A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 403: With The Wind/

Chapter 403: With The Wind/

We gathered in one place with joyful hearts.

"Everyone, listen! We are now heading to the true headquarters of the Wuji Religious Order. This is the true final destination of our long wanderings in the Middle Realms. We will enter the Bright Cold Realm!"

At my words, the hundreds of millions of ghostly creatures of the Wuji Religious Order let out a ghostly wail, and the demon beast cultivators influenced by the Conqueror King Buk Hyang-hwa's forces and the teachings of the Wuji Religious Order in the Ancient Force Realm cheer in their own voices.

I have already told the followers that the Bright Cold Realm is our origin and that the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect in the Head Realm is no different from a sister sect.

'Honestly, Yeon Wei may not want to admit it but...'

The Wuji Religious Order, which she calls a 'pseudo-religious cult,' has already grown as massive as a hundred Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sects from Jin Byuk-ho's era.


As I listen to the cheers of the followers, I grasp the boiling power and attraction force surging from my entire body.

Longevity, Wealth, Health, Love of Virtue.

I have built the Four Blessings Axes.

I have reached the same level as Seo Hweol, who had first demonstrated the Five Blessings Axes.

Of course, if we go by this cycle, Seo Hweol is probably still stumbling around blind, unable to even build the Five Blessings Axes, so I am ahead of him.

'And...the Five Blessings Axes make it overwhelmingly easier to reach the Integration stage compared to the Five Elements Axes.'

The Four-Axis Canopy created by the Five Blessings Axes is essentially no different from the dimensional membrane of an early Integration stage's Integrated Dao Domain.

Those who build their axes with the Five Blessings naturally have an overwhelming advantage in entering the Integration stage.

'Even Yeon Wei said that she could have entered the Integration stage whenever she wanted 40,000 years ago, but chose not to out of consideration for Hon Won's reputation.'

In fact, while I feel a strange disharmony between the Vast Cold Heavenly Circle and the Five Blessings Axes Foundation, I still feel as if I can reach the Integration stage at any time.

The strange thing is Seo Hweol.

'Despite having built all the axes of Longevity, Wealth, Health, and Love of Virtue, Seo Hweol never rose to the Integration stage.'

It's strange when I think about the cycle when he was with Gyu Ryeon.

If he didn't want to marry her, he could have just entered the Integration stage ahead of her and refused.

'But he never reached the Integration stage to the end.'

It's strange no matter how much I think about it.

Why did Seo Hweol remain at the Four-Axis stage, keeping the Five Blessings Axes, without entering the Integration stage?

'Someday, I'll surely find out.'

In any case, I intend to rise to the Integration stage as soon as we reach the Bright Cold Realm.

Facing the Heavenly Tribulation of the Integration stage in the narrow Deep Sea Islands difficult since the energy of Vanquishing Evil and Upholding Righteousness from the Heavenly Lightning could harm the ghostly creatures.

'I'm also becoming quite skilled in Seated Detachment, Standing Oblivion, so I can perform dozens of strikes without relying on my physical body.'

At this level, I am at the Integration stage even as a Heart Tribe.

In other words, if I can raise my Heaven and Earth Tribes' cultivation to the Integration stage this time...

'I can properly manifest the Three Great Ultimates of the Integration stage.'

Buk Hyang-hwa is also improving her skills.

In recent times, together with Kim Yeon, she has remodeled the entire Twilight Domain into the 'Twilight Fortress.'

Now, the Twilight Domain has transformed into something akin to a mobile fortress rather than just a piece of land.

'If I modify the Integration stage puppet that Kim Yeon remembers into Buk Hyang-hwa's style of Integration stage puppet and transform it into a General Seo, I can match Heaven, Earth, Heart, and Puppet.'

And if that happens,


I clench my fist.

Currently, my power surpasses the Grand Perfection Integration stage to some extent.

'If the Mad Lord's [Her] at her prime comes, I should be able to take an arm.'

