A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Side Story 17: Permission (IV)

Side Story 17: Permission (IV)

Deheen’s face hardened.

As if not wanting to do this any longer, the strength that entered the hand holding the sword increased.

Even Noah, who had endured quite well so far, could not withstand it this time and was pushed back several steps.

But his eyes did not waver.

The difference in strength between Noah and Deheen was clear, but the former persisted without giving up, thinking that he would only have to slightly scratch him.

Looking at Noah like that, Deheen said in a voice mixed with regret.

“If Your Highness hadn’t been the crown prince, I don’t know if I would have an easier time considering it.”

The swords collided again in the air, and Noah’s sword flew to the side.

Deheen pointed his sword right in front of the face of Noah, who no longer had a sword to defend himself.

“But Your Highness is the crown prince, and one day you will become the emperor. It’s a lonely and difficult road. I don’t want to leave Esther there.”

It had been six years.

Why Deheen’s mind remained the same, unchanging for six years.

However, Noah’s position caught his ankle, interfering with his readiness to allow it.

“I want my daughter to live freely. She should do what she wants to do, go where she wants to go. I want her to be that free all her life. She won’t be able to do that next to Your Highness.”

Deheen slowly lowered his sword and let out a thin sigh.


Noah’s face darkened, caught off guard by the completely unexpected reason.

He was so right about it that he couldn’t even argue.

“…It certainly might be.”

Like Deheen, Noah lowered his hands and was silent for a moment.

Then, as if having made a firm decision, he raised his head and looked directly at Deheen.

“Then, if I were to abandon the position of crown prince, would you accept it?”

“How can you say that so easily? Your Highness is the crown prince who will be responsible for the empire.”

Deheen stared at Noah with colder eyes than before.

He hated irresponsibility more than the fact that he was the crown prince.

“Did it sound like it’s easy for me to say?”

The expression on Noah’s face as he asked so was one of seriousness and distress.

“My brother tried to poison me for this position. I know better than anyone else the meaning and responsibility of being the crown prince.”

From the education he received every day from childhood to the things he saw and experienced.

Noah could not have not known.

“The safety of the empire, the peace of the people of the empire. Yes. Definitely, all are important. However, Esther is so important that it overtakes all of them, This is what I’m saying. I know what comes first.”

Noah’s voice grew louder.

“It’s okay to be criticized by everyone. I will disappoint my family, but if I can be by Esther’s side, I will.”

The reason he went back to the Imperial Palace, which had abandoned him, was to help Esther.


Listening to the story, Deheen’s hardened face gradually relaxed and he carefully examined Noah.

As he looked into the steadfast eyes gazing straight at him, he suddenly remembered an incident from a long time ago.

“Now that I think about it, I remember the first time Your Highness visited me.”

At that time, he was much smaller and somewhat empty, but he had the same eyes as now.

“You have grown a lot.”

Time had passed and the children had grown up.

Deheen knew that he had to respect the will of his children, who were full-fledged adults.

“I wanted you children to grow slowly, much more slowly. I didn’t realize all of you have grown this much. It’s kind of sad.”

“Haven’t we become quite reliable?”

Noah smiled handsomely, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

“Well. You can only say that after you get a few moves right.”

Deheen’s words were blunt, but he actually thought that Noah, who had matured, looked quite reliable.

“That’s enough. I can’t entrust the empire to Prince Damon.”

If Noah had tried to persuade Deheen with things like his position, money, or power… It would never have worked.

Because those things meant nothing to Deheen, who was already a grand duke.

The most important thing to Deheen was whether Noah was a person who would put Esther first and truly care for her, even if he was an ordinary person.

“I believe there will be no one who will cherish our Esther more than Your Highness.”

“Yes! I may not be able to give her perfect freedom, but I will give her more happiness than that. I can promise to make her happy for the rest of her life.”

Noah couldn’t contain his joy when he noticed that Deheen’s tone had changed.

“Suddenly, some petals…”

Deheen rubbed his eyes. He thought he saw some petals fluttering around Noah.

“What? Petals?”

“No. I must have misunderstood.”

Regaining his composure, Deheen raised his head and looked towards the window of Esther’s room.


Esther, who was secretly peeping at the two men through the window, slammed the door shut in a fright.

‘It’s probably better like that.’

‘No matter how much liberty there is, if Esther is happy to be by Noah’s side… I can’t stop it.’

“I’m not going to eat!”

The voice of Esther as she said she would stop eating until she could date Noah echoed in Deheen’s ear.

“You’re not going to eat. How can I win as a parent?”

From the moment Esther fell in love with Noah, it was as if Deheen had allowed the relationship between them.

“What did you just say?”

Noah tilted his head when Deheen kept muttering to himself.

Deheen asked Noah another question.

“Who do you think Esther would prefer, Your Highness or me?”

“Of course, it’s the Grand Duke.”

“Is that so?”

With that smidge of comfort, Deheen picked up the sword he had given to Noah.

Realizing that the test was over, Noah smiled brightly.

“Ben, bring it.”

Deheen stared at Noah as he waved to Ben.

