A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Chapter 149: Downfall, Windfall (III)

Chapter 149: Downfall, Windfall (III)

“Nonsense. Don’t lie.”

“You don’t have to believe it. It will all be revealed soon anyway.”

“What will be revealed? I didn’t do anything. It’s me who feels unfair about this situation!”

Rabienne shook her head vigorously, repeatedly saying she didn’t do it.

Her long hair swayed, disturbing Esther’s vision.

Esther’s eyes were filled with contempt as she looked at Rabienne, who was resentful as if she was the victim.

“I hope you spend the rest of your life rotting in a dungeon.”

Like how she had been locked up in a prison where there was no light.

She wished that the dark, hopeless days would last forever for Rabienne.


Having never imagined that she would hear such words from Esther, whom she had always ignored, Rabienne’s eyes widened as she snorted in bewilderment.

“You seem to think that you can be anything just because you were adopted by the grand duke. It’s an illusion. Everyone has a fixed status. That is the difference between me and you, an orphan.”


Feeling that it was not worth replying further, Esther shut his mouth.

Then, tok tok—

A priest knocked on the door.

“The elders are calling.”

Instantly, Rabienne frowned. Then she hastily hid the dagger, which was still in her hand.

‘Is it time already?’

‘I should have taken advantage of the opportunity and get her blood somehow, but she stopped me so only time has passed.’

Frantic, Rabienne bit her pouting lips.


When Esther softly called her name, Rabienne glared in response.

“Aren’t you curious? What kind of punishment you will receive as a fake.”

“You keep telling me that I am a fake! Do you think I’ll blink an eye? Do you think you can take my place?”

Rather expressionlessly, Esther stared coldly at Rabienne and opened the closed door wide.

And she followed the priest in front of her, fiddling with her ears like someone who hadn’t heard anything.


About 10 minutes ago.

While Esther and Rabienne were in the room, the elders were deeply troubled with the results of the test.

“The test results are very clear. The current saint does not deserve to sit in that seat.”

“Now what should we do?”

Rabienne’s divine power was never at a level sufficient to pass the qualification test for a saint.

“How the hell did that happen? It’s true that the 15th saint should come from the Brions family…”

“That’s why she didn’t even take the test. Hah.”

While everyone was deep in confusion, Lucas, who was gathered in the corner with the other high priests, quietly voiced out.

“The saint is not feeling well today. Apparently, that’s why she wasn’t able to show off her skills properly…”

However, when the elders fired back in unison, he hurriedly shut his mouths.

It was no longer a situation or atmosphere in which he could protect Rabienne.

“High Priest Lucas, tell me about the revelation. Did you all really know that the contents of the revelation and the current saint did not match?”

Sharon told the elders the contents of the revelation she had heard from Kyle.

Everyone was dubious until the test, but after seeing Esther, whose appearance matched the revelation, exhibited excellent divine power, they came to believe it.


“I will ask again. All of you knew the content of the revelation. However, you hid the fact. Am I right?”

“…Yes. you’re right.”

All four high priests bowed their heads deeply like sinners.

“All of you knew that the current saint doesn’t have the qualifications or ability, but you put her in that position?”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m really sorry.”

Kyle and Joffrey jumped out of their chairs and fell flat on the floor.

“It doesn’t end with an apology. Because of this incident, the prestige of the temple has fallen to the ground and an epidemic has spread. How are you going to take on all this responsibility?”

Lucas glanced around anxiously. He was worried that Kyle would reveal everything they had planned.

—If you talk about this, we’re really done. We will never be forgiven.

Kyle and Lucas’ eyes met, and the latter shook his head vigorously.

Kyle had intended to tell the truth, but he couldn’t bear to confide in the presence of all the elders.

The plan to find the real saint, steal her powers, and lock her up.

The plan was entirely made by Lucas and Rabienne, and the other high priests only tolerated it, but that alone was enough responsibility.

“We’re running out of time, so we’ll discuss this later.”

Sharon left the high priests alone and talked with the elders to decide on matters concerning the saint.

“First of all, the current saint, no, I will call her Rabienne from now on. Everyone accepts the fact that she isn’t the real saint.”

None of the elders disputed Sharon’s words.

“And Esther, who was tested today, is without a doubt a saint.”

“Yes. The divine power she showed was truly amazing.”

“Honestly, I couldn’t believe it even when I saw it. There’s nothing like that in any test record.”

The more the elders talked, the more they favored Esther.

Sharon did not miss this opportunity to push Esther into the saint’s seat.

“We need to make things right quickly. It’s a chance we barely got after we let her out with our own hands. We must not miss this time.”

“I agree.”

“Soon there will be a prayer system. Even if we postpone the disposition of the fake, we must first bring her to our side.”

Everyone thought it wouldn’t be easy to bring Esther back to the temple as she had been adopted as Deheen’s daughter.