If the cultivation of the Heaven and Earth Tribes each reach the Grand Perfection Integration stage, I can defeat [Her] in her prime.

'...To think that I must raise all Heaven, Earth, Heart, and Puppet to the Grand Perfection Integration stage to defeat [Her] in her prime...'

As I suddenly think of that fact, I let out a small sigh but accept it as it is.

A millennium after ascending, the Mad Lord grinded down and embedded 200 Integration stage Grand Cultivators and Demon Kings each as subsidiary parts for [Her].

It's not for nothing that Jang Ik said her aura alone was of the Star Shattering stage.

'Anyway, for us, we have Buk Hyang-hwa.'

Currently, Buk Hyang-hwa is only waiting for the opportunity to evolve into a Two-Pattern Law Talent.

She will also eventually become a One-Pattern Law Talent like the Mad Lord, so there are no problems.


Aligning with the wavelengths of the Salt Mountain on Penglai Island and the Salt Crystal Palace, I recite the mantra of the reversed Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique.


The Salt Mountain and the Salt Crystal Palace shrink, becoming small enough to fit in my hand.

This is a miniaturization spell commonly used by cultivators.

For those at the Heavenly Being stage, the best they can do is miniaturize a single sect, but for those at the Grand Perfection Four-Axis stage, miniaturizing a mountain range of such magnitude is no problem.

I infuse the energy of the reversed Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique into the Salt Mountain and Salt Crystal Palace held in my hand.


The Salt Mountain vibrates.

More intensely than ever before!


As if avoiding the wavelengths of the Salt Mountain, He descends and stands behind me.

Is it because I’m thinking it’s finally time to return?

My shoulders feel as light as if they can fly away.

Over the years, I have harmonized the Salt Mountain to my wavelengths.

'Now, this Salt Mountain is essentially no different from my dharma treasure.'

I haven't yet made the Salt Crystal Palace completely mine, but the Salt Mountain alone is mine.

[Now then. Followers of the Twilight Fortress, are you all prepared?]

I return to my Four-Axis main body and ask the entire order.

Countless ghostly creatures and demon beast cultivators reply in unison with resounding voices.


I look back at my comrades.

Kim Young-hoon, Jeon Myeong-hoon, Oh Hyun-seok, Kim Yeon, Buk Hyang-hwa, Seo Ran, Shi Ho, the old man carrying a flower basket, Wei Shi-hon, Eum Wa, Baek Rin...

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work thus far."

It would be perfect if Yeon Wei is here, but it will be best to contact her after returning to the Bright Cold Realm.

I smile as I look around at the eight comrades who have been with me since the early days.

Each and every one of them are reliable individuals.

"Then, now, let's go. To the Bright Cold Realm."

It all started with the intention of saving just four disciples of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

However, before I know it, many connections have followed.


Emitting a strong wavelength into the air, I lift the salt mountain dharma treasure.

The power of the salt mountain dharma treasure, emitting pure white wavelengths, nullifies the massive attraction force of misfortune surrounding Penglai Island.

[We are departing!]

Kim Yeon and Buk Hyang-hwa activate the Twilight Fortress.

Jeon Myeong-hoon and Oh Hyun-seok tightly bind the Twilight Fortress with attraction force, and Kim Young-hoon stands at the forefront, ready to cut down the vestiges of the Interdimensional Void or deep-sea monsters that might appear during dimensional travel just like during ascension.

And I, as the cult leader, stand even further ahead of Kim Young-hoon, and connect with Gyo Yeom, Baek Wi-ik, Nok Ju, and others in Lofty Dragon True Person's storage scroll, pulling together with attraction force.

We pull from the Bright Cold Realm and hold in the Ancient Force Realm as we escape.


Kim Young-hoon slices through the dimensions of the Deep Sea and cuts down the deep-sea monsters.

Through the gap, the Twilight Fortress flies rapidly.