Ben, who ran to Noah’s side in one step, handed over the envelope he was holding.

“His Grace wrote it in advance. There are many clauses, so I recommend that you read them carefully.”

Noah carefully opened the envelope, excited about what this could be.


Noah’s eyes widened as he inadvertently read the word at the top.

His lips parted as he slowly read the terms of the document.

⌜Clause 3. Don’t talk to Esther carelessly.⌟

⌜Clause 7. Family events shall not be disturbed.⌟

⌜Clause 33. Let Esther eat whatever she wants.⌟

⌜Clause 40. Take Esther to wherever she wants to go.⌟

⌜Clause 60. If you make Esther’s cry, the relationship is over.⌟

Swiftly scanning a total of 60 clauses with his eyes, Noah asked with an expression that showed he was at a loss for words, his voice barely coming out.

“W-When did you prepare this?”

“It didn’t take much time because it was something I was thinking about.”

“I knew it, but the Grand Duke is really amazing.”

“Could you sign it?”

Although there were a lot of clauses, there wasn’t any special requests.

All those points were things Noah was going to do anyway, so he willingly signed it.

“Of course. Here you go.”

The documents were signed in an instant and handed over to Deheen.

“What I allow is companionship. I’m sure you know what I mean.”

Finally, Deheen emphasized the fact that the two of them were not yet adults.

At this moment, Noah realized that the only thing he had obtained after such a hard time was consent to dating.

‘If I want to get married…’

…Gloominess arose at the thought of the steps he had to take for that.

However, he quickly nodded, glad he was even able to obtain permission to date.

“I promise.”

“Good. Now, let’s go in and have a cup of coffee. It looks like I’ve neglected hospitality too much. I have some precious beans.”

It was a huge improvement compared to being given only a cup of cold water.

Not only that, but Deheen furtively recognized Noah as Esther’s boyfriend.

“Yes. I really want to drink that coffee.”

As Noah followed Deheen closely, the corners of his mouth went up, so much so that his cheeks started aching.


Deheen and Noah were having a pretty friendly conversation in the living room, savoring fragrant coffee.

Of course, there was only one topic of conversation. How lovely Esther is.


Esther, who had snuck into the living room to listen to their conversation, burst in with surprise and blushed.

“You’re here? Come and sit down.”

She was puzzled that she was the subject of their conversation, but thought it was amazing to see Deheen and Noah sitting together so amicably.

‘Did it go well?’

Esther looked sideways at Noah, mouthing out her question.

At the same time, she quickly scanned Noah up and down to see if his clothes were intact and that he was not injured.

‘Mhm. It’s okay!’

Noah answered with a smile and made a circle with his hand.

[TL/N: In some countries, ‘okay’ or correct answers (to homework/tests) are circled instead of ticked.]

Esther grinned and ran over to Deheen, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Thank you, Dad.”

“If you’re grateful, you’ll never threaten me with food from now on.”

“Dad… When did I threaten you…”

Recalling what she did, Esther, although quite ashamed, smiled and stuck out her tongue and sat on the sofa.

She was right next to Noah, and Deheen’s eyebrows twitched when he saw the two of them sitting close together.

‘Let’s endure. I have to get used to it now.’

Deheen was struggling to swallow the anger that was about to rise up in an instant.

Noah and Esther gazed at each other and smiled.

It was the first time they met each other properly after they officially agreed to date, everything was great even if they were just looking at each other’s face.

“Noah, can I show you my room?”

“Huh? I want to see it, but can I?”

Noah, who was about to nod with twinkling eyes, looked at Deheen.

“Dad, is it okay?”


“Then let’s go up!”

When Deheen reluctantly gave permission, an excited Esther grabbed Noah and dragged him to her room.

“Phew, I’m alive.”

Finally freed from Deheen clutches, Noah stretched out both of his hands to the ceiling with a refreshed and bright expression.

“Sorry. Did you have a lot of trouble? How did Dad allow it?”

“No. The conversation went better than I thought. He gave permission right away.”

Noah couldn’t say that he even signed an agreement, so he switched the topic.

“Oh, aren’t the windows really big?”

“That’s why I chose this room.”

As Noah walked to the window, Esther grinned and followed close.

“Did you see the spar earlier?”

“Yes. You did better than I thought?”

“Ah, how embarrassing. But it’s not that I can’t fight, it’s that the grand duke is too strong.”

While they were staring out the window and having a conversation, the door suddenly opened without a knock.

Esther and Noah looked back, their eyes widened like a surprised rabbit’s.

“I brought some fruit.”

The person who entered the room was Deheen. He was carrying a fruit platter that didn’t suit him.


“I was just passing through. But don’t you two look too close?”

“We didn’t do anything! We were just looking out the window.”

“It’s not on purpose.”

Esther and Noah, who suddenly became awkward, hesitantly moved away.

“Well, you may continue your conversation. Comfortably.”

Deheen put the fruits on the table, only leaving after he emphasized the word ‘comfortable’ with narrowed eyes.

Ame: I read snu with a straight face but giggle like a middle school student at Esther and Noah being allowed to date *blushes*

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