than surrender, framing their proposal not as a defeat but as a tactical decision to conserve strength for future confrontations.

Hikari contemplated their words for a moment, his expression unreadable as he weighed his options. Inside, his thoughts were clear and strategic,

'I've already expended half of my chakra reserves, and while my forces are engaging the enemy throughout this region, victory isn't guaranteed. Lingering here with dwindling resources only escalates the risk to my safety.

Securing two of the legendary swords and defeating two of the Swordsmen already marks a significant triumph for me. It's prudent to withdraw now and preserve my strength for future confrontations utilizing these victories.',

Therefore, with a calm nod, Hikari eventually responded outwardly, but maintained his composure and still appeared 'strong',

"Your proposal is acceptable. Let us end this conflict here. It's a wise decision for all involved, call your men back...", He said, his voice even and controlled, giving no hint of his internal calculations.

His agreement was framed not as a concession but as an acknowledgment of mutual respect and the tactical acumen to recognize when a battle had served its purpose.

As Hikari and the two Swordsmen called for their respective forces to retreat, the groups parted ways, disappearing into the dense foliage of the jungle.

Throughout the withdrawal, Raiga and Kushimaru wore expressions of deep introspection and disbelief.

The defeat, particularly at the hands of someone so young, weighed heavily on them. They had entered the battle as four of the feared Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, only for two of their number to fall so decisively.

Their shame was palpable. Losing two of the legendary swords, symbols of Kirigakure's might and prestige, as well as standing within the wider ninja world from the beginning to a 13-year-old prodigy from Konoha, challenged everything they believed about their own strength and the invincibility of the Mist Swordsmen.

This was not just a physical defeat but a profound psychological blow that called into question their status and the very legacy they carried.

As they made their way back to their own lines, Raiga and Kushimaru remained largely silent, each lost in his own thoughts about the implications of the day's events for themselves and for Kirigakure's future.

This was a loss that would resonate deeply within them, shaping their actions and possibly their strategies in the war to come.

Meanwhile, as Hikari himself also guided his depleted forces back, his mind replayed the scenes of the intense confrontation.

He assessed the events critically, noting the increasing difficulty of each encounter as he faced more formidable opponents from Kirigakure.

'This encounter was significantly more challenging than my battle with the Hozuki clan patriarch...', Hikari mused internally, 'So, even though I've also grown slightly stronger since then, confronting these four was a near-overwhelming task.',

'Had the battle drawn out longer, even a victory might have cost me dearly, possibly leading to severe injuries or a fatal depletion of my chakra.',

'It's one thing to face an elite opponent, quite another to face four—especially when two of them, Raiga and Kushimaru, are among the strongest Elite Jonin.',

'Their ability to synchronize so effectively really amplified their threat level. It wasn't just their individual skills that made them formidable, but how well they worked together, the entire time, from the beginning, to compound their strengths.',

As he navigated the jungle terrain, leading his remaining troops to safety, Hikari's thoughts lingered on the implications of the battle, 'Such experiences are truly invaluable for my path as a shinobi... Battle strategy and intelligence helped me greatly this time...', He concluded.

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