At this rate, we will smoothly arrive at Lofty Dragon True Person's storage scroll.

I speak with Kim Young-hoon, who is at the forefront.

"Hyung-nim, about the name Seated Detachment, Standing Oblivion."


"I have decided on my own name as well."

"Oh, what is it?"

I turn around to look back.

Hong Fan pushes aside the flower basket-carrying old man and brings tea to Kim Young-hoon and I at the forefront.

"Please have some tea."

"Thank you."

Hong Fan, along with my comrades.

Subordinates, and followers of the order.

There is so much I have gained.

Wei Shi-hon and Eum Wa are still in their honeymoon phase, and Buk Hyang-hwa and Kim Yeon have become closer, unlike their first meeting. Baek Rin also seems to find peace while conversing with Yuk Yo.

Jeon Myeong-hoon...although he couldn't completely save the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, he has changed significantly from his past self as the Lightning Harbinger. Oh Hyun-seok is also healthy as Azure Tiger Saint is still alive.

Yeon Wei...frankly, her problem can't be solved until the root of Hon Won's mental illness is eradicated, but she also cleared her name in her own way and is being treated as an ancestor of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

Seo Ran, even though he sent off Song Jin, is getting along well with Shi Ho and recently met with Yeon Jin, inquiring about the Taiji Quaking Lightning Body...it seems he is trying to accept Shi Ho in some way. He does appear to be a bit greedy for Yuk Yo as well, but with Shi Ho's personality, it's likely Seo Ran will have to be content with only Shi Ho. Regardless, Yuk Yo will eventually return to Penglai Kingdom anyway.

And others as well, whether it's their cultivation progress, gaining subordinates, or harboring expectations for the new base in the Bright Cold Realm,

Everyone is harboring a small happiness. 

Wi Yun, Yuk Rin's half-human, half-fish puppet that Baek Rin captured recently regained her mind and reunited with her parents.

Not only her but the countless followers of Twilight Fortress.

The harmonious Demon Race and ghostly creatures.

Those who believe in me.

All of them are the ultimate blessing (至福) bestowed upon me.

Yes, they are my hope.

I catch Hong Fan, who is about to fall under Twilight Domain after handing over the tea and returning.

"Ah, thank you, Master."

"Be careful. You've caught something on your leg."

"Hmm? It seems to be an item from the dimensional fragments in the Deep Sea."

It's a bracelet in the shape of a coiled black snake eating its tail.

"It looks like a dharma treasure...I'll present it to you, Master."

"The Ancient Force Realm certainly is a dimension where treasures roll around."

Kim Young-hoon laughs heartily.

"Hmm. I vowed not to rely on external objects, but honestly, collecting devil swords and demon sabers is so fun that it's become a habit. There's just so much to find in the Deep Sea dimension of the Ancient Force Realm."

"I recently picked up a sword. Do you need it? It's a dharma treasure made of Salt Crystal..."

"No need, you use it. Taking what you found is a little..."

I smile and look ahead.

"...Anyway, the name of Hyung-nin's realm, Seated Detachment, Standing Oblivion (座脫立亡), is written as Standing Oblivion (立亡), right?"

"That's right."

I reach out toward the void with a peaceful expression.

"The name of my realm is...this."


I grab the All-Heavens Sword and swiftly perform a sword dance.

The sword moves, inscribing words into the air.

Seated Detachment, Entering Hope (座脫入望).

Not Standing Oblivion (立亡), but Entering Hope (入望).

Not stand in detachment, but a name that reveals my hope (바람/望) to enter hope.

That is Seated Detachment, Entering Hope (座脫入望).

It's a name with the same pronunciation as Kim Young-hoon's realm, but with a different meaning.

[TL/N: 바람 means wind but it also means hope/something that gives hope. Seated Detachment, Standing Oblivion and Seated Detachment, Entering Hope are both 좌탈입망, which is why Seo Eun-hyun says the pronunciations are the same.]