That’s why, even more so, they had to hold on to Esther’s heart somehow.

“Wouldn’t it be a good idea to bring Rabienne down from her position as a saint and return the position to Esther today?”

“You mean…? Isn’t it a little hasty…”

“I am in favor. Wouldn’t there be a bigger problem if we missed her? I don’t think it’s worth wasting time now that it’s clear who the saint really is.”

“But how much of a fuss will Duke Brions make… Isn’t he going to go completely crazy?”

“The crime of impersonating a saint is very serious. He won’t be able to resist too much if he wants to protect his family.”

Sharon held up the paper she had diligently scribbled on throughout the conversation and firmly said they had nothing to worry about.

“Okay, it’s decided. Call the two of them.”

The priest who received Sharon’s orders went to pick up Esther and Rabienne.


And at the same time…

Returning from a training session with the knights, Deheen stopped his steps in a daze and looked up at the sky.


A very deep sigh followed.

He had walked and stopped several times already.

It was the first time Deheen looked so distraught, so Ben approached cautiously.

“Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay?”

Deheen’s face was dark and exhausted as he turned his gaze from the sky to Ben.

Ben shook his head in shock and surprise at the sight.

“…Are you worried about the lady?”

“Yes. I’m worried, but more than worry…”

Another deep sigh flowed from Deheen, pausing in the middle of a sentence.

His following words shocked Ben very much.

“…I miss her. Hasn’t it already been a week?”

To say such a sad thing with a terrifying expression that would kill people casually.

It was unimaginable.

However, having grown accustomed to it, Ben came to his senses and comforted Deheen, who was suffering.

“Still, Your Grace, isn’t today the lady’s test day? The lady will definitely come back as soon as it’s over.”

“It’s the test. What happens when she takes the test… I’m afraid Rabienne will bother her again. Ah, I should have followed.”

Ben was restless at the sight of Deheen, who seemed about to explode at any moment. Then he turned his head, suddenly feeling a similar energy.

“M-Master Judy?”

Beside him was Judy, trudging along with lifeless, drooping shoulders.



Even though they were looking at each other, their eyes were empty.

It had only been a week since Esther had been away from home, but there was only a gloomy atmosphere in the grand ducal mansion.

“Esther… Esther must be doing well, right?”

Judy simply asked that, and suddenly, Deheen’s eyes lit up.

“Are you curious?”

“Yes. I should have followed, not His Highness.”

“Then shall we go now?”

Deheen sneakily threw bait at the grumbling Judy.

Instantly, Judy’s eyes were full of life.

“To Esther? Can I?”

Judy’s eyes’ mirrored Deheen’s.

“What? Your Grace, what are you talking about? There is a lot of overdue work.”

Flustered, Ben tried to dissuade his master. But he couldn’t stop Deheen, who made up his mind in a flash.

“She decided to come back right after the test, so isn’t it today anyway? Why don’t we pick her up a little earlier? Judy, go get Dennis.”

“Yes! I’ll be back soon!”

Judy’s movements were swift. He dashed towards the mansion, unable to control his excitement.

“Your Grace, but the lady may stay longer even after the test is over, or she may have personal circumstances. She might not like it…”

“If that happens, we will go to see the temple. Dennis and Judy haven’t seen the temple except when they were kids, so that’s good.”

Having come up with an excuse beforehand, Deheen smiled contentedly.

“…All right. Then I will prepare.”

Everyone in the empire knew Deheen hated the temple. So, touring the temple?

Ben clutched his forehead, thinking there could be no excuse that wasn’t better than that.

There was a mountain of things to urgently reschedule.

But perhaps that would be better, for after Esther had left, Deheen hadn’t been able to do even a tenth of his usual work.

‘Please come back quickly, Lady Esther.’

Esther was now an indispensable person in the grand ducal residence.


Returning to the hall where the test was held, Esther sat down in one of the two chairs in the center.

She looked around and saw that the door that had been open during the test was closed. The atmosphere was also very solemn.

As Rabienne, who had followed right behind, also sat down, Sharon announced the test results as the representative of the Council of Elders.

“In the previous qualification test, we saw a clear difference in divine power. In particular, Esther de Tersia’s divine power was so amazing that she surpassed all other saints of previous generations.”

Listening to Sharon, Rabienne clenched her fists so hard that her fingernails dug into her flesh.

“However, Rabienne de Brions, the current 15th saint, was judged to have questionable saintly qualities.”

Rabienne’s face flushed red, unable to overcome the shame and anger.

“Therefore, since Rabienne de Braons clearly does not possess the qualities of a saint, we will depose her of her current position as saint.”

As soon as Sharon’s words finished, the hall was enveloped in tremendous silence.

And among all the people in the venue, only Esther had a faint smile on her lips.

Esther straightened her back and turned her head, to see clearly how Rabienne looked.

Ame: The fun is not over yet!

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