The blessings of countless people rest upon these shoulders.

Therefore, I must walk towards hope from now on.

To not be ashamed in front of them.

This is my hope (바람) and, at the same time, my aspiration.

And it is when I breathe hope (바람) into the name Seated Detachment, Entering Hope.

Tingle, tingle—

I feel as if I hear a voice from the Salt Mountain in my hand.

'This is...'


The voice isn't coming from the Salt Mountain.

'It's a sound coming from within me.'

The knowledge remaining in a corner of my mind, obtained after becoming a salt pillar in the Head Realm.

That knowledge is dissolving.

Slowly, I raise my hand and lift the Salt Mountain towards the sky.

Words unintentionally escape my lips.

"Immortal Cultivation is repentant enlightenment..."

This is part of the Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique and the reversed Reverse Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique's mantra formula.

"Like tiny grains of salt gathering to form the sea..."


Each time I recite the mantra aloud, light shines more intensely from the Salt Mountain.

"Build mountains through repentant enlightenment...building a mountain of salt is perhaps the fastest way to reach the heavens..."


Up to this point, it's a mantra I recited regularly.


"Hmm, Eun-hyun. it seems like the attraction force of misfortune is clinging? I don't know for sure, but..."

Beside me, Kim Young-hoon speaks with concern.

As he said, the attraction force of misfortune is gradually wrapping around us again, surrounding the Twilight Fortress.

It seems to get stronger the further we distance ourselves from the Ancient Force Realm.

However, I pay no heed and lift Salt Mountain, speaking another mantra that has just dissolved in my mind.

[Each to one another…]

This is a mantra, but at the same time, it's a song.

[Holding hands...]

This song speaks about connections.

[With everyone at the sea...]

The 'sea' mentioned here is in line with the 'sea' from the first mantra.

A sea formed by tiny grains of salt.

A world of repentant enlightenment and affliction.

[Drink salt...]

Salt is repentant enlightenment.

All connections, cultivating immortality together in repentant enlightenment.

That is what this song is trying to convey.

A world of cultivation, not of plundering from one another, but of looking after one another, is sung.

[And with the wind (바람)...]

I close my eyes.

This song.

In other words, it is no coincidence that the second mantra of the reversed Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique suddenly appeared.

It must be because I hold my hope (바람/望) in my heart.

A person's heart, a person's hope (바람/望), has power in itself.

This mantra proves that by itself.

Just by holding hope (바람/望) in my embrace, without even drawing spiritual energy, my words become mental speech, resonating and spreading.


I slowly open my eyes, recalling the last three verses of the mantra.

[For that is how...one reaches the peak of the mountain.]


A brilliant bright light bursts forth from the Salt Mountain, coloring the whole world.

Heaven and Earth spiritual energy, like tiny grains, envelop the Twilight Fortress and nullifies the attraction force of misfortune.

It seems as if the pure white light above my hand is opening the gate to the heavens.

I smile as I open my mouth to recite the remaining two verses.

I have come this far without abandoning anyone.

Together with my people, I will walk towards hope.

Yeon Wei said that there is only despair in this world, but those words are wrong.

If you wish and wish for hope, hope will surely come and find us!

Beyond the pure white light.

A pitch-black sky appears.

A colossal and tyrannical Great Mountain (太山), so vast it seems to crush the Heavens and Earth and the entire universe, enters before my eyes.

The Great Mountain is hardened with the blood of countless people, and innumerable bones and corpses are embedded everywhere.

It's a mountain built upon despair and fear, greed and suffering.

The peak of that Great Mountain seems to reach the end of the universe.

And then, I make eye contact with [something] at the summit of the Great Mountain.


A sound is heard.

The Wuji Religious Order behind me has evaporated.

Translator Notes: The lines of the mantra formula are the chapter names. In the raws, it's the chapter names in order but unfortunately, it doesn't translate the same way.

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